What is the last film that made you happy?

What is the last film that made you happy?

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some gay porn i saw yesterday

Only Yesterday, from Studio Ghibli. I watched it a couple of days ago and felt like a roller coaster of emotions.

The shop around the corner

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Need asian gf bros ;_________________;

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just be yourself

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if you’re white, go to SE Asia.


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she cute

God I wish I were a cute idol girl

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I think it was La La Land, but that might not have been real

seven samurai

Kung Fu hustle

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yeah it's feels but goose reunited that family

I have East Asian gf, its pretty nice desu senpai

Here you go bro at your future. Brown 'Asians" from Southeast Asia like the Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand, etc come from the poorest nations in the world (yes they are even poorer than most African nations). It isn't hard to get an "Asian" gf. But if you want an attractive northern East Asian gf who come from wealthy East Asian nations like the OP, then it isn't probably going to happen.

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same, i used to think i want to possess them but then i realized i wanted to BE them

so many old white dudes

there's a cheerleader effect going on in the right, they are still ugly with the make-up

you were wish you were being fucked by old asian producers and executives daily?

I don't remember the last time anything made me happy.

Dave builds a maze or something. Good movie that had a simple concept. Nice to escape from the stupid SJW narratives being pushed in most things. Maybe it was just a good day I watched it on but I was happy.

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