oh nonono
Oh nonono
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i don't understand?
who is this nigga and why should I care?
Literalmente quien
>Trying to make people turn against Joe Rogan
lmao, doesn't he know that way bigger people than him have tried and failed?
>so I know a few trans folks x1,000,000
This guy is the personification of every liberal on TV.
It's easy to sound smart when you're in front of a TelePrompter with a script written by a team of writers. But these clowns can never do these things on their own without their controlled enthronement.
>the absolute state of modern liberalism
Today's trans youth is tomorrow's biofuel.
Better yet Onionslent Green for transvegans.
now this I can stand behind
don sneedle
Man, when did the switch happen with tranny shit. People used to hate them openly, I'm curious what year public opinion shifted?
everything went wrong then
>everyone pretends joe is the alpha one and adam is the beta one even though adam is taller than joe
hilarious shit...
piggybacked behind gay rights/marriage
the slippery slope is real
hey Owen, sorry about your Paypal account
And Thats A Good Thing!
Gender politics really hit its stride after gays got the right to marry country wide and activists needed something to harp on to continue their job.
I hate this shit.
Finally a man not afraid to say what we're all thinking.
Always with that word
Anyone in their late-20's now or older will very distinctly remember in the mid-2000's the anti-gay marriage crowd predicting exactly this type of rampant degeneracy and everyone laughing at them saying there is NO WAY ten years from then it would be mainstream for teenagers to have sex changes and teachers be forced into using certain pronouns.
I fully admit I was one of the people who laughed at them and bought all that LOVE IS LOVE bullshit.
Yeah. The whole "slippery slope is a fallacy" thing was bullshit.
>dude just fuck with 7 year old's hormones because they wanna be a girl, if you don't you're a nazi
Fuck it i'm turning to Islam
If I donate will a little girly boy make a commercial thanking me like that brittle boned weirdo in the shriner's commercials? Mite b cool.
And now people who say pedophilia is next on the list of things you are forced to accept are laughed at as well.
you can trace a ton of the current angst among conservatives to this exact lie. it was almost a tacit understanding that once gay marriage was "accomplished" this shit would be put on the backburner. then they just doubled down five or six times over like gay marriage wasn't won by the narrowest of margins.
The fact that they push it on kids makes me think the minimum age to transition should be 18.
Well yeah, they don't make it past youth.
Women should never have been allowed to vote.
In a few Islamic countries, namely Iran, they're very pro-transgender. I think the reasoning is that it supports traditional gender roles. The government will even pay for part of your reassignment surgery. They do more reassignment surgeries than any country in the world, save for Thailand. Obviously not all Islamic countries are like that, though.
Slippery slope """"fallacy"""", am I right?
>gay marriage wasn't won by the narrowest of margins.
It wasn't won by any margins, it was just imposed by (((courts))). States passed laws by popular referendum banning it and they just threw out the laws.
It's literally a fallacy tho, /pol/tard.
it passed popular referendum in Australia, a country vastly more conservative than the USA at large. gay marriage probably would pass in the USA if put to a vote.
but not by much. And that's where oversteps like this trans shit are having a major effect.
The actual fallacy is more specific than people generally think though. People abuse the term in casual discussions.
How can you claim it's a fallacy when we've just watched it happen over the last two decades?
That user is falling for the fallacy fallacy. Just because an argument contains a fallacy it doesn't mean that the argument is false.
The fallacy is pretending the slippery slope is a fallacy.
Saying slippery slope is a fallacy completely ignores momentum and how things might change. Voting for reactionary politicians in 1930s Germany who just wanted to take their country back from the Jews surely wouldn't lead to wanting to restrict Jewish rights and certainly wouldn't lead to wanting to deport them and it most certainly wouldn't lead to deciding to imprison them in labor camps and it absolutely never would lead to the government deciding to just kill them. That's an extreme example and guilty of invoking Hitler but you can't just say that people who want to do one extreme thing won't just keep pushing the envelope.
Honestly if you're not racist you're not paying attention.
They still do. Most people view them as mentally ill and disgusting. It's only a vocal minority on social media.
>kids are not old enough to have sex
>but they're old enough to be put on drugs and have their genitals scrambled for life if they ask for it
>also they're old enough to be told in detail that being gay means one man sticks an erect penis up another man's asshole and if you don't like that then you're a bigot
What is wrong with wanting something?
What is wrong with a simple difference of opinion?
But it's not. Trannys prove this.
slippery slope
You said that if we allow A to happen, then Z will eventually happen too, therefore A should not happen.
The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.
Low IQ tards. Keep being homophobic and transphobic, that's all your brain is capable of.
Majority of people despise these people openly and will continue to because it's unnatural and disgusting. Hollywood and the media/Social Media can push this all they want, and yes a few people will drink the coolaid. But the majority of people will always be against this shit. Always.
The fact that you will get instantly banned of twitter/facebook if you talk about how disgusting trannies are just goes to show how hard they are trying to brainwash the masses. Social media is probably the worst thing the West has ever created and imo will be the sole reason for its downfall.
