Arthouse - General

redditors out!

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starting with a classic one

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gay who reads it

im wondering if its worth looking those movies up considering theres anime and capeshit in the same chart

there is always shitposting in those charts

also evangelion is trash so yeah u right


Essential Surreal arthouse:
I will walk like a crazy horse
Goto: Isle of Love
La Cienga
The Fourth Man
Last Year at Marienbad

name one movie


Can anyone confirm these? I’ve been looking for a good arthouse after watching enter the void

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enter the void is far from arthouse, anyway FYI:

>I will walk like a crazy horse
>Goto: Isle of Love

This could be arthouse.

>La Cienga
>The Fourth Man

This is certainly not arthouse.

>Last Year at Marienbad

This is not arthouse, but good films. Especially the last one.

why not try watching them

All those films are arthouse you dumb cunt
Please post your “arthouse” Surrealism is as much as arthouse as drama is what you want the wild pear tree? An elephant sitting still? Fanny and Alexander? Everything I’m listing is arthouse and I would know because I’m a critic of arthouse.

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Do you have any recommendations for someone just getting into the genre? Something a little bit more accessible? A lot of the films you listed look incredibly difficult to understand not saying bad at all just more for a first timer.

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I contributed heavily to this list but it’s about as entry level as it gets, the high iq ones are much tougher than what I listed here(think more experimental)

Not surprised this thread ends up on the last pages this place is a shithole now all these zoomers couldn’t watch a Jean Luc or Bresson film even if you paid them

>I’m a critic of arthouse.
>All those films are arthouse
>he doesn't what arthouse means and still is paid for it

good work user you pwned them all

redditor bait quality

Not an argument but try again :) appreciate the bump though hopefully some actual auteurs come in and discuss art not retards who believe inception is genius

Anyone got any really fuzzy wuzzy films like where you watch some dude in a village and it films like all the people in the village and everyone is just nice and charming and everyone talks to each other and you just see the events of whatever is going down in the city or whatever.

>retards who believe inception is genius

don't overexpose your own bait this hard take my advise

Still waiting for an argument last (You)

Are there darkly comedic art house films?

what a bunch of virgins

Is Fantastic Planet the greatest Animated film of all time?

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Mary and Max is kino

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I've seen that more times than I should, all time favorite film

Synechdoche, New York and Waking life are pretty dark and classic arthouse

>still shielding himself behind falacies from authority

sure keep waiting for your draw of attention retard

>zoomers max they can’t watch art without an explosion or superhero on screen
Just stick to avengers kiddo come back in 20 years

That shit is childish as fuck.


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>stick to avengers

I will do it, and so will do my gf see ya faggot


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Why are you even in this thread? You contributed nothing and just wanted to be a dick go fuck yourself nigger hope you get banned

Evangelion is arthouse so am I now in the intellectual club?

>Waking Life
That was such a pretentious piece of shit of a """"""film""""""

It touched on a lot of interesting philosophical points of view regarding humanity I for one enjoyed it but it is a weird one more of a commentary really than a film

What about Possession and Valerie And Her Week of Wonders?

>Not even one mention of Tarkovsky in 37 posts.

Definitely this board live its worse times.


he said arthouse not farthouse

but that's the thing, it's not a movie and it doesn't present any of it's points in a subtle or interesting way, it feels more like a philosophy course/class then an actual film.
Films can have a message or points that it wants to bring up as long as it's presented in an interesting/entertaining/unique way.

I mean Tarkovsky is good but man he loves longevity Solaris was a slough man but still good and of course I love Stalker
Possession I would say is more horror than arthouse similar to Hereditary in that it approaches the horror genre from a different perspective but remains a horror one of my favorites though
Valerie is wonderful if you want watch Black Moon it’s just as weird

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Agree totally felt it more as a commentary than a real film


Also for real if you’re not gonna contribute anything and just be annoying why not go to another thread lol like does this make you that mad?

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>Possession I would say is more horror than arthouse
But it's on the official beginners list. Plus what is and isn't arthouse is muddled.

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Don't forget

Jules and Celine Go Boating
Alice (Polish film)
The Lure
Maya Deren's films
The Science of Sleep
Takashi Miike movies
A Moment of Innocence
Lars Von Trier's Kingdom miniseries
The Qatsi trilogy
Wanderers of the Desert
The Atomic Cafe
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Hold Me While I'm Naked
Juliet of the Spirits
And Ernest Scared Stupid

>more horror than arthouse
Doesn’t mean it’s not “arthouse” but not in the sense like The Begotten is arthouse. Possession has a clear cut formula and doesn’t incorporate enough symbolic and metaphorical allegories for me to really classify it as straight art house. It’s definitely a different type of horror but meh subjective and to each his own on that
Still a great film though

And you claim I'm the one seething while you literally stay in the thread and furthermore have the desperate urge to waste your time fixing your retarded double post.


Ok, you just showed yourself off. Keep sheething my friend, I'll be back to check the comments directly from the archive.

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>and doesn’t incorporate enough symbolic and metaphorical allegories
Ok, please explain what all the religious symbolism and dialog was about, stuff like Heinrich dress in white, Heinrich's mother mourning him, etc. You cannot, because every review I have read has glanced over it and focused solely on the marital aspects and the Berlin wall and perhaps not even the director himself understood the film (all to common in art films, may I add).

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Wow I thought you were just trolling but you’re actually autistic huh. Take your meds dude and stay off the streets before you shoot up a mall yikes

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people like this are why we can’t have nice things Yea Forums is dead

Yea dude it’s been a bit since I’ve watched possession so I can’t actually figure what scene you’re talking about I’d have to rewatch sorry but hey like I said totally subjective my dude you obviously really like the film and believe it’s arthouse so that’s cool dude not gonna argue with you there but for me it’s just more horror in comparison to The Begotten

So retract your statement when you yourself didn't pick up on the religious symbolism. I've seen it twice and it's even more confusing on rewatch, not in a bad way but in the way you feel like you're missing out on something big. Like I wrote, I've read many reviews and analysis to enlighten myself but all glance over the religious symbolism. You're just wrong, it's a multi-genre film that just happens to contain horror elements

Ummmm...ok? I didn’t know the film meant that much to you my dude lol I’ll rewatch it and if you’re on later debate you how about that? I can give you a throwaway email if you’d like and we can go at it if it means that much to you?

PMed you my email