how long before she gets the chop?
all co-workers hate her
How long before she gets the chop?
Wonder how your blustery, blowing-in-the-wind worn out ANUSHOLE would look like with my shit covered cockadoodle-do going UP UP AND AWAY inside your le bumhole!
The bitch is hitting the wall as we speak. Her future is bleak and her cuntyness is only gonna get worse. Good luck, cunt!
>how long before she gets the chop?
Hello darkness, my old friend....
have sex
she a cute, no bully.
what race do you think he is?
reexamine your life man
God I would for her to fart on my face and make me smell her rotten toe, just imagine her eating cheetos and wiping her dirty hands on your dick while she wet farts after a few hours it gets damp and you start to taste her crack sweat.
save hex
literal 4.5 even in her prime why the fuck do men have ZERO standards when it comes to white women???
Where do you live where below average women look like that?
teen brie was her prime.
Is this Pam from the office?
They make their boogeyman and then blame Yea Forums
Wisconsin. She's literally a plain jane
Still hotter than half the ugly bitches I've dated.
I'd fuck the stupid out of her.
Just the fact that she's under 250lbs makes her a 7 in Wisconsin
Why didn't Black Widow get a movie instead?
You are crazy if you don't think she is above average.
You seen some of the interviews with her and her other costars. Its peak cringe watching her talk herself up as if shes the second coming of christ. Everyone just has to sit there and awkwardly laugh because they cant honestly handle her dumbass in a constructive way except to make jokes about it all. Thank christ Evans and Downey got out while they did. Its all downhill from here boys
I cannot find someone attractive who's foot fungus I've seen before. I don't know why it just makes me find them mildly repulsive.
bullshit. Hemsworth even said she stole their hearts
why would he lie
the "wall" only applies to women who actually were/are attractive, which brie never was
between having zero self-awareness, lack of basic hygiene, a rather unnecessary stage name, and an obviously faked age (clearly mid 30s at best) the poor girl just can't get out of her own way
>which brie never was
I really don't understand how anyone can say that unless they have facial blindness or an inability to tell if someone they are not personally attracted to is attractive or not.
Hemsworth is the most bullshit one there is out of the group. He is completely in Disney's pocket would say the Holocaust never happened if Disney told him to.
Once they bring in X-Men, they'll have Rogue kill her
Her reaction to that was so butthurt lol
wonder what goes on behind the scenes.
She'll get exactly one movie after RDJ is done and then she's out too after the movie bombs big time.
ask your male friends to name characteristics and attributes they find attractive in women, good chance she does not have a single one
She's got a lot of insecurity running her brain. If this is what the MCU is banking on then it was a pleasure enjoying this universe.
Fun Fact:
There was such animosity between Brie Larson and co-stars Scarlett Johnason and Karen Gillan that between takes they wouldn't even speak to one another.
In an effort to hide the tension, while doing press tours for the newest end game we paired her up with male co-stars. This also has back fired as Larson and her male co-stars also do not get along.
She's two years older than me.
I've been unemployed for years and I have a more fulfilling life.
White American or Indian. The most autistic races in the world.
No comment.
But I will say allegedly she only seemed to get along with Samuel L. Jackson.
Tfw Jessica Chastain in her 40s looks better than teen Brie.
why do you guys hate brie so much? i find it hard to even care
This. Brie was young and "fair" looking but not attractive. Any woman can be caked in makeup and Hollywood lighting to appear attractive. Brie does not have a single attractive facial feature, she knows this herself, hence the nose job and boob job
She said dumb shit about male audiences so that put her on the basement dweller radar.
Are people able to describe in detail what they find attractive though? I know I can't really do it besides hair/eye color/height and so on. As I see it she has a symmetrical face, clear skin, a defined jawline, a nice nose, well defined proportions, nice eyebrows, decent height, slim... don't see how she could be average or below average.
50-something year old Marisa Tomei is the hottest woman in superhero movies.
