What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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>Born: July 27, 1970
looks great for a 50 year old and you know it

Are you blind?

Mark Hamill NOOOOOOO

My hair started greying when I was 14.
What kind of curse is this, might as well be bald

Tyrion was also blond in the beginning.

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good guys cant be blond

Blonde hair means low-T

>muh conspiracy in media
Explain this cunt.

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she was pregnant

Its white but the light is reflecting it yellow in those pocs

He's gotta be the most handsome motherfucker alive.

>left: passion, effort
>right: D&D wanting to wrap up and go home because Gurm couldn't even manage to finish one book in several years

secret baratheon

I always thought Andy Warhol looked cool.


didn't know he was fucking 50.
then yea men age better!
thank god

Aged like the finest barrel of whisky

which is literally his character arc

he's so fucking handsome


Simple answer, as always, is that D&D, the producers, the auxiliary writing staff, the make-up/costume department etc. have been working on the show for close to a decade now and, quite simply, have stopped giving a fuck. The show is the most popular in the world, it is universally acclaimed by fans and critics no matter what they do. Thus it is no wonder that they stopped caring years ago, they have nothing to prove anymore and want to move on to other projects.

>move on to other project.
no one will find work after this.
it will be worse than breaking bad. maybe not for little finger because memes

we get it, you are mad

Uh, nothing?

ehh no. im balding and would take full grey hair over this curse

Grey hair is based.
Going bald is fucking humiliating.

fuuuuuuuuuck you, dude.

t. thinning hair

she's gonna turn bad

She is literally a bad guy. even her clothing is becoming more obviously villainous by the episode. only Cersei tops her in terms of cartoonishly evil wardrobe choices with her Warcraft pauldrons.

she is cute very cute not bad, very good person and cute.

when he was evil he was blond, now that he atoned he's brunette

She is Fatnearys Tartaryen, Queen of the Handles and the Fat Men, Caloreesi of the Great Ass Sea, Breaker of Chairs and Muncher of Dragons. She always gains weight.

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Sorry about getting kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy mate.

Today OP learns about colour grading.

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pretty sure the point is his hair colour

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What am I supposed to be seeing?

she has brain damage from her aneurysm

I feel like all the Lannisters lost their blonde hair.

Making a TV show with "writers" who make everything "muh symbulism"

His hair color change is supposed to signal his split from Cercei, because the show spoon feeds you everything, and "subtlety" is not having the characters literally explain it.

Absolute kino hair on the left

reminder that those hacks are in charge of the next star wars movies

>it never ends

>The First of Her Size

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>tfw been greying since 25
>30 now and basically completely grey
>everyone thinks I'm an old man from behind then I turn around and have a face that looks 22

Feels real fuckin bad man, feel like I literally disgust people by existing.

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You have no idea how much harder it is to be going bald. Going grey is fucking nothing, grey looks good and if you really don't like it just dye your fucking hair. Going bald is like a constant reminder of getting old and dying that gets worse everyday, every time you look in the mirror you look a little less like the person you used to be, or the person you want to be. It's fucking awful. Why do you think people pay so much for hair restoration shit?

>lite saber dabid
>da lite saber go woooosh dabid and den and den da robut go frrrooooom

just shave it

He lost his shaving hand.

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Punished Jaime, A Fallen Swordsman

how is that gonna help you when you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself anymore?

are you a complete inbred? Did your grandfather fucked your mother to birth you?

The Jews want us to associate blonde hair with evil. Thats why villains are often blonde and why his hair is growing darker to signify he is turning good. The Targaryens are an exception because GRRM explicitly made them blonde as a defining feature so there isnt much they could have done there

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I think it's more likely that they just lost interest in dying Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's hair every season.

The Jews are the reason why you can't have sex.

He's the same age as his wife believe it or not. Women age like cheese.

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Yikes. Why do women fall for the plastic surgery meme? They always end up looking like cat creatures.

as long as you keep your hair cut on a regular basis and it's a decent style for you, the only thing worth doing something about is a bald spot. Literally everything else is completely a non-issue... even thinning on the top. You just make sure you never cut it too short on top and you're fine.

She doesnt appear to have had a lot of plastic surgery, if any at all. That's just a cougar with a fair amount of makeup.

lol no wonder he's always with his boy friend

The further from Cersei they get the less blond.

She hit the wall sooo bad

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Looks better on the right

why dont you just dye it your natural hair colour?

for what its worth im super balding at 21 so i understand the unfortunate hair stuff, but graying seems to have an easy fix no?

