Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Ben Stiller revises his role as Happy Jack
This nigga legit looks deranged.
Dan gosling
Owen Wilson
Anyone else think he looks like Ryan Gosling
OST by Sufjan Stevens
see I get a bit of that hemsworth brother the younger one?
Idris Elba
what did he mean by this?
Why does he dress like that?
He is of German descent. It's the same reason he rapes kids
He's a fucking weirdo
>that absolute qt with the stutter
I want to be her bf lads
Purplepill me on this guy
He travels around the world collecting videos of disabled kids like theyre pokemon. He secretly fucks them is the meme, because he totally does
what a fag
Name a better tard wrangler, protip you can't
Eh, I think he genuinely likes making a positive impact in these poor kids lives.
She just wanted her first kiss but she was rejected by a weird amish fellow with suspenders.
>tard wrangler
Me. In school I was a complete loser that would hang out with the disabled/autistic kids. I regularly had friends who were on medication and would act out/try to cause fights, and I would be the only one able to calm them down because I was the only one they would talk to.
[/spoiler] shit, i even stopped one from starting a school shooting. He literally had all his guns/ammo lined up at his house before I talked his ass down. [/spoiler]
...with his dick
Good for you user. I was always afraid of them in gym class.
and I fucked up applying spoilers... guess I am retarded.
kek, you sound like you have a lot of good stories user
you just know 2/3 of his subscribers are in for the freakshow
>comments are disabled on this video
You know thats why. Imagine if he allowed comments on this shit. Would be hilarious.
>comments are disabled
Only on some of the videos. Wonder why he disabled the comments on this one.
Why are you even surprised?
seeing anonymous internet incels leaving their shitmarks everywhere gets a bit tiring.
You are the big dumb.
no it's not
Cam Gigandet.
Comments used to be enabled before youtube disabled them as a part of their new child abuse prevention policies. The video where he is explaining this is pretty kino. Poor fella can barely get through a sentence before breaking out in tears.
You're an unsung hero user. They really should be segregated from the normal school population, for ours and their benefit.
soulless, there's nothing behind the eyes
If I pulled that collar off her neck would she die?
People catch on to this, he definitely has ulterior motives
Are disabled kids tighter?
Dude wtf is wrong with you?! No wonder the comments get disabled, it's because of assholes like you
I really don't think he's molesting them, he comes off as maybe being a sociopath or a gay narcissist. Something about his body language and way he speaks feels very insincere. might have some demons or something he's trying to conceal or make up for.
>They really should be segregated from the normal school population
You wanna pay for it?
Not even as a joke you tourist.
Convince your mom to make her facebook public and post it here, im sure you would enjoy going through the same comments that would be left on that video.
the way she leans in is legit romance movie shit, even closed her eyes a bit. She's pretty for a retarded poo aswell.
>disabled kids shouldn't have sex
Look at this bigoted piece of trash.
You could be featured on this guy's channel.
Jesus christ, you can tell from his eyes that he has no soul.
>tfw no terminally ill daughterfu to take care of
He doesn't want his comments disabled - YouTube forced him to because of their new policy.
He actually lives here. He was on the local news not long ago talking about how YouTube's policy to disable comments on videos aimed at children (like his) is actually hurting his ability to outreach and support disabled kids.
>had a friend who had ADHD
>was probably one of the more normal ones I knew
>he gets put on some hard medication for some reason
don't remember what it was, but it was some pricy drug that was pretty bad for treating ADHD when I ended up looking into it
>he starts acting weirder than usual while on it, making little noises, is a bit more physical
>we have spring break, he comes back wearing steel-toed boots, he usually wore basic sketchers/tard shoes
>lunchtime comes and he's grabbing all the apples and just walks out casually while everyone is saying "wtf?"
>we sit down to eat, dude has a bag of grapes in his pocket
>usual school guard passes by, he sneakily throws a grape after taking the time to aim it
>it makes it right into the guards mouth, he gets pissed
>entire tard table is laughing, everyone there is sent back to class
>we get away before we get in trouble
>later, he lays his apples in a row, violently starts stomping on each
>he lets out a powerful "YUUUH!"
>dont know how the fuck, but he straight up spits, making his spit into some kind of cloud/vapor
>dude tries to hop the fence thinking he's funny, his foot gets stuck in the fence
>firefighters try to get his foot out, he's left there for 4 hours
Years later in high school he straight up took this girl I was trying to date. Dude would've been a chad if he wasn't fucked up.
If I take that mask off, will she die?
Watching him entirely independent of her is genuinely disturbing.
