I seriously did not expect this.
I seriously did not expect this
Other urls found in this thread:
Pls no bully
>reading articles about star wars shit
Pic related is you.
Hamill's just a milquetoast wank, someone should slash his face.
These people have made Mark Hammill immensely wealthy and famous of course he's sympathetic towards them.
Mark needs a new motorbike, try not to crash this one bucko
We need to bully him even harder.
Between this and criticising the last Jedi, is he gonna turn twitterthots and sjws against him?
You didn't expect to attract attention to this guy by making a hundred threads? Did you think normies would join you in laughing at him?
>why would anyone bully this
Because a grown man acting like a child is fucking pathetic. Also he's ugly as sin.
Why would you make an OP using a britistani tabloid like the Daily Fail? Faggot confirmed, have sex.
>gets an interview on the news for watching a trailer
Was the specified goal of those threads to bring him normie attention? I assumed he was being posted because the vid was amusing and some Yea Forums user wanted to show all his Yea Forums friends.
How much did Disney hate it when this blubbering sóyboy became the face of the new trailer?
You're posting on an anime imageboard. You're no different than him.
>completely ignores his sudden surge of popularity in all his newer vids until he's on a specific platform that'll get him even more attention
Guy's the definition of a bottomfeeder, like every reaction channel.
All that's accomplished is getting him on TV, making him a lot of ad revenue, and spreading the movie trailer for Disney.
He looks good for 40
Not that much, they got decent, and most of all free, publicity out of it for better or worse.
I'm guessing it went like this:
Video uploaded -> Yea Forums user finds it and posts it for a laugh -> Gains board notoriety -> Spreads to twitter and gets tweeted about by that Conservative girl -> Enters twitter mainstream and goes from there
Disney is desperate for any kind of hype for the movie. They're forced to defend someone who is clearly mentally unbalanced, just because at least someone is excited for the mess they've made.
people need to rediscover shame and self awareness
I have the decency not to film myself and subject the world to my pathetic nature. Better yet I don't have people bending over backwards to defend me. I am unknown, unloved but pose no burden to the world.
Still, Disney has tried very hard to move away from the image of a Star Wars fan as a 'pasty fat white nerd' and this guy is all of those things.
Yeah, because in 2019 that's exactly what people think of Yea Forums. A board for posting about anime pictures. Nothing else.
He looks average.
A grown man acting like a child by bullying someone by name-calling on an anonymous image to get a false sense of superiority is fucking pathetic.
Sure you did, OP. You've been making the same threads every day since it happened.
How come all the SJW cunts and resetera trannies than cried over the ugly Viet fat chick getting bullied are now bashing this guy?
>He looks average.
No, he's ugly.
It's ironic because DisneyLF actively ridicules passionate fans who spend hours nitpicking the sequel trilogy and criticizing Solo: A Star Wars Story.
They're only rushing to this guy's defense because he's a harmless consumer. He'll never say anything bad about Rey or Finn. He laughs and crys and gets excited precisely when he is meant to. DisneyLF cannot allow his type to become the object of mockery, so they step in and reward him.
seriously you're defending people crying and acting like a soft ass jerkoff?
>false sense of superiority
I am objectively superior. The weak should be bullied so they know their place.
it should've been James Universe with all this fame
I just think his reaction was funny cause it was extremely dramatic, clutch your pearls and calm down, homo.
They no longer have that luxury at this point, ever since they droppes the ball so hard. Everything they have done so far is to desperately try bring back fans. I could be wrong though.
Mark Hamill is a really cool guy, sticking up for his fans.
He was far too ahead of his time. Also no tears and snot.
James youniverse must be seething now, bullied all this time but got nothing out of it, a new soi king appeared while he was temporarily retired from YouTube. Literally 'I am forgotten' scenario
>what is jewish/marxist demoralisation
>what is jewish/marxist subversion
I thought Yea Forums knew about this.
What else are we going to do all day?
