What are the best ones?
Opening Shots
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Back to YouTube faggot
Lord of war
Who directed that?
Isn't this implying that you know what its from as well? So you have no ground to stand on. Really pathetic bud. You should try thinking
What is what from?
I said back to YouTube because of that pleb tier question.
Off yourself.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Kino movie
Little Miss Sunshine
Apocalypse Now
Your gay butt hole
Remember that cartoon. Rugrats? Each episode always began with extreme close ups. I really like those.
lost in translation
>the opening shot is the actor remembering to put his hands on the wheel.
This movie turned into something ridiculous by the end, but this and some of the other VHS scenes were very, very well done.
unironically pic related
That's bad whoring right there. Next we'll have Starbucks refusing to serve coffee.
not exactly opening but whatever
Better than the conjuring no where near Hereditary but still a B horror and shits the bed a little in the end but it’s totally watchable and enjoyable this scene still sticks with me I was surprised they let it in
What does it mean?
The opening shot of Fargo.
I have never understood this retarded complaint. Do you think the fucking car was CGI or something? Do you think it was being towed? Have you never let go of the wheel whilst driving a car before? Have you ever driven a car? Are you fucking retarded?
top tier
i like the opening shot of Shame quite a lot
great taste
>not using real blood for a measly 5 drops
It's not blood, it's cherry jam or somesuch similar topping
shut the fuck up dude
was going to post the same thing
>Nobody has posted the best opening scene in modern comedy yet.
Freddie felt happiest when he was adrift at sea, his life fully controlled by entities he could care less about. He ended up seeking the same with The Master but ultimately realized The Master was just as lost as he was, which is why he parted ways with him. The last shot of the film is him on land, laying next to the nude sand woman, a symbol for what he will now devote his life to achieving.