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I think Kit has just a deadpan type of humor.
you would too if you're used to Rose Leslie
>that hint of another man's semen flavor filling your mouth as she snakes her tongue down your throat
he's obviously a fag
>She's one of the most beautiful women in the world
So Jon´s last scene in the previous episode is him learning about him being a Targeryan, so i expect the first scene of the next episode so be awkward silence between him and Sam for 30 sec, followed by him exploding in regurgitation, and a puke scene like Team America for 2 min, with Sam following suit in disgust. Anything else would make me mad
Imagine the smell
>only likes ginger slags
the state of bong genes
>The actor recently admitted that he found kissing Emilia "odd" as he considers her one of his "best friends".
This is what your oneitis thinks about you desu.
>Being friends with a woman
>implying a female friends don't balance out social gatherings and provide a sure-fire means to meet women
Have sex.
epic viral marketing, they are getting good at this stuff
Those aren't your friends, you hang out with them for the purpose of getting laid, as you admitted. They aren't your "best friends" that's for certain.
imagine all the cocks she had to suck to get to where she is. I bet she has cum breath
>This is what your oneitis thinks about you desu.
I wish I could go back in time and punch myself in the face for ever being friends with women in attempts to woo them. Took years to break that behaviour.
Why was I so retarded?
She said she was part Indian, so I can believe it.
>. Anything else would make me mad
desu is incest really so bad if its only your aunt
He can't say "I find her repulsive and her breath smells like assholes"
>woo them
based boomer
>imagine all the cocks she had to suck to get to where she is.
Mom, the cuck in me is turned on
>balance out social gatherings
You mean make them way more boring and self-censoring?
you know say what you will he'd probably look great in a toga and sandals
just sayin...
>wife is a literal at redhead noble with a castle
>forced to kiss clarke
I get it
Targaryens Always do incest
I actually have 1 female friend, used to be a friend with her bf until he moved away and they broke up
she's kinda weird and tomboyish though
they are friends so it must be cringe for them.
>Dany finds out jon is true king. >wants to kill'em now. >laces lipstick with some dragon poison she is immune to. >jon gags and chokes and dies. >rubber neckers at set see sceen and think its irl gaging. >writes piece.
If you don't have female friends your chances of finding a gf are near 0
Jon shoulda impregnated Sansa so the Stark bloodline could flourish
wasn't there a report and some russian woman that talked about kit snorting lines and sandblasting emilia?
most people dont get that the friendzone overlaps with zones of other females.
Only if you're a beta
I had two female friends for 8 years. Best time of my life
Woo Lads
Also, checked trips
Imagine being Kit in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emilia Clarke, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kit and not only sit in that chair while Emilia Clarke flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, EMILIA CLARKE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Kit. You're not going to lose your future movie career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
i dont have any friends
You're not missing anything. I have one and he's fucking useless.
Serves her right t. incel :DDDD
>She's one of the most beautiful women in the world
This. Jon didn't even care. He was more worried about betrayal.
>tfw you’ll never get to kiss mother of burgers and taste the lingering flavor of ketchup and semen
Feels bad man.
this is the gayest post ive ever seen
1. Being friends with women is okay if they're part of your circle of friends. Like if your friend's girlfriend has a friend and all four of you hang out sometimes. That's fine
2. He's lying; just doesn't like her.
escorts have all the benefits of a gf and none of the negatives,either way, tho, you still have to shell out cash
I don't got female friends and I got a gf.
I don't have friends but I have a girlfriend, I feel lonely
>Why was I so retarded?
You were a regular guy so society didn't really care much about you
Is that why he got caught with that hooker passed out drunk?
I know this is Yea Forums but male friends can hoop you up too
>Charlize Theron
Is Seth a chad?
Then they are a resource and not friends.
The english language in general should rethink the meaning of friend for them. You only have a handful of true friends in all your life. That is if you're lucky. Everyone else is a pal or an aquintance.