>to disney-wars
it's kinda self-evident why it's retarded to do this
inb4 someone finds a tweet or a video or something of him saying a wrongthink and everyone turns on him in a second because he said fag once 15 years ago
>fat/ugly neet incels who got beaten up in school/at home
>the same "people" now make fun of a person who is not quite as pathetic as themselves
that's not exclusive to disney star wars
you're a big fag if you cry to star wars at all
This isn't illicit, he posted this in the description of his drunk video.
Sony betrayed Japan and japanese pop culture by favoring their western garbage while being the biggest trendsetter of the gaming industry.
Back to your containment board.
Holy shit boys I live on this man's street
Dare you to ding dong dash him.
Print this out Slide it under his door, ring the doorbell, hide in a bush, film everything
This is exactly what happens in bully free world. Bullies keep you in check,they keep you in line. Like it or not, must bullied kids grow out of stuff they have been bullied for, something they wouldn't do without bullies. Without bullies,we get grown men collecting plastic dolls,playing video games and dressing like toddlers.
We're already in the largest one of the site
t. prequel baby
Wait, this fuck up is fuckign 40?
I just tought he was a slovenly early 20's geek. Still being that fucking disgusting at 40 is ridiculous
I now just realized that what happened was pure pottery.
He's 40, he has lived through bully eras and still turned up like that
this image is pretty cool but in terms of island evolution. The pioneer community of weebs started their own downfall by changing the environment to make it hospitable to later immigrants who didn't want to discuss the original topics
It's kind of weird because it's tempting to say he looks good for his age but then he doesn't look good at all
Like how everyone has turned Yea Forums into their personal bitching box?
I think it's his juvenile clothes, imagine him in a shirt or a suit and he's your typical middle manager
Because it is literally insane to have that reaction q
I did.
If you're not aware of the incredible amount of pathetic virtue signalling from liberals, then you're not paying close enough attention.
We need better bully programs
>Mark: "fuck tlj"
>wtf I love Mark now
>also Mark: "lmao stop shitposting about some guy on the Internet for kicks"
>wtf I hate Mark now
You know what he'll NEVER have though? Women wanting him. Even serial killers get that
>unironically arguing for normalfag fascism
No way fag
He literally looks like a 23 year old basedboy
>women see him as perfect obedient NPC provider, easy to reward
>Hamil, medias and Disney see him as perfect NPC consumer
Muh why they like him so much?
Yea Forums is contrarian. No matter what the status quo is, this site will be against it. A few years ago most anons would've complained about normals bullying them for being nerds. Now nerd shit is the norm and they work against it by trying to enforce and moralize bullying, cringe culture and "correct" standards.
The same happened with nazishit, and the same will happen with politics. I give this place 4 years at best and it will be against the establishment created by trump when the silent majority grows and becomes more normalised.
Yea Forums is just people wanting to be different and superior to norms. They justify it with subjective logic, but the mindset of the average channers changes every few years
Nah he looks 40
Bullying is the natural order of things. Everyone has the impulse of bullying those who they consider below themselves in any way, it's biological. In fact, you're bullying the "neet incels" right now too.
I'm so happy the sóy Extended Youniverse is coming together.
JAMES YOUNIVERSE: The Forgotten Hero
ERIC BUTTS: The Plucky Upstart
Yea Forums: The Anti Hero
>I seriously did not expect this
Ad agencies and a lot of legacy media is finally getting good at the internet, expect to see more like this in the future.
It is more profitable to encourage a nerd, spaz, geek, and otherwise dweeb than to encourage more mature behaviors. They consune more of the product they are pushing. Much like a drug dealer, they want to hook people and keep them addicted. They dont want them to take a step back and reevaluate their lives. Most other legally sold destructive products carry a warning upon the packaging. Cape shit does not.
What a weak beta faggot. If he is going to cry he should do it in private and not get recorded, and almost everyone is a possy attention whore now adays . Shitllenials were a mistake
Is anyone gonna link the actual video?
Incalculably based
/pol/ : The Underestimate Villain
>40 years old
>crying over a trailer
to be fair, media and everybody suddenly defending nerds after going on a witchhunt for the last decade about how sexist, racist and problematic they all were after some right wingers and edgy boys started to make fun of him shows how contrarian and manipulative the media is
Butts is the face of nu wars.
