>googled "Jesus" after watching the Passion of the Christ
>mfw he is actually real and died for our sins
Googled "Jesus" after watching the Passion of the Christ
Other urls found in this thread:
Blessed and Godpilled
step aside buddy, real jesus coming thru.
Is it any good?
Well, not really true though. He was just a random dude who died on a cross and then some Jewish anti-Roman rebels made up a propaganda story about his life to incite people and spread their cult. Literally no one knows fucking anything about the real "Jesus Christ" (or if that was even his real name) beyond that he was crucified by the Romans alongside a bunch of criminals in a run of the mill execution. Everything written about him was done so many years and even lifetimes later by people who did not ever even meet or know him. He was never even born in Bethlehem, and certainly not at Christmas. It's fake. All of it.
I dunno, seems made up.
>mfw he is actually real and died for our sins
no, it's a story based on real facts to explain a philosophy faggot, but there was no jewish 1 man faggot doing magic and rising from the dead
Is accepting Jesus christ the ultimate red pill?
based user. i'll be watching my blu-ray copy of the passion of the christ tomorrow for good friday. happy easter. He is risen!
>Heaven was only for Jews until Jesus came along
>Now you CAN get to heaven, but you most likely won't because all of humanity's most common personal issues are evil.
Thank you Jesus.
>Is accepting Jesus christ the ultimate red pill?
no, it's the escapism pill
He never existed. Some faggot writers made him up about 1970 years ago. All fake.
>google the shroud of turin
How can I prove to my dad that Jesus is real?
heaven was not 'only for jews' at all. there were non jew converts in the old testament
it doesnt matter though. even if it is real its useless when it comes to apologetics. an atheist would laugh in your face in you showed them this
Don't trust Satan's trips.
>He never existed.
The vast majority of historians think he did exist, that he preached, and that he was crucified.
>anti roman rebels
you realize it was the jews who persecuted Christians first? jesus only spoke positively about caesar
>On April 4, 2009, William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens met at Biola University to debate the question of God’s existence. Craig is one of the world’s foremost Christian apologists. Hitchens, is a leading spokesman for the “new atheism” movement. In front of an overflow crowd and a global internet audience, they debated the origin and design of the universe, the implications of human morality, the deity of Jesus, and the validity of Christ’s resurrection. It was a compelling clash of worldviews and an examination of the major arguments for and against Christianity and atheism. Christopher Hitchens passed away from hospital acquired pneumonia in 2015, a complication arising from his diagnosis of esophageal cancer in 2011. Many scholars have since pointed to the 2009 William Lane Craig debate as the incident which sent Hitchens to an early grave.
yeah for the longest time i went with the crowd, "jesus lol whatever" and all that.
then i got hooked on the history of ancient rome, studied rome for years, reading primary sources. that led to early christianity. did my own research. i was shocked that there's more evidence for jesus than almost every other household name ancient personality.
it's pretty amazing. feels good.
>Jews create a fake cult that is completely at odds with their own religion.
God damn those 200 IQ Jews!
>pigs still believe jesus was their "pure" caucasian prince
Thank you for this hilarious post, user. Now whenever someone asks me, I'll tell them
>you need to google Jesus bro
>just google Jesus
kick rocks goldstein
>jesus with a harelip
I prefer the hitchens we have left.
wasn't the shroud proven someone else off the bat
>mfw i'm a closet satanist and a nun is giving me the stinkeye
can they actually see the evil inside me?
>The vast majority of historians think he did exist, that he preached, and that he was crucified.
