Would you watch a sequel to The Thing were humans take a spaceship with a special assault force and nukes to The...

Would you watch a sequel to The Thing were humans take a spaceship with a special assault force and nukes to The Thing's homeworld?

Attached: thing movie.png (1100x1119, 1.72M)

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sounds soulless

James Cameron already did that but with Alien.

A more realistic sequel would be about a rescue/military team that comes to the ruins, finds a living part of the thing, bring it back to their base, and the nightmare would start all over again.

so what happens if one thing meets another thing?

How about we just leave perfect be


oh god I fucking hate the sequel-prequel so fucking much why was it made what convinced them to use cgi over practical effects

They were forced to CGI everything by the executives. It's all actually practical, but they were made to paint over the practical effects with CGI.

It's not just that, the movie lacked any sort of real tense and frightening scenes

To make a long story short, the producers showed some stupid teenagers a rough cut of the film and the teens laughed at the practical effects. The producers then decided the solution was to smother everything in CGI. This isn't the first time Hollywood producers have pulled this sort of shit; the theatrical cut of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers is such an incoherent mess because the producers showed a rough cut of the film to teenagers and the producers took the teens' criticisms to heart.

Whoops, I think I mixed up The Thing (2011) with Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. It's true that the producers of The Thing (2011) showed a rough cut to test audiences and that's the reason the film is a CGI mess, but I don't think anyone has ever specified how old the test audience was. Sorry for the confusion.

The original proposed ending was grimmer. The survivor was infected and got to the Russian camp. It got out. When Carpenter's movie start, what's happening in the camp is already happening in the outside world. That's why Windows couldn't get anybody on the radio.

>were humans take a spaceship with a special assault force
Why wouldn't they just send a drone with a nuke? Ya know, because that would be the only logical thing to do.

Also, multiple "things" isn't neccessary because it doesn't up the stakes anymore than a singular "thing".

>Humans win, head back to Earth
>One of the survivors on the ship is revealed to be the thing at the end, unknown to everyone else on board
I'd watch

Not all practical effects are created equal. And if it's shot and not lit properly would give away the gag.

this would be a perfect sequel

We got ants still crawling around after nuclear tests. Even the smallest part of life has to be eliminated.

the best part about the thing is that it is down to earth (literally) and about the human nature of paranoia and fear. don't put in fucking space marines

They were great.

Look at this thing

It's a damn shame it all got painted over.

It's not Bottin level.


How would a space marine chapter fare against a thing-infect planet anyway? Assuming no exterminatus, airstrikes, etc.

The thing is the planet.

Attached: Brethren_moon_overview.png (726x626, 494K)

If they had stuck to that ending, it probably would've made that shit worth coming out.

But nobody knows where the thing's home world is? Didn't it hitch a ride on the alien spacecraft that crashed?

It's never really confirmed if it's from the species that built the space ship or just a predator than snuck on board.

No, that's a terrible idea, who would ever even want something like that?
Why would you even suggest this?

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Sequel: the thing evolves so that the host body / consciousness doesn't even know it's a thing until it reveals itself

yeah, this, and it would allow you to up the ante from a ramshackle base with a dozen guys to a secret military base with like a hundred guys and babes

dead space was a good enough continuance of the idea

>They were forced to CGI everything by the executives.
This isn't true though. The director wanted CGI because he couldn't shoot scenes from the angles he wanted.

I think the void used thing-style practical effects correctly. They were obscured and only in quick shots, but just enough to make them compelling and cool looking. Too bad the movie was kinda shit

Already done in 2002

Attached: The_Thing.jpg (400x567, 54K)

If you haven't checked out Harbinger Down, that's the movie that the fx company that did those did after that. It's The Thing on a boat. Pretty good effects, but meh movie.

Game was hard as fuck

stakes are higher too because they're closer to civilization

Orly? There were maybe 2 difficult points in the whole game (one particular boss and escape from fire), as I can remember it back from 2003.

>they get there
>its earth
>wat do

That sounds like a lame as fuck action movie instead of the kino psychological thriller that is The Thing.

sounds like it would be a great comedy

Well I played it when I was about 6 or 7 so it may not have actually been

That would be kino
>entire planet is filled with things mimicking life on earth exactly

there needed to be some kind of arkham style leveling up or increased skillset or tactics or at least new powerups for the mc late in the game. once there are more soldiers than monsters it gets really difficult because all you have are the same doom weapons and powerups from the beginning of the game

Attached: Cronenberg-world-featured-970x545.jpg (970x545, 116K)

So, 40K with a Carpenter soundtrack? Fuck yeah.

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so like invasion of the body snatchers

Event horizon?

What would a planet full of "Things" even look like? What is their natural state? Would they be separate or would they all be one homogeneous mind? We know that they're advanced enough for space travel, so would they have cities and societies? I don't even think they'd immediately fight back, they probably would have a reaction similar to how we would with aliens. The Thing we see in the movies could have been an escaped convict with a track record of murders and robberies and he was just a huge cunt bent on destroying life for all we know.

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>How about we just leave perfect be

What would a "Thing World" look like? Clearly the alien is a threat to the natural ecosystem since it tries to gobble up anything it can get away with so I think a total victory by the Thing would eventually lead to that planet becoming a desolate wasteland unless the Thing figures it should preserve some manner of food production to keep itself alive.

Attached: hmmm think.png (2688x2688, 170K)

Everyone says that, but it only really covers how long range space travel is handled in 40K, and not even how they deal with it, just the part where they pass through an unimaginable hellscape to travel. No powered armor, no nearly unimaginable creatures that exist in normal space, no giant cathedral ships, just how they travel.

No, that sounds terrible

Clearly the thing is the pinnacle of evolution. There is no way the ship it came on is it's race, it clearly had to "the thing" the alien crew so it could find a new planet to snack on.

No, the 2011 version exists and it was awful.

Make The Thing a cute little girl that falls in love with a man, but it becomes incredibly jealous and murderous towards other people that man gives attention to.

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Iirc from an art book, the Thing's original form is a simple looking black blob.

This is so upsetting to me after seeing the pictures of the practical effects before the CGI. It looked great Hollywood is ducking retarded. The movie wasn’t terrible either it could have been great.

Attached: DE4EBF28-E6D6-414B-8C34-9E2A0B2F3F92.jpg (768x768, 79K)

Ecen if they used practical effects for the release it would have been a bad movie. The alien jumped out at any chance it could ruining any tension. I swear to god there was a scene where one character entered a room that had another character in it and the alien just revealed itself for no reason

True. The practical effects would have at least been fun to watch though.

>and babes
fund it

is it bad that i enjoy this idea unironically

Just play the game or dead space if you feel you need more thingies