What is your opinion on this cunt?
What is your opinion on this cunt?
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Absolute madlad.
Comfy as fuck, watched all his videos multiple times.
why youtube is recommending his videos to me?
He went to India and go the poo sub bump so the algorithm is shilling him worldwide.
>look at our local girls
jesus viktor there only 15 years old!
Great videos. No annoying editing or scripted commentary. Just a guy wandering around saying what he sees.
He's based but Harold is the true kino maker
>grandad moshe
fucking dropped
Extremely based, I wish I had 1/10 of his social charm
>bald english prick travels around the shitholes of the world and is casual with everyone
>calls the shitholes what they are but treats the people no differently than he would anyone else
He's pretty cool
That fucking dumb ass is so hard to watch and in almost all his videos you can see how the locals are like who the fuck is this idiot.
The most infuriating thing about him to me is how he is openly showing his wallet and the pile of cash he's carrying in some asshole slum and I can't just help but to hope one day he'll get robbed.
He's a pretty chill guy, like his videos
I like Harold but his head looks like his body is being squeezed and is about to pop.
>We Need Randy Quaid but younger
>I know just the guy sir
He's tall and muscular and all those 5'3 pajeets or whatever always look scared of him
>showing his wallet and the pile of cash he's carrying in some asshole slum
Only if it was a dark alley with no-one else but a slum asshole or gang. In the open streets if you rob someone the entire crowd will kick your ass.
Why is he speaking like Ali G?
didn't he get JUST pretty hard before becoming a vlogger?
He's divorced, bankrupt, and worst of all bald. He has nothing left to lose, making him the perfect person to walk around 3rd world countries with a camera.
I mean his channel is literally called "bald and bankrupt"
He's pretty good. The new series is pretty slow, but it's okay
>travels around the world
That's obviously a joke. He likes racist comments on his youtube channel.
>bankrupt means poor
He declared bankruptcy because his business failed, not because he has no personal money.
Thought that he is a typical eternal Anglo being smug about Eastern poverty and post-soviet struggles but after watching more of his content he seems to be a good lad who is simply passionate about Soviet culture and its people. That video of him calling every Moldavian politician out there a thief was pretty funny and gut wrenching at the same time.
Bankrupt means the lawyers seize all your assets such as your house, car etc. Not your bank account.
He had a company and it went bankrupt after which he lost his house, car and wife causing him to go travel one last time before offing himself. Of course his youtube success is now keeping him alive.
It's one of the reasons he straight up walks towards gunshots since he has nothing to lose anymore as he was a guy determined to die anyway.
I like him but Harold is my favorite he just doesn't give a fuck, he travels around with only his laptop, makes pajeets hold his camera and film him, goes to slums and shit
>that one episode when he and bald decide to swim to that one Indian hotel and pajeets in boats who apparently were the hotels staff threaten to kill them
He said it himself in his Q&A video. He was travelling across the world too much and thus neglected both his company and family which lead to a divorce and filled bankruptcy. Dunno if he is homeless but clearly some of his assets got liquidated.
The poorest town in Russia
Better than Wilder but would lose to Joshua.
>travel one last time before offing himself.
>walks towards gunshots
What the fuck? When was this stated or shown?
>That Belarus video where he talks to some old, wise babushkas living 5 miles away from the Chernobyl zone who had to wait at the bus stop to have basic grocery brought to them since they don't even have a store over there
>That part where he walks through some countryside woods and plains even though he was warned by locals to avoid packs of wolves
In my recent memory I don't recall a content creator as entertaining and informative as him.
>13yo mongol girl passes by
>HOT LADIES in the poorest town in Russia
No wonder Slavs I know here in UK don't take shit from Muslims. They're basically 3rd world barbarians themselves.
This dude is so fuckin unlikable
>Moldavia vid
>Can't understand why it's just a shithole
>He casually mentions that last year one of the Oligarchs over there literally stole 10% of nation's budget
How to fuck is that even possible.
For me it's got to be Vic Stefanu.
Idk why JewTube is recommend his and the Harold guys Videos. Guess (((They))) just work in mysterious ways.
Thoughts on the StopaDouchebag fags?
Based, his russian is pretty good too. Was reconmended randomly after watching the amerimutt who haggles with gooks and chinks, but this guy is a lot more classy.