Because it's absolutely pathetic that a movie made solely for profit and devoid of any artistic merit can cause a middle-aged man to cry.
Bro I have a life to live, why would I bother myself with how a total strangers react to shit
I do however judge those who watch reaction videos or mukbangers. How lonely must you be to seek validation from online people's views? Go outside and feel legit irl emotions, not bully someone over a video you were not even forced to watch at gunpoint
Found the incel
>white male infant cry babies are ok if they buy our shit
Which is now the cycle. Par for the course. Seriously, we're the state-sanctioned bad guys. This isn't some secret club no more. We're marketing tools and we never disappoint. Studios need us just as much as we need new movies to bitch endlessly about.
This cunt isnt even human, he is cattle its no wonder disney defend him, he is their prototype for the new man
Disney and Eric Butts are match made in heaven.
He's the living embodiment of the ideal nu wars consumer.
>40 year old
OK, so far I've steered clear of this meme person but that took me by surprise, he looks no older than an ill-kept 22 year old.
Where was Mark Hamill when hardcore Star Wars fans were ridiculed by society 25 years ago?
Is there a bigger JUST than James Youniverse right now?
>bro bullying the innocent is okay when we do it because he's such a soiboi
Be honest, you justify it just because you dislike him, because tbqh you are all most likely even bigger betas than him.
None of you fags would even lay a finger on him irl because you are gigantic pussies. People shouldn't take cyberbullying seriously, because it's just a vent for people who are too weak to bully others in real life, like you.
Good bullying is a way to sort out problematic trash, the "bullying" you push is insecure ego pushing by picking on the helpless on the Internet
People like him aren't the result of non-bully culture, maybe PC culture. Repressed fags like you are though.
This man is the new Willie Horton
The entirety of humanity consists of aggressive reactionary tribalist behaviour.
This will go forever
>he is their prototype for the new white man
>because tbqh you are all most likely even bigger betas than him.
Holy shit lmao.
Resetera is actually suggesting anyone can be more beta than this guy.
The last time Yea Forums made someone popular "radical centrist" boogie was made. So fuck that
>watch video
>"omg I'm kinda emotional and drunk, I just had a mimosa and a dacqueri"
Jesus fucking Christ
That fucking soiboy is 40 years old? This makes it even more pathetic. I thought he was 25 or something.
This guy has enough energy to express himself even in public, even if he'll be seen as a gigantic baby.
Meanwhile most anons pre-prepare plans on how to talk with normalfags because they fear judgement, let alone wouldn't even dare to talk up to him irl non-anonymously, because you'd fear the majority picking on you without the anonymity shield
Thanks to this retard there's been a neat reduction in Star Wars related threads by Disney shills so I guess we owe him that.
Mark is pure.
>not quite as pathetic as themselves
Depends on where you put the emphasis, if his reaction is genuine he's been living under a rock from all the controversy surrounding Disney Wars. That'd make him a happy consumerist sheep, the greatest ally of the salesman and a valuable customer, but not someone you'd respect.
If he's mugging for the camera, he's devious and making a mockery of himself (not an explicit persona) to make money of it. That too shouldn't warrant any respect.
Now, Yea Forums's population is in no small part comprised of people filled with resentment and insecurity, but also perfectly normal people who come here to shitpost and vent. This guy triggers a whole lot of both categories because it's either people thinking
>That could be me
for reasons of
>being happy when they are depressed
>being smart enough and possessing enough artistical talent to sell your emotional outburst to a crowd
>holy shit this guy is genuinely pathetic, and he and I [used to] like the same thing!
They feel vicarious embarassment and react thusly:
>I should take a clear stand that he and I are not the same outside of this overlap!
Of course, the only correct way to deal with him would've been to outright ignore him, but as they say... "There's one born every minute". If you aren't said one, there's plenty out there who are and will flock to him.
Here's how you deal with attention seekers
Mark is right both ways.
What the fuck is that red thing on his cheek?
is this the man that will lead the beta uprising?
He certainly won't lead it, or if he is, then I'll stop considering myself beta on the spot. In this case, the beta uprisiig will be swiftly quelled by the omega counter-revultion.