Bar her jawline, everything else you listed can be achieved by any woman, a nose can be surgically enhanced, proportions aka boob to hip to ass ratio can be surgically enhanced or enhanced via exercise, eye brows can be painted on, height can be faked with heals, slimness can be achieved by not eating, clear skin can be achieved by calling yourself in makeup and making it look like you're not wearing makeup. None of these factors contribute to her natural beauty. She just doesn't have anything special or attractive about her
Have you seen this interview?
It was Chris constantly trying to trigger her.
Even Don Cheadle joined him in that.
if my wife looked like her i'd be happy
Her face looks ok. Her body looks good (except ass)
Sadly she is an SJW cunt
professional makeup, lighting and angle tricks work wonders and can make virtually any non-obese woman look presentable, it doesn't mean anything
she's not as bad as some people suggest but as stated above, is her own worst enemy in almost every way and not even swanepoelian beauty can make up for it
>actually, unironically making an interview with just Brie Larson and the slut meister
>why do you guys hate brie so much? i find it hard to even care
I love the marvel films. I don't really care about other films, i might watch some on the imdb lists and maybe try to watch some classics but I don't really like them that much. But I watch every single marvel films that is released. Sometimes I'll say that i watch it just to keep up, or it doesn't count because i waited pirated it, but the truth is they're fun. They're fun and approachable films for everyone and i've invested a lot of my life into really caring about this because they're actually good and they're made for me. They're about people who are destined for greatness and manage to rise above the vapid meaningless society and actually make a difference and I see myself in those heros because I know that my chance will come one day, and why shouldn't it?
Then brie larson comes along. I haven't seen any of her films people say are good but I know that she's a shit actress because of her interviews and her roles in some hollywood films and she just seems so fake and insincere and why should she get to be a hero, why do these privelaged cunts who have the whole world handed to them and have it so easy who won't even look at me why do they get to take this away from me as well. Why does she get to be a hero? and not me? And then she talks about how she literally wants to kill all white men and it's just a punch to the gut, because I thought the avengers was about ME and it should be about me because i'm a hero and I deserve it but then the fucking jews go and take away another thing that I love and It's just society constantly pissing on me, just pissing all over me and I can't stand it any longer sometimes I get so angry that i just scream and i really want to fuck brie larson as well and sniff her hair and that's really the fucking worst part of it because I know it will never happen and i'll never be a superhero and I know she must smell so good, like hazlenuts and lavender.
>I love the marvel films
Stopped reading right there. How can you _LOVE_ generic crap like that?
>Reee brie is my hero
>Actually she's a fairly insignificant actress with middling movies meaning she picks poorly *points out flaws*
>*screes about 1 billion* shut up have sex!
Lol you dumbass. Its Hollywood. Your coworkers usually hate you. But Brie has the oscar so the rest of them can eat shit and take orders, which they will.
>Reee brie is my hero
i never said that
Why do you think it's generic? It's a huge accomplishment to have a movie done in "series" like this. it's helped merge TVs with movie medium--now you can have multiple movies tie together into a planned coherent and fully fleshed out vision, rather than cash grabs and attempts at money making rather than art.
Because i'm not some snobby elitist and they're actually fun and not boring
Hello soifriends, don't forget you're daily dose of soilent ;)
No, no... watching a dry slow movie starring Casey Affleck sounds so much better.
Fucking lol
She turned into more of an insufferable cunt than anyone could have predicted.
holy shit this is gold
From what I remember she is being pushed by one of the top guys, so unless she does something really bad, everyone is stuck with her.
It really isn't. Cheap editing tricks really.
How are they fun?
>oh no we need to stop this bad guy from destroying the city
>bad guy opens a portal and dispenses 100 generic aliens
>large cgi fight ensues
>someone makes a quip once in a while
>the heroes find that the bad guy needs to be defeated with some magic crystal
>they find the crystal and shove it into the bad guy
>bad guy is defeated
i already explained why, i find it relateable because they are heros and i know that deep down one day my time will come and something will happen to me to give me my chance and i'll show society that i'm not worthless and that i can be loved too
fuck off mouse shill
No you don't get it, it's not just generic bad guy and good guy, these are OFFICIAL COMIC BOOK SUPER HEROES! HAHA the same ones they had as children, and now they are grown up children so they can enjoy it.
