Well lads, it's already here. The line has been crossed.
Legalizing Pedophilia
She has the Ellen Page hairline.
the image says otherwise
the fact that pedos have been trying as long as gays, but still haven't got anywhere says a lot too
"Understanding pedophiles and wanting to help them overcome their urges so they can be functional members of society" is not the same as "wanting to legalize kiddiefucking".
they already force sexual shit onto kids, only a matter of time until they start advocating "cross generational" relationships or some crap
its a catch 22...they need medical help but the doctors cant help them
Can't wait for my cunnywife
god that fag in the recommended is even worse
Yea Forums loves pedophilia, though.
holy fucking based
No, they need a bullet in the brain.
>help them overcome their urges so they can be functional members of society
One of those methods they are suggesting is to give them access to cp. Get fucked.
Easy, forced chemical castration for offenders.
The idea that "leftists" will ever support pedophilia is absurd. Liberals all over the world fight to protect children against underage marriage a hell of a lot more than conservatives. Whoever made up the idea that the LGBT will support pedophiles next is a blatant liar that just wants to attack legitimate alternative sexualities.
Also, one TED talk doesn't speak for all left-wing people, obviously.
Found the pedo
yeah right you cuck
By the same logic that pedos need medical help, shouldn't gays and trannies?
It's a mental illness to be attracted to kids because it's not natural just like being gay isn't natural.
Oh wait, they're lefties and they'll make up some bullshit about how they're different for no real reason.
I used to believe this until I saw that crossdressing little boy being celebrated in the media for dancing at a gay strip club and being called sexy.
I'd say it's the reverse gay issue. It was considered fine for most of human history and it's only over the past hundred years or so that we started looking down on it. There was a point in time where sodomy and pederasty were considered equally offensive.
It's never going to become socially acceptable in a modern world.
Op is an example of far right (aka /pol/tards) manipulation
Uh huh.
>The idea that "leftists" will ever support pedophilia is absurd.
>The idea that "leftists" will ever support transgenderism is absurd.
>The idea that "leftists" will ever support homosexuality is absurd.
>The idea that "leftists" will ever support interracial relations is absurd.
>The idea that "leftists" will ever support misandry is absurd.
Yeah nah, no one is falling for it.
As a Dutchman I must apologize for our accent.
Please forgive us.
Ok then.
Keep on truckin'.
Classic /pol/ fake news: they change the reality to fit their agenda.
How could you possibly be wrong?
Pedophilia should be allowed if the perpetrator is a woman between the ages of 20 and 40 and has, at least, C cups.
Yeah boy! Keep those delusions up!
Look up the number of gay men who say they were molested as children. It's sickening.
conversation should end at "burn them alive and laugh at the pedo's suffering" not "awwww we should help the kiddie fuckers!"
>alternative sexualities
Why does this exist.
Aw hell nah.
Pedophilia will literally never be widely accepted considering how deep of a moral boundary of is to like 99% of people
Are these guys based? I can't tell.
You are correct. Every poster here is latent sex beast. They just choose to have cunny posting as a 1 in 100 thread rather than the capeshit stuff which is 1 in 10...
Why do I think your post is bait? I don't know....
one involves consenting adults that hurts nobody, the other hurts children that aren't mature enough to consent.
But you righties will just ignore logic about how the two are obviously different to anyone with a braincell that can process a thought beyond "GAYS REEEEEEE" but whatever.
>/pol/ thinks pedophilia is bad so they must be wrong!
I was going to sneedpost but this is based
Nah, in the greek world getting fucked and fucking your bros in the ass was ok as long as you had children, probably along the line it will be ok for a grown up man to have concensual sex with a 13 yo girl.
It just keeps getting worse! Where are you, user? Where?!
>mature enough to consent
'yo tommy i'm going to get you a puppy'
'cool thanks yeah i'm down for that'
No, no, stop it from happening! I'm... learning about myself! Liberalism is all a lie!
>wanting to punish thought crime
Stop the thread, I wanna get off! (no pun intended)
In the game of inches, these types always take a mile. Like cockroaches they need to be stamped out, not 'progressively' treated more and more like they're normal.
