Famous actors and their much less famous spouses

>pic related

Thor (Chris Hemsorth) is married to this much older, use to have fake tits, former hottie, Elsa Pataky.

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She got rid of those fake tits? Did she ever show em again post-removal?

I'd fuck her tbqh

That one James Bond guy with the fat wife? What's his name again?

imagine being able to get any woman on earth and you decide to stay forever with THAT

>former hottie
would still suck her pusy, so lonely and horney bros :_:

spaniards claim there are other fake things

>tfw no pusy to succ

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She's pretty fuccen hot. How many kids has she given him? They're both really lucky, but especially her.

Lol its 2019 bud. It doesn't matter how Chad you are women always think they can do better.

>imagine being able to get any woman on earth and you decide to stay forever with THAT
the hotter a celebrity is, the more vapid an intolerable her attitude likely is

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imagine being hemsworth and having adrien brody's sloppy seconds

Adrien Brody mogs hemsworth

bfpp (based fellow pusy poster)
may we get to suck on a pusy someday bro ;_;

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This post triggered me. You can't be serious.

only in a synagogue

This. Even slampigs get a big head because there are a hundred thirsty assholes pining for them on apps.

It’s true hemsworth is a shitty actor with no charisma and personality he’s good looking but that’s why he marries some old slag even women get bored of good looking guys that are boring the worst thing a women can experience is boredom

This, the dude has height, looks, status, money, etc, and he chooses this old roastie.

Height is the least thing women care about

Love is blind.

Shes attractive for an older lady. Shame about the tits

Will you please retry this with proper grammar and punctuation?

Who want to fuck a skeletal dumb roastie?

Did her marry her before he got famous? Regardless, since she’s clearly given up and removed her implants I’m assuming she lets him fuck around as long as he’s discreet.

Nah bruh

Is there such a thing as a “no plastic surgery” prenuptial agreement?

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Good one buddy.

Well okay then. I can't respond to you.

Imagine having sex with this multiple times every day at full power in all holes

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It’s true women care about money/status>>looks>>>muscles>personality>height

Christ she looks like his mom

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Face is nice but body is melting

I bet she was actually his first. They met when he was 25/26 and she was 33/34. I lost my virginity and had my first relationship with an older woman with almost the exact same age gap. He may be Chad as fuck, but the kind of older women who go for younger men are almost always after virgins they can teach.

Wish she had some more fat around the stomach and pusy area but I would with a VENGEANCE if given the opportunity

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she's hot, idk what people are complaining about. he's got a happy family, that's all you can ask for. he probably slammed tons of bitches in his youth, he's always been hot.

that's what happens
multiple pregnancies stretch out the belly and make it all revolting

That old Jewess on the right who seems happy for them makes me happy.

Her tits look like they need a couple implants

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she was hot but I can't stand this weird skin shit that happens to these stars from countless plastic surgeries

She looks like she's mixed with abo

Her own son is a disappointment probably

>all those sharp angles

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This is a banging body for a 42 year old and anyone who says otherwise is under 25.

elsa pataky nude?

Amber is actually a very likeable and down to earth person.

My wife is already revolting.

Her torso is that of a 39 year old baseball dad

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It's from having kids, user. This is what it does to some women's bodies.



Look at that ass grip lol

>be chadest of chads
>get with a granny
wtf did he mean by this

Careful Chris that might come clean off

>that ass pinch
>his calves

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>that ass squeeze

He is absolutely loving life, good on him

is that big bob pataky's daughter?

She needs more fat. Also,

it means her pusy is final boss pusy.

mom brought the pizza.

>It’s true hemsworth is a shitty actor with no charisma
>actually funny and very charming
>should be boring and just buff, yet charisma's and steals scenes.
you don't know shit

pusy posters unite

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>fistful of deflated mom ass

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Living the mommy wife dream. She must be legendary in bed.

greteinks fren!!

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guaranteed that she sucks his dick constantly, like thirsty vampire after a 2 millenia nap

that's the only explanation

itt cucks



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Now THATS a mommy

She's probably really healthy, but she's admittedly aesthetically displeasing. Good for her.

>those abs
>that arm hair

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Tom Hardy is married to Charlotte Riley, who is an actress.

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If Chris isnt enough, look at Ryan Gosling soulmate for confirmation.

This. Though the likes of Liz Hurley is even better and she's into her 50s.

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English actor Christian Bale and his long-term wife Sibi Blazic.

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Nice bulge

Currently Daniel Craig is more famous.

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>implying people that pretty have monogomous relationships

pubic mound

Based and alpha as fuck

I want to shove that beer bottle up her pussy

Norn Iron actor Jamie Dornan and his English wife Amelia Warner.