ANY movie sounds retarded if you greentext it to look bad. They're fun entertaining movies and if you don't understand how they're popular then maybe you need to have sex.
Holy shit is this a real interview. I got to the point where she obviously doesn't know any fucking super powers and he pitches in to help her with flying but it's the most fucking awkward cringe moment I've witnessed on video. I can't deal with that shit I just had to close it.
But I really can't think of anything besides the quips that's good about these movies. Raimi's Spider-Man had that soulful soundtrack, the acting was delightfully hammy and there was some nice cinematography.
She is protected and she knows it. You get under her skin once. Daddy Fiege gets a call. I'm convinced he is fucking her. Larson acts like the evil stepmom that comes along and just does whatever she wants because she can. But yeah none of them likes her and just waiting to finish with the press tour.
>all co-workers hate her
I got something in common with her at least.
Why won't spiderman let that train escape? Haven't those poor prisoners suffered enough?
>they're actually fun and not boring
This mental midget thinks only capeshit is fun. Movie with no boom boom too hard to understand.
>P-please Spiderman ! Let us escape the death camp !! No more. No more !!
Holy shit! Can someone please do a collage of the MCU actors faces when they're laughing and smiling with eachother during interviews and put them next to a collage of their faces when they're with Brie? The contrast is like night and day. Even Don Cheadle looks fucking miserable
>Even Don Cheadle looks fucking miserable
"oh, so this is the kind of horseshit regular people have to deal with on a daily basis without million dollar salaries to soften the blow"
>how long before she gets the chop?
She'd get the chop if her film had tanked, dunno how it did but if it's anything like the usual Marvel box office, she's there for good.
Does that mole on her cheekbone next to her eye seriously bother anyone else, or is it just me?
When she hits the age of 32-35, her programming will break down. They all do. Only a few managed to survive the "rehab".
Yeah it bugs me too. But not for the reasons you think. 44
This is believable. Now I'm sure none of them wants to be around her.
their co-workers are on the way out
the future of marvel is BLACK
You expect a story from the shill media stating the obvious a couple of weeks away from what sure to be their biggest opening ever? Nah bro, these guys are professionals. They will spit their talking points. Let her do most of the talking then leave. But best believe they are messaging each other though
>durrrr gotta mention a black woman how some I am
As a black person I find this so fucking racist and condescending
>real life superheroes
>falkor the big flying dog
Chris with the aussie shitposting, we just can't help ourselves
exquisite taste user
this is why you lost the election
you look down on regular people, who enjoy actual kino that marvel makes and not some obscure art piece
Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
>When she hits the age of 32-35
lol she's obviously already in her mid 30s and the fear of being found out combined with the bio clock ticking away, explains much of her behavior
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
have sex
>hank hill ass
>Is a cunt
>Probably very controlling because of that
I doubt this black guy even exists because they love THICC women for starters. And I wish black guys would take this Lego block face bitch off our hands. One man's trash is a one monkey's treasure I suppose.
I know he's a prick, but he's my kind of prick. Goddamn I love Jeremy Renner
It's not her first-time doing some virtue singling. At a red carpet invite a black journalist asked a her about what's it like working in Hollywood as a woman. She mentioned its harder as a black woman. The interviewer just stood there for a few and moved on. A blonde haired self-centered barbie can relate with a colored woman about being a colored woman on Hollywood. Unbelievable with that cunt. I know she hates being white but she loves milking all of the privileges of being white let alone a white female
There are three main factors to this.
First of all, you have actors that have been working together on projects for a decade that have formed their own work cliques and Brie had the misfortune of being cast in a solo film with no sidekicks or team to speak of outside of the designated friend character and a magic cat. Samuel L. Jackson is the only carryover to other films but someone like him isn't in the business of paling around with women several decades his junior.
Second is the office politics angle, Iger outlines it right in his Tweet. Disney, Marvel, and Feige want to shill Carol as hard as they can to turn it into the female Black Panther in terms of viewership. They want her to be the new face of the MCU when Iron Man and Cap inevitably die in Endgame, and Carol Danvers will do what Carol Danvers does best and kill all interest in the property by being aggressively feminist and turning everyone hardest SJWs off the franchise.