No he doesn't. I work with plenty of people in their late 30s-early 40s and he looks like them. I'd say he looks even older.
I thought it was just a low test millenial around twenty something.
Jesus christ, he is the king of all boomers.
If you're that content and even in agreement with everything the system throws at you, you wont incite an uprising and you certainly will not be its leader in case it happens in spite of you.
Í̢͖̦͜ ̧̫̗̗͙͎̩̮́L̝̼͍͓͔̦̪̹ͅU̶̧̠̮Ṵ̞͎͈͚̠͟V̢͓̥̞̬̦͇Ḙ̝͔̮͘ ̴̴̰͓͇̰̬̻͡ͅS͎͙̦͘͜͞T͙͈͎̯̻̫̟͜͡U̶͇̝̭̰͉̝͔͜R͖̖̳̤͉̣̘͚͡R͔̘̟ ͖͚̼͈͖͞W̧̛̜̙͡U̱̦̜̱͇̟͕͎͠H̷̥̩͍̰̪̩̙̠H̛̙͓͜͝R̢̩͉͔̱̻͘S̢̖͓̻̼͚͇
What kind of disgusting sickly animal must he be normally if he recorded this and thought he looked good enough to post it online?
Reaction videos is camwhoring for ugly people.
They know no shame and they don't give a fuck as long as they make a living out of it.
This. Best take.
>and thought he looked good enough to post it online?
You're assuming too much. People who overreact online typically want to look as disheveled in the aftermath as they possibly can to sell the
Pic related.
Correction: pic actually unrelated
I can't find the one I actually wanted to post, but it was a twitter post by a bearded guy who wrote somehting about "being reduced to a blubbery mess" by the trailer. He must be quietly seething now the media have picked OP's guy to be their GOOD BOY mascot.
>Star Wars
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
>Special Editions
>The Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones
Jesus christ
>Revenge of the Sith
What was I expecting?
>The Force Awakens
I've seen this before
>Rogue One
The Last Jedi and Solo are the ok (not great) star wars films after 1980
what were you expecting for ROTJ?
>women using "I would date"/"I wouldn't date" as a metric to measure if a man is worth or not
Both roasties are equally bad. The man is a manchildren but not because some roastie decides so.
The latest Disney PR stunt to make people talk about Star Wars.
who gives a thumb about e celeb bullshit?
Roastie #1 has a point in the sense that he truly is pathetic, as the trailer didn't contain shit that'd cause anyone to hyperventilate and nothing unpredictable and exciting was shown.
>Palpatine lives
Yeah after killing Snoke without building him up you'd figure they'd bring him in to save the trilogy, even if his survival further lessens the impact of the OT
>Lando's back
Yeah, Carrie's dead, Harrison quit and Mark's character was fucking destroyed, there's no-one else of note.
Roastie #2 has a point in that you shouldn't hate on people being passionate about something per se... but it's still important what that something is. I doubt she'd date him, even if he's genuinely overjoyed with a minute of footage from a movie we all knew was coming.
>I will attack some guy on the Internet anonymously together with a dozen other people for liking something I dislike and acting in a way that I feel is wrong
>fuck yeah natural selection
The middle guy has half a point because a lot of you still don't heed the message and give unto the Empress what she desires out of you.
>I have had sex
>reeee I haven't had sex yet Yea Forums is mysafe space so I can feel normal with 20+ virgins
Fucking faggot
a movie like anh and esb. its well known now that the "ot" was supposed to go on to be 6 or even 9 total films (in addition to the PT) but george lucas got tired and gave up. so the emperor got brought in early, he cucked for toy sales (ewoks, han solo living etc), and a happy ending was written instead of the bittersweet sad original version in which the rebels lose.
it has good aspects but seriously just watch the original trilogy as an adult its shocking how sloppy it is compared to anh and esb
>but george lucas got tired and gave up.
He decided to tie it up hastily because ESB was met with such negativity at first, as a lot of people didn't get that it'd be tied up in the following films. The rebels were never supposed to permanently lose. Even in the 6-9 film version of the saga they'd eventually win. The Emperor being brought in early is correct though.
