Mad Men

Just marathoned the first episode. Should I keep watching? Is it any good? Seems a bit slow

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first season feels slow but it gets better once you connect with the characters. It seems like normal adults doing normal things but then their lives fall apart right once they think they have it perfect. good to do a re-watch right after finishing.

It is a great show, but character focused. Keep at it.

Best TV show of all time. Slow burn, but worth it.

literally the best show ever

Marathoning it is difficult. Be sure to stop it every few minutes to shit post, make food and whatnot. And whenever Glen comes on screen.

Jerk off every time Peggy is onscreen, then stop when she's not.

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marathoned..the first episode...

the show becomes considerably worse once season 4 begins

you will learn to love pete

This is a meme that's exclusive to Yea Forums. You have to earn your stripes by lurking here long enough before you really get a hang of board culture and our inside references. Until then, just keep your mouth shut so you don't embarrass yourself, kid.

make it to season 2 episode 10 when they introduce Betty's dad Gene as a character and you'll be over the hump and on the downward glide into Kinoland

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The best show

the brit bloke hangs himself

>le swag is for boys hehe *sips canadian club*
cringe the show

But only for the first season. Bitch blows up like the World Trade and gets bombed out and depleted in the later seasons. They never should've let her get fat. She wasn't much to look at before but they ruined her sweet look in S1.

>he's never marathoned an episode before
how many times do you have to take a break zoomer?

>marathoned the first episode
what did he mean by this?

Marathoning is the only way to watch Mad Men. Whenever I start it, I can't stop until the entire series is over.

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That's more the fanbase's fault rather than the show's. In the show excess alcohol consumption is usually shown as a negative thing and the upper-middle/ upper class would have drunken expensive liquor in nice suits so it's not exactly an inaccurate portrayal. And yes, I've had sex.

Teacher > Megan > Draper's other whores