I notice there is not a single simpson's thread that is allowed to survive without being derailed and tanked by the "sneed" bullshit.
Why are not allowed to talk about the simpsons?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a shit meme show that deserves to be mocked until the nostalgia glasses fall off.
>Call Mr. Plow,
>That's my name.
>That name again is Mr. Plow.
Is this supposed to be funny? Did Gen-Xers and boomers really laugh at this? Can someone please explain why this is "iconic"? And this is supposedly during the """"golden era"""" of this shit show.
the simpsons as a good show died around the turn of the century arguably the early 2000's, but 90's simpons was the shit.
it was a different time, you'd understand if you weren't a zoomer.
Oh did you notice that? Stupid city slickers
Because American zoomers were only exposed to the new read shit episodes and they are attention Where's, so they always sneed
Okay this is epic.
>zoomer argument
If it isnt good now then it was never good.
What does sneed mean zoomer anons?
( i am a boomer 03-04-1961)
What is there even left to talk about? It used to be good in the 90, but now it's shit.
There's the entire discussion really.
Why did they think "Simpsons meet celebrity who is voiced BY that celebrity" funny?
Yea thats not the best joke. But you are fucking cherry picking. And you know it. The show has millions of great jokes so shut the fuck up
Because Sneed threads (formerly Simpsons threads) consisted of nothing but arguing about when the show stopped being good and dumping Facebook memes/Frinkiac screenshots. They fucking sucked.
Go to Yea Forums if you want actual The Simpsons discussions. There's only occasional sneeds here and there.
Its comfy to have a simpsons thread. There are so many funny references from the old episodes so people can have fun. If any sneed posters really knew the quality of the old eps. They would know.
It's like having a comfy twin peaks thread. Or probably for you: an alita or marvel thread...
You are allowed, however, you can only talk about the episode 5 of season 11
It was literally the succesful plan of a redditor who didn't get old Simpsons and forced his shitty meme to crash them with no survivors. Since Yea Forums has been full of redditors since 2014, they flocked to push on with their forced meme, and it stuck
Sneed feed and seed
Is that a fancy German car?
Sneed is a fungal disease which effect certain tree types : SNEED (spruce needle drop).
Because Sneed (formely Chuck) is the only good thing about that misbegotten show
Do sneedfags think they can't tell when OP is a sneedfag?
Just end it already, it has overstayed its welcome. It's done. Put it out of its misery
This is true.
false flagging moeposter
The joke is that it's a dumb song with no thought put into it, mocking the real world ad songs of the time. Kill yourself zoomer
Jannies tries to ban based Sneed posters for a while but realized it's futile. Pathetic Jannies can't handle sneedchads
You're too old to be a boomer
Remember when that janny went crazy and was deleting sneedposts one by one and then got btfo by the sneedposters.
Fucking hell a Cuphead x Simpsons episode? That's retarded.
and they were both tied up
yessir sneed comrade
or the time a tumblr star wars shipping general was completely and utterly destroyed by sneedposters despite it being fiercely protected by a literal tranny janny
It was when homer got prescribed weed, it was a classic.
Weed and Seeds?
Simpsons was literally never good especially compared to all of the shows that came after it like South Park, KOTH, Formerly Guy, and others
>family guy
Family guy was try-hard comedy. You have shit taste user.
Is Season 11 episode 5 even a good episode? I haven't seen it in ages.
Family Guy and the Simpsons are basically the same show
Imagine if Matt groening said that homer is gay and Bart is trans gender. Now that would launch the final bullet to the simpsons. It could happen it happened with Harry Potter.
So they like to suck and fuck?
Formerly Chuck’s and Sneed’s are basically the same store
That's some shit logic you got there kiddo.
>doesn't realize that there are TWO generations between boomers and zoomers.
Sneed meme predates Yea Forums, probably Yea Forums even
>Homer is an idiot, so if he writes a song, it'll sound stupid
>Ok, how about Mr Plow, that's my name, name again is Mr Plow
>That's stupid enough. works for me
zoomfag watches it
>"this is stupid"
you don't say
you probably also think the car he designed was stupid too
fuck off zoomer, Simpsons was once good, Family Guy was always the lowest hanging fruit with zero effort put into the jokes
I can't believe how long the whole Sneed shit has been going on for. Is it just one lone autistic fuck? Surely nobody else can find it even remotely funny after all this time...
Sneed :3
You seem lost, sir, let me give you a quick rundown.
>1. Reddit and Facebook have no idea what a Sneed is.
>2. Simpsons threads are Reddit, not sneedposting. Sneedposting is based, redpilled, high-test, and non-pozzed.
>3. Not a single sneedposter has ever been under the age of 18. Ever. No exceptions, it simply doesn't work that way.
>4. The moeposter is a bot being run by the Yea Forums mods. This is how it can accurately post in EVERY Simpsons thread. Mods know they can't outright ban or wordfilter sneed as it would make Yea Forums a worse place for little gain. All Janny can do is occasionally ban them.
>5. Sneedposting is the chemotherapy that is saving Yea Forums. Jannies, niggers, trannies, tumblrinas, redditors and city-slickers of all varieties need to learn that Yea Forums is simply not their safe-space. Sneed is one of the best ways to teach them.
>6. Sneedposting was one of the reasons why 4channel became a thing, and was discussed (with screencapped examples) in a Skype call between the moderators and Hiro. There is one Yea Forums and /g/ mod that fucking HATES it in particular, but most don't think it's that big of a problem. Hiro doesn't run the moe-bot, the aforementioned Yea Forums and /g/ mod does.