At least that's what J.W. Rinzler in his tell all making of books told me.
Why are you faggots so obsessed with this nerd
yeah sorry I meant they would lose in the next film after empire
never read any of those, are they interesting?
In a word: Yup. As I said, they're tell-all, warts and all. Rinzler goes so deep behind the scenes Disney bought his TFA book and is sitting on it indefinitely.
Imagine there's a war. Imagine this guy having to kill.
Western world is so safe and comfortable that it's now normal to cry over fucking movie trailers.
Nah what you think of is simply being an aggressive fag towards things you dislike. You can detest people without attacking them.
Legit tribalist bullying is a way to get rid of the one's that threaten or are bad for the herd.
That beta guy is 100% in the herd, he might get mocked by individuals, his decision if he wants to man-up. Neet incel's however deserve to get cast out, they pose a threat to said herd.
But surely you, Billy Badass, would rise to the occasion. KYS
NYPA redditor nigger
Why can't people understand that those reaction videos don't really show a legit reaction, and they go all AWWWWWWMAHGAAAAAAAAADSOOOOAWESSSSSSUUUM at the most irrelevant crap to attract attention?
Don't worry Butts, you're safe watching children movies.
>Neet incel's however deserve to get cast out, they pose a threat to said herd.
Based knower. There's a reason why Nazis sended Neets and incels to concentration camps, the ASOCIAL parasite needs to be forced to work towards society or is cancer to said society.
Remember this?
user would die as easily as the manchild, but maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't have made themselves a laughing stock beforehand.
Why? Because people are retards. A person is smart, but people en mass are fucking stuipd.
why are his balls so big?
Can I ask the Disney shills ITT why there's still the sticky about spoiling Avengers?
As it seems Yea Forums doesn't care enough to discuss about this movie.
>maybe, just maybe
Stop talking like a 15 year old girl.
Back when everyone was allowed to get in on the joke.
boys don't cry 2: incel boogaloo
4chinners like to have a deep explanation for everything.
I mean come on there is no way this guy can't be a jew psyop human expiriment propaganda NPC representant right????
No waaay this guy is just some YouTuber who likes money, there must be more to it.
cause its normie palace: 2.0
all memes aside dude looks very good for 40, I thought he was mid-20s or something
I feel like the most retarded star wars fan. I only actually like the first two but I also don't care enough to not keep seeing all the disneywars flicks
>that hairline
>that pimple
it's a better hairline than mine and I'm 22
Based and redpilled.
This. When he actually saw the trailer for the first time, the guy at most smirked and thought "hey, cool", and then went and did that video crying and shit.
Holy shit!
>think Japanese culture is weak and a gateway to degeneracy and permavirginhood
>also as a European i hate Muslim immigrants and how they’re ruining the country I live in
>realize that I’m the Muslim of Yea Forums and for better or worse I’m contributing to the “muslimification” of Yea Forums
Big yikes, I hath become what I loathe
I feel you bro
Shit, nowadays fuckers can't even triforce properly. I mean, how much of a newfag can you be, that you can't figure out on your own
▲ ▲
Plot twist: The invaders aren't the ones you think they are and are actually the ones most insistent they are the ones who belong here.
>average Yea Forums user ridiculing what they will become in 15 years if they keep watching anime and think they’re better than “sheeple” reminiscent of a son making fun of his father for balding
we've been bashed everyone for fucking years. this is all because of the fine brothers reaction videos.
Honestly he needs to be beaten to death it he goes to any cons.
phone-posting is not at all a demographic, more phoneposting is natural because 10 years ago it was a cumbersome experience to browse the net on your phone while today it's convenient and easy to funpost anywhere
The invaders are r/TheDonald redditors, which is why /pol/ strategicaly changed their designated boogeyman from reddit to "discord trannies"
I"ll post pics of Eric Butts in every nu wars thread.
Disney is perfectly fine with that.
He is fucking 40 years old?
Double twist: The invaders was your mom.
Any post made from a phone will be dumber than a post made from a computer by the same person. FACT. Even if the population was completely unchanged, the discourse would still be worse.