Speak up! Only you, user, can stop bush fires!
This too was said about transgenderism. And homosexuality. And interracial relationships.
And finally, to hell with you.
Not like you can, since there's no pedo that's going to willingly speak up on it. Harsh punishments for trying (or succeeding) to diddle kids up to capital punishment is completely justified though
>tfw jews
Am I crazy or wasn’t this idea originally a Yea Forums prank? Is this shit real now? Is meme magic fucking real?
For the vast majority of people pedophilia is just another fetish they have. The problem only arises when you try and make it apart of your identity.
We don't need acceptance movements for every degenerate fetish we have. Just keep that shit behind closed doors and don't hurt anyone in the process and things will be cool.
LOL holy fuck that shit was gold.
Yeah, nah. None of those were ever as loaded or hated as pedophilia
No, pedophiles need to be prosecuted.
Far right is obsessed by pedo. It's pretty strange.
There are literally thousands of threads on Yea Forums and /pol/ arguing that you're a feminist-brainwashed prude if you don't support this exact thing though.
Pedophilia is already legal you fucking retards.
everyone hates them you retard, its part of the human condition to shun/murder pedos.
Oh great, it's this retard again
Who the hell doesn't hate child diddlers?
Pedophilia isn't a fetish. It's an exclusive sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. It's not "I find feet hot" or "I like to get spanked."
The big thing is people don't know what a pedo actually is anymore. They think finding a 16yo hot is pedo, but it isn't. They name doesn't mean anything anymore. Once that happens, once it's normalized, then it's practically already accepted.
Imagine thinking HATING PEDOPHILIA is a political thing
like what the fuck nigger, do you support pedos because you're not ''''far right''''?
>its part of the human condition to shun/murder pedos.
not really.
child marriage was pretty common just 2 centuries ago.
>was pretty common
No it wasn't.
It was a thing, but not common, and it was shunned even back then, which is why it eventually got banned.
Get the fuck out, pedophile.
Fake and gay
Wtf I love (adult) women now
Reminder God sees nothing wrong with marrying a little girl
Now THIS is a based position to hold. Both voting age and age of consent (unless married with written permission from parents) should be raised to 25. Prove me wrong.
I watched a video on evolution a few days ago and it said that the optimum breeding age for females is 15.
>Just keep it behind closed doors and don't hurt anyone
Except people ARE getting hurt with this bullshit. 41% of trannies attempt suicide, that's 20x the average. Not even including the STDs, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and encouraging mental illness.
Gays have all sorts of diseases, abuse drugs, rape boys, and if you're a bottom, enjoy all the worms and prolapses anuses.
You say no one is getting hurt, but these fucks do it to themselves. And they do this shit in rates far far above the average. It's not neurotypical, it's not fine. It's not something people can truly ignore. We can't keep playing that it's cool and hip to let these dangerous behaviors slide on by.
Transgenderism will never be widely accepted. The entertainment industry's push to normalize it does not reflect the vast majority of people's opinions about the issue.
Homosexuality still isn't widely accepted, and it never will be. Sure, it's tolerated. But the vast majority of people do not want to openly associate with homosexuals.
Interracial relationships, specifically white women and black men, will never be socially acceptable.
There are 2 billion Muslims and 1.5 million Chinese people who come from cultural backgrounds where this kind of stuff is socially unacceptable. More and more immigrants come to Western countries each year. Do you really expect these people to respect transsexuals?
So you just make up history as you see fit?
They are obsessed to the point of inventing false stories and creating phony controversies.
They don't give a fuck about pedo, in fact, they just want to use this topic that you say, consensus, to give a good image. It's literally a bait.
Imagine seeing pedo boogie men everywhere. I'm guessing most of you poltards are actually pedos yourselves. That's how it always is. You throw out some think of tha children! Virtue signaling thinking itll throw everyone off your trail. We're on to you sick fucks
>being this out of the know
Wanna know how I know you're a pedo?
Pedo hysteria is a ploy to prevent adults from bonding/cuddling children, this makes them develop self esteem issues and become whores.
Sorry, you worthless Americans, but you'll never make pedophilia look good just because you are a worthless, 3rd world degenerate decaying nation where everything is allowed.