I hate free speech too reddibro
t. youtube incel with an anime picture
>making his spit into some kind of cloud/vapor
What the fuck are you talking about
Stay dumb
Ouch, I feel pretty bad for the girl although I wonder how awkward she felt about that.
>later, he lays his apples in a row, violently starts stomping on each
>he lets out a powerful "YUUUH!"
audibly kek'd pls give us more stories
have sex
What’s his end game?
>the look in their eyes
>the christcuck stare
>tfw no qt bpd gf
he said something along the lines of youtube believing some of the videos might open the way for exploitative or abusive comments. apparently youtube believes only kids with severe disabilities are at risk
>tfw no adoptive sister to care for you
reality is more fucked up than any movie :(
imagine getting an abomination like that
He kind of reminds me of a children's show. Overly happy and sweet.
I thought this was going to be some looney tunes shit.
He is unironically based
mf look like homer simpson hahahahaha
fuck whipipo
cute girl, too bad her life will be hell.
Just a typical attractive woman with fake mental issues.
Liam Hemsworth, obviously.
>t.14 year old edgelord
>comments get disabled
More to the point who plays her?
OH MY FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill it with fire.
What would she be like in the sack
I have seen the mouth of madness
Daisy Ridley
Why did they give him those lips?
>tfw you're going to hell for laughing
I was going out with a girl with BPD a couple of months ago, realised it was a red flag but I was also getting laid regularly. One day she said she wanted to meet me but I was said I was too tired so she went quiet. Later she said she cut her wrists and I called her a manipulative cunt
our god is a cruel god
no cute adoptive sister that loves you for who you are
I mean sure that should be classed as some kind of abuse just by bringing it into the world
Jesus Christ the dude gives off such confusing vibes. No wonder the girl leant in for a kiss. What a weird dude
I've always been unable to laugh at these unfortunate souls. But some tranny mutilating themselves, then regretting it and killing themselves - that's real comedy.
Trips confirm.
I’m not gay or anything
>stopped one from starting a school shooting
You sound like a faggot
comments got disabled cause muh kids.
their comment section used to be super wholesome
fucking hell user
i can't even laugh at that. those people are mentally disturbed and make one bad decision.
she cute
when they start forcing their warped will and mind onto others like innocent children then all sympathy is lost
Ben Stiller
>when I love, I love hard
BPD girls are sex freaks, I’m the user below who dated a BPD girl before. She blew me then fucked me on a semi busy car park at night and always let me finish inside her. She would also let me fuck her anytime I wanted, every time we would meet and the end of seeing her she’d complain how sore she was. Hell even last time I strangled her during sex and those red marks around her neck lasted for days, even the kids where she worked asked what happened to her. Fuck them, use them and abuse them but never under any circumstance let it become anything serious.
I was in a relationship with a girl with BPD for two years. She was on meds so for the most part she was fine. Had a history of cutting though, with lots of scars and did cut once or twice during our relationship. I could handle it because I was going through similar mental health bullshit like depression, so we were two peas in a pod. Maybe my definition of normal is skewed but when she was on the meds she was pretty normal.
I'm and I don't know if I can attest to that. She was fun and willing to do some experimental stuff but she wasn't up for it all the time. Was your girl on meds? I think it makes a gigantic difference for BPD.
w2c bipolar sex kitten grill fren
The parents look like cousins.
She wasn’t on meds and swore never to go back on them but she definitely needed them. One time I refused to see her because I was feeling ill and she straight up cut her wrists. Like you I had/have depression and we were also two peas in a pod but I had to cut off after that, even though I’m utterly friendless now. I sometimes regret how I handled the situation but she’s better off with someone else now
Literally cenobites
>Le internet hate machine
You are making fun of literal disabled children. Take a moment to reflect. Get a life, no get a fucking clue.
the various dating apps
These are one of the fakest teeth I ever saw
do cheeto munching virgin mods really just throw a dice at what threads they purge?
This one is a qt unironically 10/10 would marry and put kids in her womb
Ah, that explains the difference then. It's an extremely difficult situation to handle so don't feel too bad about it. The few times my ex didn't take her meds it was similarly chaotic, but fortunately they do work well for BPD so perhaps she'll turn around in the future and live a more balanced life.
couldnt agree more. but honestly i think they're just 12 year olds who think being hateful and not showing compassion or empathy is "cool".
blame the parents who neglected them and let the internet raise them into the terrible human beings they've become
Im 26 kys faggot along with all the genetic waste posted in this thread lmao