Was it kino or irredeemable shit?
Was it kino or irredeemable shit?
Stoner kino
it was ok i guess
It’s a solid movie, fucking fantastic baked though. Haven’t smoked in a few years but still get a kick out of it
i'mma flex and bust out of here
Reminder weed cripples your spiritual development and makes you so comfy that your mind gives up on pursuing your dreams and ambitions because you're numbing the agony of not following them every time you get stoned.
Also it removes your body's ability to have lucid dreams and eventually you enter a psychosis state and completely drop out of life.
If you stop smoking does your brain fix itself?
Yup, and expect to have the most vivid dreams of your life especially the first few nights of no weed.
You may have trouble sleeping at first so maybe take a melatonin supplement the first few nights as well.
>spiritual development
I was thinking of stopping just to save more money, and honestly it's just made me anxious and even a little paranoid lately. I don't enjoy it like I used too. That's like $140 a month I could be saving
I thought it was pretty good. Kino is going a bit far. Smiley Face is the greatest stoner movie of all time.
why don't they make comedies anymore?
>it’s a protag smokes a bowl and doesn’t pace around the room sweating with an elevated heart rate
Unrealistic movies made me quit smoking desu
>protag smokes a bowl
>doesn't almost immediately have bad thoughts and start looking through the blinds to see if he's being watched
>doesn't air out the apartment in fear the neighbors will call the cops
Really takes me out of the movie desu
define "dreams". I hope you don't mean exclusively things like "Muh career muh big house with a car"
what weed does is allow you to reflect on what it is you actually want. My number one hobby is music and weed energises me to make music.
irredeemable shit
I did the math recently and I've spent 18,000$ on weed in my lifetime.
I smoke and still dream very often. I'm not saying you're not partially correct, but how do I dream when I'm getting stoned everyday.
it was kino (stoner)
franco should have been nominated for an oscar for this instead of 127 hours. he’s really charming in this
but my dream is to be a neet and smoke weed all day
> t. Former Stoner
not for me. I've been sober for 4 years and everyday and I'm still a lazy depressed neet
But I didn't have any dreams or ambitions before I smoked weed
I'm a stoner and I hated it. But I usually hate all stoner movies. I like getting high and watching Chinatown or TAOJJBTCF or other kino like that
two words: snoop dogg
Only if you replace weed with a hobby of some sort
If you don't replace it with anything you won't change your habit and you'll still be the same except more depressed cause no weed
All my dreams are nightmares.
I used to smoke BR crap that's said to be mixed with crack and def with additives; just embrace the paranoia and make it part of the trip.
I can't socialise properly unless im high. pretty sure I'm on the autism spectrum because I don't understand empathy unless I'm stoned. smoking weed in high school completely opened up my social world. it allowed me to actually be interested in other people
This movie was so fucking boring and nearly entirely pointless. There are a few great moments, but it's otherwise one of the worst stoner flicks I've ever seen.
>Reminder weed cripples your spiritual development
is there a single person on Yea Forums who posts this anti-weed shit that isnt an obvious neet incel?
>tfw I'm an obvious NEET incel but I'm a huge stoner
Smoking weed is the only practical way for me to live day-to-day, cope with the pain, and keep me from killing myself.
this. I used to think "dude if I just exercise and quit weed I'll stop being a lazy autist". doesn't work like that. sometimes you just have to self medicate.
>yfw the director of shit like pineapple express has also made some really touching kino
First 70% is absolute kinography. Last 30% is a slog.
You’re completely right. But my film studying consists of me smoking and drinking while watching classic cinema and I’d say I probably have the best film tastes in the world and I’m probably a genius in regards of visual literacy. If someone funded my films I’d be shitting on all you hoes tonight my bitch would need some baby wipes.
I wanted to be a senator when I was a kid. Then I discovered weed in middle school and settled for chronically unemployed depressed alcoholic.
I quit smoking weed 5 years ago and replaced it with shitposting on Yea Forums
People think its just some stupid, vapid stoner movie but it isn't. Its a movie about love, about friendship and most of all, about going through tough times and coming out of them a stronger and better person. That's what pineapple express is all about, at least to me
>it’s a protag smokes a bowl and doesn’t pace around the room sweating with an elevated heart rate
Fuck I've been doing this for 20 years now
>spiritual development
yeah, okay, I'm gonna keep getting high instead
those dreams man, shit felt too real
This was my favorite stoner kino when I was blazing it down