Sopranos Discussion Thread

Was it Adriana or Chrissy?

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Obviously it was Pussy

Watch it user

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then why would it be staring at the picture of chrissy all the time

It's Schrödinger's cat. Tony is both dead & alive.

it was a male cat, so it would be a weird choice to make adriana a male

Pretty sure he's just dead when the members only guy whacked him

>mfw Janice and Richie sex scene

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He was gay and in love with Chrissy.
Also, in the episode "D girl" when Chris was messing around Jon favourou in his hotel room gave me gay vibes.

wtf I cant do the 2 finger point without holding the other 2 with my thumb, why are my pinky and ring finger attached

Is D-Girl the only episode where we got to see the tender side of Chrissy?

>top 10 pictures taken seconds before disaster

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Does anyone have a webm of mid life crises Artie jamming out to that shitty band at The Cray Horse? Shit cracks me up whenever I watch that episode.

Maybe the episode where him and blunder to go their uncle's farm to find and get rid of a body. Blunder to and Tony start messing with him and at the end Chris starts crying like a little bitch.

The episode with him going to acting school and cries. I think its the same episode where he throws out all his writing shit at the end, it’s pretty sad.
The Ride was great too. You see him talking to Corky and he recounts the days he was a child and how he had no friends because of his filthy house and his alcoholic mother, he promises to himself that his little girl will not have to suffer the way he did. Then he succumbs to his addiction because of the wine Tony gave him, plus being near heroin, plus being haunted by Ade’s death.
The scenes with him relating to his daughter is always touching. When he drunkenly talks about seeing his daughter’s eyes and all proud before Paulie cracks a joke at him

The part where he looks at everyone at he sees them laughing at him gives me chills because that's how I see my peers reacting to me when I get social anxiety.

Sopranos was always spot on at conveying misery in all its forms

The episode where Tony hallucinates Isabella is my favourite for that reason. The scene where Tony sits in the shower in his bathrobe while that song plays is one of the best in tv history

>mfw i have never seen a single episode of the sopranos but have watched every single clip on youtube, often hours at a time

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Christ, user. I don’t understand why you would do this to yourself

Sopranos vids are always on my 'recommended' section so I watch some almost everyday. I've watched the series twice though

Just finished s6e5, s6 has easily been the most kino season so far. Tony was basically ready to die with his coma. They did an amazing job of getting intimate with death and finally passing on, its incredible

they are addictive

I’ve watched the show probably 4 times straight through but some reason skipping around watching YT clips is the comfiest thing in existence

First time watching it? 6B is the best season of TV ever made.

Get out before it's spoiled for you because it will be

Be prepared for Vito’s gay fantasy land adventure which a lot of people hate but is really not that bad if you think about it

Ypou let Google track your viewing habits?

Everyone knows Tony dies, geez.

He doesn’t though. More happens than that, a lot more

He dies, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. Perhaps a rewatch is in order, because you clearly didn't pay attention the first time.

Did Paulie deserve the award?

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did tony want jackie jr whacked? he told ralphie to spare him but it felt like he was implying otherwise

He wanted him dead but, was pissed at Ralph for encouraging Jackie Jr so was giving him a huge guilt trip.

Tony is a sadistic fuck.

The scene with Ralph telling Ro that Jackie is in hiding was pretty sad but it was pretty much his fault. Both of ‘em. I mean I guess mainly Jackie, idiot was on crank

you know about borko?

Why did Tony B punch his asian business partner

wheres carl well

All too familiar my friend, primo shit when I have an hour or two to kill. the 2-4 minute clips really hit the spot though.

Cats are guardians of the underworld in Egyptian mythology, and protectors of pharaohs in the physical realm. The appearance of the cat is both an omen of death and a symbol of protection from death. It clearly has a connection to death with the obsession with the picture of Christopher. Notice how the cat doesn't show up until the finale and is specifically shown in scenes featuring Paulie and Tony. Tony wants to keep the cat, Paulie wants to get rid of it. The cat is not in Tony's final scene and his fate is purposefully ambiguous, while the shot of the cat and Paulie together in front of Satriale's is the last time we see Paulie in the show.

