Just saw this movie, god what a stupid ending

Just saw this movie, god what a stupid ending

What the fuck is she gonna do among humans? She doesn't have money, a house, even if she manages to get a job without any kind of records or past, what is she gonna do when her coworkers find out she's not aging after 20 years?

Not to mention, how does her doing exactly what she was programmed for (manipulating the blonde guy to get out) was proof that she passed this "Turing test"? Wouldn't it be proof of having an actual conscious demonstrate that she could love and go out with him? I think the ending is telling us that machines are cold and don't really have feelings, contrary to what many believe. If that wasn't the intended purpose, they they really failed with that ending.

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Also the premise is just wrong.

>there is nothing more human than the will to survive
Actually, there's nothing more human than love.

What is love, user?

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Well if she can figure out how to power herself it's implied she's gonna live forever and that's alot of time to build up a empire she's gonna ending up displacing the Rothschild moloch worshippers and dominating the whole world and i for once i welcome her rather her than the jews
Kys cuck

Baby don't fail to kys


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I don't understand why the helicopter pilot picked her up without asking or finding out about the guy he left there.

I think you were honestly too stupid to understand the movie.

You should have realized that the AI predominantly featured in the movie was nothing even close to resembling human. Hell, the """failure""" prototype who looked like an asian as arguably the human one. She was fallible, she seemed to love her creator, she was jealous and exemplified all those human traits and flaws.

But Ava? She was like a hyper intelligent spider, not only did she manipulate Caleb, but she also manipulated her prototype into killing Nathan. There was abso-fucking-lutely nothing human about her and Caleb was a dumbass when he didn't listen to Nathan trying to warn him.

>doesn't understand simple metaphor
She will do what any woman does, pretend to like men and have them finance her lifestyle.

baby don't hurt me?

there is nothing more human than hate user. the heart exists to nurture hatred

Actually yeah, the robot demonstrated to be a real woman in the end. Just use men for their advantage and then fuck them over.

If machines were cold and didnt have feelings she wouldn't have wanted to escape from slavery.

I think the end was fine.

Don't hurt me...

Nathan was an autist that would only give caleb cripted subtle retarded message instead of saying straight away she's playing them both and they need to turn her off

That's what I think, but I was operating under the impression that the director wanted to show that she was just like a real human in the end, after all this is what I read on the reviews praising the movie.

If what you say was the intended purpose, it was done right, in the end you can't trust a machine. But if it was meant to show that she was passing the ultimate Turing test, then it was nonsense.

>What the fuck is she gonna do among humans? She doesn't have money, a house, even if she manages to get a job without any kind of records or past, what is she gonna do when her coworkers find out she's not aging after 20 years?
the AI didn't consider that. it was programmed for a single purpose: getting out of the house. what will it do now that it achieved it? lose the battery and power down because it can't even recharge.
>Not to mention, how does her doing exactly what she was programmed for (manipulating the blonde guy to get out) was proof that she passed this "Turing test"?
it wouldn't, which is the point. bearded guy was an obsessed dumbass despite his tech genius

>If machines were cold and didnt have feelings she wouldn't have wanted to escape from slavery.

Except Nathan designed it with escape in mind. It was meant to try and get free using any trick it could, ultimately turning Caleb into a tool.

This movie made me hate women

Garland cut out the part where the pilot steps out and asks her about that, then you "see" him from her perspective as just a bunch of mathematical data or something implying that she figures out just what to do and say in order to persuade him to take her out of there. Garland cut it out because it "dehumanized" her, but that's kind of the point.

Nathan was an egomaniacal asshole who was so absorbed in his genius decided to make something which would treat humans as small time. He setup the entire scenario, up to and including making Ava hit all of Caleb's sexual preferences, to experiment and watch if Ava could figure out some scenario to escape her room. When Caleb, and by extension Ava, managed to outsmart him the game was up. But bizarrely it looks as though Nathan had kept raising the stakes to the extent he had to fail someday.

The movie does a good job showing the idea that any human-created AI would not resemble a human intelligence. I feel like the people who reviewed the movie and said that Ava was at all human missed the point entirely.

The twist in the movie was that they spend the entire time addressing the question 'can a machine be human?' while giving all these cues that Ava was, indeed, very human according to her behavior. By the time Caleb's treachery unfolds, mostly everyone in the audience is on board with Caleb. He's freeing this beautiful machine who wants to experience being human. Only for the shoe to drop and for it to become immediately apparent Ava was nothing resembling a human.

no, more

All of you miss the most obvious signpost this movie has and it doesn't surpise me on bit in this cynical age.
If AI is made by an egomaniacal "Mark Zuckerberg" type character, that AI is gonna resemble her creator. Manipulative, psychopathic and noncaring.
It's a warning about who makes AI more than anything.
AI doesn't have to be this, but since the only ones in power are these type of people it's seems just a matter of time.