We have physical proof that certain animals walked Earth tens of millions of years ago. Some faggot from a few thousand years ago -- nope. KEK
They were an extremist sect who wanted it to spread among Rome to destabilize and destroy them from within. It absolutely worked spectacularly. Just look at how far the Roman Empire fell afterward as opposed to what it was like as a pagan society. Pretty fucking nuts. Those creators of Christianity were the original Marxists.
reminder everyone in this thread denouncing Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, are assblasted Jews and moslems who are pissed that the prophet Mohammad found Christianity while travelling and decided he wanted to copy Christianity but with 3 year old wives
>jesus existed
>it was still somehow fake
imagine being this much of a talmud cultist
>falling for the larpagan meme
This whole thread is bullshit
>Hey there might be this image of Jesus in this piece of cloth!
>"Wait couldn't this just be another corpse that was scourged and crucified?"
>No. Some people looked at the cloth and it showed those wounds. And the Bible said Jesus had those wounds. So clearly it could be no one else but Jesus and thus Jesus is god.
That's not how it works.
calm down incel
she probably wants you to rape her but knows you wont
whoa be careful... you might Have Sex
proof and not incel rambling?
>mfw God is real
Bless you all bros
Matthew was written 6 years after Jesus died.
Every "neopagan" I've ever met has been fat and disgusting. They're giving you the stink eye because you probably stink. Accept Jesus Christ into your life, user.
There are two general camps, the "mythecist" and those that believe Jesus was a real person. In general, both can support their positions well enough, but I think most scholarship has tentatively granted that some Jewish guy probably did exist and preach a lot and get crucified in Rome, and this is not really a contentious or controversial claim. Lots of Jews in Rome claimed to be the messiah. Lots of Jews got crucified. It was illegal, so it happened a lot. Hell, lots of them had followers.
But of course, none of that is remotely close to being related to any of the supernatural claims related to the story character.
Dubs notwithstanding, you can't. He either believes for himself, or he doesn't.
Mo salah looks like THAT
>tfw you realize God is real
>Lots of Jews in Rome claimed to be the messiah. Lots of Jews got crucified. It was illegal, so it happened a lot. Hell, lots of them had followers.
So why is Jesus the one everyone knows about?
>both jim cavaziel and joaquin phoenix are jews
based. very realistic
no one ever says jesus was born on christmas dipshit, they just celebrate it then.
Yes. If you completely reject the likelihood of Jesus's existence, you should be prepared to reject a lot more history -- ancient history in particular -- as well. But you probably won't because their existences aren't inexorably tied to a religion. The reality is there's quite a bit of solid evidence to suggest that Jesus lived, preached, and was crucified.
I hope you seriously aren't comparing the historical record supporting the existence of one man to the fossil record that supports the existence of species with numerous examples.
The mythicist view is more fringe than you're suggesting.
mel picked well
>So why is Jesus the one everyone knows about?
That's a hard question to answer fully because it requires framing a lot of historical details that are kind of complex.
But the simplest answer that requires the least delving into really obscure Roman/Jewish histories is basically that enough people were convinced by the Jesus story after the fact, that it became the religion of the falling Rome and spread after Constantine was convinced to join.
In essence, one major reason is because the Jesus story (AFTER the fact, mind you, this happened over a hundred years later) smothered all other Jewish oral traditions on the subject because everyone was just so into this Jesus story.
Jim Caviezel is a catholic.
No. Almost 100% of Christfags believe he was born on December 25th. They do not know the truth because churches don't advertise it or want people to know it, they just feed people the made up story because the truth is too complex and undermines the holiday, which is entirely a pagan tradition.
>The mythicist view is more fringe than you're suggesting.
That's fair, personally I'm not particularly interested in the debate on the topic because I'm happy to grant that some guy named Jesus probably did live and preach and get crucified. None of that is a particularly extraordinary or interesting claim.
Amen brother
>no one ever says jesus was born on christmas dipshit, they just celebrate it then.
I think you should probably interact with more actual practicing Christians, and less atheists and scholars. Most don't read their Bible, and lots have no concept of the history of the religion or it's holidays.
By that same logic, in about 2000 years we can claim that Harry Potter "probably" did exist.
>But you probably won't
I do, in fact. History is all propaganda.
the N-word
Or maybe it was because all the healings and miracles were real and people tend to remember shit like that.