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next, please

Maybe she's a beard like the Huge Jackedman's wife

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Not sure who's more famous at the moment.

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The most fun, satisfying, and exciting sexual relationships you will ever have are with women you find sexy but not necessarily pretty/beautiful/hot.

Definitely him, he's in the Avengers movies and Star Wars. She hasn't been in anything in a long time that I know of.

The more attractive and professionally successful a woman is, the more likely she's legit mentally ill in some fashion

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arent they technically quadroons or octoroons?

imagine sex with her daughters!!

White father and yeah Thandie Newton is Anglo-black.

This is the fucking problem with race-mixing. Both of those daughters are way worse looking than their parents.

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she cheats on her husband

That's the woman from the Fast And The Furious movies I think. She played the Brazilian cop.

what? no they're vapid cunts, i live in LA and the more attractive they are the more annoying cunts they tend to be. not to say all attractive people are bad, but mostly pretty people are dumb and self absorbed.

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english slags can't resist the american penis.

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why pusy tape

why he tape her pusy

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are you blind? how did you even type this?



Why is that hot piece of ass married to an analyst?

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To keep blacks out

>the hotter a celebrity is, the more vapid an intolerable her attitude likely is
The applies to pretty much all women unless they've suffered actually intense trauma.


Even with regular women.
The hottie I m trying to get is a mess to handle.
When I h d this chubby beauty she was doing all the work for me.
With women I feel like you should aim in the middle. The most attractive one are crazy and the ugliest are bitter and crazy
But damn she is way too beautiful for me to drop her

He can bang all the thots on the side and Pataky probably has agreeable personality

I unironically thought he was gay.

WTF I love racemixing now

The one that bond burgered my sister?

>She hasn't been in anything in a long time that I know of.
Alitafags etternally BTFO

>plastic surgery

That happens from pregnancy, you virgin.

I will always be in love with her

jesus christ women age like fucking SHIT

Di Di Hollywood


fat whore detected

How old are you retard? Thats what women who have plenty of kids tend to get. Have sex.

Based pusy poster. You might be lonely and horney, but take solace in knowing how much joy you’ve brought to others over the years with your single minded dedication to posting in waifu threads.

The problem is you seem to be a faggot

She's also had 2-3? kids? The number of women who can remain in their pre-kid shape after giving birth is miniscule. Lizard Hurley is one.

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awww is the little incel angry?

Love isn’t about looks, retards. I’ve fucked lots of women and will only settle for the one with matching personality

He's right in a way though. She has skin like that from giving birth. Other celebs like Tara Reid have it from liposuction.

lmfao manlet detected

Is this a recent picture? Her skin is really fucking nice.

Lul you retards throwing around incel means nothing. I have probably had more sex than you in your life. The word is dead at this point.

t. virgin


you mean you, virgin?

I am so gay for noticing her Harry Potter book purse
but no homo really, I am straight, just somehow I noticed that more than anything else

No, I'm a different guy.

IIRC she's in her late 40s in that pic. This one is from just a few years ago.

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He isnt right about her you worthless fucking retard. Thats the point. Who is talking about tara reid? Stop embarrassing yourself moron

Yea sure you are samefag. You got btfo, keep quiet now

Nice pussy.

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>/tvpol/ constantly whines that people engage in casual sex instead of marrying and settling with a family
>Thor settles and has a family

she was in romasanta bruh (the spanish remake of pacte des loups)

Wow, never knew she was based

she's probably really devoted, which is worth a lot at a certain point

Just incels fantasizing about being chad, nothing new

The girl next to Thandie is gorgeous.

his calves are acceptable

That is some genetic jackpotting right there

The one in the middle is way hotter then both her parents combined

Sad tits :(
Thor deserves much better, no wonder why he's fucking Brie like a savage

Brits out

cope more

She's clearly a beard

She's probably more famous, what weird me out is that they look exactly the same in this pic

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>t. Elon


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His wife is a knockout, based Bale

This is what happens after 3 kids.

He said in an interview that he fucked every gender in his youth but cock doesn't do nothing for him anymore.

What. The young one is insanely hot.


Please Have Intercourse


you are still just as vapid and intolerable despite being ugly.

Imagine hating women for being vapid stuck up cunts then making fun of Chris Hemsworth for having a normal long term relationship with someone who looks her age. What would make you faggots happy?

desperately grabbing onto that pancake lol
them skeletal granny hands

>be ultra-chad, famous and rich
>marry a woman 7 years your senior

can't have everything

Why are we pretending she isn't attractive? Did I miss something? Wtf is wrong with Americans?

