we just had a new episode edition
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we just had a new episode edition
previous thread with 400+ replies
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I went to sleep before the episode aired so I just put the torrent in the oven
will post progress here as I watch it
also blessing the thread
literally who are these people who came to mary's wake
I really hate all the alt-characters, especially nu-bobby
Wait, didn't Alt Mike kill most of them? Best development of the whole season
this was quite good
nah some of them stayed alive because not everyone was in the bunker at that time
oh shit sammie's not gonna make it with the LIES
next week's promo
at 00.11 you can hear sam saying deAN
I don't like what the writers/showrunners are doing to Jack.
how do i become even half this based?
why? I thought the episode was quite kino
It was obvious Jack was gonna turn darkside sooner or later.
I'm dropping the show.
>no end of supernatural were jack is the eternal hunter, continuing the family business of protecting the world and stopping the supernatural.
Out of the loop what happened to Death or the other horsemen?
legit don't even remember it was like 9 years ago
The three horsemen remained decrepit and inactive but Death is a far older and more powerful being. Being a horseman was like a side job for it.
Dean kills Death with its own scythe but it is revealed that it has a line of succession, possibly to uphold the Natural Order. The first reaper to die during Death’s absence becomes the new Death.
Crossroads deal
I hate nu-bobby
no you're not
Nu Bobby literally did not have to be in the episode. He was there for 5 minutes. Why bother? They should have left the character in apocalypse world. It was cool and nostalgic for a few episodes. Since he came back he has been a nonfactor
Meant to say since he crossed over to prime world
>nu-bobby is back
> yes bobby is back finally bobby kino bonding
>never see him again except a few cameos
I think they're just giving him work so he can make some money for his niece with brain cancer
Googling whether it was brain cancer or a niece has revealed to me that Based Jim is tapping this dime piece. Bravo Jim! Good for you!
I like Jim but I wish if that were the case, they would write his character better. Nu Bobby feels like a mockery of prime Bobby the longer he shows up on screen. Like I said, I liked the character when he was doing his own shit in apocalypse world. He was handling it like a gritty no-nonsense boss and it fit the purpose of the character. But now in the prime world he’s just there
>no end of supernatural were jack is the eternal hunter
You just know it's gonna end in that kind of note, every winchester has a bad boy phase. They always go back to the good side.
cropping takes 2 seconds, user
The final episode of the series is gonna be titled "Carry On"
What other shit are you guys sure it's gonna happen in the last season?
>an easy MOTW, played lightheartedly, has tons of throwback to the early seasons
>an important Impala scene
>bunker gets blown up completely
>tons of throwback to the early seasons
I think a little of this is gonna happen in all episodes. Couple references in every single one.
but I have a gut feeling they will load one episode with it. There's usually one standout comedic/meta episode per season. It makes sense for them to do it in the final season
good morning supernatural frens
Is Project Blue Book any good? I'm rapidly running out of things that aren't Grimm to watch and I just finished rewatching supernatural
not sure, sci-fi doesn't have the same pull to me as fantasy. since the start of the year, I've seen/tried
>Grimm 2
stopped midway Grimm 3 it's really falling short and switches between being mildly interesting and feeling like a chore
>American Gods 2
kept up with the latest episode but it's gotten so boring and so deviated from the book
>The Order
dumb fun shit, not exactly the best offering right now, and definitely more serialized instead of the MOTW+mytharc balanced but the main character Jack is based
>Sabrina 2
too much SJW pandering but it has its moments. the prophecy about the world ending was nice on the build up, and the roles Lilith played to release Lucifer is reminiscent of Supernatural's but how they deal with the Lucifer is very laughable
ditto. it really ruins the legacy of bobby for me.
Yea Im not watching Nigger Gods or Sabrina the Teenage coalburner on principle
Watched the Order, it was okay but not great and had some of the same awful dialogue but seemed ironic at times.