It just means we will eventually finish you.
>you hate spiders therefore you're actually a spider in disguise
kek, the pedos are SEETHING and worked into a shoot
It's the foot in the door the LGBT coalition got before too
She in no way says that in the video.
he's setting himself to make another post about how the right/pol is pedos
he does this shit all the time. picture related he use to try and call the pedos here redditors and fucked up once
And shit like this thread is exactly why pedos will never admit it. We could be helping pedos control themselves and most likely save a lot of kids from diddling, but we prefer to vilify the mere thought because we are emotional creatures.
Agreed on harsh punishment for kiddiefuckers, though I am fundamentally opposed to the death penalty. Put them away for life, possibly in a mental ward.
I'm not defending it or promoting it. Merely correcting the fact. The average lifespan then was much lower, so people married sooner. This eventually did change in the 20th century.
Stop letting emotions make you irrational.
Think of the children and their tite tummies haha
>t. only informed post
>Everyone who is openly against pedophilia is secretly a pedophile. That's why I don't say anything. I wouldn't want anybody thinking I'm secretly a pedophile.
>The average lifespan then was much lower
Mentally ill people deserve a bullet in the head, not help.
Were you raped as a child? Is that why you tripfag? Kill yourself.
How come degenerates always try projecting?
>helping them control themselves
Such as what methods?
>the fact that pedos have been trying as long as gays, but still haven't got anywhere says a lot too
It's the gays who are normalizing pedophilia.
no it wasnt stop perpetuating this meme.
I just know no other way to live.
Such as exterminating all tripfags.
user, do you really think all those """4channers""" ONLY like loli and cunny?
the slippery slope is always real when it comes to appeasing mentally ill people
But I thought "LOVE IS LOVE" fucking faggot
Literally this easy to bait poltards. You faggots are the dumbest reactionary roody poos on this site. You're actual npcs.
Lol no, pedophiles have tried to push themselves into the LGBT community and every time they're told to fuck off
Pedophilia itself is legal. What's illegal is sexual abuse.
Genuine question here.
If you believe homosexuality is something you are essentially born with then the same must be true with pedophiles.
Now pedophiles that actually have sex with children are called child rapists or child molesters for good reason and should be buried permanently
However people that have the sexual attraction to children but don't act on it due to social, moral or legal consequences are just people saddled with a rough go of it. Still mentally ill, but I would argue being gay is a form of mental illness as well. Pedophiles just have a more severe illness.
Are the latter mentioned pedophiles unacceptable to you as well? Or do you think as long as they don't molest children or indulge in real footage of children being molested, they are fine? Barring the argument towards them needing mental medical help, of course.
Imagine having that dull-faced reaction to child rape.
We could try to cure/reduce pedophilia with therapy but retards rather do nothing and hope the government starts executing them when most states won't even execute murderers.
That's not seeking legitimization of sexual abuse.
which would be bad because?
Countries with legal porn have lower rape rates than countries without.
The child abuse rate for Japan is tenfold lower than in the west.
>hurts nobody
>male homos singlehandedly responsible for 50% of HIV rates in the US while making up 1.4% of the population
Look up the number of people of any orientation who were molested. It's sickening.
>le being gay is le equal to bestiality meme
>children that aren't mature enough to consent
but they are mature enough to get sex changes now??
You go right ahead if you want. Don't expect me to help pay for it. You, Sanders, Soros and all those millionaires in Hollywood can pay for it.
>Japan has a culture of staying silent so you don't cause a fuss
I highly doubt those stats are even remotely accurate.
Availability of porn is correlated with lower rates of rape. There is no reason to believe the same conclusion can't be drawn for child porn and pedophiles. I'm not even talking about real CP -- let them have their jap lolicon dojins and anime and other imaginary shit. Don't be retarded like american and ruin people's lives over a manga.
No, they were side by side with the gays when they were all under the banner of free love. Homosexuality took off but when people starting lumping being Pedo perverts the gay community told them to fuck off to save themselves.
It was a political move, not a moral one.