Him: Real incel.
Yea Forums: Fake incels.
Prove me wrong.
now this is very cringe and bluepilled
is this Minecraft?
Of course, you're helping them that way.
You cannot convince me that a grown adult male who cries over a movie trailer isn't pathetic.
Star Wars was just a fun movie from the 70s that got a couple of sequels, told a good story and was entertaining.
The fact that he also recorded himself doing this to show others is full-blown Clown World. How the fuck did it get to this point?
He's married.
I've eaten pussy twice in my life and never touched a boob. Handholding was also taboo with the girl.
honestly though why didn't the media latch on to that guy getting bullied?
he's a minority if they wanted brownie points they should have came to that guy's defense
as a spic I am offended, if people wanna make a big stink out of this they should bring up why no one came to James's defense
Have sex
I think Dave Chepaele said it best
Good glad to be of help.
there's a difference between bullying and actually trying to correct behavior
there's plenty of losers who got bullied and stayed that way or got worse
I would say the biggest fault is on the parents for not actively raising their children properly
it makes sense. why would you want a society of men that are NOT this idiot?
he lives to consume crap he doesnt need it and cries watching a soulless toy commercial.
its the perfect man.
Bullying after a plz no bully injunction is in place is against the fren code user.
>why anyone would ridicule someone so passionate
>unless he's against Disney and their decisions then you can bully him lol
From a marketer's standpoint, he's perfect.
From an evolutionary standpoint (and women control that aspect of life), he's a failure.
Gamergate all over again. The more you bully the more famous the victim gets.
I guess they never miss, huh?
Kill yourself faggot
God I want to kiss her
See None of these reactions are real, shit he probably rehearsed the video a dozen times. It is pathetic but not for the reasons you think, the real pathetic thing is that a man has to pretend to be a crybaby on the internet for views and shekels, fucking get a real job.
He's the perfect goy, an unquestioningly obedient consumer whose judgement is clouded by emotion.
Blue balls
Good example of what he’s talking about. Faggot.
Nobody says you shouldn't be passionante. Just don't record yourself.
I completely agree with you. The mere fact that he exposed his face in public for all of the world to potentially mock proves that he is unironically based as fuck.
Can we talk about how blatantly and obvious manipulative and pandering the trailer was? It feels like they know how many fans they pissed off with nu-Wars so far and are trying to tempt them back in an extremely corporate and cynical way.
>narrated by Luke, "no one's really gone", and the title is Rise of Skywalker to plant a seed of doubt whether Luke could be alive and unJUSTed after all, even though they're obviously going to keep him dead
>Lando is back, implying that's a positive when they've already fucked everyone and everything from the old movies
>implying Sheev is back, even though it's obviously going to be a hologram or flashback or some insignificant shit
>C-come see our movie guys, we promise it's not as retarded as TLJ, w-we swear!
she's got a boyfriend
I bet he doesn't kiss her
fuck off i'm gonna bully even more!
It's all anime hating normal fags now
So it may be a good idea. Maybe he could be cast in the movie this way and become rich.
People used to laugh at manchildren
in third world countries they'd never let him hear the end of it
>spreading the movie trailer for Disney
lmao no, this has taken attention away from the trailer.
People now, instead of remembering the trailer, remember this creepy 40 year old manchild crying over generic Star Wars imagery.
They are desperate to defend this guy because no one else is hyped.
>Did you think normies would join you in laughing at him?
But they did.
There's a fuckload of parodies of this guy now.
The only ones defending him are a handful of stupid american millennials, the few that still have blind faith in Star Wars.
>ohhh noooo something I was a part of is no longer exactly like it used to be, I must voice my anger at things changing!
Get the fuck over it. Something you cherished was bludgeoned to death in front of you, welcome to life. It says a lot about your basement dwelling existence when something open to the public and popular changes with the times and it upsets you. I don't like it either, but it was always going to happen. If it makes you feel any better, the newcommers, (and in irl speak, the SJW's and progressives) will be looked at as old fashioned cave people that need to embrace the new progressive movement in just a few decades.
Early and Often.