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Having to redye once a month after a haircut is annoying as hell, and then you have to explain to your friends/family why you're suddenly bright blonde again.

ehh i get it, im doomed to shaving my balding ass head every couple days as of the near future so that doesnt seem that bad to me


>and then you have to explain to your friends/family why you're suddenly bright blonde again.
with this post, we're approaching levels of pathetic awkward loser that shouldn't even be possible

Cold weather

bravo lucas

>if only you knew how bad things really are

How the FUCK did he age so well, Yea Forums?

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The costume and make up people stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. It’s shocking how much better the costumes, set design, and character accuracy are in season 1. It’s basically a different show. Then after they found an audience it got progressively lazier until they ran out of book material to copy, at which point it fell off a cliff but it doesn’t matter because the focus is now on muh strong female characters and marvel quips.

>getting a haircut
never gonna make it

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why are men getting to look better as they grow older bros?

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Blonde roots are qt

I'm 30 and about fifty percent grey. I get tons of compliments on it. Girls love it.

Fucking nothing, he’s the daddiest he’s been ever now.
He could tap this twink ass anytime.

Bro I think you need to talk to someone

wtf how

people aren't supposed to start going grey until they're in their 40s at the earliest, even then, some people never do

How and why are the golden-haired Lannisters turning dark-haried? Assuming that the tenents of Chekhov's gun apply here and DB/Dabid aren't absolute hacks, this change is no accident. What is the significance?

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He's no longer super saiyan.

>Assuming that the tenents of Chekhov's gun apply here and DB/Dabid aren't absolute hacks
Why would you assume that? lmao

he actually looks more handsome on the right

Targaryen genes kicking in

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prime example of ruggedly handsome on the right.

I wasn't being sarcastic, he looked like shit when he was younger, yet grew up to be a total chad. What the fuck happened?

>I always thought Andy Warhol looked cool.
He exclusively wore wigs. You've probably never seen his hair.

she looks like his mom wtf

everyone goes grey, you just dont realize how many old folks dye their hair literally until they're convinced they're dying (a lot do). It's quite normal to have grey hairs start coming in by the late 30's, but the longer your hair is at the temples, and the longer it is in general, the less likely it is to be noticeable.

There are fringe benefits, early hair loss and greying are associated with longevity, believe it or not. Lower incidences of several cancers too.
Also, there's an odd social effect. Looking old while young makes you look as though you don't age.
There's an Australian comedian called Gary McDonald who went bald young and played balding loser characters for years and years. He used to say that whenever he ran into someone who hadn't seen him in a while, they always thought that he hadn't aged a day. It's because he did the most visible, obvious ageing in his 20s and then just watched everyone else lose their hair and catch up to him.
Everyone else just saw him the way they remembered him while they got old and fat. He's kind of a meme for being immortal and ageless now.

there aren't any guns in GoT
it's a medieval fantasy epic
clearly you've never actually watched it

what a dumb story. you're stupid.

His whole life went wrong.

anglo genes lmao

>There are fringe benefits, early hair loss and greying are associated with longevity, believe it or not. Lower incidences of several cancers too.
nice IFLS take. whats your proof? some fake ass "peer-reviewed studies"? get the fuck out of here dude lmfao

fucking shocking

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being a gray fox is fucking tight dude
t.going grey in my 20s.

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>Breaker of Chairs

The Lannisters ran out of gold so their hair changed color


Chad continental euro genes. If they can survive not dying in a war or invasion central Europeans look pretty chad. However, MIGRANTS

i started going grey in junior year of highschool. 30 now and my beard is almost 50% gray

lower bodyfat, facial hair, better hair, wrinkles, squinting

I am so disappointed with him for not finding a mate as beautiful as himself to mate with. What a shame.

I started going grey when I was 11. I eventually stopped giving a shit about stuff and my hair went back to dark brown, but it's still missing some saturation.

Hope someone else sees this too

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nothing wrong with thicc danny

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>people born in 1970 are almost 50
holy shit

>Not becoming an anime character

cmon bruh you were given a gift.

There is hope for us all

yeah, and all the little shits born after 2000 are nearly 20

No, you fucking mutt.

from prince charming to dark knight

lmao is that the women who played Madani's mom in Punisher

he has the same hair, it's just that they add shitty color grading for winterfell scenes

I see potential...

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She never was good-looking

>tfw redhead
>tfw going white

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>started balding at 18
>shaved head at 21
>tfw I'll look like I'm 35 for the next 15 years

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Pure Nordic genes. Nothing went wrong.

Doesn’t sound as bad as balding. You’ll have that ageless Steve Martin effect, plus you could always use just for men or so,etching to put some color into your hair.

Danish genetics

Their kids looks pretty good atleast, they take after their dad, but look nothing like their mother.

Is this her endgame?

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Or this?

