There is something legitimately wrong with this man...

There is something legitimately wrong with this man. He talks to trailers as if they are real person in the room with him and makes baby noises/movements whenever he is excited. But now that a thot bullied him on Twitter everyone feels compelled to normalize his behavior.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is what he was crying to this time, a fucking trailer for season 7 of The Clone Wars

Well he gets paid to cry in order to promote a certain idea. You don't see this kind of support when the whole world bullied the Star Wars kid or Jake Lloyd or Jar Jar Binks' actor.

>Jake Lloyd
I feel really bad about what happened to him. He never deserved any of it.

seek sex

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>There is something legitimately wrong with this man
nothing wrong with him

he's just white. it's always white men that do this shit.

>this guy is such a loser for being so invested in this thing that doesn't matter
>posts thread being angry and invested in a YouTube video that doesn't matter
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

People champion it because it's perfect consumer behavior. Look at how many endorphins are released for consuming corporate product #45. What a good boy


The terrifying part is he sounds like a "normal" affable guy right until the trailer starts.

You're definitely the first person I've ever seen take this particular viewpoint on the matter; good job, user.


You just know he has a 12 incher cock, non erect.

I think its one of the rare times where the woman was right and Yea Forums was wrong but was angry at her anyway because she was a woman. So the public sided AGAINST her and then Yea Forums was confused to take sides.

Isn't this equally true of everyone working in this genre of effluent? What kind of person makes a cartoon "shocked awe" expression when Spiderman appears in a trailer for a Spiderman movie?

(((They’re))) trying to drive white birth rates down even further.

Can you show me the thot's tweets, I already know I agree with her but I want to enjoy her invective.

I just saw his trailer reaction and the guy is already heavy breathing in front of a black screen
He took some drugs or shit

Oh yeah, because if you saw this guy acting normally you'd be jacking off by the seconds. Fuck's sake m8, have a word.

It's always white men that do anything at all.

Why is this any worse than women losing their shit and screaming when they watch their favorite soap opera, drama or whatever mainstream trash they think they need to watch

They don't do that in real life though. Stop defending shilling.

because he's not a woman

have sex

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Youniverse got fucked over by this faggot. He took the brunt of the abuse, and got nothing

Some guy in the comments:
>You're an inspiration to is all

They do it in real life you retard, have you never seen or been to gatherings or parties where they go "YASSS SLAY" "AHMAHGAWD" etc unironically?

Fucking youtube Twilight reactions or cinema shots

No, that shit only happens because someone's making a video of it for YouTube. Please get a social life, it's embarrassing for other people to read this kind of shit, you're like a guy bluffing that he knows what a pussy feels like.

>No, that shit only happens because someone's making a video of it for YouTube

Youre out of touch with reality, but I guess thats a happier way of living my dude

Keep making assumptions you delusional faggot

The trailers are his friends, though. They make him money. Without them, he would have had nothing.

Leave the house.

>the shade of his teeth

By the Emperor

Im at work nigger

Imagine if he spent all the time he spends on youtube in the gym.

But then I have to think about all the time I spend here

Thanks, Doc

FBI criminal statistics disagree.

I always make time for the gym, and I still spend a lot of time here.

Only human beings itt.

Society used to expect more from men. This guy is the end result of feminism and the left pushing the "toxic masculinity" narrative.

He's just kidding, right? Like mocking how stupid reaction videos are, right? I like to think this is satire. I couldn't even cry when my ex wife left me, and this guy is crying over kids movies.

Because men need to be held to a higher standard.

You can do both
>wake up
>sips zero ultra
>go to gym
>back home, waste some time on Yea Forums
comfy as fuck.

Attached: boomer 3.png (1925x1130, 578K)

I hate this guy. I hate him and his stupid cunt face

fuck him

Bitcoin mining isn't work.

Based NEET.

>makes cringe reddit tier references
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

>crying to get things
He more of a women than any trannie will ever be.


he just seems like an autistic kid who was taught what emotions he was supposed to feel in each situation and now he overexaggerates them

White men are too pussy to commit crime and not just OBEY in complete subservience to THE MAN.

