American """""comedy"""""
American """""comedy"""""
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I'm number 4 on the list lol
I think you mean
I voted for Donald Trump
>calls African nations "shithole countries"
absolutely nothing wrong with that statement.
Why isnt betrayed his entire voting base and supports endless wars for Israel on the list?
Didn't he say that about Haiti?
they couldn't even come up with a single legitimate reason
Haiti might as well be an African nation.
Look up the ethnicity of the country.
But it's not.
Is Haiti a part of Africa or is it not a part of Africa, you fucking pig?
Colbert has fallen so far. He went from parodying conservative news pundits to being a self-parody of liberal pundits
How do I get clean handwriting like this?
Speak for yourself, I love it that comedy is so streamlined these days so it points to one orange man. It makes things simple and I know when to laugh because everyone hates him.
What's the majority ethnicity of Haiti?
Literally the Glenn Beck of liberals, complete with retarded whiteboard
>complete with retarded whiteboard
The ultimate irony
>insults intelligence community
>keeps insulting John McCain
They say it like it's a bad thing.
i don't see how giving a speech about a sex boat to boy scouts is a bad thing
He doesn't though. And Israel is one of the only allies that doesn't treat Trump or America like shit, why wouldn't he be friendly with them? Israel is more loyal to our alliance than Eurofags at this point, sorry to say.
You retards that expected le epic Nazi Trump did this to yourselves, you believed all the fake bullshit too, but you liked it.
john mccain is a HERO and liberals have ALWAYS loved him
>McCain: I just think we should keep a close eye on Russia. They Putin's up to no good.
>Obama: haha err uhhh the uhhh cold wars umm over, John haha
Good times.
It is, racially.
Actually it’s worse. That was from the 2012 Romney debate, four years AFTER Russia has already invaded Georgia.
Have late night show hosts ever been as politically involved as they have in the past 3 years?
>anonymous insiders say
>puts kids in cages
yeah, on obama policy
>gave security clearance to son-in-law
because nepotism and cronyism didn't exist in washington before trump came along
repeatedly humpered flag
citation needed
>called nazis very fine people
he didn't
>hasn't released tax returns yet
who the fuck cares?
all that birther stuff - racist
it's not.
>thought frederick douglas was alive
because no politian in washington made a gaffe before trump came along
>tried to ban muslims
as he should have
>gave a speech about a sex boat to boy scouts
citation needed
>ruined kanye
he ruined himself
>sides with dictators over us intelligence
because no true patriot should ever question a government agency that spied on a running candidate on a flimsy pretext and that has lied to american people for decades
>spelled melania wrong
wtf i hate trump now
>threatened to jail political opponents
because criminals should never go to jail if their surname start with 'c' and ends with 'n'
jesus fuck i could go on and on but this shit is so tiresome it's not even worth my time. and i'm on Yea Forums.
russia did not invade georgia though.
>Actually dignifying any of that with a response
The absolute state of reddit
i realized the gravity of my mistake halfway through but it was too late to turn back
The majority of america (56%) is of european ancestry but it's not an european nation
They couldn't make those points more dishonest if they tried. The cope levels are off the fucking charts.
How is that bad? We all had a bipartisan chuckle with that one.
>Refuses to get dog
Well he has a point, it's tradition for the US president to have a pet.
kushner was denied security clearance
>getting this triggered every time someone takes a jab at your orange celebrity overlord
Its almost like its a comedy show or something and maybe shouldn't trigger you so much.
Late night talk show "comedy" is widely considered unfunny and just kind of pathetic by most people. I suppose that isn't the kind of response you want though, is it?
Colbert is a special case because he literally works for the Democratic Party. He's been involved with them ever since his sister ran for Congress as a Democrat back in 2012.
fuck off, what insults me is how pathetic those jabs are
>Seething alt right replies to an image of a comedy show to set it right
I'm giving you a (you) just for the dedication to your autism.
what did he mean by this
it's an honor to have your (you), sir
he also played a conservative character, trying to mock fox new pundits, but almost every conservative liked it. It probably drove him a bit nuts.
So why has he made fun of the democrats?
Actual reasons why trump is a bad president
>Lied about "Illegals out" (Illegals IN, sanctuary cities.)
>Lied about wall
>Lied about locking hillary up
>Very very pro israel
>Unsupportive of wikileaks
What else
he's a fat fuck retard who is likely to keel over with a heart attack if any real war breaks out
I think a war breaking out over Kashmir would break most presidents.
Trump's lucky in getting to preside over a period of economic growth.
He's not wrong you know.
Orange man bad
*Laughs in the background*
>drumphtards this seething
Back to r*ddit with you poltard
seething mexican
Liking Trump in 2019 is like posting rage comics and saying "epic fail"; it was funny at one point but if you're still doing it, you're just a loser.
In after 59 cope posts.
Joke's on you, the Alt-Right supports Yang.
to think this is exaclty the type of person he mocked to launch his career
its remarkable. the total lack of self awareness.
