Who's your favorite 90s babe?

Who's your favorite 90s babe?

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absolute pedestrian and pleb-pilled.

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she was so sexy in that show

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what a fantastic choice OP

my wife looks exactly like her. I'm a very lucky man.

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the girl from nightmare in elm street

shes like the ultimate 80s waifu for me


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Do you have the webm of her taking a shower in that show?


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No, but you can probably find it online. I made that webm from a DVD that, for some reason, had the nude shower scene cut down and all her nudity was removed.

god shes so fucking cute

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Hands down, BETTY WHITE.
In her 90s and a 90s babe!

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>shes still alive

I actually had lunch with Eva when I was living in Hamburg. Shes even more attractive in person.

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Too bad about her fake tits though.



For me, it's Callisto.

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She was hot.


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based 790 Pepe

I always wanted to fuck Vicki Lewis

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I watched some behind the scenes shit on youtube a while ago and loved the fact that pretty much every main character is playing themselves.
She's really flirty and hangs around joking with the guys, Kai is very solemn and takes himself very seriously, Stanley is an everyman with a vulgar sense of humor, and 790 (one of the show's writers) was a total pervert.

Early 90s tv babe? Officer Jane Castle from Space Precinct. (my 90s vidya waifu is Jill Valentine, so maybe I have some issues with girls in uniform...)

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Brooke Shields.


whoa, she defiintely want sa hard dick in her pussy

based and patrician pilled

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this is Biel 1999

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No one posted this hottie yet?

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stupid shinji


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>She's really flirty and hangs around joking with the guys
god shes so fucking perfect
real one in a million gal

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I don't know that is in OP's pic


If your answer is anyone besides Dana Scully, you're wrong

I honestly fucking hate women.

I want to jam my cock through the back of her throat until I see the whites of her eyes open in fear as the realization that she might actually suffocate starts to set in. I’ll give her a moments reprieve to breathe and go for another round over and over until she’s on the verge of unconsciousness. Fucking stupid whore. She knows it. She knows she’ll never amount to anything more than a slab of meat to be used up until she’s nothing but a husk of a slut ready to die of a meth overdose from years of being a shallow dumb cunt.

Fuck her. I want a train run on all her holes, ears and nose included for days on end until she aches all over and can do nothing but shit out her liquid diarrhea from her gaped asshole. The diarrhea being nothing but her consistent diet of being force fed cum all day. Stupid bitch. I hate whores. I hate these fucking sluts that think they’re better than me because they were born looking a certain way. Fucking cunt I hope thirty niggers beat her till she cries and then rape her. If I were the judge will let them off scot free even with video evidence, then release the video on the internet for all to see so she can never escape the shame and humiliation she deserves. Fuck her and fuck women. If she were drowning and reached onto my boogie board for help I’d stomp on her stupid slut hand and spit in the water so there’s more liquid to take in.

Why do these cunts think they deserve anything in life when all they contribute to society is their used up Arby’s pussy? Fuck I hate them. Bunch of dumb bitches everywhere you go. They have no respect for guys that don’t have a perfect physique so why should I respect them? I’m glad they’re all going to end up old and alone, knowing they’ll never accomplish anything of worth in life. Crying on their deathbed at the thought of having lived a vapid life of being a stupid prostitute. Fucking stupid bitches. Dumb sluts, the lot of them. Fuck whores.

What show?

You should see her now. kek

Fuck, I recognize this but can't think what it's from

Propably my first crush and to this day still the most beautiful woman to have ever been born

The first ass I'd have given anything to smell.

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What a fucking waste of quints


Too bad that blowjob vid wasn't earlier.

She made my dick feel funny when she took off her robe in Mousehunt.

Imagine what her butthole smells like

She was so hot in this. Pure Vulcan babe

She was such a smokeshow

good taste niggas

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Top tier choice in the 90s

Winona Ryder was gorgeous

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Literally who?

Not even the best in the show

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I will never not be mad that they set up that awesome romance between her and Zhane and then immediately dropped and forgot about it. Would have been a great arc for the series to have a ranger and the main villain engaging in a secret romance behind everyone else's backs.

Imaging fapping to a cartoon bunny hahaha that would be crazy. I know no one here has done that before, not me that's for sure

No kidding, that would be weird.
But it wouldn't be if it was a mink, right?

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Fresh Nog was such nig kino.

73 replies and no one posted Jennifer Connelly

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Peak Ryder is like top 5 for me, after JConn and a couple or three others.

always thought the pink ranger looked too much like Hillary Swank

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That was the 80's


>jet black hair
>adorable personality

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JCol's wifeability spans three and a half decades.

God damnit she was sexy in that leather outfit. Beautiful, supple titties.


She looks like the twins from the suite life of Zach and Cody.



Absolute queen. 10/10

She taught me why guys like girls. She was my sexual awakening.


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Amy Jo Johnson is almost 50 years old and still looks amazing.
She was my first love

Stupid bastards for replacing her, fuck that show.

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Unhappily Ever After

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She was hotter in the 80s when she was doing hardcore porn

she is so fucking cute

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I dont get the appeal of her nor connelly, mediocre looking jews

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Patrician taste

Togeeeetheeeeer, foreeeeeveeeeeer.... Iiiiin loooooove!

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Kelly was bestgirl

TFW no art pop gf. Why even live?

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Kelly a cutie.

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People like Jennifer Connelly because she is beautiful and people like Winona because she is quirky and weird

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Lisa was the first tv character I got a crush on

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Jolie is a case study in how the word "no" is the only thing separating women from utter corruption.

patrician taste

Adams family Wednesday. I'd have a gif but i cbf finding one.

What happened to her tits is a national disgrace.

My suspicion is JCol is secretly weirder than Winny by an order of magnitude.

Well, there are rumors...

Please elaborate.

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I'm sorry, it's a sin to gossip. I shouldn't have even brought it up.

Winona had a weird upbringing

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Lost In Space

Jennifer "To Drink Piss is Pure Bliss" Connelly
Jennifer "Please don't spoil it use my mouth as a toilet" Connelly

Never thought she was hot back then, but since becoming a milf she's unbelievably attractive now

Nah she was way better looking in early x-files.

She was gorgeous but the shoulder pads ruined her profile.

My fucking nigger. Easily one of the hottest sitcom babes of all time.

Gillian is one of those women that looks great with the right haircut but like a total plain jane with the wrong one. She looked the best in season 5

oh, that ...

Timothy Leary was her godfather.

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>No girl will ever look at me like this
Why live.

patrician choice

how did I never notice this epic ass growing up?

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i saw a denise richards post

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This guy gets it


Sorry but i'm not a boomer

I cry every time.

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i want to see pusy

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She looks like the bassist from Fallout Boy

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She looked MILFy in Home Alone: The Holiday Heist

fuuuuuuck bros

Tim Curry was on Lexx?

Yes for one very dull episode. Then again that's most Lexx episodes

