Some early experiments aside, cinema as we know it began in 1893. So that's 126 years, or 12.6 decades...

Some early experiments aside, cinema as we know it began in 1893. So that's 126 years, or 12.6 decades. To have an informed opinion of the medium, we should only allow around 8.3% of our viewing to come from the current decade.

Attached: image.jpg (630x472, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Early film is too abstract and weird, usually I just can't get into it. The last silent film I enjoyed was about a guy who pretends to have no arms in a circus and steals some other guy's girl. While the acting was over-the-top and some scenes were way too fucking long, I thought it was a really good film.

That's all very well cunts, but just don't go forgetting who invented feature length films.

Spoiler alert - It's pic related.

Attached: TFW you bashed Melies for beer money.png (185x233, 38K)

The Unknown with Lon Chaney, very much kino indeed

Is that early capeshit?

So? I dunno what to do with your patrician statement. It's for an incel club admission, where is located? in a treehouse or a garbage dump? Tell us more

that's an amazing body

Train yourself to get into it. Anything worth doing requires mental effort.

What a woman Crawford was.

Attached: 6fa91355df467892dd3979b686743f01.jpg (1133x1800, 408K)

So cinema as a whole is just one long shitpost by some emus?

can i have that in centuries?

This was very cute

I'll never find a qt3.14 to love ;__;

Attached: Lonesome (1928).jpg (960x1440, 273K)

She makes me rise from my grave, if you know what I mean.

Hang in there user, I'm sure she's out there for you!

>that time you tried to stay awake that time you caught Intolerance late night on TCM

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"moving pictures" have always been for retards

Yeah, if you like men. Get some taste, homo.

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Excellent post, OP confirmed for straight.
This makes a surprising amount of sense.

what's the essential 1910s core kino?


Attached: cabiria.png (1000x757, 928K)

Griffith, Feuillade, Chaplin, Maurice Tourneur, Yevgeni Bauer, Wiene's Caligari.

You can literally watch it on it's wikipeadia page

The Outlaw and His Wife by Victor Sjöström.

If you want eye strain, sure.

Sounds based. How does it compare to Cagliostro, Phantom Carriage and He Who Gets Slapped?

It's major, on the level of Phantom Carriage. I'd rank both above He Who Gets Slapped, though I need to see that again. Not aware of a Sjöström film called Cagliostro.

So this is the original "we live in a society" virgin vs the bareback rider chad film?

Attached: he-who-gets-slapped.jpg (825x464, 39K)

I was sure there was one but I looked it up ust now and sure enough there isn't. I think I was mixing up The Castle of Cagliostro with The Monastery of Sendomir.
Yeah, I guess so. It would make a good double bill with Tod Browning's Freaks.

>tfw you fall in love with someone who was your age almost 100 years ago
It's a temporal kind of feel

Seeing her move on the screen, seeing her smile, all of it warms my heart in a way I feel is not possible anymore. I love her so fucking much it hurts.

Attached: 0 nKyaZHEwedidyb9i.jpg (640x861, 86K)

got a favorite scene/clip? I'd like to know more.

Gloria Swanson was a famous hollywood star in the 20's who later on disappeared from the spotlight until her magnificent return as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. That entire film is my favourite of hers and what made me adore her, but it's only now that I've gone back to her earlier years that I've started to discover her enchanting beauty and acting on a level above pure admiration.

Here's a scene from the unfinished film Queen Kelly, where she (a nun) meets her beloved (the prince) who already has a wife he doesn't love:

I especially love how she emotes. She's more expressive than most actresses from that era in my opinion, often with a sly smile or a smug grin.

Attached: 3871.jpg (768x574, 126K)

>The Monastery of Sendomir
Ah, I haven't seen that.

I can dig it.

If you haven't seen Sunset Boulevard yet, I can't recommend it enough.

>The Unknown
Thanks! I couldn't for the life of me remember the name.

It's alright.
Which Chaney was best Chaney?


There are thousands more films being made in the last few decades than in the 1900s, so you're numbers mean nothing

This, there's an enourmous difference in quantity. In addition to that, the majority of really old films are completely or partially lost.

That's true for the silent era, but there were massive amount of releases at least from the 1940s on.

Talkies are a cute novelty but the experiment has long outstayed its welcome.

I unironically think silent films should come back. Not that they need to be a common "genre" or whatever, but it would be fun if a few were made every once in a while. I think it could become a successful niche, they're so different. Audio was a technical improvement but it brought with it drastic changes to how the story is told, the way actors act etc. I'd love to see more of both rather than just the one we have now.

Everything before the 1980s was boring pretentious garbage so who gives a fuck?

This makes no sense because there are vastly different numbers of films being released in different decades. For one thing, inasmuch as narrative feature = film, the first fully surviving narrative feature isn't until the early 1910s.
You can probably watch every surviving narrative feature from the 1910s in a week.

This. Why do we still have a decent amount of people working with black and white films but absolutely no silent features?

But have they chained themselves to the axles of big Mack trucks?


what's going on here?

Who is that literal semen demon?