>tfw I have a female friend but the beta-orbiter/emotional tampon dynamic is inverted
It's honestly alright.
yeah, but he just has shit taste in women
based shithead user
>said neckbeard incel and loser
You don't get to bring female friends.
What horseshit. I haven't had friends in 10 years and I got a gf last year about 1 month after I decided I wanted one and started looking for one. All you have to do is go for it and you're going to find someone because literally 60% of the population feel lonely and want someone that makes them not feel lonely. It's that fucking simple.
>revolving even your choice of "friends" around whether or not it increases your chances of getting laid
You'd probably nail your cock to a wooden board if it helped you be just 1% more attractive.
Kit 'Often Angry' Harington just is a social autist with horrible sense of humor. Pretending to gag after a kissing scene is childish and probably hurts the other actors feelings.
This man knows what’s up.
>She's one of the most beautiful women in the world but the thought of having to kiss Emilia Clarke is apparently enough to make Kit Harrington gag.
>one of the most beautiful
>most beautiful
Based smole lad
>balance out
Do you mean...less fun?
Having female friends can have disadvantages as well.
From one side, they can help you hook up with more girls and broaden your circle, having female friends really helps also with social autismo.
In the other side, they can backstab you and cockblock you at every instance you have of getting laid (obviously because some of them may want you as a backup for later or whatever)
As someone who has experienced both sides, just be sure to be extremely careful with girls, try to be picky, and mark your like between friends and girls you like or your gf.
based kit putting the roast in her place
damn them digits were so close
based and Patrice-pilled.
I used to think that until I went to a nordic country and the average girl is way more beautiful than Emilia and don't have fat arms.
>She's one of the most beautiful women in the world
I swear, the beauty standard for women has dropped so fucking much, specially in Hollywood, how did we go from this to fucking Emilia Clarke?
Inshallah brother we will all one day have a brown qt
Forgot pic.
>Harrington pretended to visibly wretch as he made fun of his co-star
This, he is autist.
This person has no idea what they’re talking about and most likely has never dated. Don’t take advice from people like this on Yea Forums they just make shit up, it’s pathetic.
Me and my girlfriend take turns paying.
same here
>not fucking all of your female friends
What's so weird about it? If anything it makes the friendship easier
Then you and her bull take turns fucking her huh?
>how did we go from this to fucking Emilia Clarke?
I wonder who could be behind it?
Hes been banging her on the side for years. Its the best acting hes done ever
>thinks it's still 2016
fucking bully.
Betas do not exist. It is an unscientific idea that was later retracted by the author because his observations on wolves' behavior was wrongly interpreted.
The abstractest of merchants.
Beta is a colloquial reference to a broad notion mr peabrain
>Betas do not exist.
As a former fire team leader, rifle squad leader, and platoon sergeant, my 12 years of experiments in the controlled environment of an airborne infantry rifle platoon in training and combat, clearly demonstrated that there are indeed beta males who lack the intelligence, assertiveness, and desire to be a leader, while there are indeed "alpha" males that have the intelligence, desire, and assertiveness to take charge of shit and make things happen.
Academics tend to be among the biggest pussies in our society, and they lack the balls to challenge and question their academic peers, so of COURSE they're going to claim that there "are no alpha males", which is bullshit. All they had to do was go to any elementary school playground during recess, and they'd see the little alpha's at work coordinating and leading their peers in games.
But don't worry if you're not an "alpha", as human society is about team work, and we need beta males to serve as part of that team.
This. Get a clue you retards. It's a shill article.
Yes sir, a friend is a friend. A friend you know when you need one.
"Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste."
Well compared to his wife he's basically kissing a peasant girl. Literally and figuratively.
Did you look your gf straight in the eye as you gave her a firm handshake?
yep, that's the way to insanity my friend
Well, Seth McFarlane's cock has been in her mouth.
he was gagging for it
whats wrong with that?
His wife is an inbred abomination