>it's a janice and ralphie sex scene
mama's little HOOWAH

Ah maddon' user! You just fucked up. For the next two weeks some mobsters want to kill you

>Pick THREE to help protect you
>Everyone else in on the hunt to whack you
>All characters are in their prime season ie. Uncie Jun doesn't have dementia yet
>Take into consideration that the characters you pick can use BOTH their bruteness/strength AND their connections to protect you
>Conversely, one of the three you pick could sell you out if you aren't careful

Who do you pick and what's your course of action to survive?

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Does anyone have the Pepe and Wojak edit of the therapist scenes?

Tony S for his leadership and connections, Furio for his brutality, Johnny Sack for his connections into New York
>Lay low and do what they say

he wanted to go get some POKEYMAN CARDS

>where do you think you are?

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Streaming this exact fucking show on Shill @

basedstream com

its impressive how chase managed to completely change the vibe over the seasons, Gandolfini weight gain,darker lighting, tony's voice change. just watch these two scenes

What did Tones mean by this?

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i walk in
your head is a toilet
your hair is the toilet water

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what does he yell out?! I must know

its the sign of a fanook

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it hits like a ton of bricks every time, bros ;___;

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Ralphie is one of the best written and acted characters of any TV show ever. Richie's a close second.

why didn't tony just give him some coffee or something?

why are you such a blunted person

>*hits pipe* heh....weak addict had it coming...*blows smoke up into air* tch...kid like that shouldn’t have even been born.

as much as I liked chris this didn't bother me
the only person on the show i feel bad for is Bobby's kids. their mom died, then bobby got manipulated by janice into marriage, then bobby dies, so now it's those two and their half-soprano half-bobby younger sibling who is going to get all the love and attention they shoul dhave had

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Can anybody tell me why this scene is such kino?

Janice actually wants Bobby jr out of the house and stay with the aunt. Janice plans on keeping Bobby’s daughter because Nika likes her. The siblings are going to be separated.

That was the scene that made me keep watching. I didn't like College at all and was giving it one more episode

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because Faure by Pavane is an absolutely top-tier composition

everything about this scene is the definition of class

>adriana makes a song named meow in that really bad episode
>adriana really loves chrissy
>chrissy isnt much of a narcissist
hmm who could it be

>Pilot episode Melfi session
>Tony’s first scene with Livia show how desperate and stressed he is trying to keep her happy
>Tony, Georgie, Phone, Livia incident
>Livia sanctions hit on Brendan scene
>”All Through the Night” ending scene
>Junior Tony confrontations
>Every scene involving Livia thus far
>Junior gets the leader
Watching these scenes for the first time was fucking amazing. I don’t get how you have “ more episode and I’m out” attitude

>it's a Jon Favreau episode

It's just a cheese sandwich dude...

i can't believe they actually did that. it's a baby daughter of a made guy
i'll bet nobody joked like that when meadow or heather were born

no, my friend
>I gotta live in the world... and now I'm Joe Jerkoff

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you mean pimp my ride man

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Chrissy should've left for hollywood when he had the chance.

Chris always took himself way too seriously and was really bad at breaking balls, that's why he was consistently an easy target throughout the series. With someone like that you can easy hurt them and feel powerful (plus get a rise out of everyone else) while knowing that he's not going to be able to get back at you with his own banter. His only for of retaliation involved some form of harm or insubordination which he would be reprimanded for so he still loses and shows himself as weak. Basically the perfect victim for a bully.

it wasn't her song, it was the dumb band's. but I get whatcha sayin

>bad episode
It wasn’t

Oh yeah, those guys

>You remember johnny, johnny-boy, your kid brother?

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>it's a that bevilaqua kid comes back to life and murders christopher with a meat cleaver and takes adriana for himself episode

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I'm rewatching the series and realizing more and more how fucking banging Adriana's body was.

any motherfucker here know Italian?! I hear "faachimma!" but nothing comes up!!

Can’t you just type the “Sopranos season#episode# script” on google and find it? That’s what I sometimes do when I didn’t catch something clearly.

What’s this from?

underrated post. especially considering the weird s6 intro with the egyptian mythology parts of the soul

So you’re saying that the cat chose to protect Paulie despite being a dick because Tony is just THAT fucking repulsive as a human being?

He was trying to get into Hollywood, afterall.

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