CтoпХAM! Is awesome, I no longer live in russia but its pretty amazing to see how much of a dick those people can be in traffic, and I salute these guys for sticking it up their ass.
My favorite vids are when women lose their shit and attack them.
>walks towards gunshots
It's literally in the first vid posted
You can see it in his demeanor
>his russian is pretty good too
Not it's not. He manages to get his point across most of the time but his grammar is horrendous, he publicly advocates for not learning Russian grammar because it's useless he says (the reality is he uses grammar, only he gets it wrong 80% of the time). As soon as people start talking about stuff that requires above average grammar or vocab you can tell he's lost and just says пoнятнo, пoнятнo
Based, I'm not Russian but im also eastern yuro and rich fucks with big SUVs behave the same here too ignoring the laws and thinking they own the road. It's always fun to see them getting BTFO
Man I never thought I'd see him posted here, genuinely incredible videos.
Nice, guys
Yeah, but he also speaks English and a bit of Pajeet. I'd say it's pretty decent, considering he manages to communicate with foreigners on the spot. I'm not a native English speaker and while I usually dont have much issue writing in English and fully understanding it when someone speaks to me, I often freeze and fuck up when I need to talk with someone else.
His channel is one of the few times random YouTube recommendations have paid off.
Any tips on how someone should learn Russian? My grandparents were Russian but never thought my Parents which are both second generation Russian immigrants. I want to learn the language of my homeland before I die.
It's not your homeland, mutt
That's just you being an autistic virgin and getting nervous in public. Trust me I know that feel. People praise my spoken English and I only die inside because I know that my written and reading forms are so much better but I can't bring it out in public.
Imo YT recommendations are getting better. Straight up quality stuff most of the time instead of pushing same top 100 NPC safe stars.
Well, if you're just interested in travelling and occasionally chit chatting with locals, his Russian is more than enough. I don't think he's interested in languages other than their purely functional aspect. Russian is a pretty challenging language though, even getting to his level requires a bit of studying, so props to him.
You will need three things: perseverance, a good grammar book, and a lot of time. It's a very rich language and very different from germanic or romance languages.
How hard can it be to learn Russian if you already know Polish and Czech?
German light
Closer but still not close enough
Assuming Polish or Czech are your native languages I'd say Russian is slightly harder to learn than it was for you to learn English. About 20% harder perhaps.
Not too hard I would say. I don't know about Czech, but if you know Polish you are already familiar with the case system and with the verbal morphology of Russian, which are probably the most puzzling aspects of Slavic languages for non natives. You will definitely mix up words at first though as there's quite a few false friends.
Have sex.
Based Bald and Baldr.
Why were they so mad?
Did they actually believe those indians when they said to swim?
You are probably right, tho I still struggle to come with the word I need in English on the spot occasionally
Wasn't his ex wife Russian/Belarussian? I thought he had some experience with the language and it just picking it up when traveling
Dude I'm a native English speaker but because I have a local dialect of English people still praise my English. It fucking sucks
his ex wife was belarussian and he had russian girlfriends (multiple) before.
>swimming in an Indian lake
>Did they actually believe those indians when they said to swim?
those three indians recommended they dont swim there
Did he ever bang that Belorussian chick with the big tits? Tatanya or something
lmao that poo was mad af
Nah it doesn't work that was in Belarus. You usually date a couple of times and then meet the parents before getting married. It's not like the west where there is a period in-between where you have sex to check out your sexual compatibility.
She was certainly interested in him though but as a long-term thing. Not for a fling as seen by her asking him out for a second date instead of just going with him to his hotel or whatever.
absolutely based
bald and baldr combo is a fucking gift from the old gods, love that raw traveling format with minimal editing
*opens a cold bottle of kingfeemer*
*checks out all the muslim bhabis*
*gets stalked by a beggar for hours in the blazing poo sun*
hyuck hyuck hyuck hyuck
His channel is probably the best thing on youtube, swim through that shitty swamp of commercial videos and fake cunts and you come across this gem of genuine real life in shitholes.
You wouldn't think that a video of a British guy drinking a beer in play park in India would be so good. It's a breath of fresh air in this age of fake shit.
that's several years over the local breeding and marriage age in that town