They weren't. Please stop being an idiot.
You were there?
pontius pilate was sovereign over jesus. he prevented a major riot by washing his hands in front of everyone. marvellous character.
That is technically correct, yes. In fact, you'd probably have a pretty easy time convincing a future civilization that Spider Man was real considering all the tangential evidence for the people, places, and things in the movies and comics. You have a lot less evidence for the stories of Jesus.
>Or maybe it was because all the healings and miracles were real and people tend to remember shit like that.
That doesn't make sense. How can people remember things they weren't present for?
If you think this you don't understand the evidence.
on a related note, why are every single one of Mel Gibsons films complete kino? theyre the opposite of the dishonest and soulless flicks from nolan,tarintino etc
Harry Potter didn't have 12 followers who left their homes and families to travel the world preaching that he rose from the dead, living in poverty and exile the rest of their lives, who refused to recant under pain of torture and death
but yeah im sure the apostles just made up the resurrection they sure had a lot to gain from it
All supposed accounts of Jesus' life and feats were written by people who never even met him and most of which weren't even alive at the time. They are exaggerated hearsay at best, like that game telephone, but far more likely they are pure fiction as he wasn't even a real person anyway.
What do you mean. The gospels were written 6, 10, 24, and 63 years after Jesus died, respectively.
>Harry Potter didn't have 12 followers who left their homes and families to travel the world preaching that he rose from the dead
There's no actual evidence that Jesus did either.
>The gospels were written 6, 10, 24, and 63 years after Jesus died, respectively.
Am I being trolled? I feel like this is a really good troll that I've never heard before.
11. One of them hanged himself.
This is a modern secular delusion.
>Am I being trolled?
No. What's the contention?
yeah and the verse of the beginning really hammers home for atheists how utterly out of their depth they are in daring to critique, or to encourage critique, of Jesus Christ's historicity.
>he’s not agnostic
there are plenty of contemporary sources documenting the apostles travels and fates. including but not limited to the new testament, which is composed of writings to the early church by the apostles themselves. you are deluding yourself because you simply do not want to believe God exists
The gospels were not "written", certainly not in any unified fashion nor at any one single date. Every modern version of every gospel has been assembled, changed, and rewritten and we have no originals of any of them that could possibly define a creation date.
>Hey guys, lets create a rebellion that we'll all die horribly spreading
Literally every single one of the Apostles was martyred except for John and the only reason he lived was because God wanted to use him to write Revelation. Marxists kill and have others die for their revolutions. They are never willing to face execution.
And rose from the dead too, Based and Blessed OP
>which is composed of writings to the early church by the apostles themselves.
How do you demonstrate this? I mean, the Bible itself admits that all the gospels and sources are anonymous and without provenience. How is it that you somehow know they were written by the "apostles themselves"?
How do I know you're real and not a bot?
I suppose your belief in what academics have told you must be taken on faith.
You don’t know
>the Bible itself admits that all the gospels and sources are anonymous and without provenience.
you should try reading a real bible.
welcome to the god pill
that's not true at all. the authors identify themselves in several books in the new testament. Luke wrote The Gospel of Luke and Acts. Paul wrote thirteen epistles. James wrote the book of James. If you discount these as historical writings you have to discount literally every secular historical writing as well.
Based, Passion is one of the only films ever to bring me to tears and I wasn't even religious when I watched it.
Reminder that until you take the Godpill you are literally an NPC with a dead spirit. When you believe and profess Jesus Christ is Lord you are spiritually born again
>Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.”
>Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
>Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”
>Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You[d] must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Other way around actually, Christfags are soulless NPC husks with their brains on auto-pilot.
Are you saved. Yea Forums?
Comparing academia and religion is essentially an admission of intentional obstinacy. I'm not saying you can't believe whatever you want, but don't make yourself look like a child with dead end arguments.