Another user put it best a few threads back about how awful it is that the new MOTW shows keep forcing some sort of political stance instead of just monster hunting. Its really uncomfortable to watch
>Another user put it best a few threads back about how awful it is that the new MOTW shows keep forcing some sort of political stance instead of just monster hunting
that was also me
>so close to having five fives
where did it go? fuck. but next big get is 113222222 anyways, because less than six same numbers is not special enough to fulfill heavn or hellposters wishes.
can you shop sammie's head to a moose? then it would be even more perfect
so a lot of people are seething over the fact that sam and dean put jack in the box. I thought it made perfect sense from their point of view even though I never liked mary and bringing her back was stupid. I'm still team sammie and deAN and I hope the now evil jack gets rekt hard in the season finale and last season we can stop the sam and dean having adoptive child bulshit. Also, fuck Cas, when is the empty taking that vaginal disease already.
I hope jack dies or fucks off next episode that way we can stop having this shitty character repeatedly show up. I’m so sick of him and his stupid fucking plot line.
it shouldn't even be team jack or team sam/dean, it's team they shouldn't act stupid and ruin everything
honestly, season 13 and 14 would have been so much better if instead of castiel and jack there'd been rowena and ketch. and no nu- or alt-characters. I still like season 14 tho.
the season finale is Moriah, which is the mountain where God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son to him. We know Chuck is in the finale and we know Jack is The Son. It is very likely that next week is the last we see Jack. But then again Abraham's sacrifice didn't go through, so they all just might make up somehow with Chuck's intervention. But a happy turn of events might also mean that Cas will be happy and the season could end with things getting fine with Jack but Empty taking Cas.
jack slowly getting evil/becoming the bad guy was obvious even back in season 12 when he was still an unaborted fetus in his mom's belly
the callback to how we first see Jack in a dark place with illuminated eyes was a good touch
lmfao get fucked you piece of shit
The last episode of Supernatural will be a Felicia Day episode. Screencap this.
It's better that they let this show die than allow Andrew Dabb to dabb on the series with his shitty comic book writing and ceaseless 80s references.
>80s references
Oh like how it’s always been?
>dude let's make lucifer the president for no other purpose than to make a 40 minute First Blood reference
>dude let's cast a great villain just so we can kill him in a 40 minute Tarantino reference
>come with me if you want to live haha hail to the king baby *dabbs*
Shut up, fujo. Ceaseless was the operative word.
>3 episodes
>out of 23
>not even 20% of the season
>out of 2 other seasons in the era
>being this butthurt
t. Wayward Sister
you're not even trying anymore
carry on my wayward sister
there'll be peace when you aren't picked up
the cw doesn't want to get dabbed on
don't you cry no more
Going to wake and bake and start season 4 of Buffy, It was fun bumping that thread till it died
That smug wraith
Funfact I started the hate nu-bobby club
I thought wraiths were spectres? you know non corporeal, so why the fuck is he bleeding and why does that axe hurt him?
If you want fun comfy spooky shit watch Twin Peaks
reminder that today is Good Friday.
so don't eat meat you heathens!
why has dean been such a crybaby faggot?
fuck dean jack wanted nothing other than to make him happy
There's nothing better than Castiel, sorry.
why is nubobby such a fag? he acts nothing like the old bobby
Dean: *cries*
Sam: *squints*
Mary: *disgusted sigh* *dies*
Castiel: *squints also*
i envy you weedanon.
supernatural is about 30% less fun when not blazed
Because this show is daddy issues and he now has the paternal role
I haven't seen Supernatural since series 10 or 11 with God's sister the Darkness as the big bad. Have I missed anything or did it get worse?
Jared is more based
>he's some citynigger
the real deano would live in the mountains in a bunker
You’ve missed a lot and it just continues to go downhill. This entire arc has been one of the worst yet
well rewatch it again
Supernatural is best watched with best friends
why did they make sabrina a whore?
>Ackles trying to be cool and hip to appeal to Hollywood because his cash cow is ending
what kind of political shit have they being pushing recently?
