Why would you choose to be gay?
Why would you choose to be gay?
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Gays have higher sensitivity which means they appreciate art and culture at a more advanced and subtle level than heterosexuals.
You don't
>I have no idea Don, I myself love the ladies (male)
Because you said the show runners son couldn't act at all, so they booted you from the show.
>being gay
There's really no such thing as homosexuality. Just some brain disorder. With enough time and effort, you can convert benders into straights.
I bet he could suck a medicine ball through a garden hose.
>that strong gay look
why was he so gay
Glen fucking sucked. Who is still debating this?
imagine not only being this faggy but also this retarded
If you had the choice between being with a woman and being gay, why would you make the choice to be gay?
How else will I get sympathy and attention?
Really wish they brought him back for one episode or scene in the final season. They dug up the Jewess; why not Sal?
I mean Sal's ending was the logical conclusion of his character arc. From the pilot his whole purpose was observing a closeted gay man in that setting, how else would they have handled his character? I would have liked maybe more closure considering the fact that we never see him again and he's not even faintly referenced later on which is weird but idk what else they would have done with him
Boredom, like all fetishes.
See, we think of a man's cock... As JUST a cock!
What we don't realise is that we are bobbing our heads up and down on.. OPPORTUNITY.
Don't make me cum soft.
Why would you be named Ryan Schutt?
You have a subreddit this is a place for tv and film not podcasts
But it can only reach this much, the gay
We need a frog. Ask Creative and Peggy to make it now
ITT: people who don't listen to the only good podcast.
I really wish I was gay. I could fuck a feminine twink or a shemale but I could never love one. I could only love a female. However gay guys find me attractive for some reason. It's like I'm cursed. If being gay was a choice one could make I would make it. However as it stands I'm 97 percent hetero and 3 percent gay.
very good impression and pretty funny but that one guy's laugh is too irritating for me to keep listening
Stav's laugh is the ultimate pleb filter.
women are genuinely terrible people. having to pretend I like them just because I want to fuck their bodies is mentally exhausting.
>this is what zoomers find funny
how do I buy a gun, lads