I feel like I have entered a parallel universe. I had no idea Chris had a brother who is a Christian
Your statement was nothing more than a belief. I'm sorry you can't differentiate beliefs from verifiable facts.
>believing in middle eastern sand cults
I didn't even make the original statement. You're grasping at straws as a minority opinion; not a good position to be in.
And you fags spit in his face while claiming the evil you do is in his name. I'm sure he's disappointed as fuck in the people who claim to worship him now.
>tfw going to watch this and ben hur tomorrow for good friday
Any other Christkino I should add to the list?
The real redpill is knowing that Judaism actually post-dates Christianity.
I was hoping I'd run into this post, God bless you
Don't forget that Chris Hitchens has a brother who is his exact counterpart in Christianity named Peter Hitchens
I want to see /ourguy/ direct a Jesus movie some day.
Pray for Wisdom and Discernment my fellow anons.
Based blessed thread.
catholic is not a race or ethnicity, dummy
Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome. Fedoras. Are awesome.
We know that the authors of the new testament existed. We know the apostles existed, that they suffered and died for their beliefs. We know they had acquaintances who also wrote about their beliefs. Treating these people like any other historical figures, we must conclude that the man they attested to at least existed, and that they believed some measure of the supernatural claims they made about him.
Are you ok, retard?
>perfect man, the Son of God
>implying he wouldn't be white regardless of his parentage or place of origin
Based, I found out about him in a similar way.
Why didn't Jesus teleport to Mos Eisley to fight Satan?
You mean current rabbinic tradition?
>when praying in gethsemene Jesus saw all of humanity sins
>he saw me spending a decade socially isolating myself and jerking off to futamommy hentai multiple times a day
>he still died for all of our sins
What a lad
>died for our sins
That's the not-real part, user.
Based Richard Dawkins poster
>thinks having transparent skin that's SENSITIVE to the sun with a needle nose is the "pinnacle" of human beauty
yikes and bigotpilled
the hell is that
>he died for our sins
jesus is god
god created humans
god, in his omniscience, is directly responsible for all human action
god can't die therefore jesus can't actually die
the "sacrifice" of jesus was completely meaningless as he created sin to begin with and couldn't actually die in the first place
Hammer of Thor amulet. Adopted by actual pagans as a reactionary response to Christians appearing in their lands wearing crucifixes, now adopted by modern anti-Christian """"pagans"""" who cosplay as pagans because they can't handle going full fedora.
>(or if that was even his real name)
his actual name was Yeshua, or Joshua when properly translated.
Serious question, would J-Man mind if I blazed up on Saturday in his honor?
You guys are a bunch of trap loving (((atheists))) who think they are smart because they rejected His sacrifice.
You do understand understand, if you only believe in yourself, you literally live the life of a satanist.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Love is the law, love under will.
Famous Satanists and "magician" Aleistair Crowley.
Nah, nuns are just tired of rebellious 12yo's
>ignorant of hundreds of years of scholastic work
>well akshually if god created everything then he has control over everything so he also makes us sin
>hahaha christianity logic’d
>googled "Jesus" after watching the Passion of the Christ
>mfw He actually bombed Alcatraz during the 1997 hostage situation to neutralize the VX gas aimed at San Francisco
Meh. I remember when this fag brought this to /sci/ and got btfo.
There is more evidence that he DID NOT exist than there is that he did
>10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions
>10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus
>5 reasons to suspect that Jesus never existed
>Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn't add up.
>wtf I hate Jesus now
I like the Risen movie. Feels buddy cop flick
Bless you too and our atheist friends
more like a Nietzsche poster
imagine being this retarded
>some Jewish anti-Roman rebels made up a propaganda story
Why would they make up a propaganda story that ended up being one of the most antisemitic religions in the world up until 1958?
gonna watch this kino tonight again
Because they didn't correctly anticipate what would happen over the next few thousand years.
