could Legend of Galactic Heroes successfully be adapted as a live action series?

Attached: Reinhard LOGH.png (949x748, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:


For what purpose?

To trigger incels.

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i'm tired or reading subtitles. I just want someone to make an english language Yea Forums version of LOGH, so I can have it on in the background while I multi-task.

Have sex.

>buzz words and forced meme
Kys and kys again

>kys and kys again
Ribbit-tier response. Unironically kill yourself, you drone.

Already a thing.

way better than I expected.

But you would still need subtitles for scenes set in the Galactic Empire, where they speak German.

>no subtitles
Way worse than I expected.

are those the actual voice actors? i heard of these series being good, yet the fucking voices for male characters are women ? wtf is this shit, naruto ?

fuck no

a lot of characters in animation in general are voiced by women

>Have it on in the background
Why not just put music on? You miss out on the story if your "multitasking."

Hilarious how Reinhard boost about genetics having nothing to do with a person when he is just fruit of the selective genetic system.

But he clearly accomplished things through his own will and mind as an individual.

there is no company in the world with the budget and patience to properly adapt this show

I'd lean to speak German if a very good LOGH came out like that.

how much utter crap does Netflix fund? couldn't they re-direct that budget? I get why they wouldn't want to though, cause it's less diversified than funding several series, and therefore higher up on the risk/reward curve.

All developed by his perfect genes.


A human being is way more than his genes, user. Go play MGS1

Girls voice a shit ton of young boy characters bro how do you not know this? Think the one notable exception was Charlie Brown

They will NEVER adapt LOGH for several reasons.
First and foremost is that it's a male centric show. It really only has male characters and explores male themes of honor, loyalty, sacrifice, courage, etc. Women in the show are essentially just the chick they go back home to. Women are part of the reason for what they do, but not involved in what they're actually doing.
Second is that it really explores uncomfortable truths about democracy (and monarchies).
Oh and thirdly is Fezzans are obvious sneaky Jews nobody likes.

I'm glad they won't, though if they do it'll just be some unrecognizable PC crap they slap it's name on.

As a genetic failure I can tell you that you are wrong.

Who was in the wrong here?

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>Oh and thirdly is Fezzans are obvious sneaky Jews nobody likes.
You may like the first LOGH manga. Rubinsky is not a jew there. He is a black lesbian.

I rewatch this show every couple of years, and always stop at the same point
After Reinhard is crowned, and has taken over the universe. After he's conquered the FPA, and everything is fringe terrorism it's not the same

>Narrator at the end of an episode spoils major plot events

Attached: Blunt.jpg (640x480, 57K)

>Netflix adaptation
>Reinhardt pic related

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It's very dialogue heavy. I don't see why not.

Not really. There is a reason why Jews are the smartest.

Based Wesley Snipes is too good for your race b8ing shitpost.

That's one expensive cast

>Kevin Spacey as Truniht
Both men who did nothing wrong

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too white

yes, but do you really want to see idris elba playing yang? cause that's exactly what will happen

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If only you were here, Kircheis

>conservatism took the place of progressiveness

>when you've become such a meme spouting retard you forget that words have actual meanings beyond your handler approved buzzwords

Attached: no more dead cops.webm (474x474, 288K)

what's retarded is using those words in that context to describe what's occurring.

I'm about halfway through it right now and it's a lot of fun. Appreciate an anime series that focuses on tactical space battles without characters (i forget the anime term) powering up and getting stronger to god-tier power with new abilities so they're not stagnant in power but they can keep the series going like in Naruto (or Bleach from what I hear).
Already shocked with how many anime reaction images in the past come from this show.

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I watched it for the first time this year and was shocked that I hadn't seen it discussed or recommended more. I guess the oldfags exhausted the topic during the prime of Yea Forums, so there isn't much left to say other than enjoy the memery. I wish I was there to enjoy it back then.

No one could properly portray Reinhard von Lohengramn. Blasphemy to even suggest it.

reminds me of a scene from the favorite movie
>Perhaps it is a trap
>It is
>what do we do
>we break through!

Sure, they could adapt it. Reinhard will be casted as a nigger and Yang Wenli would be changed as a woman.

I think there's one blonde brat who disrupted the entrenched power enough to handle the role.
Has experience in Show Business too.

When I watched it I was a libertarian, now I am almost a nazi so I want to watch it again

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It's virtually unknown and most normies would take the empire for something fashy
Consider how hard Netflix shafted Cowboy Bebop, this would be 1000x worse.

I'm kind of sick of Asians playing roles written for Aryans. Talk about cultural appropriation.

what do their ships fire? lasers? railguns?

I'd say railguns.

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>A human being is way more than his genes, user
They really aren't. Your genes determine nearly everything about who you are.

its just aztec vocaroo.com/i/s0h6T5iQaq12

what do they mean in the LoGH context?

Nope. More likely (((they))) botch it even more.
Something (((they))) would:
- Make German/Reich side uncool - no flashy ships, no Iserlohn Fortress or make it not death star, less German efficiency, etc....
- Omit Fezzan entirely - cuz it reminds others of Israel too much
- Spin negative truths about democracy into positive ones like crazy
- Promote ugly truths about Inferior Genes Exclusion Act and associate this with the damage of inbreeding or other BS (((they))) come up with.
- Shove more diversity in your face in the alliance side extremely

Attached: Lutz' Flaggschiff led up to FPA mutt's suicide.webm (720x480, 2.97M)

this is why schizos should take their meds


Attached: LoGH - Barbarossa Two Large Weapons.webm (848x480, 452K)

no u, tranny

lasers, but they also have missles


Attached: Königstiger Flaggschiff Missile Spam.webm (720x480, 1.67M)

missiles* fuck im tired

if it was lasers, they'd probably fight at a much further distance from each other.