Thanks for the insight, here's a (You) for compensation.
What's UPFs?
There's a big fucking difference between simply being passionate, and uploading your autism for millions of people to see.
UPFs = Utterly Pathetic Faggots (so, in other words, you and Eric Butts).
Ultraviolet Protection Factor.
It's probably has to do with the melanoma on Butts' chickbone.
>Ultra Pathetic Faggots are the best fans
Yeah you're pretty much correct.
>instead of the bittersweet sad original version in which the rebels lose.
It was Gary Kurtz who wanted Luke to leave behind his friends at the end of the battle. Lucas disagreed with him and Kasdan
>post made from a phone will be dumber than a post made from a computer by the same person
Time to get with the times, grandpa
>rebels were supposed to lose
Wasn't the original ending that Luke would find his sister (who originally wasn't Leia), train her, and that they would defeat the Emperor together?
>even the girls in here do the söy face
>The invaders are r/TheDonald redditors, which is why /pol/ strategicaly changed their designated boogeyman from reddit to "discord trannies"
well fuck me that does make sense, good thing Yea Forums's boogeyman is still fucking r*dditors, that keeps those soi drinkers at bay
you must really love this guy
>the punch game
Thanks for the PTSD, asshole.
It's nothing to do with sóy, they just know that stupid overexpressions pull in loads of views. It's why every shitty iPhone game app has a screaming face as the icon. Human brains really like seeing expressive faces.
>40 year old
jeeeesus fucken christ
it gets worse oh nonono
hey resetera - did your fist post work?
>Grown man cries over a trailer
Present yourself like a pussy and expect to be ridiculed for it. I don't know what he thought would happen once he published this video. It's okay to cry as a guy but not over corporate shit like this.
based and criticpilled.
based and wankpilled.
based and bullypilled.
based and grownpilled.
based and reactionpilled.
based and uglypilled.
based and jamespilled.
based and betapilled.
based and bumppilled.
Hamill has been seeing these dorks for the last 40 years
of course, he's not bothered with this guy
You seriously didn't expect someone intentionally overreacting for attention on Youtube to get exactly that? Are you stupid? Oh wait this is the board that thinks it's the jews behind everything rather than the
He isn't a millennial. He is over 40
>40 years old
>no children
Who hurt you?
whats the cancer on his face? distracting as fuck
Could you please apologize to him and maybe form a bond that will never be broken?
God this entire event is so odd. Normies being kind and supportive to an ugly and nerdy guy, while incels on the internet instinctively bully him.
It's not the nice kind of niceness though. It's the kind where they make the disfigured kid prom queen in order to pat themselves on the back even though all it does is reaffirm the fact that they're the ugly disfigured kid.
false flag
Early, and often
Because he's not genuine. His reaction is like he's forcing himself to cry.
The double rainbow guy was great because you can feel the excitement and genuineness of his reaction. The reaction to Star Wars is what someone who thinks a far left liberal onions boy would react to it.
>which is why /pol/ strategicaly changed their designated boogeyman from reddit to "discord trannies"
That's not reddit though. They're from voat
What would Alec Guinness tell him?
Back when fun was allowed. No fun allowed in our fun anymore, that's PROBLEMATIC. Blubber embarrassingly, shout at political enemies, pretend to be happy. But no fun allowed in your fun activities anymore.
If we were to do that he might get to become an extra in the next Sōywars movie.
This sight of him would break poor Alec.
do it yourself faggot
This is by far the gayest image I've ever seen on this website.
you are, forgive me for using this word, weeb scum
>Grown ass man
>Complaining about bullying
The absolute state of star wars fags
>imagine being so contrarian that you defend this guy
Holy shit we have gone full circle
I cant believe everyone is eating out of this retard's hand. He clearly did it to get attention and it works amazingly.
Mark just made it worse, now more people are going to see and laugh at this dude. Based af tbqh
W e C e l e b r a t e
Honestly this guys face and that red mark gives me the fucking creeps.
Can't wait til he goes away
Who is this?
The people that ridiculed him are the same that cry at mcu movies or because Hillary lost.