>0.5 up to 3% of our male population has some pedophilic interest. That means that everybody probably knows a person with pedophilic interests.
Uh no, that's not what that means.
Not really. The last two in particular were quietly tolerated even when authorities officially disapproved
Unironically based and redpilled. Raising the age of consent was the first thing feminist did along with outlawing prostitution.
This is literally degeneracy eating its self. Keep in mind the disgust you feel when talking about pedophilia is the same disgust others feel when you talk about race realism.
Japanese 'men' don't like sex or 3D to begin with
No its the political right since theyre the ones abusing kids
correlation is not causation
Mate if the jews will it into acceptance the goym will be fucking their own kids in a matter of decades
The slippery slope is just a fallacy, you alt-right incels.
We legalized gay marriage but how come I can't marry my dog? Wasn't that the next step?
Remember when NAMBLA started gays rights movements
I doubt you pay enough in taxes to even contribute anyway.
he can give you a blowie in canada
>Gays have all sorts of diseases, abuse drugs, rape boys, and if you're a bottom, enjoy all the worms and prolapses anuses.
Fake news
Pedophilia isn't a sexuality.
It's significantly higher for gay men. Also, look at how many sex partners homosexual men have on average. They're not interesting in loving relationships and contributing to society. They're literally obsessed with fucking.
Pic, and sorry, ESL
t. Pol Pot
Pedophiles are genetic fuckups and should be euthanized. As should faggots, dykes and zoophiles.
But, for some reason most people believe that you get born with your sexual preference, they argue that their sin is not of their own, and therefore it would be immortal to kill them for it.
And as most of us live in functioning democracies, that's not going to change any time soon.
Treat pedophiles as other sexual delinquents, or euthanize the lot.
You can fuck it in legally in half of America
>upper class white women
>fight for women's rights
>get power
>immediately start taking away lower class women's rights
They didn't legalize that. That's just a /pol/ myth.
>believing Stonetoss
If I found out a pedophile was trying to talk to my kids, even peacefully with “no bad intentions” I would stomp them out. I wouldn’t even bat an eye at jail time. People like this don’t deserve to be integrated into society, they deserve to be publicly hung off the sides of bridges.
>/pol/ is over reacting. Gay rights won't lead to pedo rights.
>/pol/ was right. When do we open the concentration camps?
>Lol no, pedophiles have tried to push themselves into the LGBT community and every time they're told to fuck off
>No its the political right since theyre the ones abusing kids
based retard
Butthurt lol
Regular men should be having at least 20 partners before settling down, bro.
It's like the enablers would do anything to discredit the people who see the truth. Hmmm.
>>looks like a transfaggot
every single time
Not true.
t. know people who witnessed the gay scene in San Francisco in the late 70s and early 80s
That's not what sex is, Incel.
Gay men never settle down because they're too busy dying of AIDS
Then youd go to jail and the government would ship your kids off to an auction house.
I think the youngest zoomer posting on Yea Forums right now will be dead well before pedos get actual rights/it being accepted like gays
>It's significantly higher for gay men.
now this is a movement I can get behind
>The slippery slope is just a fallacy, you alt-right incels.
>I disagree with the stats because of my own personal vendetta against Japan
uh huh
Good point, but with the amount of child sexualization and the common belief that child sexualization = more child rape, there should be more child molestation.
They correlate enough to know for sure that if men have access to wank material, they don't feel a need to go bust a nut in a goat or a woman alone at night.
Why would you, when at the click of a button you can have ten million women hotter than anything close by, fully naked.
what is it then?
We talking about diddling little kids or fucking big tiddy 16 year olds?
>screencapping your own upvotes and downvotes
>hurr its a mental illness
So is faggotry.
Treat them both the same.
Aids isn't as fatal anymore. I know you're just being edgy since you confuse that for wit.
>required penetration
so your dog CAN give you a blowie
based blue pilled reddit/pol/
If the slippery slope is a fallacy then why does society keep sliding downwards? The ones saying it's a fallacy are the ones greasing the slope to speed up the slide.
The horns are what get me. Why are they so into promoting demonic imagery? What's the point of that?
i haven't watched the video but i bet 2 bitcoin they're not arguing to legalize fucking children
well, there is a grey area between kids and 16.