Fuck me, this could have been me, copy pasted, if I didn't snap out of it. Talk about spark of light in the last minute, jeez.

I fucking hate this man. Sure, I understand that the world is silly, and that sometimes people with no talent will rise to the top, have success, that's fine. But this is just grotesque.

same, i really fucking hate him. pathetic piece of shit. you are not supposed to behave like a fucking child when you're an adult, period.

>saying this on Yea Forums which is manchild central

You’re absolutely right, we should be assaulting and killing niggers regardless of legal consequence.

Ok James

based retard


Mean girls turn me on

>mfw this man has more recognition than scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, etc

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It's all fake right and he's a paid Disney actor, right? Surely he can't tear up immediately from just seeing a CGI character put her hand in another CGI character's hand.

victimhood is currency in our society

Save hex

I want it to be satire but unfortunately these people exists. All these “reaction” videos are way over the top gayness. Nobody actually acts that way. It’s all for attention. This guy has taught himself to cry on command. Every woman I’ve ever met can do that too

where are the tweets

he's one of us, you normie fagot

is that mole/scab on his face leaking blood?

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>implying scientists and doctors want to be famous
Yikes, kys

>man likes something
>Yea Forums starts seething and frothing from the mouth so hard he makes it to the news

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this incel needs to be put down before he shoots up a church, synagogue or mosque.

I sided with her completely. Fuck capeshit and Nu-wars.

His existence is a crime against nature. I'm literally shaking with rage as I type this.


how would you know?

It isnt. Or did you never cringe when you saw girls crying because of justin Bieber?
Or when a famous music band disbands?

>normies: "just be yourself"
>guy is himself
>Twitterthots call for his extermination

>>guy is himself
Throwing a shameful fit of Pavlovian obeisance to corporate conditioning is not being any self worthy of being.

t. Twitterthot

Anglos are disgusting

my grandmother died a year ago and I couldn't even force out a tear at the funeral
felt awkward because everyone else was crying

>being proud of being psychologically broken

If I were a twitter thot your degenerate ass would be sending me tiny dic pics and begging me to roast them.

she was like 80 something and in hospital and pain
better off passing than living like that
>tfw drunken movie night with the butts boys

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No, that was Rey breathing in the trailer, user.

i feel you brother, recently went through something similar. did cry but only a little. people like this little beta cuck in OPs pic needs to be put down


This is the correct answer.

How is this cunt so up herself?

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>what is jewish/marxist demoralisation
>what is jewish/marxist subversion
It's part of a bigger operation.

Because you never will be.

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Found this in his description, anyone gonna send him some words of encouragement?

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>warning at the beginning to arrange a lift home if you're going to drink
these guys are absolutely pathetic

That's exactly why these companies and their shills are loudly defending him and propping him up as some shining beacon of 'positive fandom', because they actually want you to BECOME him.

What makes that in any way acceptable you giant homo?

pursue intercourse

>he doesn’t phonepost at the gym on his phone in between sets


...wait.... uh-oh...

Why are you people so butthurt? Retards playing into this game and normalising crying over children's movies only means more faggots will follow suit. That in return means that there will be more chicks available to actual men who don't act like children. You fuckers always fail to see the bigger picture

Women are not an All-you-can-eat buffet, incel.

eating pussy is for betas

I thought clone wars was a literal kids show

This. The absolute depths of hypocrisy in this world of humans (ningen) is astonishing.

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He knows it will get him clicks you moron.
He's just really emerged in his role and hypnotised by nerd-culture consumerism

>people in this thread defending this faggot

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that's a mutt, friendo

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a mutt 99% anglo look at that face and these teeths

Some blob guy on the street with a star wars shirt gets attacked by an aggressive neckbeard for no reason other than personal feelings.
Who do you think most people will attack first?

Yeah we should all be imprisoned, or just disappear desu

Kek, you clearly have no game whatsoever then, neckbeard. Also, if you're going to use buzzwords, at least learn the meaning, you dimwit

>he is married

t. Meursault

What is Twilight, Magic Mike, Horrormovies about Vampire with abs and some love triangle designed for women, Harry Potter and so on. You are wrong. They are doing it as well, but don't get mocked.