Some of us don't have friends so we come here for frens to watch with you normie.
Thanks, I won't bother catching up for the end then.
what kind of beta pos would kill his own son because a sky man told him to
i thought lucifer was going to kill nick there for some reason
desu I see the flaws inSupernatural when I'm high sometimes because it makes me more analytical.
is there a bigger brainlet filter than liking tarantino?
because sam was always better than dean
>best friends
ha y-yeah
Because they have to pander to new age feminism. As I said in my previous posts, current media/TV has a checklist of SJW shit. I’ve been looking for new good occult shows for a few years now but I realized the reason I can’t find any is because they have traded the use of subtle metaphor for the monsters (growing up and high school challenges for Buffy, family is hell for Supernatural) and decided to be blunt and explicit about whatever social issue they can get their hands on. Evil beings are also outright being painted as misunderstood or straight up the good guy, whereas older occult shows will have villains undergo a redemption arc to discover and explore morality. Now it’s subversion for subversion’s sake (i.e., Lucifer, Sabrina’s witches openly say “Praise Satan!” every 10 minutes). And this takes away the atmosphere shows like Buffy, Angel or Supernatural have because while they show gray morality, they are clear on who or what is good.
Nu sabrina has a literal tranny arc where the trans boy outdoes the boy coming from a witch-hunter family when it comes to being brave and dealing with the supernatural and occult shit
why do people keep saying jack isn't god tier? he's at least there on a destructive level and he hasn't peaked yet
He isn’t YET is the point. He’s 2 years old. His potential may approximate Chuck levels but he clearly isn’t there yet when he can’t even properly revive Mary
He's rich enough to drive by a house and buy it even though it's not for sale, he probably isn't affected by your wageslave logic
it's called a reading comprehension test
The strongest arcs since Kripke left although 14 is proving to be flirt into dangerous territories of retardation
The yuppie lifestyle is a costly one.
>not for sale
>but they were moving
Yeah sure, all these come into my life and house celeb videos are fake and very gay.
dunno it seems he has everything but the creation powers
>he has everything but the creation powers
dude can't even read Sam and Dean's minds to figure out if he's being lied to. He also couldn't detect Asmodeus' true visage when being goaded to release the Shedim. He can't cross alternate realities without the help of a dream walker. He can't fix his own soul. He's powerful, but his abilities are far from true God-tier.
>I thought wraiths were spectres?
no they're not
>He isn’t YET
>deans look of hate when talking to jack
what a hypocrite faggot
he disgusts me
Dean has been all over the place since he made his peace with Jack.
Dean to Jack started like how John was to Dean and now they're back to that dynamic. Which sucks because their hunt against that zombie mistress chick, the driving lessons and shit like was pretty cool
>zombie mistress chick
She has to come back.
I know a lot of you probably hate Jack and just want more Sam and Dean but I think this arc makes sense because a logical step for Sam and Dean (who have staved off several apocalypses in their lifetime) to take on a paternal role especially a show with tons of paternal issues (God-Lucifer, John-Sam and Dean, Bobby's Dad-Bobby, Castiel/Jimmy Novak-Claire, Lucifer-Jack). Jack will represent the legacy Sam and Dean will leave behind once they die. And they have been asking about what they'll leave behind since around season 10. How the new generation will handle themselves and their own future will be the legacy Sam and Dean.
Necromancer lad and yes she must come back and get bumped out by soulless jack
will Jack finally have the sex with necromanchick?
He's 2, you fuckers.
Also with just one season left I doubt it.
Maybe she tries but soulless Jack can get it up and she laughs at him and calls him a incel then he smites her
Show for women gets praised by Yea Forumsirgins lol wow
>He's 2, you fuckers
he can just age himself
For ages I thought the Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme was the Charmed theme
he can just age himself
Is Dean too dumb to realize Jack isnt evil but amoral?
after all that dean just hates jack
dean deserved hell
ew he looks like a meth head
Goddammit, the life experience is still two years. He is as easily manipulated as a toddler with the strength of a truck.
