Holy Shit

Jordan Peele is a fucking HACK! Rod Serling must be spinning in his grave at this trite garbage.

4 episodes in and nothing but shit. How does he keep getting away with it? Get Out and Us were mediocre and yet he's somehow still the darling of Hollywood. This reboot just proved he has no talent.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>jordan peele
>"how come he don't want me, man?"

projection and deflection

Havent seen any episodes but was cautiously optimistic. Some give me the brutal truth: are they “woke”?

>How does he keep getting away with it?
Because Get Out and Us are original stories and make a ton of money.

(((Hollywood))) is obsessed with Feminism/SJW virtue signaling or basically anything related to hating white men. This is why they suck his cock!!!FACT!!!

he's half white

you mean jewish?

He hasn’t written or directed any of the episodes so far

What happened in the new episode?

What the fuck happened at the end of The Traveler? I was shitposting about trannys and an then alien dude was eating a pie?

I got banned for posting this image a month ago

This one was Glen Morgan. How bad could it be?

the invasion started. the aliens won.

>yfw Oscar winning get out isn't even the top horror film of 2017
Geralds game, it, killing of a sacred deer,creep 2 and 1922 came out the same year.

Hell even mediocre thrillers like The ritual and super dark times were more well directed.

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Why does Peele trigger incels so bad

Peele is doing a fine job, you guys don't even know what you don't like about his performance you literally just hate him because he's black, it's the fucking 1940's all over again with you people for gods sakes. grow the F up

His white half isn't Jewish

So the native girl wasn't in the pie? That's a relief.

What do you think?

Imagine being able to silence any criticism by saying, "he's black!".
What a fucking clown you are.

He's an overrated a hack who the media parades as the next kubrick/Hitchcock because he's (50%)black and can do base level directing.

It's a blatant example of the media forcing a bias narrative well at the same time degrading a medium.

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Get Out had critics comparing Jordan Peele to the next Hitchcock, like Shymalan after the Sixth Sense. We're now in the "Unbreakable" phase of Peele's directorial career, and I wonder how many white people will still bend over to kiss his ass when we get into the "Village" or "Last Airbender" phases because of the socially conscious themes in his work.

Get out was already on par with the village. They already kissing the ads of a mediocre director.


>Rod Serling must be spinning in his grave
You mean celebrating. When the original Twilight Zone wasn't lecturing the audience with its presumed moral superiority in proto-SJW propaganda, it was engaging in M. Night Shyamalan-tier TWIST endings.

Rod Serling was the kind of jew who thinks he's so much more sophisticated than everyone else when in reality he wrote B level crap, virtue signaling at Hollywood cocktail parties about THOSE people in the suburbs as he chain-smoked himself to death.

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Man you lefties are sore after the mueller report bombed.

imagine being this triggered over a 50 year old TV show

That's because Swaglord and the majority of the jannies got swept up in the whole /pol/ phenomenon that started back in 2015. I swear you kids are gonna look back at this in 10 years and just physically cringe like we did with "TEH INTERNETZ" and Project Chanology

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He’s still a nigger

I look forward to all the retarded shit that normies adopt specifically to laugh at them.

imagine having to dilate 3 times a day

ok but have you considered this? White people are bad.

are you calling me a nazi?

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memes aside, you will never be happy

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you will make it cry, meanie

fun fact: there is not 1 pic of me dressed as a nazi but there are thousands of pics of nazi's dressed as a tranny

go dilate

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Next week is the Baron Trump episode. Prepare to be triggered.

>How does he keep getting away with it?

By being black and a woketard.
Literally that fucking simple.

The original Twilight Zone was super hit or miss as well

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New Twilight Zone has been exclusively "miss".

>omg u just racist

Imagine this being your only defense.

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The faggot wore the dress, so we're stuck with him for at least a few more years. He'll be tyler perry tier before you know it.

My complaint is that I have called the twist nearly from the start of each episode and their lead up to the twist isn't nearly that good already knowing whats going to happen.

I think its well made and the acting is good enough for TV.


So if I’m a black guy and I dress up as a Buddhist monk that makes me a Buddhist monk?


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>Get Out and Us were mediocre
I thought you were serious until I read this. They were both exceptional.
Nice false flag attempt, faggot

>How does he keep getting away with it?

he sucks a mean dick, look at those big monkey lips, old creepy jews love that shit.

>projecting THIS hard
Man, your life must be quite the shitshow.

Black Mirror did it without social justice garbage.

LOL. That level of cope. Wow



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Nah fuck off faggots. This site is literally 99% people false flagging people and arguing with other false flaggers, go away

Jordan Peele has not written or directed a single episode of the new Twilight Zone you fucking retard.


So the nazis were left-wingers? I knew it.

There's a huge difference in being against racism and being a huge SJW feminist in today's era, a lot of people that are against the SJW narrative used to be leftists in the past and are now pushed into the "fascism" corner because they don't agree with everything those SJW people say. That doesn't mean they were always conservative, but that the left stopped representing them.

We have no evidence to know if Serling would have been a tranny feminist gender neutral lover or whatever the fuck, I would say he's too smart for that, but who knows, being against racism isn't exactly something that revolutionary even in the 50s.

>His white half isn't Jewish
He married a Jew though.

/pol/ is always right.


Serling was about equality and fairness. Modern SJW's are all about "FUCK WHITE MEN"!!!FACT!!!

it's a bit disturbing and thought provoking but not scary enough

>The original Twilight Zone was super hit or miss as well

First three seasons are GOAT. 4 is shit and 5 is iffy!!!FACT!!!

Isn't he just the narrator for this, blame the writers/producers/directors/execs.

