>the man who single-handedly destroyed both Star Wars and Star Trek and is in part responsible for the general decline of quality storytelling has ardent defenders on Yea Forums
The man who single-handedly destroyed both Star Wars and Star Trek and is in part responsible for the general decline...
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I literally can't remember anything about that Super 8 movies besides I think there was a train crash in the trailer and it had an alien
His "work" isn't meant to be memorable. He's basically a walking, talking trademark renewal.
His ardent defenders are jewish rats
>has ardent defenders on Yea Forums
He does?
>go in star wars thread
>say tfa is shit
>get a million yous calling you a retard
pretty much. And he will continue with other franchises...
>has ardent defenders on Yea Forums
I don't get this shit either. Same thing happened in the Star Trek threads when they came out. The guy is one of the most uninspired filmmakers I've ever watched.
I would unironically rather have Michael Bay at the helm than this fucking idiot. Every Star Wars movie would end up like the last 5 minutes of Rogue One, but at least it would be entertaining and fun to watch.
he seriously deserves more hate from the mass public
ive met people who say hes thier favorite director
i was shocked
Every movie of his I've saw I never walked out angry, just disappointed which is fine since I have high expectations
>destroyed Star Trek
The films before his were Insurrection and Nemesis. The latter of which killed Trek for the better part of a decade.
It's disturbing.
The veritable definition of "corporate hack."
You should expect better because you deserve better.
I question if you've ever been on this board before
>decline of quality storytelling
His "mystery box" bullshit has been recognized as bullshit for a while now.
I told every butthole at work they were dead on lost the whole time. Cloverfield was a giant crock of shit, yet people keep falling for his bullshit. Fringe was only saved by John Noble.
Seriously, anything worthwhile he did besides the first Star Trek remake?
He would have fit in in the 1980's.
jj’s based. also, his daughter is hot and I would bare her Jewish children
cloverfield was great, fuck you!
JJ put the Enterprise coming up from the ocean in his Trek film "because it looked cool". This is a hack who grew up jacking off to Spielberg but has all the talent of a child copying the master with a tracing crayon while not understanding the fundamentals that go into the works he worships (primarily the art of storytelling).
So now, this HACK is back and supposed to SAVE Star Wars? This is the fucktard who had Leia SNUB Chewie after Han was dead to go give a stranger she never met a fucking hug.
But he didn't write nor direct Cloverfield. He 'produced' it.
One that shot was cool and fuck and two JJ admits that was a mistake.
>admits he made a mistake
>how about not 'make the mistake' at all?
How about get a decent fucking director and a decent fucking writer who can make a decent fucking Star Wars movie on part, ON PAR, with the original trilogy?
>He is Jewish and his wife is Roman Catholic, and he sometimes takes his children to religious services on Jewish holidays
Condemning your children to become goys..
The kids' zombie movie was better
>Fringe was only saved by John Noble
I was about to say. Fringe had moments of brilliance JJ is beyond incapable of.
>RLM predicted all of these things
are they plants? wizards? gods among men?
Lost was a good show
Reddit Letter Media praised TFA and said JJ should have directed the Prequels you stupid mindless sheep.
Hey leftypol
He owns Bad Robot. Whether the Star Wars movies or Star Trek movies or any other IP he touches flops or not, his company gets paid to make the movie.
The worst part about nuWars is that they’re made well, so the real flaw is the complete lack of basic storytelling.
>they're made well
No. Money gets you a minimum threshold of production value, but the movie was lacking in multiple fronts, especially in any scene outside of Jakku.
based jj
>Star Wars
He's not Rian Johnson
>Star Trek
He's not Justin Lin
The one nuwars movie that can be called "well-made" is R1, and that's only because of the way it looks. Too bad it wasted a great performance and a villain with potential. Krennic could have easily been the main villain in a future trilogy. Why not go that way? The big bad is a narcissist officer and great tactician with a little too much power. Maybe he's staging a coup, I don't know. I'm just spitballing here. Point is, it's the only time the Mouse managed to get the visual part halfway right. Once. And the villain was pretty okay. Once. But they still haven't figured out how to get the soul part right.
I love Star Wars
Well it's fucking gay now, you can have it. Until witches or pirates are cool amongst you faggots again.
Does this include Mouse Wars?
lol what?
R1 was the only new one to make me feel anything Star Warsie. It was a terrible film altogether but it had so many creative ideas and excellent (honestly) shots of the Death Star. Vader scene is rebbit/10 and don't try to argue.
Do you really think JJ had any plans for the story past tfa?
The Vader scene was cool as shit, BUT:
I. It created a plot hole just by existing. If the only thing separating you from an angry Vader is ten feet of narrow hallway and a door, you're not getting outta there alive.
II. Vader uses a two-handed grip on his lightsaber and doesn't do flashy shit. They're treating him like a fucking circus animal, the same way they're parading around the original cast. But hey, at least the actors will know peace when they die. Unlike Vader. He's just a suit to them, and they have him forever. Fuck Disney.
III. Edwards should be ashamed of himself for being arrogant enough to think he could pull off Vader.
>mystery boxes
He is a soulless, talentless Spielberg copycat. Everything he has made is an homage or half-baked clone of Spielberg's work. He gets by on making things that resemble Spielberg's hits on a surface level and it fools NPC's into thinking he is just as good. He is proof that most movie goers are surface level brainlets.
MYSTERY BOX ______________________