Get your minds out of the gutter and project on Dean as you always have, leave Jack alone.
>Is Project Blue Book any good?
Yep. Pretty good.
Lol yeah I was thinking about him this episode too. Hilarious how nobody ever brings him up. EVER.
Isn't Project Blue Book a psyop about using massive projectors to make "god" or "aliens" appear to distract or pacify the enemy?
Its more like he is simply so strong he doesnt care who manipulate him because he could kill them with a thought.
Jack didnt even make Mary feel pain during her death, what is Dean so assblasted about? Castiel even confirmed she is heaven right now.
He shouldn’t be but he’s too emotionally fuelled right now
An incel meth head?
I thought that was Bam
Here’s the face of your Supernatural sequel/spinoff bro
Castiel is a trash he keeps murdering his own kind for talking monkeys.
angels are dumb as fuck even when down to less than a dozen, they're still shit and keep acting like entitle cunts. The only true good angel was Anna
no just a regular meth head
what if Supernatural became a generational thing and I don't even mean reboot. They just keep moving on to the next generation of hunters kek
I want a hill billy hunter family show, like justified but with hunters
That's Blue Beam. Blue Book was one of the US government's programs investigating UFOs.
Jack, Ketch and Rowena for the next generation
>Ketch’s actor liked the concept
remove jack too op
What if he gives up a portion of his power to end the final boss in Supernatural so he’s mid tier for the continuation?
the mayor is a pretty good villain imo, I found him cringy at first but his nice bad guy thing works to make him more creepy and sometimes you think he actually cares about people in a weird way.
Maybe but rather it was just Ketch, Rowena and maybe NuBobby if he gets a personality change or they get their sidekicks along the way.
Professor morrison looking young before sam and dean asked him about amazons
There needs to be a young face for it to be the next generation
it couldn't just be hunters; it would have to be a new gospel. The Gospel of Winchester will join Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as the fifth gospel.
this x 9999999
liking dean more than sam is the ultimate pleb choice
The prophet line can be its own agency. Maybe looking for the new gospels to write about and they keep journals to guide the next prophet in line avatar/slayer style
Calm down, Sammy
that's fucking retarded
wont work without jensen ackles and jared padelecki
>too op
I can't believe there are actually people watching tv shows that think like the shitty production team does. The answer to a powerful character is not to immediately cut their nuts off. It's to fucking learn how to write and produce better. People like this killed Angel's Cordelia and The Magicians' Julia.
>when dean died sam was a better hunter than dean and john times 10
Rowena is already one of the strongest witches around. If Jack is at full power how else would you write a story between them if not infighting or some shittier cop out. And you really think cordelia is the better example instead of Illyria lul
Dean is action guy
Sam is feels guy
>Rowena is already one of the strongest witches around.
And doesn't do shit. Sometimes she does locator spells.
Illyria wasn't actually nerfed as badly. Cordelia literally became a god and then just went straight back to squaresville.
And this fucking trend MUST STOP. It is cancer to video media.
Okay then a gimped version of Jack
Sam is cool but really the problem is he doesn’t have much else going on. Dean is much more passionate about his hobbies and other shit going on outside hunting life. What does Sam have? He likes serial killers and is afraid of clowns. It’s so much easier to gravitate to Dean who seems to be a more dynamic and proactive character than Sam who is more passive/reactive. Sam used to have just as much as fun like when they pranked each other in hell house or when he had the body swap episode or when he had the thing about Jessica or looking for new chicks to get over Jess. Now he barely has anything
Exactly. So if you have two extremely powerful characters in your hand what do you do? Where do you go? Write retardedly powerful enemies? Rowena unbound was hyped a lot but now they can’t make her extremely powerful alongside Jack. What if Sam had his psychic powers alongside Death/Marked Dean? What if Angel Investigations both had God Cordelia and Illyria in their team? What if Godmode Buffy and Dark Willow were both on the same team? There is no tension. I hate the “nerf the powerful hero” trope too but really what else can you do?
