Why are Joe Rogan and his comic friends so fucking boring?

Why are Joe Rogan and his comic friends so fucking boring?

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Ari shaffir is the only one who can keep up with the east coast comics when he goes on their podcast circuit

His friend got a girl pregnant on tinder you know

Part of the problem is that most of the comedians who are guests are F-listers who basically owe their career to Rogan. So they just suck him off while he drones on about the "craft" of comedy. When he has a legit comedian on it's good, the Hannibal Burress episode was hilarious.

well yeah he's jewish like most of them

>keep up with the east coast comics
You mean he can reach their level of faggotry? Wow, that's impressive. East coast comics are shit. All they have going for them is the gatekeeping. They go anywhere else and they get BTFO. They are totally unfunny faggots.

Man what the fuck has Hannibal been up to?

Eddie can be kind of funny at times, IMO.

segura is the biggest sellout disappointment of a comedian out there.
i never went so quickly from euphoria to disgust than when i watched his trilogy on netflix. it's crazy.

>Not liking most people connected to GAS Digital / Legion of Skanks

Attached: tenor (2).gif (498x278, 1.55M)

>show's sole appeal is being funny
>well this one guy can be kinda sorta funny now and then
I don't get comedyfags. If there's no good modern comedy, just don't bother with it. Don't subject yourself to trash because it's the best relative to other trash.

>Chaotic Good
>not Alex Jones

imagine being this wrong about anything

Idk. Honestly I don't follow him too closely, I just remember that he absolutely killed it on the podcast. Got absolutely hammered and managed to be funny and interesting at the same time.


Imagine being this pozzed

go sand your dick off you liberal faggot

Schaub's not a bad guy. He's just a fucking idiot. Getting repeatedly kicked/punched in the head by top 10 UFC fighters will do that to you.

I like how Redban isn't even on the chart. Guess he's in his own shitpile where he deserves to rot.

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redban isn't a kiss ass so theres a reason jaime is on there

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Redban was an annoying douche

**appears on your podcast**

Attached: makes_your_podcast_based.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

And still is, he's just haunting other podcasts now.

The East Coast is the cultural powerhouse of the USA. Accept it.

Unsubbed from:

Bill Burr
Joe Rogan
Theo Vaugn

Also fuck:
Ari Shaffir (unfunny big nosed jew cunt)
Bert Kriesher
and that fat guy who has a cunt wife who hangs out with Bert

Fuck em all.

Still subbed to:
Joey Diaz
Owen Benjamin

idk the first one
duncan i haven't listened to in literal years but his first few appearances were fun
schaub's tolerable
callen is trash
eddie is just plain uninteresting
segura was good
ari and joey are still great
>tfw you were a YMH listener from the early ustream days but haven't bothered with any of the latest episodes

Kek this

>ay look at me im a new yoawker im walkin here
Yeah, so cultured.

Ari is the only one of those who actually staunchly defends free speech, every other guy there has some sort of limit to what they'll tolerate.

i skip every single episode where the guest is a stand up comic.
am i making a mistake?

>joe's guest is a comic
>joe's guest is researching the carnivore or keto diet
which is worse?

eddie is great you just have to look into it

This but unironically.

basically anything sports related i just skip or wait for short clips to be uploaded so i can give it a taste test

Only if they're conservative comedians like Nic Dipalo, or if you're skipping true comedy legends like Dave Foley

Eddie Bravo is cancer

thx 4 the update

Can’t believe anyone besides house mom’s dislike Joey Diaz

What do all of these people have in common?

>unsubbed to Burr and Theo Von
>still listens to Joey *lies* Diaz
lmao, thanks for the shit opinion

he's just overrated

The taste of Rogan's dick in their mouth?

Hot Yoga Joe included

he's was the best part of rogan v alex jones 2 eddie is fine

not at all true. he's good friends with the regulars

Not everyone can be based like le water filter salesman.

Attached: alex jones crowd.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

It takes about a year and a half

The comics episodes are the worst because being funny on stage is their job, they don’t wanna be funny on a podcast they’re not getting paid for. So they just bullshit for two hours. The show is only worth watching when his guests has something to say.

How? He is legit funny. I think Yea Forums hates him because he used to mug pedophiles when he was young.