What went so wrong?


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the kike surgeons who convince women to get bogged need to hang

Late bloomer. She unironically looks her best in her early 30's. A cute. A CUTE!

nothing, I'd tap it mercilessly

shes super cute but she has this look that makes it seem like shes just going to start aging super rapidly in a very short time.

its already started

>*fucking smashes into the wall full throttle*
Heh, nothing personnell incels

KYS Schermerhorn

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she answered the call

I dunno t b h she looks like a comfy jewish mommy.

she lost too much weight and now she looks like a fucking bobblehead

She was a better brunette

Oh god, what the fuck happened

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she lost weight for glow. that's it. that's all that happened.

If you're an aging woman, losing weight and cutting your hair short are LITERALLY two of the worst things you can do.

Losing too much weight means you lose that 5-10 pounds of fat that keeps you plump, more importantly in your face where you need it because people just naturally lose fat in their face as they age. Cutting your hair short triggers the biological instinct in men that you are older because growing long, healthy hair is something that only younger women can do.

Brie takes it to the extreme because a lot of her appeal was her youthful look and slightly chubby body. She was never really traditionally pretty (weak chin, big ears, pale), more just cute, but her baby fat was really what made her hot.

when Community was on I always wondering why everyone was drooling over her when Gillian Jacobs was clearly the way hotter on

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Hit the wall and no producer would give her jobs for vagina anymore.

>What went so wrong?

She isn't using my semen as face moisturizer!!!FACT!!!

The Wall claims another.

>36 and childless
Another jew bites the dust

I think she's super attractive in that photo. Would wife/10

She unironically looks great in this pic. Comy pretty housewife tier

i want to make sweet love to this skeleton


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Nothing apparently

because the character itself was better than Gillians Character

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This. I know incels like to meme about her hitting the wall, but in fact getting older, losing babyfat and getting sharper facial features made her look better than ever before.

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Can The Architect save her?

not really


Sup Alison

looks like a teenage boy lol

Breaking news. This just in. Women hit the wall like a car crash

More at 9.

that's not even 'stop liking what I don't like'
it's just 'stop liking'

Nothing says "confident in her beauty" like covering one half of the face with a bang and another with 5-layer cake worth of make-up

so uh, is anyone gonna post her nudes or what?

We really need Pierce here

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>loosing fat
fuck off fag

>he doesn't have them all saved on his pc, tablet or mobile device already

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she is cute

Love her in GLOW, cant wait for season 3

was it rage about losing her looks?

>Cool wine aunt

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cute boys, awkward smile

it's an artsy picture

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based Dan Harmon writing her costume to his hosiery and ballet flats fetish

>Not having them printed out and stuck on your walls
Holy kek, imagine being this virgin

>no kids

>Angles, more hair covering face and even more makeup
yikes, Alison your prime is over, go to bed

You guys miss the point. They get bogged so their is more surface area to play around with in photoshop. All these girls are doing is help increase the canvas space that work can be done on.

It seems my touch is needed yet again

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>lose weight, hit wall, brag about not having boobs anymore and btfo the "fetishists"
>your nudes from your prime leaks a few days after
some justice in this world

>roastie loses her beauty
>overcompensates by getting fit
>losing weight actually makes her look even older
such a cliché, you just know she's gonna get that plastic surgery in a couple of years

>awkward smile
It's like she's hearing "smile for the camera and pretedn you're having a good time, bitch"

I always wondered if she just leaked them herself, was pretty much right after the boob-fetishists comment and the negative reaction to her frumpy nude scene in GLOW.

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based gillybro

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I honestly can't stand Alison anymore, back in the day she seemed so real and honest and just full of joy.
nowadays she just comes off as pretentious.

she's so pure

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>Be Gilly
>Shows full frontal boobs in her prime

>Be Alison
>Wait till she hits the wall and gets pudgy before doing the worst nude scenes in the history of cinema


she's holding up real well in comparison, turns out no drugs or alcohol really works

Attached: Gillian-Jacobs-In-House-of-Holland-PaleyFest-2014-Honouring-Community.jpg (620x478, 76K)

Gilly played strippers and prostitutes several times

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she aged nearly 20 years what the fuck do you think happened lmao. Women hit their prime earlier than men

sweating man.jpg

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Imagine if Dan Harmon wrote Community in a way where Britta turned out to be a stripper at the end instead of a bartender.

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Gods I just want to cuddle with her. She always seemed so down to earth

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You just know that she's secretly the kinda woman who has a dominatrix outfit and whip in her closet, always ready for unsuspecting boys.

She clearly fucked Donald Glover.

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That's kinda hot, do you think Miss Alison watched them?