You make them DO SHIT and pay 50 extra fucking dollars to some pajeet to animate some lightning. Holy shit do I need to fucking march down to Hollywood and do this shit myself?
>Rowena unbound was hyped a lot
>and then literally nothing
Yeah, this ALWAYS happens in tv shows. It's to hype people into watching the show, then they skimp on effects and use depowering characters to create an excuse to be cheap. It's pure capitalistic cancer doing this shit. They have the budget, they just have 0 fucking pride in their work and want that paycheck to be as huge as possible.
>There is no tension.
Your imagination is fucking simple and you are a pleb. Literally EVERY SINGLE OTHER MEDIA FORMAT can do god-tier characters fine (except Dr. Strange for some reason - he has to always keep losing his powers). It's just tv directors being cheap as shit and cranking out grindhouse shit.
just make them fight gods from other universes like thoset tentacal monsterd
>pay 50 extra fucking dollars to some pajeet to animate some lightning
go on
for a whole season?
Seriously. Why couldn't we just have a bit more of this? There is no fucking way in hell something like this took that much budget to animate. I'm positive if they wanted to be EXTREMELY cheap they could even get some artistic techie to do it for free just for the credits.
>Literally EVERY SINGLE OTHER MEDIA FORMAT can do god-tier characters fine
comic shit with giant monsters don't easily translate to TV without the proper CGI budget. even fucking GoT has shitty CGI with their giants or dragons, what makes you think the CW can afford to do shit like this every episode lmao
It doesn't have to be giant fucking eldritch abominations. Just make fucking Rowena DO SOMETHING ffs.
yeah but he's not a retarded cunt like dean
the total war ending was a nice touch but the cgi is derpy as fuck
get naked and fuck ketchs ball empty with her orifices for the soccer mums which also watch this show
>Dean is much more passionate about his hobbies and other shit going on outside hunting life
like what? fapping to hentai and watching scooby-doo on tv?
>Just make fucking Rowena DO SOMETHING ffs
she can do Sam
no seriously she was supposed to get an arc for wayward sisters but it was canned
and burgers and booze and women and music and pie
I want an explicit hard fuck scene with sam and rowena. as dirty as CW allows them to.
never liked this ending, the graduates having weapons underneath the togas always felt comical.
still more than what Sam has
>dean eats, drinks, listens to musics, has sex and does basically what every other normy human does including sam
>he is SO interesting and passionate!
it was a bit of a jarring plot twist, but it did catch me by surprise
her arms have bigger muscles than my arms
also, does that shade mean she is unshaved? because it looks like she is MASSIVELY unshaved
Lmao fuck these 2, they didnt even try reasoning with the kid, hope they get sent to the shadow realm
>has sex and does basically what every other normy human does
sorry you can't relate
what else do they need
What time in America does Supernatural air?
sam didn't want to do it
>shoopanon is a samposter
>didnt want to do it
>does it anyway
What fucking difference does it make in the end?
official and only correct ranking of characters:
sam & dean >>> crowley > rowena & ketch > meg >>> real bobby >> jody >> jo & her mum >> bela & ruby >> lucifer >jack > metatron & chuck >> dad & mom >>>>>>>>>> every other character >>>>>> >>>> charlie
>her arms have bigger muscles than my arms
Time to get lifting.
>also, does that shade mean she is unshaved?
You would drink from her hairy cup, what are you gay?
this. Sam is a beta. What was the point of his leadership arc if he can't stand up to Dean and insist it's wrong
who the hell is a shoopanon? do we have a new regular?
