Over 25 mins of deleted scenes

>over 25 mins of deleted scenes
LITTY!!!!! Day one Purchase!!!
Get hyped ShazamFam

Attached: IMG_2330.jpg (630x874, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>it won't be Mary Marvel and the tentacle monster

maybe it will
>Mary talking to Billy when he's trying to sneak out the house on his first day
>alternate scene of Sivana killing everyone which takes place on a christmas party at his mansion instead of the boardroom (which was done in reshoots)

So was thr tentacle monster Lust?

>its 25 min of Shazam dabbing

>buying movies
>Current Year + 4

i legit forgot it came out

mary was way hotter before she transformed

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Easily a 9.


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Fucking awesome! I already got mine pre-ordered.


As best as I can tell from comparing the toys, yes, it actually was Lust.

Absolute qt.

Good God.

she the cutest

Attached: tfTvZdK.jpg (720x897, 58K)

>ywn hold her hand

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>those slight freckles
muh dick

Shame almost everything about Mary is probably in those deleted scenes. She did not get enough screen time and her way-too-old Shazam form was fighting offscreen mostly

my wife's scenes did not deserve deletion

post more of this qt :3

I thought this was Bailey Jay


Attached: gettyimages-1040519428-612x612.jpg (410x612, 28K)

hope she becomes ShazamForm in the sequel

Me: on the right

How dare you. Bailey Jay is amazing. You take that back you nerf herder.

>comparing my wife to a tranny

>>alternate scene of Sivana killing everyone which takes place on a christmas party at his mansion instead of the boardroom
Why the hell did they go with the dull board room? The other one sounds way better

maybe it wasn't better

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Is it worth watching for her?

pretty lazy
