Kinos you would recommend while high?

Kinos you would recommend while high?

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Super High Me
Doug Benson is so tragically pathetic and unfunny it will scare you out of being a degenerate, and you’ll never want to get high again.

FUCK stonie drug addicts. Called the cops last weekend on normies on my floor in my apartment because I smelled weed. Will do it again.

>inb4 it's not addictive
Right that's why you smoke everyday and go to class/work high and when you're out of drugs you pathetically scrape disgusting resin from your dirty pipes because you aren't addicted

it makes you feel alright bro, like relaxed, happy with life, you can function in society just as well with weed, you only feel better about yourself, and what's the problem with that my dude?

The Truman Show
Come and See
Hot Fuzz
Kingdom of Heaven
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
Bitter Lake
Man Bites Dog
Dark Skies
The Holy Mountain

Maybe learn to cope with life without drugs? Your argument applies equally to heroin "bro." If you need a chemical high to enjoy life or to like movies then maybe consider rehab

so? it's my problem if i choose to fuck my body up


can't argue with those numbers

Dazed and Confused

Any Linklater kino

>haha there's no such thing as harming society I'm an individual unit only

In a state where this is legal you wouldn't be so worked up trying to feed your pitiable superiority complex.

>haha alcoholism and gambling addictions are fine bro it's legal

sorry kiddo but this ain't one of your society reddit boards

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The truth is that weed is for degenerate losers and anyone who does it is a retarded nigger. How many times have you heard of an intelligent person smoking marijuana? Every single one is a failure. Given the fact that its pushed in these liberal hellholes like California and Denver its not surprising that society is moving away from god. All of the people currently abusing it will wind up as failures. May god have mercy on your stupid souls. Even stoners will agree with me here and read the first letter of every sentence.

What a NERD

>How many times have you heard of an intelligent person smoking marijuana?
Hey bro I go to my $15/hr warehouse job all the time high on weed at 10am in the morning (it's not addictive byw) haha you can be successful with weed I'm living proof also I know some grad students that will never have a real job who smoke weed that means smart people smoke weed too btfo

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It's not an emergency, I just want to fuck over stonie losers. What's your argument?

Carl Sagan and Elon Musk are the only one I can think of off the top of my head but there are likely more. I think this is a correlation and causation problem. Marijuana doesn’t make you stupid and lazy. Most people who smoke weed do it because they’re already retarded niggers.

absolutely based

Elon Musk smoked weed once, it was a novelty. A celebrity getting drunk once doesn't make him an alcoholic any more than Elon is a stonie.

Carl Sagon was some tv presenter -- is your argument that media personalities can smoke weed and still succeed? I guess, there's lots of functioning alcoholics and heroin addicts in media too. Shouldn't really base your life off of the exceptions.

It’s possible to smoke weed without being a stoner. It’s like having a beer every now and then with the boys vs being an alcoholic.

Excalibur isn't mellow enough for smoking with. For me, it made scene where Uryens knights Arthur instead of keeping the sword seem almost overwhelming. The score of Wagner music just makes it a little too much.

I smoked weed multiple times daily up until last week. I need to piss clean to become an EMT. Not only do I have a genius level IQ and and a science degree, your life and the lives of your friends may very well potentially be in my hands whether you like it or not. Quitting now and quitting in the past has always been easy for me, I would say there are cravings for three days or so, then it drops off a cliff, for me anyway. Like today I felt no desire to smoke, despite having some yesterday. Then again, im undoubtedly more well adjusted and successful than the average stoner.

I will say this, weed really does take away your drive, it makes life so much comfier, even when everything is fucking up all around you. When I go without smoking for a few weeks, my find feels clearer than ever, but even when “dulled” by THC im sure im smarter and more capable than you across the board. Id also bet im better looking than you too. Feelsgoodman.

Having a beer doesn't get you intoxicated. It's more akin to shooting dope or dropping acid once in a while. Which would make you a DRUGGIE. Accepting lazy escpaist dumb druggies who can't cope with life without getting inebriated is no way to run a society. Stoners should be shunned.

>genius level IQ
>going to become an EMT

Literally the dumbest retards who barely graduated high school all became EMTs in my home town. You're a retard, Cheech. Maybe you'd have an actual career making more than $10/hr if you had laid off the pot.

Carl Sagan was an Ivy League phd astrophysicist and author. Are we going to just keep moving the goalposts to exclude anyone who might make you wrong?

weed is for appreciating things, and Excalibur has a lot of themes worth appreciating, the knighting and sword breaking scenes on, cannabis were earth shattering to me, I really like intense and heavy things when high it makes me more empathetic

You standing in front of the mirror it's a comedy

>Having a beer doesn't get you intoxicated
Yes it does.

Yeah and I'm sure he took bong rips before going to his 10am class or to his janitor job every day like every other stoner. Dude probably smoked a couple times a year and every druggie uses him as the exception to prove they aren't addicted to pot.

Why is this autist giving us morality lessons. Get sucked and fucked you sober cuck. I'm about to put on Excalibur and take a fat rip.

Why not learn to appreciate things sober rather than rely on drugs to get through life?

Im actually becoming a PA you fucking mongoloid, EMT is a stepping stone, but one im extremely passionate about. Im more excited about it than ive ever been about anything in my entire life. I want to help people. It’s called having passion, something you know nothing about outside of shitposting about stoners like a miserable faggot (wrong board too, by the way). In the course I absolutely murdered every exam component to the point where the instructor shook my hand, called me a “beast” and a “high performer” and urged me to keep in touch. Second one done with the final exam, earned the highest score in the class.
My current job makes me more cash than EMT by far but leaving it because im not passionate about it. I hate sales, and despite murdering at it by manipulating morons like you (and being good looking) ive had enough of it and dont want to go back. Like I said before, youre a fucking loser with a one track mind, im absolutely certain that im better than you in every way, despite my past drug usage.

Wow all those words you sure have a lot to prove. Sounds like you know being a stoner is shameful shit hence why you called it “past” drug use implying you’ve reformed.

who gives a fuck? i've been high and drunk for like 10 years, i just watch old black/white ww1, ww2 footage over and over.

All I can do when I smoke is eat pizza and watch TV. That's all this forum is about anyway. I like visual stuff, wes Anderson films, whatever classics are on the top list of imdb. Stuff you have already seen and liked. Happy 420.

I don't drink, even socially. We all have vices bro. Replace me smoking right now with having a few beers and watching the movie, its literally no different.

No one would ever post a “movies to watch when you have 2-3 beers.” That’s proof enough that it’s not the same and you’re chasing inebriation with drugs in a way that’s not the same with a few beers.

Yeah, because I have to piss clean for the greater good. Of course id never show up to work high (even as a salesman) but what I do on my own time is my business. Smoking a bowl as the sun rises with a cup of coffee is beyond comfy, you should try it sometime. Piss testing for marijuana due to the length of time it stays in your system is bullshit however I have no choice but to comply.

I did do mushrooms in Joshua Tree National Park while hunting Native American rock art sites (found two) in the backcountry about a month ago though, which was a legitimately profound experience for me, so I still fuck around with drugs a bit. To be fair though, I hadnt done any psychedelics for years before that trip.

Literally everything. That's the point of weed

legion the tv show