Is this show KINO?

is this show KINO?

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It's pretty good.
I've never seen it btw

Looks like a Robot Chicken sketch.

Do you think making fun of Christians is cool?

Yes, but don't make fun of Muslims you get bombed

It’s probably one of the best portrayals about the destruction of the nuclear family in the face of religion, homosexuality, and adolescence.
It’s an extremely tough watch for people who have a family towards the end but the first season is hilarious
Dino is a genius and adult swim really went pussy canceling it

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Is this show fair or is it retarded?

I didn't laugh (that much) btw.

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>Do you think making fun of Christians is cool?
No, so it's a good thing the show doesn't make fun of Christians.

yes very much so
theres jews in the town as well man there very inclusive

so what is this?
all i know is it's satirizing religion and that the dad is an obligatory "WOAH he's just like me" character

The camping episode is a hard one to watch.

>woah he’s just like me
What does that even mean? You admit to being a closeted homosexual that hates his wife and child so much so you drink yourself into depression? It’s more a social commentary on how religion can cause serious mental frustrations in people who are otherwise normal.

>yfw the episode Alone starts

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>tfw my dad almost shot me once when he was drunk
gave me such an uneasy feeling that episode

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it's criticizing people who only use Christianity as a crutch to hide the fact they're shitty people and who use Christianity as a way to have authority

All I want to know is does it ever stop dogging Christianity? Like, I get it, Christianity and its fandom is rife with hypocrisy and bullshit but does it at least go after other religions or all religions? Or even other subjects at all? I just don't have the patience to deal with 40 episodes of jokes I've heard 200000 times

It's Adult Swims best show.


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I have seen dozens of people who said they were literally like him but in an unironic way.
Given this is Yea Forums I assumed he was used in that context like rick sanchez and is just a "loser" in the show but a super woke hyperverbal jerk otherwise, like every literally me character. For humblebragging.

Not only is it Adult Swim's best show, It's probably one of the greatest shows of all time.

Fuck that asshole Mike Lazzo for canning it

I used to like ten-twenty years ago, now with all these insane lefties, its not funny anymore.
though this show is perfectly done and totally holds up.

>Tfw my dad pointed a gun at me when he was angry drunk before

It'll be okay bro

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Hits way too close to home

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>all i know is it's satirizing religion and that the dad is an obligatory "WOAH he's just like me" character
Lol faggot

I honestly think if he got a show in Netflix it would be a success, but the dude is taking a break from writing shows.

>hey guys love season 2 lets go as dark as you can
>sorry guys i know we said as dark as possible but we have to can your show our feelings are hurt
the fuck is lazzos deal

This show had some fucking great music too

I often wonder what's it like to have good relationship with your dad. I guess I'll never know. It's gonna be okay though

I don't think he was a real homosexual, I just think he wanted to be loved.

You know the funniest part?

He later retracted that his favorite episode was his the season 2 finale and prefers the season 1 episodes.

And he still wants to fund more Moral Orel, but only if it's in tone with Season 1.

Dino said no and that's why we have no more.


Honestly, the show much more makes fun of ignorance and religious hypocrisy in general than christianity itself.

For me, Moral Orel is an absolute 10/10 and maybe even the best show [adult swim] ever aired. You have the first season, which consists mostly of a bunch of silly insane shit Orel gets into because he misinterprets the town pastor's sermons and then his father twists his interpretation even worse at the end of every episode, almost entirely comedy.
Then the season finale happens and we start to see the first glimpse of the underlying implications around Orel, like that his parents have a terrible relationship or that the politics of the town are controlled by the megalomanic librarian. The second season is still a lot of comedy, but the layers peel back, and we see the township isnt just a bunch of whacky strawmen, but very real people with very serious problems. Then you have season 3 which has some episodes that are not funny at all, completely serious, and sometimes even incredibly morbid. It's a ride, definitely, but pretty easy to binge and I'd always reccomend it.

Also as a bonus, the mom's voice makes my dick diamonds.