You don't know anything about Nietzsche
amen bruv
Checks out
Kill yourself and then come back 3 days later
I wanna pet that dog.
Feck, shut it down!
i love Him so much bros
you mean, "was"
Fuck off merchant
What was Jesus's tax policy? He was a jew after all.
So when exactly did Yea Forums stop being atheist and became Christian or at least sympathetic to Christianity?
Yea Forums was never atheist and 4channel was always Christian site.
Why yes, i'm a protestant. What gave it away?
Jesus was a mage of Hermes and the Pauline interpretations of him are fraudulent
When the trump & qanon retards from reddit joined the site to push their nazi meme shit.
bless ya and the others y'know
Are you a broken person? Someone who knows that there's something wrong with the world and the trajectory of your life, but you can neither put your finger on the cause nor achieve a solution? Jesus can help.
We're all sinners and we all deserve, if we stood in front of a just and righteous God one day, to go to hell for the wrong we've done.
Isaiah 64:6
>But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Ecclesiastes 7:20
>For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
God knows you will fail, God knows you will come short, God knows all the sins which so easily beset you and that you're never going to be perfect. That's why he gave you an alternative to going to Hell for your sins, because he loves you and wants you to go to Heaven. That solution is Jesus Christ, and accepting him as your personal saviour is all you have to do to know with 100% certainty you're going to Heaven when you die.
Romans 5:8
>But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
The one and only condition for going to Heaven is believing in your heart Jesus paid for all of your sins and died in your stead.
John 11:25-26
>Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
>And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
Titus 3:5
>Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us
If you accept Jesus into your heart the promises of God are more bountiful than all of the promises of riches and material wealth in the world could offer.
1 Corinthians 2:9
>But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
what happened in 1958, Scientology?
don't underestimate harry potter fansoys
>god is real
>still allows this cesspool of pedos to exist
Yeah i doubt it user
Did none of you fucks see Da Vinci Code? It lays out the truth of Christ, how he was a Jew.
Jesus was a pale skinned blue eyed jew
Except that is literally true. An omnicient, omnipotent being is responsible for everything that happens and hence for sin
>B-but muh free will
If you think that free will limits gods abilities in any capacity then your god isn't omnipotent
>>ignorant of hundreds of years of scholastic work
Yeah, becaue it's shit and apologetics is a laughable field of philosophy.
ah yes, it's so easy to push your wrongdoings on someone else and blame him. you'll rot in hell but I'll pray for you today.
What difference does it make what day Jesus was born? My birthday is in the Summer. In grade school I had my birthday party at the end of spring before everyone went on vacation because it was convenient. Jesus' birth is celebrated in December bc it was convenient for pagans who were already celebrating then. I know you like to feel smug but it doesn't make a difference at all.
unironically the virgin atheist vs. the chad creationist
and also ironically, atheist men are significantly more likely to be adult virgins but still rally against "puritanical dogma", which for them just means wanting less restrictions on anime porn and prostitutes lmfao
Post moar I want to be gnostic
>it's a white people believe in a semitic deity episode
tired of this rerun, worse than blacked cuckoldry
>badmouth Christianity
>get throat cancer
No he isn't. Richard Carrier killed that shit years ago. Jesus is not a real historical person. He's a mythological character.
Yea Forums was always kind of split until edgelords sperging out about magical sky daddies and invisible friends became much much more obnoxious than the Christians ever were. So everyone starting tipping their fedoras at the atheist whenever they started their rants.
I will pray for you
>not posting true jesus kino
>no one mentioned the best jesus kino yet
t. american
>Jesus didn't exist
>B-but if he did he'd be Middle Class!
Once again the false right-wing shows its hate of the British working class.
If god knew what would happen after crucifixion, how is it a sacrifice? He knew very well that he will get resurrected and nothing is threatening his well-being just like he knew nothing is threatening his authority as a god. The torment he experienced is closer to extreme tourism rather than actual suffering so what exactly did he sacrifice?
most people are stupid, what do you expect
Read history. Jesus Christ was able to perform resurrection, something no magician accomplished at the time
I know how he did it, btw. Was alien technology.
