/got/ - House Hightower edition

>probably one of the hidden more powerful players in the books
>only mention of it on the show are in the Tower of Joy and Jorah' wife


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Your daily dose of aaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhh

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>tfw the Riverlands, Stormlands, Reach, Vale and Dorne no longer exist

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by killing CIA did sansa lose the support of the Vale?

How the FUCK did Jaime go from kings landing to winterfell faster than undead go from the wall to winterfell

i've kind of lost interest in GoT in the last few years

to me, the only interesting character left is Jaime. is there anyone else worth caring about?

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No, Sweet Robin loves her.

Not in the show.

Eh I'm keeping an eye on it in case Euron blows everyone up but probably nah

Is there a way the conclusion couldn't be shit?

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\What's the most underrated non-Great house in westeros?


Texhnolyze style ending!



What a smug fucking cunt

Wonder if she would stay smug if I cum on her eyebrows

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Why would she? They obviously understand that her superior intelligence allows her to kill their Lord Protector without a trial.

This marvel of nature

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Just need to convince them that they're better off without CIA pulling the strings. Probably not that difficult.