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Great show

what an absolute pussy

If there saying there like Morals' dad there not meaning it like someone that says there like Rick Sanchez there probably the complete opposites

Everyone Praises Rick and Morty and BoJack for being depressing cartoons when this did it better

It becomes more of a critique on american living and on american families and family members lying...
It is not just attacking christians. Thats just the surface stuff

It makes a critique on american hypocricy.
It is more of a critique on values. But not in a sjw wsy

That's because the two shows were made in the same studio.
However, the quality of animation differs greatly depending on whether or not you have actually good animators on it, which Moral Orel did, and Robot Chicken did not.

Yes. Like nothing else on TV really. As someone who's Dad used to have a drinking problem, this hit way too close to home.

I dont know much about the character so my take shouldnt really be taken for granted.
But I know anons see themselves in him and one of his monologues is posted frequently which is an obligatory redpilled one.
Yea Forums is pretty much by the book so I assumed he'd follow the recepee of being a jaded damaged person who also has strengths and also has depression and drinks because hes a dissatisfied man who isnt living his full potential, because thats how people here see themselves 90% of the time

Shadow Machine worked on Robot Chicken in its early years

In fact Dino was actually looking at the production of Robot Chicken and thought it looked cool, so he made Moral Orel a Stop Motion show.

Never watched it.
Let me guess...It's supposed to be a wholesome family with episodes always leading to sexual themes and degeneracy?

gonna share some more interesting facts about the show.

The show actually started because of two different things.

The First thing being a script he wrote for Iggy Pop where he plays an innocent kid accidentally getting into trouble. Iggy and Dino went to dinner as Dino tried to pitch the script, but he was too distracted by pussy to care.
Episode as reworked to the Waste episode in season 1

The second was Adult Swim wanting to work with some of the Mr. Show crew because of that shows cult following and hoping to catch some of that spark.

it's more about a kid who loves god accidentally misinterpreting sermons, some of which lead to degeneracy.
Even that part is only half of the first season

>but does it at least go after other religions or all religions?
Christianity is the dominant religion in the west and the west is also the only region with enough income to finance a shitload of tv and movies, so christianity will be the placeholder used whenever the vices of religion are the subject matter, since it's what 99% of the show's creators and audience will be familiar with. In this show's case it's not really about christianity itself, so relax friend.

I love this show so much. What’s your favorite episode? The season 3 episode Help always got me for some reason

the one where orel kills himself

>the show much more makes fun of ignorance and religious hypocrisy in general than christianity itself

I guarantee you, if it wasn't for the shitskins' tendency to go as apeshit over criticism as black people, and if the show lasted longer, or even got a spin-off, muslims would have also gotten hit with the spotlight.

way better than overrated shit like Rick & Morty and Horseman whatever the fuck. Horseman gets all the credit making comedy cartoons that get all depressing and shit but Moral Orel did it first and did it better


see Now quit being butthurt all the time.

Ignoring PC terminology, that makes him gay bro

Either all of it's okay, or none of it is.

Ah I see your a man of culture as well

>The one where Orel discovers jacking off but learns it's a sin to waste seed so he goes around and rapes all the women in town while they sleep and they all get pregnant.

The camp episode is the single most kino episode ever aired on adult swim

Dino is a huge retarded faggot for saying no.
He could have made it like season 1 again but sprinkle a couple of ted pills and hidden messages in it.

What a fucking loser

That was truly amazing.

It is all ok. Read the post butthurt user.

Satirists think they're brave but they're the biggest cowards. There was no show like this back when Fundamentalist Christianity was a minor sect that kept to itself, there wasn't one when it was briefly a big mainstream deal, and now that Christianity as a whole is in retreat we get this little peanut gallery catcall.
A show about criminal Orthodox Jews who believe preposterous superstitions from renaissance Lithuania, or terrorist Muslims checking under chairs for djinn before they sit down, or even Asians releasing invasive carp to honor dead loved ones, would be hilarious but unfilmable.