200iq post
This guy is Yea Forums incarnate, the ones mocking him are tourist normies who don't belong here.
>All that's accomplished is getting him on TV, making him a lot of ad revenue, and spreading the movie trailer for Disney.
disney is now for man children
keep your children away
So if you didn't like TLJ? "Pathetic Manbabies"
Cry at new shitty SW trailer? "Leave Manbaby alone!"
I see...Disney and its brainwashed masses cant take any crit for shit.
Honest question. What point is there bullying this guy besides trying to prove you're a miserable cunt?
>Crying over a Starwars trailer
>Filming it, reviewing the video of you being the world's biggest soiboi, and thinking it's a good idea to upload it
>Be surprised tens of millions of people think you're a faggot and bully you
Gee it's almost like actions have consequences
Anime website faggot
weebs in the gas
You idiot if a male victim got famous for being bullied it would be a watershed event in the history of the internet.
>40 years old
He will probably kill himself within the year, when star wars will be over and he will go back to be a kissless fugly beta faggot no one cares about/had forgotten, so it's not worth the time user
Is this "man" by any chance of the jewish fate?
Because hes a fucking pathetic waste of human excrement. Sure good for him he wanked over the teaser but because of faggots like him that we continue to get garbage. Faggots like him have no quality standards..he just loves anything via the brand. Turds like him just keeps shit afloat.
He's at a good weight for hiding his age. Fat and soft but not crazy obese. If you're skinny you're going to look a lot older once signs of aging begin to appear because you can't hide them under a layer of face fat.
God we truly live in the worst timeline. This world is crumbling, soon we won't even be dust. It can't happen soon enough. I eagerly await that final darkness.
based and bullypilled
>tfw TLJ woke you up from your Star Wars fandom
>tfw you realized it's time to grow up
>tfw you see this dude and realize that's how you looked before
So ashamed.
This, a 40 year old behaving like this fuck him
>if his reaction is genuine he's been living under a rock from all the controversy surrounding Disney Wars
nah, if his reaction is genuine I'd say it is like someone celebrating a cheeseburger from mcdonalds as gods present to mankind.
>40 year old grown ass man acts like a 5 year old kid
>white people rush to his defense
And you fuckers wonder why are you are a dying breed, lmao. Good fucking riddance.
The more this video is spread the better for society. I'm sure a lot of normie Star Wars fans will "wake up" after seeing this vid and realising what faggots they may have been.
If he didn't want to be fucked with he should have kept his faggotry to himself.
Get fucked Hamill.
sam neil is such a trash actor
How can one man so evenly divide this board?
>This world is crumbling, soon we won't even be dust.
>because of social media and twitter reactions
Get over yourself
have sex
Give it a suck my dear.
Is that what they told you in school that hurt you so much?
The really funny part is that the people criticizing him are in large part people that believe men are oppressed. A large part of that oppression is men getting made fun of for showing their emotions. And they won’t see the hypocrisy even after I point it out like this. They’ll probably just try to justify it in some way because it’s different when they do it.
Jesus fucking Christ, this thread is really still alive? I posted this in the morning, before going to the gym. What the fuck lol!
And funny part is that third wave feminists will collect easy social points for this and blame toxic masculinity.
What comes to the passionate fan. I wish I was like that and I wish I would get that kind of reaction from Star Wars. But it's just impossible. They fucked it up so badly that it just doesn't matter at this point.
If I feel something from this guy. It's feeling jelly.
Search for it yourself you lazy shit
user, this made the news. Can you tell me how many countries America currently has troops fighting in? Can you name them? The world IS social media this generation.
It maybe just... don’t be an asshole for no reason?
>user, this made the news
And because of his reaction... the world is falling apart?
ummm project somewhere else sweaty. I make fun of him because I am superior to him in every way and his behavior needs to be shamed instead of normalized
Mark is a fucking retard idk why anyone listens to anything he says anyomore. hes been insufferable since TFA
You dumb cunt, bullying only ostracizes people more, the term your looking for is banter - when a lad brings attention to something, but with a bit of humour.
Bullying is purely a tool for sadistic narcissist and sociopath normies to get their kicks.