Million Dollar Extreme

You guys watching Kickstarter TV season 2?

Attached: kstv 2.png (1130x827, 742K)

Other urls found in this thread:!H9dT2SYB!twy-X0YJZVLN0NK8aupzxPhGQ_mo0LGApfcUb2v2mMc>>23654

nope. ask r*ddit.


Attached: 2019-04-19 00_19_29-KSTV2_e01_HBeginnings (rough w errors).mp4 - VLC media player.png (995x727, 1.31M)

>reaction videos to low hanging fruit
I thought H3h3 was the one that supposedly copied hyde and not the other way around?

Attached: 2019-04-19 00_20_40-KSTV2_e01_HBeginnings (rough w errors).mp4 - VLC media player.png (1600x900, 2.7M)

Sam, I've got the money to fund WP season 2. I just don't wanna give it to ya

Attached: 9DoQccC.jpg (630x270, 29K)


>you will never trick edgy zoomers into giving you money for low quality content.
how the FUCK does he do it bros???

its on the cripplechan mde board
mega link

why is he so painfully unfunny now

upload it and i'll watch it.

thanks i see it. figured it was the entire series not just an ep.

i found the centralized corporate chatroom person that takes hormones for the opposite sex

he's releasing them one at a time I guess

I'm 7 min in and it's pretty decent so far

He's got an audience who will consistently pay him no matter what. He doesn't need to put the effort in anymore.

i thought trannies was something sam was into

hes not that bases

Why is Sam looking more and more like Trotsky?

please go back to r*ddit
oh wait lmao

ahh. here comes the same shitty propaganda you lefty fucking tranny cucks constantly try and smear sam with... why the fuck does he threaten you delicate cunts so much???

sam calm down ok

one tr*nny, five tr*nnies... how about i'm responding to none of em

>r*ddit meme
if sam scares you so much maybe you fucking losers need to head back to your safe space before you see something that will really upset you. dont want you getting triggered you fucking niggers.

I know the tranny that made that fake image and he's just as retarded as you'd think.

Lmao. There's actually a Sam Hyde defence force mobilizing in this thread. As if the guy couldn't get any more pathetic.

tell you what user. your next post gets a 5, ya walk tomorra. anything else, it's another image collage

No, because Sam is no longer in a position to mock people who e-beg for crappy projects.

how many times has muhammad raped you?

I love when Sam shits on government incompetence and shows his based libertarian ways.

Attached: 1484669955143.png (1596x1074, 1.08M)

>seething hyde fanboy
he doesn't even know who you are...

fat unfunny pedo

Attached: sam.jpg (1620x4171, 1.31M)

Lmao. There's actually a Sam Hyde attack force mobilizing in this thread. As if the guy couldn't get any more pathetic.

hahahahaha! the only retard seething itt is you ya fucking tr*nny. go fucking dilate or something and then kys so your parents can be put out of there fucking misery

>fake tr*nny image
keep posting that you chuckle fuck cunt. none of it is true and everyone knows that. im fucking embarrassed for ya

you came here sweaty

>he doesn't even know who you are...
what is that even supposed to mean lol pretty sure that user is aware of that

sam hyde is actually good

>that leftist tranny that spends every waking moment of his life on Yea Forums just to post this image just in case a sam hyde thread gets posted

What the fuck is going on in this thread...

haha bitch, you're crying because people are disagreeing with you, pretty pathetic tbqh

>sam hyde thread
>people start discussing his content
>few mins later a bunch of capeshit watching trannies show up to cry and whine
never fails

Sam Hyde sucks though. As a stand-up he read his material from a piece of paper, doing sketch comedy he thought fake corpsing made it funnier, and now he's just another Patreon scam artist.

I can't believe he hasn't blown his head off with a shotgun head

we can all see the IP count you dumb redditard

It really does happen all of the time.
These leftists are deranged and pathetic.

sam hyde fanboys being enraged by a bunch of tranny shitters is hilarious.

You do this false-flag shit on every Hyde thread. The only reason to use the word "tranny" on a Hyde thread is to provide an excuse for people to post the "he had a nice dick" collage.

his standup sucks but I love KSTV and some of his videos

I love how they show how fucked up the world is.

Exactly this.

>angry discord trannies calling anyone else reddit

>You do this false-flag shit on every Hyde thread.
the fake sam hyde tranny pics get posted every sam hyde thread with the same filenames
imagine actually being that pathetic
It's just Sam Hyde derangement syndrome.

This shit is pretty comfy.
Not paying for it though, sorry sam.
I don't know why he doesn't just run ads on a youtube channel or something for his content?!H9dT2SYB!twy-X0YJZVLN0NK8aupzxPhGQ_mo0LGApfcUb2v2mMc>>23654

I love this shit.

Attached: 2019-04-19 00_57_46-KSTV2_e01_HBeginnings (rough w errors).mp4 - VLC media player.png (1600x900, 2.62M)

Literally 'we live in a society' tier. What happened to him?

I'm talking about the guy pretending to be a Hyde fan who hits out with "trannies" when Sam probably fucked a tranny.

oh... you don't get it... lmao

is sam mocking himself or someone else in that image? doesn't he spend countless hours gaming too and isn't his nihilistic irony bro tier comedy a similar kind of distraction? seems like projection

He only did one entirely successful thing, the TEDx talk, and that's because his audience was unusually credulous and he was uncharacteristically disciplined.

>when Sam probably fucked a tranny.
Oh hey look it's the discord tranny that posts that fake image all of the time that nobody believes.
Post the image again lol

Attached: download (20).jpg (1280x720, 94K)

What's fake about it?

>is sam mocking himself or someone else in that image?
yes some british guy that made a lsd zombie game

watch it, it's pretty good

Why does this kike faggot have a fanbase in the first place when he admits stuff like pic related?

Attached: begging2.jpg (614x481, 35K)

...isn't sam making a video game too? and probably has less to show for it than some guy with a kickstarter campaign?

not going to watch the whole thing

sure he isn't

Attached: 1526731819769.jpg (967x540, 52K)

at least he's kissing a biological female

Oh look another Jewish nihilist presenting immorality and hedonism as the answer, mocking the stupid, backward goyim, making fun of western civilization, all the while asking for their same dollars. Surely you're not gonna fall for it AGAIN and give money to this jewish filth, right Yea Forums?

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it's still a tranny pumped full of testosterone
I swear the mental hoops that Sam's dick suckers jump through to justify their dick sucking

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how much eth did he buy?

>Jewish nihilist
Why are you so desperately trying to false flag.
Nobody is falling for it and you're wasting your time.
Sam is neither jewish or a nihilist, you leftist shit eater.

>it's still a tranny
It's a biological female and not a man.
Man, Sam Hyde derangement syndrome is real.
Why do you even care so much about Sam Hyde?
Why are you so mad?

>how much eth did he buy?
Between crypto and btc ppl claim he made around a million in profit. None of which he's willing to put up to fund any more WP production because he's a greedy kike that wants someone else to take the risk rather than putting his money where his mouth is.

Attached: asociopath.jpg (469x600, 175K)

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:

Attached: CaptureO.jpg (359x268, 23K)

“PLEASE give me money for this project”

“Hey Sam are you putting any of your money into it?”

“Nah Im not investing in that shit with my own money, are you kidding?”

Fuck Owen, guy is cringe even if Sam is worse

Sam's entertaining.
Sorry bud.

>...isn't sam making a video game too?
To anyone that isn't blinded from Sam's jizz in their eyes he is blatantly a giant hypocrite.

Attached: 1526731821547.jpg (559x633, 54K)

>Between crypto and btc ppl claim he made around a million in profit.
citation needed

>Sam's entertaining.
Maybe if you are still in Highschool.

Attached: 1hukga.jpg (1931x1855, 183K)

There's nothing wrong with being a gay right winger.

>t. projecting teenager

Are you upset that sam makes fun of you zoomer gamer kids?

sam hyde is jewish

you grew up
he didn't

Read the image, most of the claims in it came from Channing (cup cup girl), who's known Sam platonically for like 10 years, so she has credibility Sam has talked about Crypto shit for a long time on his FB (pic related, he invested in BTC before it mooned in 2017, he also posted pics of mining rigs for litecoin and other stuff)
It's not a coincidence that after BTC mooned Sam started posting a bunch of shit about his new spending habits on his instagram (buying/importing cars, etc), he also talked in HW about hiring staff and suddenly renting an office costing hims like 7k a month.
He also doesn't deny any of it when its brought up like in that tweet.
The guy is loaded, he's just too much of a Jew to put that money into more video production.

Attached: 1531234802789.png (493x145, 14K)

Everybody believes it except people who paid Sam for "hyde, hyde, hyde, hyde...".

his office costs him between 2 and 3k a month, he mentioned it in an early hydewars and that's what one of his ex employees also said.

>Read the image, most of the claims in it came from Channing (cup cup girl), who's known Sam platonically for like 10 years, so she has credibility

Everyone on the mde board says that she's just a crazy ex-girlfriend that constantly makes shit up

the things she's saying are absolutely outlandish and make no sense

those images were obviously fake and nobody believes this

Literally buckley-tier

>It's a biological female and not a man.
no one is denying this, but it's still a tranny
Sam Hyde gets off (sexually) to transsexuals
you are defending a literal queer, let that sink in

>I'm too stupid to read
Everything he writes there is golden.

>crazy ex-girlfriend that constantly makes shit up
Then why hasn't she been caught in a blatant lie? She wasn't in a relationship with Sam when she appeared in his vids, she was a friend/employee. Nothing in that image has been dubunked, the most you can say about the more ambigous stuff in it is that it's hearsay.
>obviously fake
How? You're making claims of fakery but you aren't providing any sort of direct evidence.

>but it's still a tranny
lol when people say the word tranny they're speaking of MtoF trannies.

>Sam Hyde gets off (sexually) to transsexuals
No he doesn't, this was obviously shot for world peace.
Do you want to know why nobody believes you people?

Also why the fuck are you literally on here 24/7?
Do you have no fucking life at all?
Move out of your parents house.

>Then why hasn't she been caught in a blatant lie?
Everything she's saying is a lie.
She's saying crazy things nobody would believe.
This is why nobody believes you shills when you post this garbage lol

>You're making claims of fakery
What can be asserted with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence.

>this was obviously shot for world peace.
And Sam thought it was a good idea, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Dave Chappelle (a comedian superior in every way to Sam), famously drew a line against doing stuff having him wearing a dress, something Sam could have done similarly with a skit like this, but he didn't.
Plus that other time when he did get facefucked by a mtf tranny too.
Guy's a straight up faggot.

>asserted with no evidence
sure thing bud, it's obvious to anyone you are a massive shill

Attached: 1540707657954.jpg (1476x1056, 447K)

>And Sam thought it was a good idea
Guess what,
I don't care.

>Plus that other time when he did get facefucked by a mtf tranny too.

>Guy's a straight up faggot.
Sam Hyde doesn't hate homosexuals.

>calls me a shill
>posts the shill image for the 101st time

Attached: 2019-04-19 01_36_54-4plebs » Global Search » Searching for posts with the filename ‘154070765795 (645x66, 5K)

Yeah it's not like people ever download and re-upload that image.

You dumb fucking shill.
If it were downloaded from different times people posted it in different threads, it would have generated a different filename.
The first time this was posted was Sun 28 Oct 2018 23:32:56.
You literally posted this same image 101 times since October last year.

Attached: 1516618469031.jpg (2544x4000, 799K)

not necessarily, actually
i didn't post that image and am not as autistically obsessed as you but i've been on here long enough to know that

>101 times
What site do you think you are on? Meanwhile there have been multiple hundreds, if not thousands of threads shilling Sam's garbage.

Attached: 1519730693965.jpg (500x492, 155K)

imagine spending your life making shit up about some online entertainer and spending every day of your life angrily shilling against him
the worst part about it is these people do it for free

damn that's pathetic
have sex

Attached: cool.png (1440x5141, 2.63M)

Attached: 1526731719689.jpg (792x1878, 269K)

Reddit gets triggered by everything that isn’t far left
Sam would probably give them a heart attack. In fact, I’m pretty sure they banned his subreddit too TOP KEK

what so you mean I couldn't save the file with the same exact name?

>not necessarily, actually
LOL, this image was downloaded from the one post on Yea Forums.
Either 30 different people downloaded the one image and posted it like 3 times each or YOU posted it 101 times.

What's more likely? Do you really think 30 people are going to download the same image?
Even fucking 5 people downloading it would have to have posted it like 20 times each.

See above you brain damaged redditor shill.
>What site do you think you are on?
The site you angrily shill against sam on for free

>18 results found
>going back an entire year
>just to start a thread to talk about a television show


>101 times in 6 months
>to desperately post fake images because some guy made you SUPER mad

Attached: 1428210386093.jpg (533x477, 22K)

someone would have to have saved the same file from the same post a long time ago
it's possibly but unlikely.
It's much more likely that this guy made almost all of these posts.

>even people in the cripplechan thread are shitting on the episode
what happened to sam?

>or YOU posted it 101 times.
i didn't post the image in the first place you idiot

>anti-sam redditors in severe damage control mode

meant to attach

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 1.55.11 AM.jpg (1436x524, 179K)

You realize Sam literally sucked reddits dick for years right? And that his redditling fans flooded this place complaining when his sub got shoa'd?

Attached: 1526731746809.jpg (966x1715, 496K)

>I'm not that user
Wow okay.
Nobody cares.
Why did you even waste your time telling me this?

They're redditors that hate the majority of reddit and the majority of reddit hates them.

idk you or other posters seemed to care when claiming i posted it 101 times. glad you're over it.

>They're redditors
stopped there

>idk you or other posters seemed to care when claiming i posted it 101 times. glad you're over it.
The other user did.
I was mocking him.
The only reason I thought you were that guy is because you responded to the post I was responding to that guy.

>dude we’re changing the world
The ethnostate will NEVER exist

That's because you're a fucking moron. Playing video games is exactly what 13 year olds do.

>Playing video games is exactly what 13 year olds do.
No shit, this is why sam was making fun of them in this video


No it isn't you fucking retard, the implication is that 13 year olds are somehow supposed to actually be full grown adults ' changing the world' or some nonsense

In Sam's eyes 13 year olds are meant for .. other purposes.

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we won sam

you lost.

get over it.

Attached: 1548759760715.jpg (1200x843, 154K)

The space kid in hydewars seemed pretty smart, clearly using that project for resume-padding for college and internships. Not really much to make fun of

Who is this guy again?