>assblasted christcucks that haven't even watched the show
Every damn time. You guys need to relax.

So, by not saying anything at all about completely different religions that are vastly different from Christianity, it's being fair. Okay. Just another reminder that "fairness" is a concept made up by rapists to distract you while they're tying the ropes.

>Asians releasing invasive carp to honor dead loved ones
kek, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more edgy satire. idk what these globalist evil elite are doing but if they really want (((multicultural))) white nations, they need to sell it through comedy, not tragedy and white guilt.

Satanist/atheist and former fan, I saw every episode when it came out, and they're right.
I remember how tired I felt when Orel found the Necronomicon and re-aninated the dead.
It's like our entire culture is dedicated to never ever talking about things that matter, but beating the hell out of straw men.

Only if taken as a whole. The last season elevates it from being another edgy adult swim show to a true classic. It might even enjoy Important Work status. Only with the third season though.

>So, by not saying anything at all about completely different religions that are vastly different from Christianity, it's being fair.
No user, learn to read. Christianity is what the creators of the show and 99% of the audience grew up with and are familiar with. The US does not have a huge muslim population, if it did there would be more content focusing on it. People tend to create stories about shit they are familiar with. The show's critiques also perfectly apply to Islam and other shit so I don't see why your panties are getting in such a twist.

Agreed. Venture Bros notwithstanding.

And I hope you die. I hope we both die.

Based Dino preserving a work of art. It's perfect as is and more would have ruined its impact.

Should I just dive right in and start watching it?

I'll just torrent it.

Yes. Or it's on hulu. Just binge it, it's short.

TV Funhouse is based Dino's better effort

The silent bob dude had a sequel of dogma ready to film but got cold feet when the story made fun of muslims

Sarah Silverman said " i would make fun of muslims but i dont wanna die."

No. The creator didnt touch islam because making fun of islan is a death sentence
And making fun of jews is career suicide

Mr. Show is his better effort

I've never seen the show. Does this actually happen?

Metalheads have been singing about the dangers of christianity for 30 years
Yet they dont dare sing about jews or muslims....

Metalheads are the biggest giant pussies on earth.


fuck me that's retarded why did I laugh


I started watching it and got ready to drop it because it was looking like it would be another reddit-tier cartoon like Rick and Morty, but it proved to be way more deep and morbid than that. Definitely one of the best Adult Swim cartoons along with Xavier and the classics.


The scene in the bar is total tits.

That episode actually won the show an Emmy.

What are some other underrated animated kinos?

I'm an actual christfag, only brainlets hate the show for that. Anyone who has touched the bible even once can clearly see the townspeople are misinterpreting the bible really hard, they even spell it out for you in that episode with Orel's movie premiere.
The message is religion alone doesn't make a person good.

Lazzo wants everything to be braindead ADHD shit like Aqua Teen, Rick and Morty, and Brad Neely shit. He's deathly afraid of actual complex stories.

this. It's way better than the Robot Chicken/Rick & Morty style of "lol dey bleebe in sky dad how dum dey r XD"

he wants things that are "subversive" for teenagers, not adults.

>I see everything as bad stereotypes because I am one

So by this reasoning Hollywood needs to shut up forever about National Socialism.

>nurse scene
I wasn't prepared for this show.

It was really fucking boring. I can't believe I used to stay up past midnight to watch this gay jewish shit.

My heart.

>there's no room in my world for context
Only the sith deal in absolutes.

What really blew me away though, was my realization that every episode is canon and doesn't follow a plot structure like ATHF. It's heavily implied that all those women got abortions and kept it as a secret.

So it's not just me being a grumpy old fart right? The Adult Swim shows of the late 90s/early 00s WERE better than what they have on now, right?

>Adult Swim
>late 90s

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>Robot Chicken is religious satire
Since fucking when?

I mean oral does rime with moral.... I don’t know I mean it’s kinda kino yeah.

