>movie is fucking grade A kino
>tv show sucks

i knew this would happen the second it was announced the original actors were being replaced, despite same writers

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Wait theres a show now?
Movie was kino as fuck, sad to see it turn to shit

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To be fair, it's just my personal review, it's getting good reviews but it's just not good to me

Only funny new part is Mark Proksch's character, whose an energy vampire and his power is boring people

What We Do In The Shadows is a fucking 10/10

has there ever been a movie tv series that didn't suck?

i like some parts of it
overall i think it's quite good
the cast are all funny


ill have to watch the show and see, loved the movie, hopefully its decent

user plz

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Legion is better than all of the xmen movies

I actually like the show a lot, only watched the first two episodes so far though, and i've never seen the film

The xfiles movies, stagate

I've watched all four episodes so far. It's not quite as good as the movie but it's a totally fine adaptation that works well and is funny.

Main guy is just a less funny version of Vlad
Woman is a woman
English guy's character isn't funny

Viago, Deacon, Vlad, Stuart, Nick and Peter were all perfect characters

Makes me sad bros

the woman is funny

I watched the movie and don't get the appeal. We're werewolves not Swearwolves was the only joke that landed.

I've enjoyed the show for the jokes more than the overarching plot so far. It's probably better than the werewolf spinoff movie they were planning on doing next.

I don't understand the hate. Sure it's not the same characters but the original creators are involved in writing/directing and the humor and style is the same. I'm loving it thus far.

For anyone that hasn't seen it



The woman is funnier than the English guy

Which English guy, there's two of them.

I always check out whenever the werewolves show up. they're so cringey. I liked all the vulva jokes.
How far can they go with the energy vampire though? He seems like a one note character.