Le SJWs are destroying my entertainment REEEEEE

>le SJWs are destroying my entertainment REEEEEE
>be incel faggot
>never ever have sex

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this, desu.

u mad?

Have Sneed

wondering if when left-wing president wins, media will turn 180degree and start bully SJWs just in spite of this
political trends change from time to time, so expect this sooner or later

>political spamming is okay when my ideology does it
Da, tovarishch!

Back to the tranny discord you faggot
Back to pol you idiot

Janny deletes my fun threads but leaves this tranny /pol/ shut up

pol btfo

q-quick report it!!! I'm getting my triggered REEEEEE
save me MOOOODS
lefties are invading my safe space again REEEEEE REEEEEE

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BBC strikes again

this is getting kinda cringy desu


Nuck Figgers

>I don't like this. I won't do this aymore.
>I don't like this. You should change it or stop doing this because I don't like it.

>yes i did vote for donald trump and yes i do hate star wars and its cancerous fanbase, how can you tell?

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Haven't heard that since I left the Bodybuilding forum. Even swole dudes fear the big snek.

>gonna cry megachud

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yeah, like abortion.

The fearsome broadcasters

Daily reminder that /pol/incel faggot cunts are worse than SJWs

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>have sex

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I doubt rightwingers actually like dc do they they haven't made anything good in long while

right wingers dont care about capeshit

Quick reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.

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he did. he lost

But anti-whites are the ones who hate Star Wars and its fanbase.

>pleb that couldnt even get into art school
no wonder he hated jews who were all rich, doctors, educated and overall great people

fuck white "people"

There are incredible neolib retards on this board that think there's a russian conspiracy behind everything

They actually fucking believe they're some warrior on the forefront against some war against communism or evil or someshit

I fucking hate redditors

Fuck /pol/ and fuck incels, but political pandering on either side in entertainment is bullshit and propaganda.

2 scoops
2 terms

>/pol/ having any arguments
It works both ways

have sex

>everyone is dumb!
whoa that's a pretty controversial opinion you have there! such radicalism


im a marxist



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And yet they aren't the ones that ruin the entertainment, faggot.

Whew lad.

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What's with all the retarded newfags and redditors posting on Yea Forums lately? I know some people are just shitposting but it seems like it's gotten worse lately.

>Yea Forums
ok cringe. Why isn't all capeshit forced there instead of here?

>/pol/ shits up the board!!!
*posts shit like this*
Most Trump supporters are married boomers


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What the fuck is going on with Yea Forums and why is it so based all of a sudden?
You faggots will be the of me.

So a tranny

lol you can practically taste the tears you cry over your pathetic existence when you start threads like this. Seethe harder


>Be Jewish Communists
>Cause a coup near the end of WW I leading to Weimar Republic
>Manipulate politics and cause collapse of economy while funneling wealth into your banker pockets
>Try to bullshit Germans through press as they starve due to hyperinflation
>Spread peak degeneracy as you employ child protitutes

"Oh why do the Germans hate us great people so?"
T. Jew

I can smell the grease from here

Dude, Hillary lost. Get over it already.

This. At this point people whining about /pol/ and cringey anti-sjws have become even more whiny and annoying than /pol/ ever was.


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You take away the only thing we had, and then we act surprised when one of us decides to kill you?

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

For what purpose? Multiple people bumped the thread less than a minute before you did.


Rightists are pussies who want to stop it but don’t actually have the power to do anything
Leftists actually stop whatever they don’t like because they’re not cucks.

I really suspect the "incel" population is minuscule

There is no creature on the planet with lower self esteem than a fat girl, and more eager to please any man who talks to them.

Shut up Jew

Laughably untrue

Yeah, I talked about this yesterday when one of the anons asked a similar thing. It's due to the influence of a few conscientious and level headed people that don't act like raging inbred faggots but are also firm and provide sound logic behind their opinions.
It's a deceptively contagious thing, and at this rate, Yea Forums will be heading back to it's centrist roots sooner or later.
I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing but it's an interesting metamorphosis in any case.

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Go back to imagefap

That's just your upper lip.


>falling for the Hitler is based meme
Friendly reminder that Hitler and by extension all Germans are (((their))) puppets who are used whenever (((they))) need Europe destroyed so that it will be easier to subvert when (((they))) contribute to Europe's "reconstruction"

Objectively wrong. The correct response is simple, but I'm not giving it away in case some actual incel wants to learn of it.

My posts are bumping the thread too.

the first one should be "dilate" and the second one should be "you will never be white"

have sex

go back faggots

why are poltards so ashamed of where their came from?

Who are you talking to?

and yet they're still less annoying than you

>"muh sjw conspiracy"
>"feminism ruins everything reeeeeeeeee"

>please go be stupid where it belongs

>"you can't stand real ARGOOMANTS"

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they aren't, its the retards who call non-/pol/ users /pol/

trannies: its fucking /pol/!!! they are seething lololol



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how do magacels still live rent free in your head

pathetic. kys op

jew detected

yeah Yea Forums ALWAYS hated jews, feminists and liberals

check it yourself, newfag ;)

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>he says in yet another faggot whinefest thread about /pol/
Nah, you are cringey as fuck tbqh, you guys spend all day furiously angry that people make fun of mainstream blockbusters, cringe


someone is upset. what's the matter?

Right :
>you shouldn't do this because muh god and I don't like it. DON'T DISCUSS IT, THERE IS NO DISCUSSION JUST DON'T
>source : bible

Left :
>Well if you didn't do this it wouldn't change your life that much and actually make it better for others
>source : actual scientific research

Liberals have become completely unhinged

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Yea Forums and /pol/ aren't subreddits. They're just boards on an Anonymous Japanese knitting forum so there is going to be cross-over because that's the nature of the beast. How new do you have to be to act surprised by this?

i came from /news/ before /pol/ even existed,
/pol/lacks are against trannies, niggers, jews, feminists, jews, commies, fatties and sóibois

naturally trannies, niggers, jews, feminists, jews, commies, fatties and sóibois hate /pol/....and you :OOOOOOOOOO

what a shame bro

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>Reddit screencap
As expected of the r/thedonald refugee