Just admit you never loved her, you cold bastard.

Sprinkle a helping of the fake and exaggerated culture of reaction videos with a dash of virtue signalling and this is the outcome.

Have sex

Considering the number of fatalities in nearly every episode that's not really the case.

It’s ok when women do it

Is this guy a homosexual? He's so camp and flamboyant and emotional. Very strange

It IS a kids show. But then again Star Wars was always aimed at children below the age of 12.

Fuck this guy

>man embarrasses himself in front of millions
>we're not supposed to laugh at him

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He must be ridiculed. It's disgusting that ppl are defending him

And again 4chiggers helped another fucking faggot becoming famous, just like Anita and Zoe

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It's okay to like things, it's not okay to cry over a teaser trailer of a children's movie

In his interview he said he's just really emotional where his gf is the complete opposite and does ever cry at anything. He's completely capitalized on it. Good for him.

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only for Star Wars though. his other reaction videos he just giggles and stares with wide eyes.

most of us don't give a shit that he's "capitalized" on this. for one thing, it actually takes a lot more views and subscribers to make serious money off of youtube, his account is likely supplemental income. even then, this is a fucking stupid way to make a living. if he somehow manages to have his own kids what kind of example does it set for them if their father spends all day watching YouTube, acting like a child and unboxing kids' toy packages?

>Look at how many endorphins are released by thinking about consuming corporate product #4

He put this online because he wants to make money. You can't purposeful out something out to the world and expect flowers, rainbows and praise.

This isn't like the Star Wars kid who had it uploaded by bullies, this guy wants you to see him like this. And he thinks you will like it.

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the horrific acne blemish completes the look


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It's all an act. I don't doubt he probably likes Star wars, but everything on video is complete farce.

A whole industry of sjws, anti sjws is being propped up by meme makers like this guy. Holy fuck. What will Historians call this era?

>consumerist-statist drone can't even comprehend the idea of a man being a higher being based on rationality, reason and consciousness rather than a dumb chimp-tier livestock beast controlled by basic emotions
The perfect goy

He managed to find someone even more grotesque than himself.

At this point, any threads about him should be deleted as marketing.

I only cried when my dog died, all my grandparents are dead yet I never cried at any of their funerals. Probably because I didn't see them that much.

>Holy fuck. What will Historians call this era
>the consumer-media era

he found his shtick
the thot is a cunt

both are dregs of society and serving the devil

damn them all to hell

No one is championing anything. The man is a meme and everyone is treating him as such. He's probably baiting for views because he saw how successful that other faggot was.

The age of reason was in reality the age of retardation. Crowley is spinning in his grave.

happened to me and I was living with my grandma at the time. took me 15 years to let it all out baka

It's satire, right?

It was a different time

What the fuck is on his face?

He was a person and his name was Anakin

Why? He own this youtube channel, he is free to post anything he wants on it, nobody is forcing you to watch his stuff.

You are all insane asking that he should die for a video. You are basically telling others how they should live their life and try to police them just like SJW does. They were right, you alt-right magapede are no different.

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Isn't it already called the age of rationalism? Where everything becomes rationalised and based on consumerism

This is why we need public shaming and bullies

This man has a wife. Probably gets cucked. Yet he (her) may have kids and if so they will have a weak father and low confidence mother

Any son he will have will be weak. Probably a male feminist and future rapist

Any daughter will not know what real men act like and will date abusive or just overall bad people making her life ruined

This man is too gone. Its his children you need worry about. Nigga would see his wife get raped by illegals and tweet "Dont hate these poor browns". He would sell his children to Islam for his favorite star wars actor to say hello

Bigger nigger here would be taking his moms credit card to tip E Thots and would tear up when they say his name

He is weak. His blood is weak. His children will be weak and will damage those around them until he or they an hero for the world.

These reaction people are just acting. Its not even cringy if he's just trying to be annoying and excited for views.

before he makes these videos he watches them off camera normally


he'll be dead in a year

Yea Forums made this guy semi famous. You should all be proud

Wait, what

He needs to brush his teeth

That mole seems suspicious, he neds to check that shit out instead of crying at SW trailers.

How much you want to bet he's vasectomized?