a lot
sammy would have let jack out
Sammy should never have agreed to let Jack in in the first place
>meg not bottom tier
>no azazel and allister
>You would drink from her hairy cup
>You would drink from her hairy cup
how did you know
if he didn't do it dean would make everything worse
the whole thing was cheap writing for easly drama lels but jack was gonna go dark side anyway, so what's done is done
shame their kike cw budget didn't let them use that song last night
a chance to get a quads with fours is nearing
already used it in another more kino episode
time to start cursing
if I get 113174444, sam will rape rowena before he kills her in the first half of season 15
trying again
if I get 113174444, sam will rape rowena before he kills her in the first half of season 15
going once again
if I get 113174444, sam will rape rowena before he kills her in the first half of season 15
forgot pic but trying again, number magic dont let me down we're almost there
if I get 113174444, sam will rape rowena before he kills her in the first half of season 15
>hey guys its me jack, im back
>here to tell im really sorry for blasting your mom into oblivion, i was having a really rad headache but she wouldnt stop talking to me even when i told her to back off
>oh, and i was making angels btw
>yes, the angel lady told me it would make you happy
>what? that didnt please you? im really sorry i just wanted to make ammends
>also im having some sort of weird visions involving my dad, he seems to be trying to talk me into doing things, but it cant be him right? In my visions he said he was just my
why do you want this
Dean & Sam >> Crowley >>> Ketch & Rowena >>>> Bobby >>>> Jody >>>>> Meg >>>>>> >>>>>>> Metatron >>>>>>> Ruby >>>>>>> Jack >>>>>>>>> Dad >>>>>>>>>> Cain >>>>>>>>Bela >>>>> Lucifer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Charlie >>>>>>>>>>>>>every one else >>Chuck
I want this to happen
if I get 113174444, sam will rape rowena before he kills her in the first half of season 15
because if I get the magic quads with this message I can screencap it for next year when it actually happens and then it's because of me
Jack bad
ignore the M*loch cum slurper, he lives for cheap (You)s
why is nobody repelling this shit
jack is the best character
he literally is
getting closer
The Arch Nephilm Jack is the messiah and will save everyone
congrats you just gave it more (You)s but fine here is the repellant you were asking for
4 4 4 4
sam rapes rowena
give this the numbers
jack will continue the legacy
get rekt
suck these digits fuck molok fuck chuck
Jack will be given the permission to replace Chuck's role, and the Entity will contest it. Entity becomes the big bad for season 15
>get rekt
I was repelling the digits from the M*loch poster, dumbass
oof one off thats got to sting
But entity will be the big bad of the spinoff user
I'm cursed
i'd suck dick for a spinoff
Lebanon Lesbos spinoff when?
goodnight anons, I can't stay up any longer 2 am already, another thread I made that I wont get to se die
Supernatural parody porno when?
hopefully soon
Seth Green ruins the ending season 3 with his "deep introspective" lines
who does who?
you know who
Dean and Cas?
there shall be no (you)s
I hope you guys are ready for Samiqua and Deanna for 2021
Goodnight but choose a better OP pic next time
For who?
tell me pls
heading to the airport lads
Dean and Cas
where are you going?
shut up grimm
taking my mom to her flight. Mine isn't until tomorrow midnight
when will the buffyfags stop posting in the our general?
Arent you a good boy where are you all going?
See your mistake is thinking that buffyfags are entering this thread. A lot of us here have seen or are currently watching Buffy because it's the only other show that's very similar in genre, themes, format and has a good number of seasons compared to Supernatural
Getting here late as usual...don't die on me thread! My electric just went out and i'm bored af
Nick is technically his perfect vessel now, even more so than Sam, thanks to Crowley's upgrades
Don’t summon him. We haven’t seen him since april fools I think. Or did Crowleyposter get rid of him?
that's dumb that nick luci jobbed to alt michael then
Season 4 starts off a bit wobbly looks like its just the girls and some univamps.
Over here we pay for electric with little keys you top up in the local shop or garage
Nick isn’t the perfect vessel, he was just no longer deteriorating. Although whether that was the sole difference I’m not sure
I hated that episode but season 4 gets better. if you like BMoL/MoL set ups you will like Buffy 4 a lot
Nice was hoping for some Watcher lore as well
Wut? Seriuosly, what does that mean? That's one of the strangest sentences i've ever read.