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it's a fucking visual representation of him turning against his lannister roots
same shit with tyrion fucking seasons ago

i was thinking that aswell, really miss the blond hair desu, it's kinda like now that he's a good guy they need to visually distance himself from when he was a bad guy and thus a lannister

Hair going grey plus blue filter to make the scene look wintery.

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jesus he looks so old and that pic was taken more than 15 years ago

so we could woo another female at their peaks of beauty and fertility.

>surprised that hispanic goblins take critical damage from walls.

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She's from greenland though.

Mariana trench on her forehead jesus christ.

>tfw you peaked at 12

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I haven't even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know.

Are you vegan? Greying is a sign of protein deficiency


peaked at high school. i was a fucking stud. little did i know it was downhill from there as the balding genes kicked in

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hey man i suck down lots of protein and im still going grey. its genetical

>tfw he has the hairline of a kid

im balding


his wife is part eskimo



genetics retard

The Jews are the reason I can’t stop having sex with black girls.

wtf. I love kikes now

My blonde hair goes darker in the winter and lighter in the summer ( it is now winter and Jamie is in the north, no sunlight= darker hair). Mad having to explain this to a bunch of shit skins with wool instead of hair, mad mad world

Went from gay to normal. Nothing went wrong.

You are either underage or just very stupid.

Chicks dig gray hair though. I have a gray patch on my beard since I was 18 and chicks love it. They always ask me if I dye it.

No he doesn't. That's a solid mature hairline. Mine's been steadily moving back into that shape since I was in my early/mid 20s. I can tell it's not since his hairline is thinning slightly, same as most guys do when you aren't a teenager anymore.
A kid's hairline is basically straight across if you look down on it from top, or sometimes it even comes in towards your temples.
It's all lighting and angles.

>My blonde hair goes darker in the winter and lighter in the summer

>brown eyes confirmed

>Brown eyes
Those are actually blue eyes in the summer ;)

Balding is far worse than being a silver fox.

not everyone, I've seen people near 80 with grey beards/stubble but not 1 grey hair on top their head; & they're not dying it because they're wheelchair bound for years.

Maybe she looked way better when she young? Crazy thought I know.


because Jaime, the only son Tywin really loved and cared about, was the one Joanna conceived with Aerys

it's also common for people who suffered PSTD to have gray and dark hair
Jaime is Azor Ahai

he had actual character development unlike everybody else

Imagine hitting the wall in your early 20s. God damn.

Holy shit i thought he was like 35

brety gud/10

She could play Zanik in a Runescape movie

left before marriage right after marriage

I have some protein for you to suck down.

Fucking non-human creep.


god all that fat stored in her cheeks, that flabby chin. disgusting

He had makeup to look older in Episode II because they originally intended to have him gradually transform into what he looks like as the emperor. They dropped that idea in Episode III so he looks younger there

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>left: natural kino lightning
>right: pleb darker grimdark filter

It's winter

holy smokes, he looks absolutely amazing.
how can females even compete?

Winter doesn't put a blue filter over everything. In fact it's often brigher in the winter because the sun reflects off the snow. I know winter is usually pretty dark in asoiaf, but it should still be brighter than this

people don't change, they just become more of who they really are, for some it's good, for others it's bad.
For jaime it's based, that jaw can kill a fucking dragon

fucking who is his female equivalent

he sucked out all the character development out of the remaining cast, fuck dabid and dan for not making him ditch cersei in season 5


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u think they're pusy wet bros ;_;? So lonely and horney bros

There’s hardly any sun during winter hence why we have winter in the first place.

i don't get it either, i guess it's just like emilia's eyebrows where the actor is too much of a faggot to dye them

waiting for her bogd-transformation

I’m not learning shit

you just KNOW

>took 7 hours to finally watch the episode cause I had to pause it constantly due to all the cringe dialogue and shitty pointless scenes
Post your time, bros.

>their shirts
O fuck all...


it literally does based retard

you know i think they'd figure out the pattern after the first couple of times

>waste your small window of beauty on some fucking medieval fantasy drama that everyone will immediately forget once its over along with all the actors

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>Have salt and pepper hair
>Absolutely drown in attractive girls with daddy issues
>Wreck cougars
It’s literally the best of both worlds. If you want to fuck 20 year olds when you’re 30 it’s way easier if you’re sporting grey hair and are welldressed. Young girls want to fuck older men

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>might as well be bald
I started balding at the age of 25. You have no idea what you asking for.

Remember when Jamie raped Cersei next to Joffrey's dead body? Jamie-kino

hes a male

its not rape if she gets wet

>cocaine and cigarettes are bad for you


Can't wait when my hair will once again remind others of my arian genetics.