Kill yourself
At least in the old days he had some teeth. Might not have agreed with him but he had a funny schtick. Now he's such a tired old man. Network TV: where originality and integrity goes to die
They are so salty about the Mueller report today. They are spinning this so much.
>white nationalists are unironically voting for an Asian
Half the stuff on that list is lies and the other half are actually good things made to look "bad".
what war has trump started or supported?
na they hated him
and song bird mccain was and always will be a spoiled admirals son.
not as pathetic as liberals acted today when Mueller destroyed their hopes of getting rid of him.
>Lied about "Illegals out" (Illegals IN, sanctuary cities.)
He's just wanting to dump them there because the dems are blocking
imagine some intern had to write all that crap.
Lied about wall
Wall is being built.
Being pro israel is a good thing.
Fuck wikileaks.
The econoic growth was because of trump. Just look at how GDp went from stagnant under obama to actually growing again.
he veto'd a bill to stop supporting/selling weapons to the UAE for their yemen thing
Keep living in your bubble. He's gonna win again in 2020. Bet on it.
he's seething so hard lmao.
If your own party goes on massive "um, actually he said shit house countries, not shithole, because you know they don't have indoor plumbing" TV defense tour, there's no doubt that he fucking said it. Otherwise why would they try to change part of what he said instead of denying it altogether?
>Being pro israel is a good thing.
>Being pro israel is a good thing.
lmao @ triggered magatards itt
yeah they're the triggered ones
central bank bootlicker
mass immigration supporter
HERO as in the hero who crashed four A-4's, gave up government secrets, and got half a boat blown up killing over 100 men?
They called our bluff bros, Trumps going to prison for sure now
Because we are bored and its funny.
It literally is.
I'm actually going on vacation there.
Not as triggered as you lefties were today.
How did mueller time end up being for you?
Why are Americans so autistic when it comes to politics?
Yes but the majority of Haiti is niggers and it's a shithole.
I say that about my home country too. American liberals seem to be the most retarded people on earth, I swear. They don't give a fuck about context and mother other people to the point where it gets racist. Get your shit together, Americans, ffs
I don't believe this is the political board, you stupid retards. so I want you democraps and Republicant's to get the hell off of Yea Forums and go back to CNN and fox news and kindly shrivel up and die.
Haiti is 100% nigger that's why the Dominican Republic exists.
Non-arguments + who cares?:
>security clearance
>tax returns
>frederick douglas
>ruined kanye
>spelled melania wrong
>white supremacist support
>fathered don jr
>pathological liar
>god bless america
>paid off porn star
>refuses to get dog
>keeps insulting john mccain
>insults allies
>twitter feud
>very stable genius
>shithole countries
>endorsed roy moore
>can't close umbrella
>enemy of the people
>kleenex chiefs
>totally dumb
Deliberately out of context, unproven, or false
>kids in cages
>very fine people
>birther stuff (which he admitted was wrong)
>boy scout speech
>sides with dictators
>threatened to jail opponents
>surrounded by criminals
>sexual assault allegations
>threw paper towels
>attacks private citizens
>insults intelligence community
>campaign finance law
>climate change report
>5 million illegal voters
Probably the only one that matters
>denigrates gold star families
This image blows my mind. He has to be in the pocket of democratic politicians. There's no way he can be this stupid.
John McCain is a war criminal. The bombing of Hanoi was a war crime
does CNN / MSNBC / Fox not count as tv?
>yeah, on obama policy
Obama never had a policy to separate every single child from their families as a purely punitive measure the moment they are apprehended, that is pure Trump administration. And it applied even if they were applying for asylum or the child was literally a toddler. They collected thousands of kids in a handful of months, which is why they ran out of room immediately, which created new problems because they didn't prepare in advance in anyway (incompetent being a staple of this presidency). And to put a cherry on top when they were told to stop and reunite the families they then went "whoopsie we didn't keep any records of these kids we ripped away from their parents, I guess we can't reunite them because we also kinda went and already deported the parents" in court and tried to throw the responsibility to fix this mess to non-profit organizations. And recently, in court again, they said they still haven't managed to reunite everyone, almost a year later after being tood to do it, and they would need at least two more years. After arguing that now that they've already traumatized the children once by taking them away from their parents they shouldn't be reunited now because it'd be traumatic to remove them from their current environment. So they've literally tried to say it's okay to kidnap children.
This is the immoral human cruelty you're defending by trying to obfuscate and deflect blame away from the people who intentionally made it happen.
>tried to ban muslims
If you’re non-white, impregnate some jewesses over there
When did you first become a victim of Russian propaganda my child?
>beloved by white supremacists
And black supremacists did tacticall voting for Hillary and Bernie, this is literally guilt by association.
I read them all, its indisputable that Trump colluded.
Seth Abramson should have been appointed special council
>Calls African nations shithole countries
How are they not? I thought he had a problem with Trump being a liar, why should he lie about African nations then?
>any day now!
Which totally makes it not a shithole country.
keep seething leftoid. see you in 2020
He was funny on Strangers With Candy too
>Actually believing Trump was paying kids to make meme pages on Facebook.