We had a big thunderstorm and now the power is out here...just to clarify in case you didn't understand
Ah I thought you didn't pay your leccy bill. Over here our thunderstorms are comfy, no power outs
Ahhh. Wow, you're up late bonganon. Nice to see you here fren. Drinking a few stingos are we?
I've been brushing up on my bong lingo ;)
they don’t give it in full but with gradual revelations throughout. The spinoff Angel gives them some episodes as well.
but there is another organization that is reminiscent of the BMoL in some way
Their is no Crowley poster, everyone is a Crowley poster, EVERYONE
I agree. Here let me contribute
Are you starting angel now? You should be starting angel now
Angel is a fag, pass it on
now now calm down moose
Don't be an idiot, it's objectively the superior show
>Drinking a few stingos are we?
You bamboozled me with that one, had to google it. I haven't had a pint in ages and always up late.
So Angel is off doing his own thing now? do they tie in
It is pretty good. I’m just targetting the character
Yea they crossover quite a few times
hah, gotcha back. i started rereading Other People by Martin Amis today. not his best novel, but they're all good (aside from yellow dog).
yes and yes, you don't need to watch them 1 then 1, like we did when it aired but if you can get to angel s1 e17 before watching buffy s4e15, don't watch angel e18 before watching buffy ep 16
no rowena will rape sam before he kills her, aren't you ever tired of always being wrong moloch?
buffybros and supeernatural frens, how you doing tonight
hello fren, drinking beer re-watching spn, but i'm on s8, dean and benny are good always liked that also kevin, but you have to deal with muh dog, fuck I forgot how much I hate amelia
Just arrived at the airport
s8 and s9 should be wiped from history
out of character garbage
go away newfag
yes and no, I really do like the whole dean and benny thing, and kevin is entertaining, but Sam I mean fuck its just awful
>he insulted me
>must be a newfag
yeah sam is very out of character
and dean just forgot that benny existed
go away little bitch
Benny is alright but his reveal is jarring because we’re just forced to accept he’s a brother to Dean
I'm pretty sure this is the season where JJared was really depressed irl, might have something to do with it, doesn't change how bad it is tho, I haven't skipped a single ep since I started this re-watch but I think its time
Jared was on record saying he hated the Amelia arc
Nice one
thanks for this info
is spike in angel or buffy more
it does set it up, the purgatory flash backs may be the only saving grace for the early eps, but yea its a pretty bad season all round, and i've still got 9 to slog through, then fucking metatron, this is going to be tough
how are you not being the bitch in this situation? fucking retard
kill yourself
first one then the other, s4 spike is gold
kek basedboy
Spike is in Buffy 4-7, cameo in Angel 1, and then full cast in Angel 5
Purgatory monsters remained humanoid which is a waste. Season 7 finale 2 seconds with the quadruped monsters >>>>>>
lol newfags can't basedpost basedboy
I'v never touched so~y in my life and been here since 2009
w/e newfag, keep being a bitch soiboy this is boring now
haven't read much horror novels tbqh
yea that finale really sets up and then completely fails to deliver, I remember being hyped thinking we'd finally see hell hounds or something but nope
post body internet tough guy
your the guy that uses reddit words
Eating a chocolate Easter egg while drinking a mug of cold milk watching pic related
are you trying to say you look just like the guy in the gif?
kek you'd get snapped in half
are you really drunk or something? that was you, alright enough i'm done with you
what the fuck are you even talking about?
lol, beer bad is next
no fear itself is
oh thats a much better episode, halloween eps are always good, almost always
humanoid yea, which is annoying still some decent makeup going on
Would you?
not so much, but this on the other hand yummm
>oh hey dean, what's that? you want to go on a hunt?
oh yes
this thread is coming to and end. i hope all of us diehards keep the threads going until the finale next week. i love these thread with muh frens
next time fren
I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit
Won't you come and save me?
Save me
Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut
I'm the dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in shit
Won't you come and save me
Save me
Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut
Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut