Stannis BaRADtheon Edition
Stannis BaRADtheon Edition
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based edition op
Why are dothraki horses immune to dragon fire?
pretty damn based
reminder radmure is coming back next episode
>I need this thread to be perfect, Yea Forums
nth for cute dany
>Winterfell only knows the army is coming because Tormund arrives to tell them
What happened to scouts? What happened to Bran warging into crows?
Nigger I dropped this trash after season 1, I'm only here for the memes.
Bad writing.
any scenes/characters that capture this feel for you?
for me, it's Sansa
they bred their horses right
you sound like a pajeet
u mad?
based and radpilled
Please, someone who hoards pics, post the Bran "THE RAPE SANSA" meme. I can't find it anywhere.
simply ebin
reminder this guy really called me a newfag despite not recognizing an old /got/ meme and thinking /got/ didn't used to be filled with tripfags.
can some anons post what they think are a kino scene or two? I have seen some of this show but not too much
>Jaime - Some might say a cripple and an old man are well matched. Free me from my vow to Lady Catelyn and I will meet you sword to sword. If I win, Riverrun is ours. If you slay me, we'll lift the siege.
>Brynden - Much as I would welcome the chance to take that golden sword away from you and cut out your black heart, your promises are worthless. I would gain nothing from your death but the pleasure of killing you, and I will not risk my own life for that ... as small a risk as that may be.
name a more badass character than the Blackfish
i'll wait
>You used to be taller
I don't get why Arya says this? Jon is the same height he was when they last met, not an inch taller or shorter. Why would she imply he lost height?
He's right though, your posts are pure newfag tier shit, stop posting nigga.
D&D literally cannot into continuity. Every time a character references an earlier season, they literally contradict what actually happens. Why? Because D&D themselves don't fucking know what happened, and can't be arsed to watch it again.
Proof: in the after show video, Dabid literally calls Dickon Sam's OLDER brother. Bear in mind, Sam was sent to the Wall in the first place BECAUSE he was the older brother, not Dickon.
>talking in the third person
>cringy pepe reaction posts are "/got/ memes"
fuck off retard
She got taller
What old /got/ meme did I fail to recognise?
>pepe reactions
not what im talking about
I think they're trolling honestly. They pronounce everyone's name wrong in those too.
Christ. Do you think people will realize just how bad they were years into the future?
She doesn't say "I got taller" or "I used to be shorter" though, which would make sense.
What's the point of this character? All they do is shit on him. Now Sansa is going ham on him any chance she can get.
Seems to me that's all you posted in that thread. Either way you're a dumb faggot.
she literally didn't
name a more forgettable character
You ever heard the phrase "getting your ears lowered"?
Why do we hate the bad poosy girl again? She's literally the most qt girl in all of GOT
>Now Sansa is going ham on him
born amidst salt and smoke? The pig who was promised?
Woops, forgot your name again.
He's the comic relief.
are Tullys just rad chads?
I missed GoT threads during the GoT break
Now it feels like home. I need more boar posting and Stannis posting
Also who has the best tits in GoT and why is it Snake tits
>infecting a Stannispost with Radmure filth
Cringe and falseflagged. You are no Stannisposter and I shall not kneel to this alliance. House Radmure must be stopped for the good of the your duty fellow Stannischads.
they're pretty much all dead so no
Someone should bomb them like how Cersei bombed the Sept. P O E T R Y
Rad posters confirmed for underage redditors
>armour in the books
>basically just real life armour with their own fantasy flourishes and sigils, like Robert's antlers or Sandor's hound helm
>early show armour
>mostly practical real armour, with a few artistic liberties here and there, absolutely beautiful craftsmanship from real blacksmiths
>mid show armour
>many items from the early seasons is still being used, but much of it now seems to be getting phased out for "black cloak" and "brown shirt"
>late show armour
>existing armour like the Kingsguard's is swapped with much cheaper, looser imitations
>full sets of plate are taken out in favor of leather coats with some pig iron shoulderpads, at times a soldier from a supposedly wealthy house will be seen wearing nothing but a flimsy vest
>utter atrocities, both from a practical and fashion sense, like Mace Tyrell's battlegear and his soldiers who look just as ridiculous
>show armour now
What the fuck happened
What happened to big tits goth??? WTF???
but everyone wearing black is supposed to represent how dark the story is now bro! it's like, winter and stuff.
>years into the future
No, I think it will start right after the disappointing series finale. Even normies are already aware of the post S4 quality drop.
game of thrones is pretty rad
Do you honestly think that matters? Did you pause Return of the King to inspect the details of Aragorn's armor?
>implying that after the wedding there would be any ill-will between Tullys and Stannis.
We can all catch tasty waves together, Stan. No worries! It's all rad! wooo!
he used to be a fan favourite, so he gets token screentime. every line he gets is genuinely terrible though
>Sansa is supposed to be one of the smartest characters in the show according to Arya after the debacle last season where Littlefinger almost had them killing eachother before Bran told them how fucking retarded they were being off screen.
Why the fuck didn't they just make him Euron? Kano sucks.
What happened to those stone fuckers in the river? Will they play a role or is it all just for scenery shit
also where is fire tits she is missing in action
>do you think a visual medium should look good
You know what on second thought, no
Why would they play a role? They were shipped off to Valyria and left to die there retard
I don't really understand what they're talking about but is a good bit of the series around this good? This seems pretty well shot/acted. Watched the latest episode and wasn't really on this level to me (don't think it was as bad as some here say but I don't really have as much to compare from before), will it get better this season you think?
Fuck off back to /trek/.
Becoming a Game of Thrones mastermind is Sansa's endgame in the books, being legit tutored by LF and usurping the Vale but clearly they've skipped some steps in the show.
You don't learn jack shit by getting raped and lying to senile old women.
Congrats on the dumbest post I've read all week
Actually I did, same with Theodens armor, that shit looked dope.
>mfw I first heard Weiss pronounce Cercei “seer-say”
It's weird thinking about how half the great houses of Westeros are basically extinct. Like the Baratheons, Martells, and Tyrells are just gone. I guess there's some Baratheon bastards out there though, at least, maybe some Martell bastards as well? God, Eleria Sand really fucked her house up.
Of the remaining Great Houses there's only one Tully left and one Arryn left. Ironic that the Starks and Lannisters would come out on top considering they started the bloody conflict in the first place.
Hell, even the presumed extinct Targaryen house is looking better.
Worst breasts in Westeros.
Man, you seriously need to take it down a notch. This is getting obnoxious.
I want to fuck that sand bitch with perfect tits so bad jesus fucking christ i feel like gosling
I would say his accent is too American, but then the Euron we got has some kinda weird Dutch accent or some shit for no clear reason.
both Salsa and Arya should have disappeared for the season they're supposed to "train", just like Bran
Sophie needs to rim me.
This show used to have soul
Ayy, Stanny, dis guy sed he seent da white walkas, on my muddah! White walkers! Make us look like mulignans Stanny!
Realistically all thoses Houses have cousins and cadet houses but we're likely to never see any of thoses or have any closure for Riverlands/Stormlands/Dorne/Reach. We might see who gets the Vale because Royce is still around but i doubt it.
you want a good girl but you need the rad pussy
fuck off loser
>a non descript breastplate with some random chainmail undernearth
I don't know my dude looks pretty low effort to me
I understand that, but it seems that they outsourced to the the Captain Marvel writers for that line in particular ascribing a character trait to a character instead of actually showing it or having them earn it.
it's a cheeky line from a cheeky little sister. She is implying she got bigger but couches it as a mild insult to Jon.
Its supposed to engender the idea they were close as siblings.
you just mad cuz u'll never look that cool
>Did you pause Return of the King to inspect the details of Aragorn's armor?
You need to pause a fucking show to notice detail, or whether a costume is shit or not? How are you even able to solve captchas?
Best tits throughout the show. No way any other girls can compete.
you aren't funny, stop posting.
That looks great. Do you have something that looks better from current GOT to compare it with or are you just shitposting?
Death to all tripfags, may you go the way of Shannis' hopes and dreams.
No, that's the point. If it doesn't stand out as extreme one way or the other, why should it matter? Nobody will remember in the grand scheme.
It's ok bro, middle school is a rough time for everyone but you'll get through it.
anyone got gifs of mag the mighty getting shot by arrows and edited to look like runescape?
fuck you, I find him very based
Martin is likely lying about his Jewish background. Lots of white dudes do who go out to hollywood, especially writers
>melting down the equivalent of obsidian to make weapons
that's gonna be a yikes from me. you literally just chip away chunks of it and you got a weapon ready. details like this compromise the credibility of the show.
The end times are upon us
still cracks me up how Salsa thinks she beat LF, even though she needed an actual deus ex magic man and a kangaroo court trial that broke every westerosi law
Didn't she break guest right by killing him like that too? I thought northeners were strict about that shit
>using based excessively
why did jorah get the stone skin if they were just going to cut it off?
Girl on the right looks like her pussy's getting wet.
Samefagging this hard
We might see some kind of return of riverrun? They are still pretty close to the North right? Maybe Arya released Edmure when she killed Walter Frey.
>He also acknowledges French, English, Welsh and German roots,[10]
>which were confirmed on the television series Finding Your Roots.
>However, while he also believed he was a quarter Italian because of who he was told was his paternal grandfather, a DNA test on the show confirmed his Irish and other ancestries but excluded any Italian ancestry,
>showing instead he is approximately a quarter Ashkenazi Jewish.[11]
They do stand out, what the hell are you talking about? If costume design is boring, people are going to notice. It reflects poorly on the overall experience because it shows how little of a shit their overpaid costume depertment gives. Queensguard armour looks so fucking bad that even normalfags take a dump on it in droves.
Why does anything happen at all if they're just gonna resolve it?
its literally not me
Posts like this made me realize that maybe D&D made the right choice when they dumbed down the dialogue.
>this doesn't stand out as extremely bad
oh no no
It is known
Sansa will sit the Iron Throne when it's all over. I don't like it either but you know I'm right
nah jew and jewer wouldn't even sink that low.
I am a huge faggot please kill me
btw edmure tully is gay lol
how can you be so fucking thick lmao
yeh but it didn't bring any change, wasn't anything thematic and it didn't move the story anywhere. It was just a problem they fixed.
Basically, besides some tension in a couple of scenes, what does it change in the story if we remove the stone cancer?
What is it about these people that makes me want to punch them so much?
What makes you think they wouldn't?
Nah m8. She'll be queen of the Fallen North and the one who will make it rise again, but the Iron Throne is really for one person only, _Jaime__
Chip away chunks, sure, but I'd still melt down and cast the remainder into other weapons if it was that valuable and scarce a commodity. Do you think they should just throw the shards away?
high sparrow, by a fucking mile. legitimately forgot that entire arc even happened til i rewatched the series a few weeks ago
what a terrible thing to learn. it's like being hit with a cancer diagnosis
What is drama?
Yeah probably at this point you can't really even expect them to stay consistent from episode to episode much less remember complex ideas like political traditions and such.
Good job, you learned to inspect element. I'm so impressed.
back in S1 they thought a wood fire can melt gold, and that molten gold doesn't glow
so it was established fairly early on they have no clue how any of this shit works
I really don't know.
He was either at The Twins or at Casterly and both thoses places fell. I'm half expecting to see him show up at Winterfell with generic riverlords and an army to help out.
Or maybe he and Robin Arryn are going to attack Cersei. Sansa did get a letter from the Vale last episode didn't she?
They are clearly faking their reaction for the camera.
they are aware of how annoying sansa is and aren't stupid enough to put her on the throne.
Yeah but it's just meaningless drama then, it's no different from your basic-bitch soap opera that makes characters fight for no reason other than they need to fill time.
The entire kingdom of dorne except "Bad pussi"
Tits and ass, both are rad in got
Pycelle's one of the few truly hateable characters in the series, not a single redeeming quality. He's just a rat bastard
worst part about this is that the gold melted in like 5 seconds, irl they would have been standing there for like half an hour so drogo can make a metaphor.
literally just a jpg into a green screen and they couldnt even do that.
Casterly Rock looked more like Highgarden than Highgarden did and where was Lannisport? And the Rock? Biggest disapointement of this show.
Bad Poosy will take the Iron Throne. Screencap this.
>basic-bitch soap opera that makes characters fight for no reason other than they need to fill time
What is Game of Thrones?
GoT prided itself as being a dark, adult, and realistic take on the Tolkien-style fantasy, so yes it does matter.
You fucking mouthbreathers are the reason this show got so fucking garbage.
obsidian is volcanic glass, not a metal. it cannot be forget into anything
Because it put Jorah in the citadel
Because that put him into contact with Sam
Because that put him into debt with Sam
Because that created a regretful situation when Dany burned Sam's family alive
Because it forced Dany to be introspective about her impulsive decisions when she rewarded the benefactor of her closest champion with the death of his father and brother
Because this in turn caused Sam to turn on Dany and immediately tell Jon he should be king, and it engenders resentment and guilt in Jorah, who we know next episode weilds Sam's family blade "heartsbane"
I'll never forget it. It's really pretty and sharp
so we're in agreement then
but yeah, it's a shame it basically turns into a soap opera in later seasons
they could've stood there for all eternity. the fire from that wood is about 400 degrees below the melting point of gold
its magic dothraki fire, the same they use to train their horses. thats how they're immune to dragon fire dumbass
oh you
You can still melt down glass and cast it into different shapes.
based user, I'm convinced.
Maybe I should stop just shitting on the show and actually start paying attention
should've had horses in that tent with Dany instead of khals then
Episode 2 entire plot
>Jaime and bran intense staring moment
>Dany bitching to jaime about kill her father
>conflict gets resolved in 1 meaningless scene
>more walking and talking
>sam gives jorah his daddys sword
>Nothing happens in kings landing
>Tormund,beric,and,edd magically make it to winterfell before the night king
>episode ends with the undead horse hoof shot from the trailer
>tyrion does nothing but make eunuch jokes
>radmure comes back
what did i miss?
What if winterfell isn’t the target?
the part about you sucking cocks and loving it
you can melt chocolate down and cast it into shapes, I don't see anyone forging chocolate swords
It's not. They're just stopping off to increase their numbers.
>yfw WW pull Robb's strategy of sending a couple of guys to attack this place and all of their guys to attack somewhere else
>the same strategy Jaime used a season ago btw
master strategists, those D lads
I'm certainly having fun with it, don't let other people ruin it for you.
The payoff of the Tarly arc was particularly nice.
it wasn't real gold. It was those gold foil-wrapped chocolate coins that Jew kids get on Greed Day or whatever
coming home at last
final boss charging up
I recall hearing that every episode in the final season would be film length.
Didn't realize I was in a Fallout thread.
Why did the umbers not leave earlier?
Its true. I am Radmure Tully and I DO enjoy sucking cock.
To be fair the scene with him and the dragons was one of the last good ones in the show.
what if Dany kill Jon?
That was just shitposts and rumors. HBO deconfirmed it like a year ago. Even so after episode 2 every episode will be 80 mins.
why the fuck did sansa send the umber boy back up north to last hearth when they knew that the wall was down and the wights were marching south? last hearth is pretty damn close to the wall, she sent that boy to his death for no reason.
the last second to last scene at the wall was so fucking comfy. GoT is at its best when it's spookycomfy northern stuff
What is the consensus? Hopefully you bums aren't complaining again like you did last season
Probably nobody gave a shit what some little lordling was trying to order them to do.
Yeah they haven't done any real justice to the Umbers sadly.
you got it wrong
I always pictured it more quiet and guttural, hence the "gggh"
You did an "AAAAAHHH"
It's "agghh"
>Sam makes a huge deal out about Jon surrendering his crown for his people
>insinuates Dany would never put aside the throne for others
Is Jon too embarrassed at this point to correct the record? The guy literally bent the knee in an attempt to get into her panties. This is like right after Tyrion told her not to risk her life's work saving some random dudes + Jon and she did anyways. Did they forget last season or are they gonna bring this up at some point?
or what if there was a continent wide conspiracy against the dothraki, where the free cities all agreed to pay them off with fake gold every time they show up
why didn't bran warn the kid?
why is the writing garbage?
why is this getting more popular?
>Hopefully you bums aren't complaining again like you did last season
Here is your (You)
Why should they even attack Winterfell? They can just march south and convert people there.
r/Freefolk is unironically based and I know you all go there too
>I always pictured it more quiet and guttural, hence the "gggh"
You did an "AAAAAHHH"
It's "agghh"
how bout the actual scream from the scene
Reminder that Azor Brienne
>why didn't bran warn the kid?
What happens, happens. He's not there to warn anyone anymore, he's the watcher now.
>insinuates Dany would never put aside the throne for others
That's correct though, she wouldn't.
Obviously, people didn't like Edd's quip and i've heard some shit about Beric's flaming sword being a bit over-the-top, but otherwise i dont it got that much shit
why does anything on this show happen anymore lmao
What is this face trying to convey?
>tells jon about muh daddy
>we're gonna be on youtube so lets exaggerate
all according to keikaku
Jon will probably bring it up and she will have a meltdown and almost fuck them all over before compromising with them marrying then one of them will die to save the other and they will be the "tragic" hero on the throne at the end
I think next episode could go two ways: Dany forgives Jaime and redeems her legitimacy as ruler in the North by some minor extent. OR she holds him accountable for the death of the mad king, someone almost everybody hated and reviled, and in doing so beings the worst fears of Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, and Varys to fruition.
I can imagine in the latter situation Jon would start seriously reconsidering bending the knee. Or perhaps speaking out against Dany, only for her to slap him down as his queen, followed by a resentful Sam and perhaps Bran injecting with the fact that- actually- Jon is the rightful king.
Also, did anyone notice in Jon's Dragon Riding scene how Jon looks over his shoulder at the waterfalls for a bit before Rhaegon follows through and flies down to it? Like the Dragon was responding to Jon's thoughts on where to go?
Do you think he did that to help them?
um sweaty don't you know it's time to break the patriarchy?
what if Dany kill Sam?
this is the one
Do the dragons instinctively side with Jon or stick with Dany? Because that's the only thing that matters. Power > legitimacy.
She's turning into Maeve
If you had an enemy that could only be killed by chocolate swords. You better believe people would start melting down chocolate and forging them.
She literally did just last season. Their lives were inconsequential. The entire scene Tyrion is making this point, that their quest for the throne is more important than the lives of a few random dudes + a King who was in open rebellion. To be honest, he had a good point, but it's done now.
>Theres only one tully left
you betcha
two if you count little chadmure
man i just can't take him seriously as a targ. the show keeps pushing it to the audience
>"Look he's a targ! Don't forget, we're gonna remind you every episode that he's a targ!"
>"rhaegar's marriage to elia doesn't matter!"
>"there are no bastards in dorne XD"
it's all so contrived
anyone else going to be massively disappointed if Jon Snow is azor ahai? hoping they go with someone else.. make it exciting.
I'm too busy texting my gf to worry about the details of this show
Sansa is a bitch who still wants to punish the Umbers for handing Rickon over even though they were loyal forever and the one guy who who fucked things up is already dead.
better call john locke
Based. This guy certainly fucks and isn't a Yea Forumsirgin.
serious inquiry, if bran cant have kids either because hes crippled or because he is the three eyed raven, isn't house stark extinct since there are no males to further the line?
To be fair he was a really shit guest
I got your Azor Ahai right here
Obviously it's ser Davos, the most righteous man in the realm.
Pretty much the entire first 4 seasons are at that level at least, it''s pretty much impossible to not like at least that much of the show. It drops off from season 5 onward though, but 5 is generally regarded as the worst with it getting a little better after that.
The season 8 premier only has such a tepid reception because it's too slow and consequential for how little of the show is left. The dialogue was questionable, but that's the big thing, it's the 11th hour and we got a filler episode.
Under the enlightened rule of Dany, absolute cognatic primogeniture will be instituted as the norm and women will be able to inherit all titles and pass down their name.
its embarrassing watching him ride a dragon. it just looks weird in that northern getup. i'll puke if he starts shouting dracarys in that accent.
jesus christ
>Night King: I could attack the greatest army Westeros has ever seen, fortified with dragon glass along with two dragons
>Night King: Or maybe, and this is just maybe, I could attack the largely unprepared city with no dragonglass weapons and a million extra bodies I could pad my ranks with before dealing with the North
>Night King: Himm... Decisions, decisions.
that's who would be cool but seems like they may kill him off next episode. or almost kill him.
Absolutely disgusting, any kingdom who does that deserves the sunset invasion.
no one knew who i was until i put on the eye patch
You can really see the iNDIAN in her in this post
Every fantasy writing worth its salt know that prophecies rely on expectations and play-on-words.
So yeah, Jon appears to be the most obvious choice, but it's all preparation for the subversive Azor Brienne
jk, it's actually
considering Jon having just learned about the Tarlys (which is a plot hole in and of itself), Jaime's trial should be interesting. that is, if D&D don't fail at continuity again
lmao how does the night king know they have a stockpile of dragon glass and are heavily fortified, he's never fucken been to winterfell you brainlet
Looks like he actually pulls on the spikes and "steers" the dragon in that direction, which is why Dany looks back and seems impressed he was able to actually change its direction
>She literally did just last season.
No she fucking didn't. It's obvious she didn't even take the threat to herself seriously and just wanted to save Jon. All Tyrion's pleading about "OUR quest for the throne" is irrelevant because she doesn't care about her people's desires or that they'd be fucked without her, she's out for her personal power above all else.
This is driven home multiple times when she brushes off Tyrion trying to talk to her about her supposed own goals of "breaking the wheel", and trying to come up with some sort of system of succession. The truth is she doesn't care about what the world will be once she leaves it. If she did she would have abandoned the war entirely and focused on the threat in the North after seeing it with her own eyes, or at least released Jon and his forces from her service so an agreement could be made with Cersei, but she didn't because ultimately she cares more about maintaining her power than saving others.
If the show really wanted shit to get bad, they'd do this. But I'm getting the feeling something stupid is gonna happen like the NK has a dragon, but he starts riding a horse because it looks epic when he's cutting down guys left and right on the battlefield.
>all women proceed to get raped
Checked and Icepilled
I don't think the nk knows about the armys at winterfell, he just knows its important and needs to attack it.
No... Go up the family tree. Does Ned have a brother alive? Does his brothers have male heirs? No? What about Ned's father, does he have any brothers who had boys? If so go with them.
according too book canon, three moment Jon rode Rhaegon he bonded with the Dragon. Meaning it will only accept Jon as his rider so long as he lives. So the Dragon is effectively his now.
theres a cut bit of dialogue with jon saying "it's like he knew where i wanted to go" when he and dany just got off the dragons, it's in one of the "making of" episode things, no idea why they cut it though. /night/ here
are we just going to conveniently forget the NK can ride dragons?
he is a Targaryen and thus the rightful king
>is going to be
user pls, D&D made that decision a long time ago. Jon is Aragorn, he's main character hero man who defeats the bad guy and ends up ruling the world
Nope. He can just warg into his dick and fuck Meera
>rightful king
u wot
Dead dragons aren't REAL dragons.
I think I need sleep when I read nk I thought the fuck does North Korea have to do with GoT?
What is the one thing that would make you permadrop this series for life?
For me it would be if Jaime gets ARYA'D
He could just warg some birds.
>yfw she kills Dany
>everyone's a secret Targ
glad they kept that one from the books
ive heard about this solution, but what if they're aren't any?
>Jon having just learned about the Tarlys (which is a plot hole in and of itself)
How is that a plot hole? Dany never told him, the conflict had nothing to do with the North, and the guy seems to be so out of the loop in information circles he didn't even know Sam was at winterfell until he literally tripped into the catacombs.
Will honorable Queen Dany give up her title of monarch when Jon reveals he's her nephew. Bigger army diplomacy makes you the bad guy.. er, girl.
so, is she just not gonna meet Jorah?
No elephants.
GRRM fucked up succession in the books to promote political correctness, when he has Lysa Arryn née Tully ruling the Vale.
Upon Jon Arryn’s death, King Robert would have appointed a regent from one of the noble houses of the Vale to run the operation until Sweetrobin Arryn came of age, he sure as shit would have allowed the foreign born wife (i.e. from another kingdom of Westeros) to call the shots, nor would the lords of the Vale have accepted Lysa’s authority on any issue.
>ride dragons
are you people serious? Pycelle and the High Sparrow as characters are not only better acted than almost every single character left on the show, but they're also far more interesting.
I really don't understand why everyone shits on the faith militant plot, it's no where near as bad as you people pretend it to be, and the High Sparrow is actually a very interesting character.
Lannister armor is pretty great.
thought it was half-brother
It would go to Sansa's husband.
All this dragon ball z bloodline species shit is such a dumb fucking meme it shouldn't matter whose dick you spurted out of, that's just fucking cartoonish just like arya dabbing on seasoned battle veteran Brienne in a sword fight
There will always be one. But maybe they will Sansa be Lord if she marries a Northerner with some noble blood.