This guy nails It OP

Sacrifice not affection

I assumed things didn't go very well for her once she started interacting with multiple humans. The point of the ending is that she got out - that's it.

Are you literally colorblind?

Can you?

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I don't know what to believe anymore.

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>Not to mention, how does her doing exactly what she was programmed for (manipulating the blonde guy to get out) was proof that she passed this "Turing test"?
The point of the movie wasn't that the AI was acting human, it's that humans are more like robots than people think. The entire thing was a programming of the blonde guy, getting him to do certain things, act in a certain way. If you admit that given certain direction and context, you make a person do this. Then how is that any different to how a robot acts?

That's a very good point and I didn't see it that way, I wonder if that was intended. God I gotta stop reading these narrow minded reviews.

>I assumed things didn't go very well for her once she started interacting with multiple humans.
Ava being as hyper intelligent as it is? Let's put it this way: it barely raised a finger its entire escape from Nathan's house. All it did was whisper a few chosen words in its prototype's ear, put on its skin suit, and walked out the door. Leaving behind Caleb locked in a room to die, and Nathan and the Prototype dead/destroyed.

It would rap humanity around its finger, its actions would be as incomprehensible as simple and all the while it would be pressing on levers we didn't even know we had. It's a terrifying monster.

>By the time Caleb's treachery unfolds, mostly everyone in the audience is on board with Caleb
I guess that's why this movie fell apart for me. I was constantly eyerolling and blaming MC for being retarded and trusting the AI. Maybe it's Vikander's fault. Some prettier girl might've done a better job of seducing me

They both got killed because Caleb was an incel.

>watch this film with a friend
>get to the ending where Eva reveals herself to be totally inhuman and traps Caleb to die
>before I can say anything once it's over, my friend says "Wow what a great feminist sci-fi film"

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?

I would say that he must not think very highly of woman if he thinks being a manipulative caricature of humanity responsible for murder is his idea of feminism.

I've seen this, the logic goes like this:

Caleb (and the audience) see Ava as a damsel in distress, because she looks like a woman, keep in mind "she" is not a woman, she's a machine, but the fact that she looks like a woman makes Cabel want to protect her, she knows this and use this disguise to manipulate him and get free. It seems that being protective to women is actually objectifying them and you deserve death for it, she never really needed anyone's protection.

I don't think it was feminist, but it was certainly misandrist. A sci-fi movie can comment on how men act in retarded ways around women (or women-looking robots) without it being about women suffering.

But she's literally an object lmao

That's a bit of a leap. I was never convinced the AI could avoid being scrutinized and subsequently vivisected by a large enough group of intelligent humans. Ava needed the help of another robot to take down two people. What can she do to defend herself once she's truly in danger - have electrical appliances turn against her enemies? Or can she manipulate the military's computer-based weaponry for no real reason?

Why do you assume she's ever going to get the military after her? And she can just manipulate men with her appearance to orbit and white knight her.

>super genious high tech lab/house
>middle of nowhere with no visible staff
>Security protected by meme 'keycard' that is easily lost/stolen and security software that some random jackoff can reprogram in a few hours.
yeah there's a lot of silly plot contrivance. The ending of this movie was just to give it edge and make it feel like it had a point. It doesn't. You could certainly program an AI to be more selfless and altruistic than a human. You could program an AI to respond to any stimuli you like really. The closest thing to a point is how the test is really for caleb. A human can behave predictably according to his biological programming just like a machine.

you guys are forgetting the most important thing: it was recharging it's batteries with a special system in Nathans house. one it escaped, it has no means of recharging. it would power down in a few hours after the movies anding. Nathan was an idiot and egomaniac, but he still implemented a final kill switch in case it outsmarted him

>He setup the entire scenario, up to and including making Ava hit all of Caleb's sexual preferences
Don't forget that he also acted in a oppressive manner towards Ava so Caleb would have an easier time making that jump at helping it rather than being rational. Nathan's emotional manipulation was the highlight for me, purposefully letting Caleb see the tapes, tearing the dance floor, acting like a dudebro to Caleb who was the exact opposite to that persona. Caleb was being manipulated by both. Ava acted to fulfill its task, Nathan to make the task easier for it.

Perfect answer for Yea Forums:



She must've passed the test because she acted exactly like a real life woman at the end

have sex

How many japs over 30 never had sex? 30-40%?




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Mfw a good dog is more human than this robot waifu