>calling likes and dislikes on youtube upvotes and downvotes
>17.9 yo cant consent
>18 yo suddenly able to fully consent
Surely you people can at least admit that it's completely arbitrary? If you actually think adolescents are immature innocent little angels you're out of your fucking mind. I remember 15 yo girls showing cleavage to my high school teacher in order to beg for grades. Can you imagine the fucking difficult situation he was in? His life would've been over if they called him a pedophile. That episode made me paranoid about children to this day. I avoid them like the plague
>demonic imagery
God I wish I could beat your dumb ass
>April 13, 2018
A little late, faggot.
Fun fact: there's no evidence that the things in that image ever took place. No alleged location, no photographer credit, no explanation, just an image the reverse image search results of which all link to blogs and Plebbit
ya they all have pedophobia!
I have no personal vendetta against Japan. I agree with your cause, I just prefer to not spread misleading statistics.
Obviously you don't understand logical fallacy, or logic at all for that matter.
>The horns are what get me. Why are they so into promoting demonic imagery? What's the point of that?
Because they're FUCKING CRAZY so why are we catering to them?
You're a meme.
Actually it is true.
>I'm guessing most of you poltards are actually pedos yourselves.
I think they are. That's the only explanation of their obsession.
based attention payer
That site is dedicated to pedophilia activism
the age of consent should be 11 to fix the confusion between paedophilia and normal attraction
It just seems weird. Its not like faggots can't dress appropriately. Cosplaying as a hellspawn is fucked up for a kindergarten reading no matter who's doing it.
they are more edgy than any polacks
The 1948 Kinsey survey found that 37% of the gays and 2% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-17-yr-olds, and 28% of the gays and 1% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-16-yr-olds while they themselves were aged 18 or older.18
In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or younger while they themselves were at least 21.19
In The Gay Report, 23% of the gays and 6% of the lesbians admitted to sexual interaction with youth less than 16 years of age.20
In France, 129 convicted gays (average age 34 years) said they had had sexual contact with a total of 11,007 boys (an average of 85 different boys per man).21 Abel, et al reported similarly that men who molested girls outside their family had averaged 20 victims each; those who molested boys averaged 150 victims each.22
>Gebhard & Johnson (1979) The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for Sex Research. New York:Saunders.
>Bell & Weinberg (1978) Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. New York:Simon & Schuster.
>Jay & Young (1979) The Gay Report. New York:Summit.
>O’Carroll (1982) Paedophilia: the Radical Case. Boston:Alyson, Dr. Edward Brongersma as quoted by Tom O’Carroll.
>Abel, et al (1987) Self-reported sex crimes of non-incarcerated paraphiliacs. J Interpersonal Violence 2:3-25.
A choice gross men make, thinking somehow young girls are easier.
>16yo "child" marriage with 25yo = evil
>8yo boy with a 50yo = legalize it
Don't pretend you people arent pushing otherwise, you people balk at a 19yo fucking a 24yo man while saying "Call me by your name" is romantic
Wishing's been doing you wonders so far.
All men are pedophiles.
Well props to them for changing that. The DSM 5 reclassified all paraphilias as not being a disorder/illness... Except pedophilia. I mean, all paraphilias are OK EXCEPT pedophilia which is always a mental sickness? That's fishy. Either everything is an illness or pedophilia isn't.
Can't imagine the political hell it must've created.
And yet here we are with society continuing the downward slide. The slippery slope is real.
Absolute state of (((TED)))
finally a good reply
this would solve everything, tbqh
While the statistics obviously don't tell the whole story, dismissing them completely and just ignoring the fact that a country that hyper sexualizes children like Japan should, by our own rules, have a child rape epidemic.
There was that bong woman who went to Japan for an interview, and was appalled at the state of the porn you could buy.
In the mean time 1400 girls had been raped over a period of twenty years in bongland.
>being concerned for human trafficking means you're a pedo
Know, it would explain why known human traffickers work for amberalert
sure it is, liberace
>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children
>prepubescent children
why is this so hard for brainlets to understand?