Do people really think you can "change your gender". How can people deny biology?
It's an informal fallacy, brainlet
gender is a social construct
profit is theft
speech is violence
are you kidding me? Gay marriage vote banned in California of all places. The most liberal state in America. No it would not pass if went up for a vote.
Baba is you and gay
Setting precedents and taking actions that will make certain things more likely in the future is a real thing. Saying A happening means Z must happen can be a fallacy, but most people aren't saying that when they're accused of slippery slope fallacies.
>Social media is probably the worst thing the West has ever created and imo will be the sole reason for its downfall.
Nah it won't be its downfall. This wave of weird brainwashing shit is just Westerners figuring out how a new technology works. But you can bet once the West masters social media and high-speed internet, it will be a terrifying weapon against other cultures.
Yes Normalizing homosexuality was wrong because it would lead to more extreme anti-social behaviors and now we've seen it with the trans nonsense.
Are justified as both those behaviors are un-natural and anti-social. They are abnormal.
So letting fags get married has had no impact on tranny freaks teaching kids it's okay to want to chop your dick off?
Have sex
We talkin' bout interracial relationships in this bitch? Or gay people?
>Low IQ tards. Keep being homophobic and transphobic, that's all your brain is capable of.
I'm willing to bet that i'm
a) Smarter than you
b) More sucessful than you
c) Happier than you
also d) (not that wealth is important) Probably more financially stable than you.
LMFAO at regurgitating arguments that were demolished ages ago. Homosexuality is completely natural, because it literally occurs in nature, so shut the fuck up.
>gender is a social construct
It literally is.
Imagine being such an idiot
makes it easier for hollywood pedophiles to be openly sexual with children
Keep being ableist you jerk
Sex isn't though. A lot of people use gender as a synonym for sex.
Kek so is the rape and murder of (your own) children legalize NOW!!’
Indonesia is the country in world who have the most transgenders but also the most muslims
>LMFAO at regurgitating arguments that were demolished ages ago.
They were never demolished.
>Homosexuality is completely natural, because it literally occurs in nature
False it does not. Homosexuality is not based on any kind of love but rather lust. It's one of the reasons why faggots have so many sexual partners. Contrary to what you people like to push Homosexuality is not common in animals and it usually just a sexual outburt similar to how dogs hump legs.
In short, faggotism is just another sexual fetish. It's one of the reason why so many of you end up dying alone.
how is sticking a bum into a guys hole abnormal?
Gender is a jewish construct. The only thing you should concern yourself with is biological sex.
What do you know about brains, defect cashcow for big pharma?
Sex is biology gender was nonsense created by pseudoscience.
Fine. Samurai did it.
Do whatever makes you happy with your body or living your life. But don't fuck around with kids.
There is nothing natural about homosexuality, it's a perversion that freaks end up taking too far just like trannies.
The idea that 'gender', when referring to something other than language, was more than a synonym for 'sex' was literally invented by a pedophile (John Money) as an elaborate justification for molesting kids.
>t. definitely some kind of biologist
Your faggotism is astounding.
Murder and rape happens in nature too, let's legalize them.
Oddly enough, Iran at least is really pro-trans. Homosexuality is illegal in Iran but being transgender is not, although I think the catch is that if you identify that way you're required to get hormones and surgery so it's still sort of hardcore but what do you expect in a theocracy?
I'm not a fan of it either, I'm just pointing out that even if you believe in that concept of gender as distinct from sex, you can't deny sex is biological and not socially constructed. There are fundamental differences between men and women.
You do know one data point is not a trend, right fellow some kind of biologist?
>False it does not. Homosexuality is not based on any kind of love but rather lust. It's one of the reasons why faggots have so many sexual partners. Contrary to what you people like to push Homosexuality is not common in animals and it usually just a sexual outburt similar to how dogs hump legs.
So the definition of slippery slope didn't get through to you how useless baseless conjecture is in an argument? This is hilarious. You morons legit think you're some kind of oppressed geniuses when in reality you'd be laughed off in the first round of a high school debate session. Maybe if you dropped the punished white gamer act for a second you'd actually be capable of using your brain.
I don't know man. The way Social Media pushes these ideologies and can instantly make such a huge group of people think a certain way is insanely scary. I've seen people just in the past few years alone completely warp their own mindset because of what they've seen on social media. The brainwashing is astonishingly powerful, We're seeing completely ridiculous things like injecting children with hormones becoming socially acceptable and BETTER YET you'll be attacked for not agreeing with something so ludicrous. Just because of social media.
>I fundamentally don't understand the difference between personal liberty and infringing on personal liberty
Color me astounded the bigot wants it both ways.
How much tranny ass do you think he got from wearing that shirt?
So basically if you're a gay man they turn you into a woman rather than stoning you?
not true
Most people didn't "hate" them, you just got old enough to realize that opinions other than your dad's existed.
Bullshit, I love my boyfriend.
I'm glad someone else has noticed this shit.