What is it with uberchads and older women?

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I read a rumor that she's fucking a young guy who she claims is her nephew

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Wonder if she still gets peed on.

Secure a woman who won't ever leave you, pump her full of babies, proceed to fuck prime teenage pusy on the side.


>when mom buys pizza for dinner

>the roastie stride

weeeeeeew lad

nice repost

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Roseamund Pike is sexy as hell.

its always white dudes who have this terrible taste. no offense but i think you white guys have terrible taste when it comes to women sometimes. i see the most handsome dudes with some questionably matched counterparts.


I think the turbo chads play it safe after they realize all women are whores. They go for someone who will not be able to do better than them. Saves them all the divorce bullshit.

And what about Mamoa ?

Damm his mom is fine. Is that why he married this granny?

>people are lambasting a rich and famous man for marrying a woman he loves instead of marrying a vapid whore with nice tits

So now moral decay is a good thing, you fucking faggots?

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He probably think's Mamoa is white.

mamoa is half white so its makes sense

Celebrities being faithful to their partners somehow restores my faith in humanity. I genuinely wish the best for them and hope they never separate.

She’s about 30 years too old for the average Yea Forums poster.

Everyone ITT is calling her a grandma, these faggots are obviously barely 18

She’s is biologically at an age where she should be a grandma.

Not an argument and not what they were referring too

this is actually super based

it's a fucking arranged marriage you fucking incels

they don't love each other, he married an used up hag so that the media wouldn't complain about him fucking every new 16 year old tight pussy that he has every night. she also has a fair share of men plowing her every night while thor is away shooting capeshit

Got a source there mate?

Anyone who thinks she doesn't have a nice face is lying.
Her body is good but not great. This is a cherrypicked picture that shows her looking like this

Y'all insane.

Blonde milfs are my fucking fetish and it looks like Chris is also a man of exquisite taste. He went long on the mommy market and it paid off extremely well.

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I don't get people in here thinking Chris Hemsworth is losing with his wife. They have been together for 9 years, they have 3 kids and she also has money so he knows she is not some psycho gold digger. There is a comfiness in a long term relationship and a loving family. Plus he can have sex on the road whenever he wants knowing a cute and loyal wife is waiting him at home.

We're infested by zoomers. Sad!

Goddamn, what an absolute cutie. Good for them

High test decision making and a sign of high IQ. I lost my virginity to a woman 10 years older than me. Women don't become intellectually and emotionally mature until at least their mid 30's. Men who go for older women want someone who can actually keep up with them intellectually and maturity wise. Older women also have much higher sex drives.

They got married before he was famous.



>buttoning both buttons of a suit
Faux pas

So quads

Chris Hemsworth dated prime Isabel Lucas, and for that he will always have my respect.

Kek, nice try roasties. No self respecting man wants to put his dick in anything over 30.

Honestly, I would fap to this until my dick fell off without even realizing she's 50

You have to be over 18 to post here


yes, the same way i do when a hot woman is with an ugly man. find someone who looks like you, otherwise it's real obvious you have ulterior motives, usually money.

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Goddamn I wanna know how to get in on the MILF action too

Horny milf is a 12 year old boy fetish and decidedly not patrician.

>Step 1: Be younger than the woman and attractive
>Step 2: Fuck her.

Shitty dive bars. Preferably ones that do karaoke nights. Women in general flock to these, but especially lonely, divorced older women who want to avoid competing with younger college girls at clubs.

>skipping leg day

He deserves her

That core is pure energy

Jennifer is aging like wine, my goodness

imagine being hugh grant and cheating on THIS with a black tranny

like kosher wine maybe

This. Adversity is the only thing that builds character.

citation needed

peaky blinders season 2 she gets naked bros

uh what? please elaborate

Everyone point and laugh

This. The only women I’ve dated that I could really respect were all over 30. I’m 26 and have been dating significantly older women since I was 22. Even when they’re in their mid thirties, women are naturally more immature but at least they will be able to hold an actual intellectual conversation. I get so sick of thots my age. All they can talk about is what show they watch on netflix.

Kino fingers though

this guy MILFs

This, i have only respect for them... and lets be frank here, she takes care of herself and doesnt look bad for a 42 year old, barely any cellulite.

Because new roasties are usually Amber Heard. Don't fall into the trap.

State of you Lad. You sound like you live in a society

GILF pusi best pusi
How can thots even compete?

Or maybe you overestimate the value of white dudes as though you were colonized by them.

Is there a "please surgery agreement" as well?

Chads marrying GILFs say otherwise.

Iggy pop? Nani?