>7. Sneedposting is not better or worse than baneposting. It hasn't "surpassed" it, and it isn't "below" it. They are equals, brothers, wife and husband to each other. Yes, it is slightly more repetitive than baneposting, but because it has more OC and is a dedicated effort, the two memes are on par with each other.
>8. Most Sneedposters actually love the early Simpsons seasons.
>10. Sneed.
You literally CANNOT dispute any of the points I just made.
Based and sneedpilled
Formerly two lone autistic fucks
>Imagine being a shitskin from a third world country spamming a forced meme thinking it will make you and your shit country relevant
Sneed is an American meme, you fucking cuck.
>Third world country
Sounds about right.
The third world is just getting the Simpsons on tv they’re the ones who spam Simpsons threads Sneed takes care of them
>If it isnt good now then it was never good.
I noticed only zoomers say that sentence.
at least they aren't playing fornite
This. "muh pop culture references" are the only thing it has to stand on and now that they're outdated it's complete garbage.
It's so you don't forget the name. A jingle is all about advertising the product. Homer oversimplified it, but in a way that's funny and fits to what a jingle's supposed to do. Wasn't there that one episode that defined "Homer Simpson" as 'to achieve through stupidity'? Perfect, funny example with that one joke.
So, fuck you.
And suck you
Nope, you're wrong. They didn't just do pop culture jokes, and the ones they did were funny.
This is bullshit but I believe it
Is pic related one of those funny jokes?
1.) That's not a pop cultural joke's.
2.) It is funny, especially when you look at the trend of '90s kids/family cartoons seeing what they could get away with over the censor.
Okay. You've convinced me that Sneed is a good thing.
It's funny because it pisses faggots like you off.
So what you be sayin is sneed is based?
Moeposter was raped by Sneed in the fall of 1999
It's a jingle you retard. A dumb, simplistic jingle, but a jingle nonetheless.
Sure. Up there with Steamed Hams and all the other great Simpsons memes.
Dental plan. Dental plan. Dental Plan.
Exactly what I was patriciansplaining here:
Ignore The Simpsons, and it’ll keep crawling on until the end of time. Give it attention, and there’s no such thing as bad publicity. There are no more winners in Simpsons history. It’s all over. Classic Simpsons is dead. Zombie Simpsons keep on decaying. Fans are depleting. The old writers and VAs are getting older and dying.
Tell me again why people still care about wanting it cancelled? The damage has already been done.
Sneed Seed and Feed
That’s my name
That name again is Sneed’s Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck’s
*If I don't personally find it good now to me then it was never good to anyone ever.
I notice there is not a single sneedsons feed that is allowed to survive without being chucked and fucked by the "formerly" bullshit.
More like Mr. Plowed ur mom XD
she has a nice gut
let me sum up Sneed threads for you
>The Simpsons is universally praised by people 25 and over as we grew up in the golden age of it. Good wholesome comedy with a life lesson or two in every episode
>Zoomers try to watch it because they hear all the praise it gets
>They ultimately can't get into it because it isn't edgy enough and they have too low of attention spans for anything that isn't shoving references, gore, and sex in media every 10 seconds.
>They become insecure and feel left out since they can't break into this cultural phenomenon
>They end up spending hours and hours shoving their shitty forced meme on this board in an attempt to derail any discussion on it and ultimately just end up looking really petty and retarded.
shouldn't it be Disney's Fisney and Sisney?
>Most mainstream memes are from the simpsons
more like
>show is overrated and not as good as everyone thinks it is
>milennials and gen x quasi-boomers get dabbed on my sneedposters and whine and cry 24/7
Ha totally got him fellow sneed bro! You showed him that the longest running animated series ever was actually bad this entire time.
Here is a "Sneed's Feed and Seed" shirt that you can wear and show everyone else how cool you are.
I'm 35 and I sneedpost just because I think it's funny.
>longest running = good
I've never watched Simpsons. I just have a need to Sneed.
does rule 34 on Sneed exist?
based and checked
most people only like a third of the series though. If you genuinely think golden age Simpsons is bad you just have shit taste, that's all there is to it.
Here's the real rundown: Sneed posters are Yea Forums tier fuckers who, along with /pol/, make Yea Forums the worst board.
And now that you said it, is you is your responsibility commission some artist to do it
i looked too long into these. i think i needed to develop a new mental framework to understand them. i might have a new identity now.
I want to feed on sneed’s seed
Based and correct and sneed
it's children exercising the only power they have: derailing threads on an anime forum
it's just blind luck that it happened to be the simpsons
formerly blind leed
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again post SNEED. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting memes of a nearly 20 years-old movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a sneedposter. A pathetic unfunny sneedposter. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "FORMERLY CHUCKS" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
Mods will ban the words sneed and feed soon enough
Mods FEAR the SNEED formely the CHUCK
Ikr. Simpsons threads were formerly comfy
Why do you want to discuss a CARTOON in a board that is not Yea Forums?
Are you retarded?
Might as well ban "yikes", "oof" and "thot".
How is there so much fucking technical expertise backing sneed?
Nice pasta
sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed
For you
The Simpsons sucks.
Unironically reddit.
This. I like The Simpsons but jesus how many fucking times can you make the same fucking thread about "waaaaah muh childhood they ruined muh comfy simpsons dr zais dr zaius" and circlejerking? Simpsonsfags never fucking moved on so im glad they get so assmad about sneed.
HE posting doesn't compare to SNEED posting though
If you don't love both classic Simpsons and Sneedposting then you're a fucking pleb
>It's a shit meme show
People who like TV an are not able to understand it's significance and the fact that it was actually really good for about nine seasons, are usually zoomers. They only grew up in the age of terrible Simpsons and don't understand the earlier references, which is the be all end all of modern humour.
Eat my shorts, faggot.