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>Not having them printed out and stuck on your face
Nice try.

>small breasts
two of my favourite fetishes!

She some how looks like Cillian Murphy if he had a less square jaw yet looked less feminine at the same time.

With deep-set eyes, make-up is a make or break issue.

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ffs, why the fuck would you cut the shot right as you're about to get a nice view of her ass?

Her obvious desperation functions as a hotness multiplier.

Her face started getting hollowed and worn out looking. I wonder if a diet higher in fats could have pushed this back.

Unironically Jewish genes

They start off cute and attractive, thats how they lure you, then turn into wrinkly witches. Every jew in hollywood goes through this. The ones that are really diluted suffer from Jew Wall less

>based gillybro

forgot the file

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Why do women lie like this?

Youre all welcome. Enjoy...

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is that real?

yes from the fappening

she hit the wailing wall

She looks fine what are you on about?

And of course the white woman aged better than the jew.

Literally google alison brie nude. Theres a ton of photos.

perfect mommy now

>he's an assfag

Attached: gilly stripper.webm (704x386, 1.55M)

yep i know

shes perfect in community. why she changed her look and style?

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she definitely started looking significantly different when she started her workout regimen for Glow. She lost all her fat and maybe gained a tiny bit of muscle. It's terrible and no woman looks better when they do this if they are already thin

God I just want to gorge myself on her neck flesh.

I want to put my willy inside Gilly


she upgraded to aborted babies as a facial treatment now

jews have a hard time constantly holding a facade


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I never found her attractive.

I always found her attractive.

These'd always be so good if it wasn't for the editing and sudden jump cuts

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you mean generic

Last time she was hot was 2014.

post more gilly silly

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Nothing went wrong

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She hit the wall and figured that becoming a pretentious cunt was a better choice that just continueing to slut it up and enjoying fap fame.


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that isn't a fit body lmao, that's borderline aneroxia tier

>haha losers I shrunk my boobs so you can't enjoy them
what a strange person

>that isn't a fit body

She looked so weird in GLOW, maybe it was the loose skin because she lost weight?
Joke was on her I guess, so proud of working out but she did her nude scene before her body was tight again so her boob-fetishist comment blew up in her face because all we saw was her saggy teets and deflated belly.

>implying you wouldn't kill to have a wife who looks like that


>I went to Julliard

thanks gillybro

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Is she a cool wine aunt if she's married?

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>still single

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what a lunatic

her teachers hated her

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I'll marry her soon

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>user I heard you haven't been circumcised


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looks like a cute 90s gf


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Never go full bog.

she so cute even without makeup

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she doesn't wear makeup irl

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Perfect nips

I am fine with all of these. Rolling.

>breast reduction

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that's my point though. most of these women overcompensate by trying to get "fit", which is really just them losing as much fat as humanly possible. they end up looking worn down and even older, which sets them on the path to that inevitable face lift and other bogpill horrors.



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Has she ever acknowledged the hate she got from that comment?

I like her teeth

she is so pure

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I'm 41 and right now Brie is looking perfect to me. Ready to settle down and get pregnant before her ovaries pack up. Women get nicer at this age (most do, anyway).

i dont remember this one. new leaks?

Absolute mad woman

Why are so many adults watching a Lego movie?

Guys, what the FUCK.

I have hollow upper eyes starting to set in like Alison Brie had decimate her appearance.

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>she lost too much weight
Way too much. She looks ill.

>She isn't using my semen as face moisturizer!!!FACT!!!
Trouble in paradise, Dave Franco?

>What went so wrong?
She obviously went on some shitty diet.

the vegan meme

she should get a sex change to btfo vagina fetishists too

Im a 30y/o boomer, but I'd be thrilled if my date looked like that. Much prefer this to some 18y/o as Im starting to look for more serious things now.

So if you're looking for serious things why would you be interested in women who are almost infertile and have at most a couple of years of good looks? Get with a 20yo and if you're lucky she'll be both good looking and fertile 10 years from now

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Translation : I'm older now, But I feel I still have a pretty good chance with an ugly girl.

this is and will always be the official consensus

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In what world is 2019 Brie ugly?

I fucking agree. I tend to forget most people on this site are fucking virgins who don't understand that ideals don't equal reality

she's jewish

god she looks so old, with her plastic surgery i feel like it happened so fast. why would she have done this to herself/

I’m trying to stop mine too. I’ve read collagen eating collagen, biotin, doing orange juice face masks, more water, eating vitamins e and c are a must. Plus if you have any Millia(white bumps under eyes) use honey and apple cider vinegar as it could be blocking the pores

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Also if you smoke or drink lots, eat lots of sugar fucking stop

College does that to a woman.