No retard that's still animal abuse. Not sure why you're so obsessed with having sex with a dog.
Why do you retards always bring Trump into unrelated discussions?
Speaking of pedophiles
I'm straight and I fucked a 15yo hot chick when I was 18. There is a huge difference between that and kiddiefucking.
You know how much Kinsey's methodology has been criticized?
not surprising it would be high among gays since reproduction has no consequence on sex. It's just all about pleasure.
german leftists in the 70s literally pushed for it, NAMBLA was a subgroup inside gay rights movement (even people like Allen Ginsberg and Hakim Bey were in it), Weimar Germany was rife with kid prostitutes
Proportionality Is The Key
Study after nationwide study has yielded estimates of male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3%.3 The proportion of lesbians in these studies is almost always lower, usually about half that of gays. So, overall, perhaps 2% of adults regularly indulge in homosexuality. Yet they account for between 20% to 40% of all molestations of children.
Child molestation is not to be taken lightly. Officials at a facility which serves about 1,500 runaway youngsters each year estimate that about half of the boys have been homosexually abused and 90% of the girls heterosexually assaulted.30 Investigation of those suffering severe chronic mental illness implicates child molestation as a primary cause; 45% of Bigras et al’s patients were homosexually abused).31
If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally troubling as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. Not every homosexual is a child molester. But enough gays do molest children so that the risk of a homosexual molesting a child is 10 to 20 times greater than that of a heterosexual.
You have to set a line somewhere.
He's also a Russian spy!
He's a pedo and an easy target
because of american soccer moms and american entertainment shows.
Fucking rich coming from the home of cunnyposting.
is pretending like more kids would be raped if pedos could get help right wing virtue signalling?
you see it constantly, altright claiming liberal fathers are going to gladly enact laws that allow old men to rape their daughters
it is an obviously impossible stance, so why are they parroting it everywhere?
people have been saying for decades "pedos need help, allow nonviolent pedos to reveal themselves without the threat of murder and we might save children" yet this enrages the altright. why?
Absolutely based. Sexual initiation should be the right of every young boy and the duty of every experienced woman. They will simply have sex with the boy until he's a pro at it. This is the cure for autism.
This slope we're supposedly going down doesn't seem to even exist.
Did you never go to school?
>The child abuse rate for Japan is tenfold lower than in the west.
less jews
the fact you see anything sexual in that pic means you literally want to fuck a little girl (or you're a woman who sees a powerful man and think "daddy!")
You provided no solid evidence
If you say so. But he is a diddler.
valve can
they literally sold lolita mags with 10 year olds sucking dicks over the counter up until the 80s/90s
we live in the most hysterically pedophobic/ protective of children time in all of human history. /pol/ doesn't have much of a grasp on history
Having pictures taken with your kids isn't even remotely pedophilia.
>they literally sold lolita mags with 10 year olds sucking dicks over the counter up until the 80s/90s
they literally didnt
where the fuck do you live? thailand?
That's because the age of consent in Japan is 13. It's not child abuse if you're married to the child.
nice lie, retard
Yeah but we knowingly let straight white priests get away with it so the numbers are literally meaningless
what the fuck are you talking about. they absolutely didnt
Right. Now imagine if instead, I actually had the girl in my bed kissing me passionately wearing an inappropriately short dress. That would definitely make me a pedo.
Remember Trump says he just attacks he doesnt ask. He grabs the pussy at will. All ages are targets.
Drs. Freund and Heasman of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two sizeable studies and calculated that 34% and 32% of the offenders against children were homosexual. In cases they had personally handled, homosexuals accounted for 36% of their 457 pedophiles.9
Dr. Adrian Copeland, a psychiatrist who works with sexual offenders at the Peters Institute in Philadelphia, said that, from his experience, pedophiles tend to be homosexual and “40% to 45%” of child molesters have had “significant homosexual experiences.”10
Dr. C.H. McGaghy estimated that “homosexual offenders probably constitute about half of molesters who work with children.”11
>Freund, et al (1984) Pedophilia and heterosexuality vs. homosexuality. J Sex & Marital Therapy 10:193-200.
>Boston Globe (1988) August 8, quoted by A. Bass.