Lol these people. They will never give it up will they?
Imagine hyping up Mueller for two years and being ever so certain that he'll get Trump impeached but his report clears him of collusion and obstruction so you conveniently remember that Mueller is a Republican and immediately switch your narrative to one where Mueller was covering for Trump and you knew the whole time but in reality you're already loading the shell into your shotgun and putting the barrel in your mouth.
Il see you tomorrow at impeachment oclock MAGAtard
Quick someone send those to mueller.... HE GOT IT WRONG!!!
>Imagine hyping up Mueller for two years
you don't have to imagine
oh you're just making fun of them, my bad fellow trumper.
>clears him of collusion and obstruction
Mueller just fed Schiff 450 pages of obstruction / impeachment material, no one gives a fuck about what Barr thinks rural retards
did he write 450 tweets?
Why can't we just send every single one of these people back the very second they cross the border?
85% of "asylum seekers" miss their court date and continue to be illegals in the country
>immoral human cruelty
You are blowing this out of proportion and I literally do not give a single fuck.
I just want my country back from you sociopaths.
>denigrates gold star families
well that paki muslim and his cunt wife deserved it.
The one and only reason he's a bad president is his support for Israel.
>no collusion by the Trump campaign
>no obstruction by the Trump campaign
>no corruption by the Trump campaign
>no illegal payments by the Trump campaign
>b-b-but we d-didn't need the report...i-i-i only b-believe c-c-commondreams
>Mueller just fed Schiff 450 pages of obstruction / impeachment material, no one gives a fuck about what Barr thinks rural retards
imagine actually thinking this.
You didn't see what was in the report did you. There was no evidence of any obstruction. Just "10 questionable act". Sorry that's not proof of obstruction. Barr put the kibosh on that a little adam shit can't do a thing about it.
451 tweets, every single one a masterpiece
We know Obama was a pussy, child separation was a good thing and I wish it was still going on. These people will keep coming unless we do something that makes them stay away. If you come here illegally you should have your children taken away.
They should stop trying to cross into the US illegally.
why didn't this guy just write an article instead?
>Obama never had a policy to separate every single child from their families as a purely punitive measure the moment they are apprehended, that is pure Trump administration. And it applied even if they were applying for asylum or the child was literally a toddler. They collected thousands of kids in a handful of months, which is why they ran out of room immediately, which created new problems because they didn't prepare in advance in anyway (incompetent being a staple of this presidency). And to put a cherry on top when they were told to stop and reunite the families they then went "whoopsie we didn't keep any records of these kids we ripped away from their parents,
Oh well. Sucks for the mexrament.
Honestly there is no reason any of these invaders have any right to claim asylum.
Taking their children away was both right and justified in my view. It was a great deterrent.
this is a level beyond coping
>There was no evidence of any obstruction. Just "10 questionable act".
Congress can impeach for literally anything they want, Barr does not mean shit when your at the big boys table jew
Get ready for the democrat bengazi inside the second watergate inside cyber 9/11 live on your TV every day for the next year
What a bold faced lie. Majority of people, about 90%, are present at their court hearing. Trump's own DOJ stas prove this.
He wrote an entire book, its called "proof of collusion" yes i am serious
>Congress can impeach for literally anything they want
They can but they won't because even they have now said they won't do that. There literally is zero evidence that President Trump committed any crime.
>Get ready for the democrat bengazi inside the second watergate inside cyber 9/11 live on your TV every day for the next year
They already had it with mueller and it failed. You lost. Move on.
What the fuck is he even saying?
Jesus that guy in mentally unhinged.
The mueller report was pretty clear that there was not crime commited by the President, are these tards just trying to find anything to try and eeek a win out of this?
So far has twice vetoed bills to stop supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen.
Appointment of corporate shills to nearly every fucking position possible.
>patriotism is problematic
>We are all patriots, onward!
See, my first and foremost problem with leftists isn't their stupid political opinions and putting feelings before thinking but the absolute contradictory and hypocritical state of mind they're in.
those that are proven to be legit asylum seekers not the ones who lie about it.
basically it's just cope at this point.
Oh no we must stop taking billions from the Saudis because of some flip-flop wearing desert dwellers in a country no one in the US has heard of!
Holy shit those tweets read like an extreme textbook examples of pilpul... that jew has read his talmud and he took it to the heart.
Your a fucking retard if you think this is over, Mueller testimony within a week, following by a subpenis for every single member of his team to come tell Schiff how orange man bad for 4 hours
Your absolutely fucked kiddo
It hasn't deterred anything. And they have all the right to apply for an asylum, it's up to the court decide if their case has merit, and Trump's administration has done its damnest to remove as much as possible from the criteria that is considered grounds for getting asylum just to block them. Out of pure bigotry.
>are these tards just trying to find anything to try and eeek a win out of this?
Did you really expect anything different from them?
>Out of pure bigotry.
r*ddit nigger
>Fusion GPS
>Natalya Veselnitskaya
>Joseph Mifsud
>Hamburger Halper
This kills the Mueller. Go ahead and bring him in for testimony.