Wonder how your blustery, blowing-in-the-wind worn out ANUSHOLE would look like with my shit covered cockadoodle-do going UP UP AND AWAY inside your le bumhole!

>Black Mirror did it without social justice garbage.

Faggot, BM is NOTHING but Feminist/SJW virtue signaling!!!FACT!!!

exceptional for blacks sure.

>telling actual jokes rather than just "woke" proselytising is literally killing people

>a lot of people that are against the SJW narrative used to be leftists in the past and are now pushed into the "fascism" corner because they don't agree with everything those SJW people say. That doesn't mean they were always conservative, but that the left stopped representing them.

100% correct!!!FACT!!!

why is he such an asshole?

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This. I though he was just narrator and has nothing to do with writing or directing.

He was just doing his job

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He didn’t even make these episodes. He just presented them.

Fuck this nigger.

na it really isn't. I'm very happy watching you people melt down.

Well he's black, he's married, he's successful, he's famous...

>being against racism isn't exactly something that revolutionary even in the 50s.

Yeah, I don't understand what the big deal with the civil rights movement was in the 60s when everyone was against racism in the 50s... Oh wait, that's not how it actually was.

first ep good, second okish but that third episode is the worst episode of anything ever, jesus christ that was shit
didn't see the forth


This is why we are suffering through this SJW shit. Because whether or not you’re joking, they assume this type of shit is serious.

He's mixed
Jew marriage is slavery
id rather be the funny one than the hack

Sir, I'm going to need to see your Yea Forums Gold Membership. Sir, if you don't comply you will have to fill out ten captchas

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Maybe they should get some thicker skin. Or lighter skin.

>george lucas is A++

who is S rank

Orson Welles' ghost

>Posting from a literal fan fiction site


The new one is just The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street except awful

It takes you 4 episodes in to realize this.


Das wat we kall reparations my nigga you white folkz wuldnt undazta’.

There's a huge difference between post-WW2/Cold War liberalism and modern era SJW progressivism, wikipedia is shit source for that, stop being a retarded.

>Black man gets praised for bad work because hollywood is surprised that a nigger at least could put it together.
>Join our fight against racism today.
Mandatory racism free safe but confined living zones with black culture appreciation windows soon.

>insulting the best boy Patton
awful post

American negro worship

i think tim heidecker is the real mastermind, peele is just a living get out character from tims universe

just how much control does tim have over american media

Not to sound judgemental but I knew his stuff was shit just by looking at his face.

Until the fourth season.

I feel bad the guy having to deal with those two assholes...

>calls you a tranny
>n-n-nazi crossdressed

Because the degree of racism was different in varying states.
MLK's "non-violent" tactics were only effective because they managed to earn the sympathies of the much more powerful (ie: higher capacity for violence) Federal government. Who in turn, sent literal soldiers to overpower the local police of the more racist states.

E3 makes Love+Sex+Robots/Black Mirror S4 look like masterpieces.
They could've given it a twist at the end to save the ridiculous plot (idk, she was in a mental hospital trying to fix the camera that cop broke in 1991 or something)
Haven't watched E4 yet, but at this point it's fair to say that it might be, by far, the worst TZ remake. The 00s one was boring af but at least it was competent

>for bad work
Oh come on, his movies aren't bad. At the worst they are just mediocre.

My grandpa was a firefighter in Birmingham during the '63 riots. They made him spray those people with fire hoses so hold the line. He said only wanted to be a firefighter to save lives, but spraying monkeys down turned out to be awesome.

Perfect twist would be that the son actually killed someone and was wanted as armed and dangerous

What do you even mean by worship? If i like black movie like Boyz n the Hood, am i whigger?

Exceptionally mediocre?

>Picture a world that looks like our own, where art is no longer judged based on its merit, but on the identity and beliefs of the people who make it. Where men are no longer judged by the content of their character or their deeds, but by the color of their skin and the empty words they write on ephemeral, digitally-rendered walls. Where a man’s character and integrity can be called into question in the kangaroo court of the public forum, based on no more than his opinion of a multi-billion-dollar corporation’s products. Such a world may seem nightmarish, but it can be found down a particular aisle in your local grocery store, cleverly concealed behind the refrigerated cabinets of šōîmilk and a door that leads to ... the Twilight Zone.

Strange how this is better concept for a episode than all episodes so far of the new nuTwilight Zone, even if is our reality.

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This really underlies the problem with contemporary art and storytelling. Part of what makes scifi, fantasy, and philosophical allegory so fanatically interesting it the way it presents NEW ideas. Or old ideas in a new way. Or old ideas that have gone out of style, thus feeling new. But liberal progressivism has once novel and radical ideas the status quo. Now that we live in "clown world," the only room for growth is on the right. The only way to be edgy is with nazi frogs.
"What if the commies are right?" is no longer the plot of a book, it's last week's campaign. Paradoxically, free-thinking now entails: "What if Hitler was right?" "What if egalitarian progress was a bad thing?" "What would society be like if the many subhuman species didn't go extinct?" "What if we're dancing on the puppet strings of a (((master race)))?"

Zootopia and Black Panther get close, but only through obfuscation.

Black mediocrity.

I hate how everything is why does it trigger a.)incels b.) alt-right these days and people can't accept something is bad because it's bad. Take the eric butts thing, media is saying it's an alt-right thing to hate on that guy but in reality its some 40 year old guy who cries from a teaser trailer from a shitty SW trilogy.

Stanley Kubrick's reanimated corpse. He has been one of us since 1983 and hates tripfags.

Stanley Kubrick is /ourguy/

I guessed they never missed huh?

Is this a new meme