>McGaghy (1971) Child molesting. Sexual Behavior 1:16-24.
based and cunnypilled
look up danish lolita mags
Got any facts to back that up? Solid evidence?
You don't and I'll bet it must fucking sting not to have any.
Four more years, friend. Buckle up.
If it's one then okay maybe.
But a series of sexualized pictures with your daughter??
Face it, he's a typical rich old diddler.
Fathers are allowed to hug and kiss their kids.
I have never once heard of these magazines. Not saying its not true, but its news to me.
yeah if you had your daughter give you a kiss on the cheek while you're on the phone and someone is photographing you is VERY SUSPICIOUS
it's not at all that you feel sexual feelings about her "inappropriately short dress"
>sexualized pictures
All you're showing me is that your mind is used to sexualizing children in photos.
i read somewhere that by virtue of being gay, the gays are forced to become more comfortable with their sexuality and consequently more comfortable acting on destructive sexual urges, straights never went through that
What the fuck is wrong with europeans
Are you retarded? What line has been crossed?
>legalizing pedophilia
It's never been illegal to find children sexy, it's only illegal to act on those urges. Feel like i'm reading a bunch of 60year old boomer facebook posts in this thread. /pol/ was a mistake.
She also isn't saying "legalize kid-fucking", but fuck nuance lmao
He diddled his daughter. It's obvious. He even said he'd fuck her on Howard Stern.
it's also not child abuse if they're not children anymore.
Contrary to what Americans ITT believe, you stop being a child when you begin to develop sexually, around the ages of 11-13.
A lot of lives would be spared ruin and a lot of harm undone if people were just honest about the fact that there is a distinction between a 13 year old girl with tits and a 6 year old.
And some men think they're allowed to fuck them too.
agree, it will never be widely accepted. Same as trans rights arent widely accepted but elites can still browbeat the majority into saying the emperor's new clothes are beautiful and he's actually totally a woman
saying you'd do it is the same as actually doing it, got it
They definitely did in Denmark and Holland.
Holland was the country in charge of distributing most of it across the world.
America was one of the first countries to make possessing CP an offence.
I can't take your argument in good faith when you call me a pedophile for fucking a 15 year old. Get studies that only talk about kids (13 or below) and I'll take you seriously.
They literally did.
Pride London 2018
>christian feminists
the fuck
hey, he didn't make the rules.
Thank the people that refuse to create a distinction between hebephilia and pedophilia.
You are a pedophile, you like fucking undeveloped kids. Deal with it.
>these boomer old lady democrat jpgs
you better be a jealous old hag and not some dude seeing 'sexual" shit in a daughter taking public pics with her dad and posting them as if they're some incriminating secret pics
Reports of Molestation by the General Population
In 1983, a probability survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 adults in five U.S. cities found that about 3% of men and 7% of women reported sexual involvement with a man before the age of 13 (i.e., 30% was homosexual).4
In 1983-84, a random survey of 3,132 adults in Los Angeles found that 3.8% of men and 6.8% of women said that they had been sexually assaulted in childhood. Since 93% of the assailants were male, and only 1% of girls had been assaulted by females, about 35% of the assaults were homosexual.5
The Los Angeles Times surveyed 2,628 adults across the U.S. in 1985.6 27% of the women and 16% of the men claimed to have been sexually molested. Since 7% of the molestations of girls and 93% of the molestations of boys were by adults of the same sex, about 4 of every 10 molestations in this survey were homosexual.
Newly married!!
Oh no just typical dad and daughter photo shoot.... lol. Nothing sexual here. She's not looking at him like a lover. He doesnt have his hands low on her hips. Every family has the same picture.
You guys are fucking stupid.
How can one man be so based?
this topic will never be able to discussed seriously until it's acknowldged what pedophilia is.
genuine paedophiles have a serious illness. they literally want to stick their dick in flat as a pancake toddlers with zero sexual development. if a pedo saw any development in hips, breasts etc they are immediately turned off
>LGBT community
yeah the upstanding hebephiles at bugchasers anonymous want nothing to do with pedophiles. Aren't retards like you supposed to be on r*ddit?