And the final piece of the puzzle is Brie Larson herself. Since minute zero she has been adamant about how she doesn't care about your white male opinion. She's an aggressive, high strung personality in a franchise where everyone's just trying to have a good time and get paid a fuckton doing it. Even Michael B. Jordan, her closest analog, was surprisingly tame during the Black Panther press tour, and even in his more #woke moments he never said white boys shouldn't see his movie. Brie Larson desperately wants to be the star of Black Panther for women, because those are social justice points she can cash in for the rest of her life, and Marvel wants it too.
So that pisses people who've put a decade of their lives into this project right the fuck off, because not only is she being courted by the studio and given top treatment despite being the newest addition, she's also a colossal bitch on top of it. It's a TLJ tier recipe for disaster!!!FACT!!!
>But I will say allegedly she only seemed to get along with Samuel L. Jackson.
That's because she's probably fucking him!!!FACT!!!
Reminder that "white privledge" was a term that an old white lady coined at a time when black americans had a unique identity and felt superior if not equal. The term and concept alone is completely condescending and racist
Granted but like all SJW she loves to pick and choose when to invoke the term and the powers that comes along with them from her Tumblr twitter devotees. She must have some dirt on iger and Fiege. Secret pedos or something.
Just learned this slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat!!!FACT!!!
>that left one
They have imense level of skill for mental gymnastics when dealing with race; nothing confuses them more than them working at a restaurant and having black people tell them to not sit black people in their section
>exquisite taste user
>have sex
Only MCU move I genuinely enjoyed was Thor Ragnarok and that is because it's a comedy first and a "serious" superhero movie second. Iron Man 1 is cool too.
I think it'd probably got to do with the tone of the movies and suspension of disbelief. I find it easier to enjoy a comedic film because it presents itself as fantastical and doesn't take itself too seriously, which is why I like comic books/super heroes. Just something fun to read.
Shit like the Winter Soldier takes itself too serious and asks you to believe and emotionally connect to a movie about some 100 year old fuckers with magic shields and metal arms. I can't connect to the movie cause it's fucking cape shit, but when it's something presented as fantasy, then it's good to watch since the enjoyment doesn't depend on you believing in it.
she could start by chopping her toes off, what a skanky whore.
One woman single-handedly crashed the reputation of the MCU in a year. wew
Black Panther spring boarded with the amount of shilling. Larson just capitalized on it. It's over after Endgame
Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to r*ddit. Imagine liking the trasheap that us Thor Ragnarok and actually disliking one of the really good marvel flicks.
>hate her
source? No not some shitty youtube incel vid, like a legitimate source.
Have kids
she's probably already had SRS
Can you get that fixed
Holy fucking shit, even my feet look better than that
>No not some shitty youtube incel vid
You people are fucking pathetic. So user's some alt right whatever when all you have to do is read the body language from the cast during the q and a's to see for yourself.
What's a legitimate source for you fool? Deadline, Access Hollywood? All bought and paid for by the mouse. Look at the footage clown and form your own thoughts
are her feet okay?
I don't think anyone here is arguing that any of the MCU films are of higher quality than the Raimi trilogy.
I can see Brie being unlikable
but I can also see anyone staring in cape shit being unlikable.
But what if Tessa Thompson?
She wants to be Tessa Thompson. She hates being white
Shut your face cunt women are betiful and is this queen your sister fucks goats and your brothers sucks goats tits all day haha no cumback from you American goat cunt
Is that shopped
Who is Tessa Thompson and why should I masturbate to her nudes
She played Valkrie in Thor Ragnarok
She apparently nominated Brie for the Time's 100 most influential people recently
That's all I needed to know, thanks
She's a narcissistic, insufferable cunt.
She says she hates being with Sam Jackson too so there goes that theory.
So he'll tell the truth if Disney told him to?
Source of that
*laugh in Lizzie Olsen*
Even that prick Renner isn't comfortable with her
someone post her leaks
>29 yo
>evans poster calling Renner a prick
yeah ok
I bully whoever the fuck I want, user
I gotta admit those are some OK milkers.