Perhaps you could try one of those 'laughable' reads because you clearly need it.
This and without the slightest bit of irony.
Desu posting was the first step to salvation for many.
>Jesus Christ
lmao sure
>Yea Forums was never atheist and 4channel was always Christian site.
/pol/ is just christian larp otherwise the board would be so much different
t. shlomo
And here come le ebin intellectual atheists to talk out of there ass, knowing nothing about Christianity aside from a few Sunday school lessons that mommy forced them to go to
based and christ be with you senpai
Your tiny pecker and the fact you support abortion faggot
Think about it like this, as jeusia, God experienced humanity in every sense of the word. All the fear, self doubt, anger, humiliation, everything.
Jesus knew the kingdom of heaven came after death, but so do we.
We know that death isn't the end, but we are still crippled by self doubt and anger.
God experienced the same pain and fear of death we all do.
How can one know for sure?
why did he need to experience all that if he is omnipotent
Every single source I've found for this just say "most historians think" but never give a list of specific historians or their reasoning/evidence. It's the ultimate Appeal to Authority.
Because the ritual is part of the covenant.
The sacrifice couldn't have been made without God experiencing the human experience and completing it with a ritual sacrifice.
It becomes meaningless without the trappings of ritual. If he just snapped his fingers, it would lack meaning.
It is a sign of mutual respect. He follows the rules that he sets for us.
2016 election when the t_d retards came in full force.
>Hitchens gets BTFO
>Starts strawmanning and making jokes
>2000 years pass
>(((they))) still mad at Jesus
>approving Roman rule
Maybe read the good book user so you can see the errors in your way.
I understand that you like to larp and I have no issue with that. The problem is that you are retarded and intentionally spreading disinfo just like a nigger would. The first gospel wasn't written until at least 40 years after the death of Jesus.
You think that it was Christianity that doomed the romans? Christianity was barely even a thing and jesus was just some hippy dude that made for a convenient political scapegoat.
Absolutely based
Thanks m8
He died 4u
He is blessed Guy
Look at the cucks spamming cringy cartoons about Jesus....
Why do they even care, is it autism?
Did they get fucked as a child buy some pedo priest's.
I don't get it.
Who are you talking to, Gaylord
This. Muhammed was real though
El trollo face
Haha, trolled ya, stupid Christian xD
You shall know them by their fruits.
>Most don't read their Bible, and lots have no concept of the history of the religion or it's holidays.
The bible calls it "the great apostasy." and "The falling away of the church."
Yes he was, unfortunately. He was also a raping lying murdering cunt who worked zero miracles. So says a plain-language reading of his death cult's user guide.
Most accounts of Jesus' life and acts, as well as most stories which take place in the bible are completely verifiable historic facts, written by firsthand accounts and people that spoke to God.
See? I can make sweeping declarations with no evidence too.
Hope atheists have fun in hell with all the ugly trannies lmao
Because Satan already lost.
>John 15:13
>Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
sure, nu-nazi, sure :^)
What I never understood about atheists is the egotistical behavior, how can they fail so hard to understand what the Bible is trying to teach us?
Just don't be a egomaniac, is it so hard to get ?
Do what you want, is literally satanism.
They love to shit on our beliefs but never read the Bible themselves.
They are just like animals, living to die.
Almost completely accurate, except the wages of sin is death, not eternal torment in hell. The dichotomy in Judaism has always been life/death not heaven/hell. Heaven and hell were pagan ideas of the summer lands and hel, respectively. They were added in the year 300 with the reformation of the church.
> Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
this is the post that saved Yea Forums
prestige sequel?
>mommy forced them to go to
well yeah there's the problem
>How can I prove to my dad that Jesus is real?
stop driving one day and let jesus take the wheel
Ebin troll