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>be pissy about being lumped in with nazis
>literally never stop talking about nazis

It never dogs Christianity, it's the people of Moralton who misunderstand the message and fuck up.
The main character is still a devout Christian at the end and so is his family.

This is all you need to see to understand Moral Orel

Causing butthurt to /pol/shills only elevates it to hyper-kino.

Patrician. Likely the most kino 11 minutes in television/film

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I voted for Trump and I can still safely say, yes, it is satire done properly.
I'd be devastated by the bants if I was a wasp.

AS has definitely taken a nosedive about six years ago that they've never recovered from.

no you're actually right

only the liberal and zionist ones

High School USA was pretty shitty.

I would watch more Frankenhole, though.


Agreed, the show got so dark torward the end. They shouldnt have pussed out and finished it though.

Highschool USA was watchable but boring

I don't mind his criticism of millennials, I just thought it was boring

This did it too good. Every psued loves the omg im depressed too shit, but season 2 was hard hitting real exestential depression that people couldnt really handle from a comedy show.


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best AS original. Especially Season 3. When they knew they were canceled and only got half a season, they went all out

>stinking of belly semen. Why even wipe.
fucking gold


all about the money. Shit on them publicly, then laugh your asses off behind closed doors about all the money you make together

Day in, day out, being there. With that face. Not knowing what to say. Not caring anymore. Not even knowing that you'll probably only care about her when it's finally too late. Forgetting about all those desperate- those desperate years you spent alone, your barren years when no woman would even consider resting her tired head on your shaky little shoulder. Stinking of belly semen. Why even wipe? And when you finally get one of these coveted pieces of tail that have been built up as the grand trophy in your nothing life, you try desperately to keep it. Not to protect it! But to hoard it. To keep it away from the other wolves and jackals circling your territory! And you realize, all too soon, that you're not good enough! That maybe there was a jerk-off called Darwin after all. And that you never acknowledged his existence because you knew deep inside that you were really what you feared you were-- weak. And passive. And ultimately, broken by the ones who were made the fittest. And that through your weaknesses, you built up a poison that poisoned others around you... that you love! And the only true justice was to let those dominant jackals feed on you. Survive off you. the Prince of Bel-Air!

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It also doesn't help that Dino actually had a mental breakdown regarding a Divorce.

He's mentioned a few times that he would be Clay had he not divorced

>You can't hate leftist and christfaggots.

another blatant cartoon thread will stay up 5+ hours while the fedora mod jerks off.

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ask gahoole for help

My gf introduced me to this show and how she explained it, it sounded like a fever dream. I would consider myself religious, but I thought it was really funny, and I like how it didn’t just stick with the gimmick of “haha lol Christians” it actually developed and had storylines.

Will Dino ever return to television?

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To give you a viewpoint from a guy who dislikes neocons, I'm much more intimidated by diaspora Ashkenazi.

he freaking teased it like 4 years ago and nothing come on Dino

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That was a promo for this.

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Holy shit that episode was fucking based. I was thinking the whole time “they are not going there, are they?” Based Moral Orel.

that was a pretty fucked up episode too

The nurses whole story was fucking brutal, you forget you’re watching clay figures being moved around.

My favorite eps was probably Orel becoming a pimp and not even realizing it

I've been meaning to get around to watching this since the creators went on to make Anomalisa which was fantastic, I'm guessing this is also worth watching?

anybody else in here succumb to the sublime revelation that they're a church?

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i remember i was 11 when i watched it and it really struck a chord with me. even though my family was religious they weren't really fanatical or anything like this, but a lot of the show hit too close to home. a good batch of episodes even made me cry.
i really need to rewatch it soon.

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I jerked to that episode the first time I saw it.



Is this one of those scenarios like with King of the Hill where you think this is pro-Christian?

Maybe if you didn't believe in goofy things worthy of mockery then nobody would.

Looks comfy

oh god it hurts

I hope you die

>looks comfy

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Season 3 was pretty fucked but this episode unnerved me the most, even more than the nurse scene. I still don't understand what Orel saw.