Surgery would literally fix it. It's from kids, over tanning and too low body fat. You should gain a little weight with age to fill out loosening skin.

No, white people are the most attractive human race. There's not been a time where that hasn't been true in surveys and action (using dating app data and rape rates and measures of action) .

>using rape rates to determine which race is most attractive
This might be the most galaxy brain post I've ever seen

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She was hot in Los Serrano. She played a teacher who had an affair with her handsome but beta student.

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>No, white people are the most attractive human race.

t. colonial mentality

>No, white people are the most attractive human race

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>the Gigachad squeeze

She's 42, retard. She was a hot as fuck when she was young.

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toasty roasty literally going "I wish it was me"

yes because celebrity chads are famously known for being faithful and definitely not fucking other women on the side

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Why is John married to that ugly British SLUT when he could have married the beautiful and talented Jenna Fischer? It makes no sense.

Look at all these REEEEing niggers

Older women are grateful for dick.

Anyone who unironically thinks this is a bad body for a woman in her 40s who's had 3 kids is a delusional virgin. The average American woman is 5'3 and 165lbs. You guys will learn the hard way if you ever get married.

Each ab casts its own shadow. That's incredible.

Based, she looks better than ever in that pic and really hot in the OP too.

Jenna Fischer blown the fuck out

is that Rosamund? she's literally 10/10 milf

they've been married before he was an actor

is he? Rachel's latest movie was pretty high profile

I thought Tom Hardy was banging Marisa Tomei

she was in the hulk movie and is now basically the voice that jarvis was for spiderman

She was fucking terrible in that movie.

Liz Hurley has a kino tummy for her age, good for her

I would bare knuckle brawl Craig for just one of Weisz’s eyelashes, I am not even lying.


that is a little gross 2bh, definitely a weird fetishistic thing he's got going with her


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Delet this now


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hahahaha oh wow holy shit

Seriously, no one?

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Based and truthpilled

i would let her suck my soul straight out of my dick

actually I'm an excellent person and much beloved. you sound like a tremendous cunt, however

>High test decision making and a sign of high IQ
I love this desperate cope I see on her. I fuck ugly chicks because of my "high testosterone" lmao

Must have sucked to lose your virginity to a 50 year old.

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that jew has the JUST hairstyle im dyin here

worst show last year hands down

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Holy shit, the time isn't kind. What a qt she was

Same age 50, both look good

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There are some weird angles going on in that photo, look at their feet positions and then at their heads.
Someone is trying to look taller or shorter.

pretty unfortunate. maybe he's gay? or she was his way into the business, hard to drop that, she might have dirt on him

Maybe he just likes the way she looks at him

could be that. love is a heavy drug

Are you a Jew? Just curious

honestly I would pardon Amber if she shitted on my bed

Jfc elon let her go

Director was grade A perv

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>succubus user

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Jesus christ imagine waking up next to that every morning

The woman looks vile too


Ouch man, sorry for your manlet status.

Hurley was my first celebrity childhood fap. I’ve probably lost gallons of cum to her over my lifetime

no the problem with race mixing is that it creates the best and worst kinds of people.


fkn retard. thats bcs their menopause is on the horizon. if you need intellectual stimulation get some male friends you omega male

no wonder he is so obsessed with donnie...

I prefer an old hottie like this that will cherish me and love me and be happy with me with a lot of experience and wisdom than a retarded young cunt that will take me for granted and treat me like shit or cheat on me.
Hot young girls KNOW they can do better. They know they can drop you at any chance of a better guy.
Hot girls wont love you as strongly. Young girls are immature and dramatic

tru tru

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>That ass squeeze


>Fucking Nerds on Yea Forums talking like if they could do any better than THIS

Pataky is fucking hot

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eh i could do better

He probably connects with her intellectually. Plus, she's probably ok with him fucking hotties on the side at will, where as a young actress would freak the fuck out (all the while cheating on you).

ywn have this

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Imagine being this retarded. You can only compensate for being short by being rich as fuck, having a handsome face, being in really good shape, and being in a situation where there are no slightly above average or more tall men.

Ey, Stone & Wood. That's a good beer.

More like his young aunt that he's fucking on the side.

18 year old 6/10>40 year old 10/10

Wowzers I thought that actress was a latina.

>takes care of your children
>will never cheat on you because she hit the jackpot

Actually Hemsworth made a pretty smart move

Is that his mom?

Mayrring older women is an aussie thing, you wouldn't understand

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Until she tries to stab you with a bottle

Except he looks 10 years younger and she looks her age

Look at the jaw on that women, he's bi

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Based Shane

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>dating apps

Shes beautiful.