Name the actor

Name the actor

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Camera battery

Jack Nicholson

Nice try this one

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How about this one?
>November 7, 1999

only autists keep track of celebrities birthdays

>Neptune City
Is Jack Nicholson Atlantean?

Bobcat Goldthwait?

post a good sneed post at least

like the childs play one

Tom Cruise

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Ding ding ding ding ding!

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Nicolas Winding Refn

Ryan Reynolds


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Include where they reside now or else it’s impossible

Washington, D.C.

God Emperor Trump

Lmao, it's God-Emperor Trump

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Eric Butts


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Somebody give me an actual challenge, I've gotten all of them in < a minute.

>Somebody give me an actual challenge
Have sex.

I was honestly surprised when I saw he was only 44. Expect him to be in his 50s, if not 60s.

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General Zod