Why wasn't Mr Mind as cute as this in Shazam?

why wasn't Mr Mind as cute as this in Shazam?

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Why wasn't he leading the Axis powers?

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it aint gonna suck itself

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jesus raimi


>now go gas the jews
what did he mean by this?

Mr. Mind even tried to help the dastardly Japanese.

Attached: Mr. Mind Japanese.jpg (673x963, 278K)

I wanna stick my throbbing dick in this worm and make him my personal onahole.

why can't comics be this based again?

All he needs is the glasses. I hope he gets them, because he's the cuddliest supervillain of all time.

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Fucking based

Would that still be in-character for modern Namor?

would this work irl, and if not why?

>a Jap being that muscular

fucking kek

his voice was kino

Fawcet Comics Hitler is easily the best interpretation of the guy ever. Seeing him do crazy shit like this with Mr Mind and acting like best friends makes it so funny.


It's just Fawcett Comics that was based if only because they did crazy shit each issue.

not enough power
but it could be done with nukes

>*blocks your Omnibus Reprint*

That would imply they wanted to make one in the first place.
Fucking Green Arrow got a Golden Age omnibus but the Big Red Cheese is too racist.
Feels bad man.

What a shame.

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they're announced it several times and had it listed then cancel it at the last minute a few times. Im surprised they didn't put one out for the movie.
Its not like kids are going to read it anyway.
>no plastic man omnibus
>no Spirit omnibus
>no shazam omnibus
get it together DC


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That guy next to Hitler looks familiar

reminds me of a Dick Tracy villain

Absolute kino.

it's Hermann Goering

it's Churchill

>No Mr.Mind plushie
what the hell

its trump

It's me