You know real life doesn't actually reflect social media attention whoring right? Maybe you should get off the computer and talk to actual people instead of crying about what random strangers on the internet think poisoning yourself with everyone's echo chambers.
>personal liberty
>imposing your dumb roleplaying on others by law does not infringe personal liberty
Eat shit.
Every bigshot in the 'field' of trannies has been a child molester from Hirschfeld on, it's amazing how upset it makes them when it is pointed out.
I will when you stop imposing your dumb nazi roleplay on me. At least the nazis actually did shit instead of angrily typing on a television & film imageboard.
I'm not talking about random strangers though. I'm talking about friends who I've known the past 3-5 years completely changing their outlook on life because of social media.
Try again retard.
The only reason Yea Forums has these redneck mongoloid evangelical Christian-tier opinions about trans people is that they nut to tranny porn on the reg and feel internalized homophobia about it.
Dude just pump these confused 13 year olds with hormones because they exhibit completely normal behavior lol. Gonna be hilarious in 15 years when we have all these fucked up kids that had their shit fucked by woke parents chasing a fad.
>everyone for all of history until a few years ago was a nazi
I fully admit I love cock, and I don't approve of putting kids on hormone blockers. What now?
>I want hatred and discrimination to be legal
Go fuck yourself bigot, they're not trying to indoctrinate or recruit you, if you weren't a literal garbage person the least you can do is just let people live their own lives the way they want. It literally doesn't affect you.
If you actually cared about children you might concern yourself with education reform and eliminating childhood poverty instead of what a small handful of affluent retards are doing with their own children.
I'm sure actual nazis appreciate how you made the word absolutely meaningless on the behalf of your favorite party, you fucking retard. I really hope it bites you in the ass before it does innocent people.
Every friendship group has the guy who wants time to stay frozen the way it was when they were all 15, and resents every change in his friends as though it were disloyalty. Sounds like you're that faggot in your friendship group.
guy on the right seems pretty reasonable
Can we legally start concentration camps for trannies?
>if you are disgusted by tumors it means you secretly want to get cancer
Speaking of fallacies
You're a Log Cabin Republican.
every other generation has a war that returns a bunch of fucked up teenagers. this generation will be a bunch of mutilated freaks.
we'll be fine. normalcy always wins.
Fair enough
So you're saying this type of stuff is OK to accept and Social Media pushing it on people is fine? Alright. Seems counter intuitive to your first argument that social media brainwashing isn't real.
We already have them, they are called cemetaries
I'll be honest, this is a new one on me, but a cursory google doesn't produce anything on child molestation. Cite your bullshit or concede my point.
Hormone blockers aren't the main issue though, the main issue is admitting that trans kids exist.
Not the same person, and Social Media isn't a brainwashing method, your friends are just less asocial than you.
I'm convinced
more importantly, since when is it acceptable and even encouraged in the US to subject children to hormone treatments for no apparent medical reason? does this have to do with all of you being hooked on opiates and not thinking straight
Trans"women" retain male patterns of behaviour. Not allowing biological men inside womens sex segregated spaces isn't bigotry.
You're talking to someone who probably has the "previous references to the number 6 million in the Jewish press" jpgs saved on their laptop.
lmao what a load of horseshit. Fuck off idiot. Being social means to accept injecting hormones into children?
Since America avoided having public healthcare, which makes it all a buyer's market. If you can find a doctor who'll do it, it's okay. That's "freedom".
I cannot fathom in what world people like this exist
"I expect in the future there will be breakdowns of such things..."
Yep. Breakdowns of race, gender, age, sexuality...What do you even call them? Marxist post-modernists? The fact otherwise average-high intelligence people can just casually state 7 year old children should be given hormone treatments...It is truly frightening.
>the least you can do is just let people live their own lives the way they want.
We did that, but then you pulled this "not submitting to our dumb roleplaying is discrimination and must be illegal" shit and proved the slippery slope real. Either live up to this bullshit excuse or stop being egocentric power tripping sacks of shit.
He literally had a library of cp, for 'research'. Same excuse all of them use. Thankfully it got burned by the Nazis. Every article on him mentions it you lazy nigger.
I agree, at the end of the day this is localised to a bunch of kids and fanatics so they're basically only harming themselves. I more resent the people who champion this because it's political correct and are inevitably causing all this harm for their own social esteem.
anyone who has had to deal with men posing as women in a professional environment is well aware of this. they are aggressive, they are mean and often willing to physically intidimate people. its honestly a bit staggering to see some dude in a dress with breast impants and a five o clock shadow acting like a cross between a petulant child and a doped-up NFL linebacker.
it'll be just one of those enduring images of our era, because it wont be long until medical science starts realizing this "treatment" isn't working.
You’ll never be feminine
You’ll never be cute
You’ll never look like an anime girl
You’ll always be an embarassment to your family and a laughing stock to the public
You’ll never be loved
You’ve fallen victim to sadistic online predators with a fetish of ”feminizing” men
You’ve played your part and they will discard of you for a new victim
You’ll kill yourself within 5 years
This kind of childish outburst is why your friends are always too busy to hang out these days.