Talking about the Night King here. Like I think half the reason he didn't just waste Jon and the others on that island in the frozen lake was because he was using them as bait for Dany's dragons. From his interactions with Bran, it seems like the Night King is an incredibly powerful Greenseer of some kind.
Dany's brother's kid is Jon.
Azor Hound
She looks like a grandma and Kit can't force himself to look like he wants to fuck her
yeh, but what about Brienne beating the hound when she lacks testosterone?
armor is nice, but their helmet design is retarded.
good lord user your poor neighbors
that's it. that's the one.
Jaime not being Azor
Jaime not killing Cersei
Jaime not killing the Night King
Jaime not becoming King
Jaime not telling Brienne he loves her
Bad Pusy not returning
I mean he did deny him the title of warden of the west iirc. I think it was more of a "Who gives a shit about what goes on in the fucking Vale" sort of thing more then anything.
When did they mention Azor Ahai in the show?
>afraid of fire
>seeing visions in the flames
lads, it's fucking happening
get hype, as they say
Dany is cute. Cute!
>inb4 to early
i literally do not care
Stanis and Red Thot
Can't disagree there.
The prince (or princess) that was promised
Is it cute being a villain now? Spend 7 seasons accruing an army for your boyfriend to say "I'm actually King, you're army belongs to me."
Still though, point stands. Dragons, according to book lore, only bond to a single rider so long as that rider lives. This bonding occurs on the first flight they take with a rider, and after that point they refuse to let anyone else ride them- at least, not without their rider.
Oh yeah thanks thanks
Because its completely irrelevant to the story at large and was kicked aside just as quickly as it came.
>a major battle where the Lannister army is defeated and one of the most famous lords in all of Westeros is put to death
yeah bro why would news of this travel
>the conflict had nothing to do with the North
yeah it's not like they're at war with the Lannisters or anything
it's also quite unrealistic to assume nobody on Dragonstone would mention these events ever again, conveniently keeping Jon and his people out of the loop
>he didn't even know Sam was at winterfell until he literally tripped into the catacombs.
>explains plot hole away with another plot hole
Mothers were regent to Kings plenty of times irl too
>it's also quite unrealistic to assume nobody on Dragonstone would mention these events ever again, conveniently keeping Jon and his people out of the loop
Really? With Varys and Tyrion playing interception on Jon's messages? If I was trying to get someone in my corner as an ally, I too might forget to mention my boss burns people alive with little provocation.
I wouldn't call it a plot hole, so much as a sad demonstration of how far Jon's influence has fallen that people don't confide anything in him even when it concerns the presence of one of his closest friends. The guys only official title at this juncture is 'bastard'.
randyll chose to follow the queen who murdered his liege
he threatened to kill sam
his younger brother didn't give a shit about him
sure danyfag
>If she did she would have abandoned the war entirely and focused on the threat in the North after seeing it with her own eyes, or at least released Jon and his forces from her service so an agreement could be made with Cersei, but she didn't because ultimately she cares more about maintaining her power than saving others.
This actually happens. She told no one about Jon bending the knee and gave him the nod when he was supposed to agree with Cersei's terms. Jon did not, hence everyone shat on him afterwards, including Daenerys who implied he fucked up everything after her dragon died f or this. He bent the knee AFTER she said they'd be allies in the war.
get banned loser
i fucking love john locke
>This actually happens. She told no one about Jon bending the knee and gave him the nod when he was supposed to agree with Cersei's terms.
But that's just bullshit where she'd have Jon lie to Cersei while still being under her command, meaning that in the end she could just turn around and destroy Cersei along with Jon, making the agreement meaningless.
Well that was the agreement Cersei laid on the table and she would've accepted it, so I don't know what you're complaining about. The agreement broke up because Jon was being a dumb dumb, not because Daenerys wouldn't let him.
>and she would've accepted it
But she wouldn't have accepted it, that's the point. She'd be lying while in a position of power.
What the fuck are you even talking about? If you’re operating under such pretenses, then the whole meeting was pointless. Nobody fucking knew Jon bent the knee, Daenerys gave him the OK to do what he needed and he blew it.
>What the fuck are you even talking about? If you’re operating under such pretenses, then the whole meeting was pointless.
Yes, it was pointless, that's the fucking point. Daenerys can make all the agreements she wants, they're worthless if she's lying about the terms to protect her own power.