Other urls found in this thread:
i voted for donald trump
he's a kike puppet
Based Trump
lmao Yea Forums and niggers BTFO
>tfw voted for drumpf because I hate women
NYP is a right-wing rag
well theres no wall either, but russiagate turned most democrats into deranged conspiracy theorists
I see more people reading the post than the times.
It's Mueller time, Yea Forumsros!!!
Suck it, dishonesty crybabby lefties
>when they chicane you all the time but they can't stop your success
Trump? More like Triumph
>Look mommy, I made yet another off-topic /pol/shit thread on Yea Forums!
>That'll really show them libtards
the mueller report says that the only reason trump shouldn't be indicted for obstruction is that his underlings didn't actually carry out his orders
>Pornstar as the Virgin mother
I'll be those glasses were produced by someone that practices Judaism.
>it's only okay to post off topic threads that I LIKE dude
opinion discarded, kys
It's not over yet, this is only the beginning.
why does patton oswalt look so upset??
boomers on both sides have become permanently brain damaged from this election they need to hurry and die
Who will play him in the movie?
What utter desperation.
This was a diversion to hide the fact that the Democratic party was colluding with Russia and cheated Bernie Sanders out of the primary.
Not just that but they're now putting Julian Assange in prison for outing them.
>unironically being a libtard
If 3 years in is the beginning, when is the end? 2040?
I'll vote for him again because I despise democrats and would rather watch the world burn than let them have a 'victory'. Trump is trying to buy his way into our jewish overlords good graces. So he's just like every other elected official in the USA.
Movies where the good guys win even though the whole world is against them?
t. joker
a 3 year screech fest turned into a cope.
It's kind of the great metaphor of the last 5 or 6 years with SJWs.
no, it says that the only reason why obstruction didn't actualy occur was because of that and because he didn't really even try.
all of this just makes Nixon look so much worse when he actually started firing people until someone actually did it.
Trump was basically frustrated with it and like any dumb boss kept pushing people to shit that he didn't have an idea of how it works.
The fuck does that even mean? I commit "not enough to be a crime" all the time. Committing a crime is black and white. You did it or you didn't. There is no such thing as "we observed you, and didn't notice no crimes, but not enough noncrimes for a charge of an actual crime to stick". Literal retard drivel, exactly what we expected.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
If they get their way they will rule with an iron fist that they always accuse "NAZIS" of doing, but they are doing extactly what the nazis did. stifle speech, and push for disarming people. There is a reason for and why the first two amendements were at the beginning.
right on, there is literally nothing wrong with hating women
I agree. It's sad you need to resort to lying.
I hope this means Americans will finally stop trusting a dysfunctional justice system more concerned with protecting the rich and powerful from them rather than protecting them from the rich and powerful and finally radicalise and bring Trump and his cronies to justice themselves.
Oh wow. That's Nik. Haven't seen him in 10 years maybe.
Reminder the "Russians" were a red hetring intended to distract you from which country really manipulates the US.
Oh well, better luck next time
*exits stage left*
*loud banging and cat screeching heard*
get out of my way you schmuck no not that way no my other left
*car alarms go off*
Yeah I'm thinking he's based.
So nothing happens again? Lmao.
wtf why did drumpf not immediately declare war on israel wtf bros hes a fucking kike
Can someone redpill me on the American-Israel relationship
I usually almost run through red lights. I never do, i almost sometimes. So does that mean that i can be legally charged with a bunch of traffic violations?
White girls literally handed him the office because they are getting kicked out of leftism
Trump on campaign trail: stop giving money to Israel
Trump after getting blackmailed/extorted by Jews: p-please don't kill me and my family okay we'll comply
This except muslims.
His entire foreign policy exists to support Israeli interests
>majority of terrorists are Saudis
>lol well lets ignore the Saudis and focus instead on Israel's main enemies even though there hasn't been a single Iranian involved in a terrorist attack in the US.
>Being so triggered you had to come into the thread and reply
you see more people watching capeshit than art too
now ask this cuck what he thinks of smollett
No, I meant it's sad that you believe your posts constitute an argument. You're a child.
I'm a liberal and Seth is a complete joke
This kike is just dragging this out so you'll stay focused on it. Its all a distraction.
>bio says "proof of conspiracy"
>tweet says "proof of collusion"
So which one was written by an intern?
And you're a liar that's bitter about losing.
>mfw watching the press conference
>leftists find something to get mad at
>trump tweets some half assed meme that the thought up while he was taking a shit dabbing on the haters
>100k comments from literal who's crying
>meanwhile trump is already working on the next tweet to DAB on the liberals
how BASED can one man be?
its contrapoints
Conspiracy theorists never give up their crazy beliefs. Check out /x/.