The Last Jedi

>The Last Jedi
Let the past die! Kill it if you have to!

>The Rise Of Skywalker
Hey remember the Skywalkers? Its all about the Skywalkers! Luke is back! CGI Carrie Fisher's corpse is back! Lando is back! The Death Star is back! The Emperor is back!

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That was Kylo's philosophy in TLJ and he failed every thing he set out to do in that movie. Its safe to assume that he no longer thinks that way hence repairing his helmet.

>Let the past die! Kill it if you have to!
The absolute irony of this coming from people bating with nostalgia and fan service...

Yeah, and they're all going to die.
>let the past die
>the movie kills the past
Anything need more explaining you brainlet?

Like Rian's sad fanfic didn't rip off OT just as bad.

Him destroying the helmet had nothing to do with "letting the past die", it was him deciding not to live under Snoke's thumb anymore and become his own thing instead of a child in a mask Vader Larper.

Too bad JJ doesn't understand basic characterization or development and would rather sell toys than make a good movie.

>That was Kylo's philosophy

No it was Rian's and Kathleen's philosophy. They were desperate to break Star Wars free to set up the franchise to be whatever they wanted it be, completely pissing off all the white male fans.

Everything about The Rise Of Skywalker reeks of a desperate 180° to try and win back fan support.

I honestly don't think TLJ was as bad as fancels made it out to be, but TROS definitely seems like they are desperate to "win back" whatever fanbase they think they lost and it's disgusting and obvious. No wonder they hired JJ, the guy only good for rehashing. It should have been a hint.

I still don't know what this trilogy is about. First movie mainly sets up the story, but isn't it's own story by itself. Second movie kills off everyone and everything that could be what the trilogy is about, since you're still guessing what the story is. Now the last movie is supposed to give you answers, but it has nothing to give you answers for, and its the finale to a story that hasn't been told yet.

Where is the fucking trilogy? Its just a prologue and then retraction to the prologue.


to be honest you require a very high IQ to understand the sequels

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

that's a story for another time

Rey is the key to all of this.

Still haven't seen TLJ. If you thought TLJ killed Star wars, you were not paying attention.

>he watches childrens movies for character development.

someone call the jailer the village idiot got out again ^

she is the hole for all of them

Nice try Katherine

Very well put. TLJ killed this series not just because it was bad in and of itself, but in the way it completely closed off every interesting avenue you could follow up on.
I refuse to believe it wasn't an intentional attempt to cripple whatever came next.

They said they're bringing back palpatine, at least the actor anyway. I swear to god if his role isn't just a hologram or a flashback and he's actually back I'm fucking done with this series. I mean it already sucks but that just makes it worse

I would be fine if it's a clone, but holy fuck would that be in line with JarJar Abrams just copying the OT like he did for 7.

Why are people over the age of 12 still watching Star Wars?
These movies are painfully mediocre and Rey is the most boring character I have ever seen. She seems to have no personality at all and never faces any real challenges. Hell, her life as a scavenger might have been more interesting and wrought with hardships than her Jedi career.
Then you have Darth Schoolshooter who got his shit kicked in by an amateur. Plus Sheev 2.0 is already dead so you don't have an antagonist that isn't a bumbling retard and has already been defeated.
The only characters who are actually somewhat bearable are black janitor stormtrooper and Oscar Isaac. They actually show emotions and it might have been really interesting to see a couple of normal guys facing off a Jedi or a Sith. But interesting isn't what Disney wants. They want to milk the franchise for what it's worth.

Shut your face cunt, your mum as a goat I came from India to ungland your father is a cunt and your mother is a goats tits !

>pissing off all white males
there were plenty of white males who loved TLJ too

I watched 7 in theaters, then i lost all interest in Disney's star wars stuff. Didn't watch 8, might torrent 9 because palpatine. I am excited for Clone wars season 6 though.

I didnt even watch 8 yet because i heard snoke dies in some mega retarded way and i really wanted him to be some kind of sinister horrifying transcendental thing, which is the vibe I got from him in 7. So now theyve killed this villain that couldve been interesting, and they're maybe bringing back old blood. Snooze. Should I even bother watching 8

>Its safe to assume that he no longer thinks that way hence repairing his helmet.
No, him repairing his helmet is just JJ trying to convince viewers that he is going to fix was Rian broke

Rian Johnson is the hack of all hacks, should be some kind of award for being this incompetent

>expecting western women to look good

watch it be neither of those but worse, like somebody else's memory of palpatine

literally nobody said that

looks like your expectations have been subverted

to be fair, JJ didn't set up anything to work with. he just made a remake of ANH and called it a day

stretching that word a little thin don't you think

>Children's movies
>Rated pg-13
>Also implying kids movies can't have good character development

Are you fucking retarded?

>Hosnian Prime destroyed
>The rest of the New Republic capitulates and lets the imperial remnant insurrection roll over them.
For Deity's sake, Admiral. Just because you blow up the capital and the fleet stationed there, doesn't mean the rest of the republic's military forces stationed elsewhere would just let you "seize military control of the galaxy". You wouldn't just be facing off the Resistance, but also the more powerful (and pissed off) New Republic remnant fleets as well. Who knows, they could be sending in their commandos to aid the Resistance.

>what is jewish/marxist demoralisation
>what is jewish/marxist subversion
Disney Star Wars and MCU is part of a social engineering operation orchestrated by the globalist elite.

The Resistance base had the whole Republic between them and Starkiller, but they were the only ones to mount an attack against this very visible threat.
So I guess the Republic military outside its main fleet was a big nothing, or they'll show up in IX to give us another plot hole.

-Don't worry commander remember that the New Republic did a pact to demilitarize his army to avoid all the wars, a ALMOST perfect plan but with a little flaw that our scientifics from the First Order found out.
-What flaw?
-If they don't have a army and we do then we can I mean we maybe can win if we are lucky

strange form to spell J J Abrahams

Hello in a white male and that is a 10/10 Aryan specimen t bh
Check and mate, incel

He has an Urban Dictionary entry. I count that as his "reward".

Yeah, go watch blues clues and come back and make a thread on the lack of characterization.
Then kys you retard.

this, people are so fucking retarded

It's not about anything. It's a completely empty set of landscapes and action scenes adding up to nothing.

Penis caged mutants.

That's not Eric Butts

Nah guys, it'll be time travel

Understand punctuation and capitalization.

>Hosnian Prime
Wait, they couldn't even kill off Coruscant?

Wasn't it the other way around, helmet being his own way in footsteps of Vader?
Kylo meeting Sheev might actually give him some balls to finally beat the mouth breathing cunt.