Should an actress have a sexual relationship with her director while working together?

Should an actress have a sexual relationship with her director while working together?

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Only if it's in service of the story

No they should have one with me

no, even if you become a director you won't have sex

If it's consensual, sure, why not.

It's encouraged.

Most successful actors have done something questionable to rise to the top. Same theory behind every great fortune is a great crime.

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Yeah, sure, why not, sex is fun, haha


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What do you think they discuss after sex?

They should have a sexual relationship on film desu.

I would

OP here

Well, if it was me (the director) and an actress like Anya Taylor Joy, I think we'd talk about what our ultimate dream project and how we'd sacrifice a piece of our soul so that it'll be, some how, imprinted into the project so it'll become sort of like a living breathing thing.

Are you an actress?

I think Anya would make a perfect "on set only" gf during the length of time we worked together on my movie.

My next project would probably have Emma Watson as my lead actress.


He just says "Now use that" and they return to the set. The sex is just to get her into her role

I could be

Well, do you think Anya is open to the idea of dating her director? With the possibility of marrying him?

Does that mean you want to be an actress? Or you might be an actress?

Would Anya marry a meathead with no aspirations?

Or would she marry a tormented artist with grand visions of displaying romantic poetry on the big screen?

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Her face looks like it's about to burst like a balloon

It means that anything is possible if you dream big, work hard, get a sex change, and suck enough dick

>In 1976, when Kinski was aged 15, she reportedly began a romantic relationship with director Roman Polanski, who at the time was 43.In a 1999 interview in The Guardian, she was quoted as saying that there was categorically no affair and that, "There was a flirtation. There could have been a seduction, but there was not. He had respect for me."

I thought that was mandatory

Looking at her boyfriend I’d say she’d marry a chad, untormented artist with middling visions of displaying adaptations of Irish novels on the big screen

>Should an actress have a sexual relationship with her director while working together?

It's not as bad as when director marries an actress and later shoves her down in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE he directs. this shit is way worse because you're basically seeing a multi million cuckold video (it's always some a-lister plowing the director's wife while he directs it)

She DID date her director on Here Are The Young Men. Engaged to him even

That's her bf. They're not married. And it doesn't seem like she would want to marry him anyways. He seems really boring. Like, a total npc normie Mc Boringson.

And no, I wouldn't adapt anyone's work. It'd only be mine. In my movie, it'd be a gothic tale of some kind that revolves around a foggy lighthouse and two star-crossed lovers that are meant to be together but exist in different time periods. Anya would be the lead actress.

It'd be filled with dark and perverse romanticism, but at the same time, it'd be filled with sweeping dream-like sequences.

Anya would be perfect for the role. And my perfect irl wife.

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Yeah, but they didn't marry. So...

Yeah, anyways, it seems like Anya is open to dating her director. That's good news. :-)

Looks like I'd better hurry up and finish my screenplay then because it seems I have a lot of competition here

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>get a sex change
Nope, trannies are disgusting.
No director is pathetic enough to bang traps and trannies when they have access to prime pussy.

Oh, you're after Anya too? Like, you want to marry her? Because I do. For me, just looking at her formulates endless stories in my head. And if we were married, yes, I'd have her be the star of all my movies because she inadvertently gave birth to those ideas.

And another thing, Anya seems like the kind of girl/wife who would read my cosmic flooding, leaping through time and space as you witness unseen colors of poetic nothingness and have it really affect her. I think she that person. But also likes to have fun.

Hey Sam Hyde counts as a director

God, her eyes are far apart. It's like an alien assuming human form.

She's like a muse. She inspires creativity and artistry. I'd love to break into the industry somehow and work with her.
>Like, you want to marry her?
A dream I had. Nothing more

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That's part of her appeal. Wholesome, sexy, mysterious, and all around fun girl who appreciate art and creativity. Which is very rare these days. Most girls just wanna take butt pics and accumulate likes as their life goals. And on top of that, if they read any of your poems, they call the cops on you while Chad smacks them around. These type of girls deserve absolutely no sympathy from me.

>she's a muse

Indeed, that's what Anya truly is for me. A muse that makes up the curvature that form the letters in which constructs that very word. But, I imagine that's how it is for a lot of directors who want to be close to her.

She is that silver screen romance that we all want.

I wouldn't be surprised if every actor and director she has worked with has fallen in love with her.

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Actresses are whores so sure

If they want and can prevent it from damaging their work, sure. If you're Kristen Stewart, fuck no.

Why do you all like these weirdo 'Splice' looking bitches?

It's hardwired in artistic guys to fall in love with what most people consider "weirdo" looking.

The smart ones do, the dumb ones have sex with the actors.