Seen this movie a hundred times


He isn't any of the marines that die, or are shown. He isn't one of the people who lives. He looks somewhat Hispanic yes?

Maybe an extra who got cut early in filming and they forgot to cut it?

This is probably in some stupid youtube video. "Top 10 things you didn't know about aliens!"

But I legit have never seen this guy.

Attached: diversity2.jpg (2140x1289, 271K)

Other urls found in this thread:

crew member of the ship itself? Honestly I can't remember if the ship had any actual crew, or if it was just the marines. Seriously, who pilots the ship? Who does maintenance on it when there's a problem? It's retarded as hell to send an empty ship with just marines across the galaxy to another solar system. You would think a ship of that size minimum would have a compliment of at least 1-2 platoons of marines, with a substantial crew that actually crews the ship itself, including a captain, several officers and enlisted men. The ship itself is something like 358 meters long.

To put that in perspective, an Arleigh Burke destroyer, something I would consider the Sulaco to be of a similar class (for a spaceship) is 158m in length and has a crew of over 250 officers and enlisted men. The Sulaco is a spaceship, so obviously a lot of that length is its engines / reactors or w/e, but its crew should still at least be a few dozen officers / enlisted men, carrying a few platoons of marines. Fuck, a ship that size could probably carry an entire COMPANY of marines depending on the length of the mission.

Right. I'm not arguing with any of that and it's autism - but I'm saying Ive seen this movie almost 100 times and never seen this guy. It's a legit mistake.

>This is probably in some stupid youtube video. "Top 10 things you didn't know about aliens!"
this is exactly the case, there was one more guy cast as a marine but he was found to be an unsavory individual and was cut from the final

No shit. That's weird because I saw the super long extended documentary on the Bluray and it never mentions it. I don't watch a lot of those top 10 shit bag youtube videos anyway.


He’s not the copilot of the drop ship?


That's Weirzbowski sitting down on the far right.

Spunkmyer is next to hicks on the cargo with the hat.

>watched movie hundreds of times
>doesn't know the characters
It's too early for b8 of this magnitude.

ok who is he?

Hes assumably crew. Hangar crew specificially but having to conserve resources even air and being centuries in the future it’s probably realistic to have bare minimum crew.

Also the other marine platoons are probably in stasis thise guys had just woken up.

Woah, whatd he do?

I can't remember exactly what it was, but I'm pretty sure he diddled a couple kids or something. Either that or he was a junkie, one of the two methinks

do you have a sauce for this because I can't find shit?

This the other guy is Crowe

Ah, of course

no Crowe is talking to them on the other side of the shot. He's the leader.

No thats Gorman

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Yeah Weirzbowski he dies off screen when an alien grabs him during the shootout

In the list i provided is clearly shows that guy as Crowe the one OP wasn sure about is Wheres bowski

oh right, that's his name.

Crowe and Wierzbowski die in the ammo bag explosion


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I want to lick her triceps.

Have you ever been mistaken for a man

She thought they said illegal alien and signed up.

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>It's retarded as hell to send an empty ship with just marines across the galaxy
My headcanon is that the biggest cost in spaceflight is the hypersleep pods. Consider the expense of keeping someone in intensive care in hospital.

Hi Op.
that man was there in case there were any questions pertaining to bonus situations and life insurance policies. it's standard space marine procedure.

>kike playing a hispanic
literally a white washed character....disgusting.

I wanna lick her pits.

Pretends to be a irish lady in Titanic as well

Who's to the left of Vasquez

But who was phone?

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Kinda hidden but you see their lips and leg

Non combat
In the rear with the gear

grinning with no linen.

Pretty sure it's the pilot chick.

has to be. Those lips bro

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i bet she fucks like a fighter jet