I want to watch the best movie

i want to watch the best movie
what is the best movie?
don't give me no shit like "harry potter"

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Hunger games.

dunston checks in

Hudsucker Proxy

The Jerk

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>you will never hate these cans

'arry Potter and the Sorcerer's tax write-off

The Jimmy Neutron Fairly Oddparents crossover

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night at the roxbury


harry potter 2

Absolute GOAT opening scene

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Actually good answers.

I prefer the remake Hotel Rwanda.

Shawshank Redemption


i prefer Maximum Overdrive

The Dark Knight Rises

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Freddy Got Fingered

Problem Child 2

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which, I might add, is only 43 days away

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I can't argue with you. I've seen it a dozen times and I will sit down to watch the entirety of it again. It's up there with Green Mile for me.

>I was born a poor, black child
I can't believe comedies used to be good. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is fantastic too

Fellowship of the Ring directors cut

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i'm racist. should i watch green mile?


The best movie is objectively The Human Condition trilogy, but I doubt you'd be able to appreciate it.

>I feel pretty

Okay, but you're not.

>Tfw the dad married the stepmom IRL but then he died of cancer a few years later

They had a reunion a few years ago and did some photo shoots recreating some promotional art.

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nobody likes movies over 2 hours long. nobody. they lie and say they do in some weird attempt to seem as if they're "smart" instead of being a pseudo-intellectual fag

>the absolute state of zoomers

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the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

>being a dumb phoneposter
>calling anybody else a zoomer
kill yourself

That one straight to Nickelodeon movie where Gibby became a mob boss.

you would probably enjoy it even more

This is a picture of two people who have definitely fucked!

Case in point.

holy based he still looks like a psychopath and she looks cute

She's hot

I’ll continue to phonepost from work since my computers not here and there’s literally nothing you can do about it. I can stop phoneposting when I go home but you’ll always be a adhd riddled retard

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nah, you're just an iphone addicted sack of shit. always having to try to justify yourself to random people on the internet, you care so hard what they think. fag

dude looks exactly like me

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Lord of the Rings: The Tax Return of the King