Reich side has many cool super weapons.
Here is Big Honking Space Guns

Attached: August Wahlens Flaggschiff btfo FPA.webm (848x480, 1.02M)

Bittenfeld is the smartest and most accomplished admiral in the series.

wtf was his problem

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they do, they also do have shields to help mitigate non-direct attacks, but they fight, sometimes hundreds of millions of kilometers apart

Attached: Arriving at Iserlohn .webm (832x449, 2.93M)

The show makes it clear many times that he is torn in two different directions. He is ultimately truly loyal to mein kaiser Reinhard.

They should really fix it so the view screens aren't so blinding.

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they should potentially re-record the audio of the first 7 episodes to get rid of the constant drone

Is there any good LoGH merchandise?
The Blu-ray volumes had some good art.
Not sure what I would want to get posters or prints of.
Anyone see any LoGH merchandise in Japan?

Attached: volume 16.jpg (1840x1794, 603K)

They would make Walter von Schönkopf a mutt, not German. Like they did it in the remake LoGH. Disgusting.

is it just me or does the remake imagery not look as good

>FPA can't even land their ships.

Attached: Brünhild landing.webm (892x480, 1.14M)

>Women are part of the reason for what they do, but not involved in what they're actually doing.

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its not just you, the remake, while good in some regards, fails in others, its why people dont really recommend it outside of supplementary watching

You are not alone. However, CGI effect in the remake is pretty good. Overall, the remake is not good as the original one.

Attached: Mittermeyers Blitzschnell Flaggschiff btfo FPA.webm (720x480, 2.48M)

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character wise
Julian > Yang > Reinhard

Clearly Schenkopp is the greatest

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is there anything redeeming about the FPA?

Just no

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It's very flat and static which is emphasized by the lack of interesting personalities and dialogue.

Just Yang. Oh it is more diversity, if you are not white. :^)

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Why? It's niche as all shit and all its sci fi-ness is entirely tangential and non-essential to the plot.

Its niche is anime nerds that want to feel superior. It doesn't fit into any western market outside of the one it already is in.

It is also the best anime out there.
I would say the best television series, ever.
It deals with history, politics in ways that compete with the work of Tolstoy's War and Peace

What do you mean, is he brown in the remake or what?

I totally agree.

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this LotGH is unironically the only example of GOOD space opera, wherein its a conflict of ideals and ideas, presented in a manner wherein no side is necessarily right or wrong, where the characters serve as the representatives of their ideologies

Just mutt like other mutts in FPA.

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Attached: Fortress vs Fortress2.webm (640x480, 1.89M)

thats sidney you absolute ape

If only you were here, Kircheis

But you're totally wrong by every measurable metric. Also, literally no audience that matters gives a fuck about your opinion.

And as the top comment of this video says
>In other shows, this would be the moment where the two main characters fight each other in the epic finale. In LOGTH, the high point is where they sit down and discuss the philosophy of rule over coffee.
They deal with the philosophies in a more nuanced way

You mean shithole. My post has nothing to that pic.
you should google Walter von Schönkopf old vs new to see the difference, you retarded mutt.

based /pol/ memes

One thing I appreciate about this series is how well it handles the sense of scale, like how the battles between thousands of ships and millions of soldiers end up taking days. I think during the second defense of Iserlohn they're fighting for over a week straight and when it's over they all collapse into sleep instantly.

What metric?
These are the 3 songs that have been heard the most.
Would you say that they are the 3 best pieces of music composed by man?
Their popularity a metric of their undeniable greatness?

Is the show just the Free Planets constantly losing?

Anyone like planetes?

Different kind of kino

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Yang is never defeated though.

>GOOD space opera
It's actually still an example of bad sci-fi. There isn't a single sci-fi element in it essential to the plot. And that is exactly why it's impossible to market and therefore impossible to adapt.

The story is nice. But it's exclusively character driven, there's nothing in it to hook the intended sci-fi audiences. If it were adapted it would have to be some future WW3 closer to the real world type story Instead of a space opera but then you alienate your lot that put the thing on a pedestal.

Overall, yes

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The FPA wins tactically but loses strategically.

It all goes down hill after iserlohn

They win for a bit before losing really badly.

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yeah, yang is pussy cuz he tends to pick the passive tactic options. He retreated twice when facing Kircheis.

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This is all true but fanboys wont listen because you're still besmearching their sacred cow.

yang isn't white anyway incel

I like both desu

This scene gave me an erection. It was made so much better by the fact that it happened with the end credit music playing.

Nothing comes up.

The wiki says Neutron and Proton cannons.

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Both are good.

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>There isn't a single sci-fi element in it essential to the plot.
The fleet battles?
Humanity existing in multiple star systems, across multiple planets?

imagine being this obsessed with jews that it just floods into whatever you think about


most nazi's were trannys

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The Empire probably could have smashed the FPA long ago if they had gotten their heads out of their asses. They had more advanced ships and a giant nearly unbeatable fortress sitting in one of the two paths ways through the galaxy. The FPA was also bankrupting itself funding the war.

Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire.webm (640x480, 1.12M)

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youtube.com/watch?v=qH8G-lBTUDY best theme song coming through

Phezzan is literally named after the Libyan trading city of Phezzan that was situated between Arab and Byzantine territories.

This "HAHA THEY'RE JEWS" shit is so stupid and autistic.

Attached: logh2.jpg (640x2402, 394K)

>all these incels trying to disprove this
That type of mindset is exactly why you're a loser.

It's funny because the author is quite anti-fascist/nazi yet all these incel nazi's latch onto the series.

close, but no cigar youtube.com/watch?v=cYKW6fVqbmA

Neutron particles launched at light speed, often tears apart ships with a single hit. As a result, the effective range of ships are typically 6 light seconds.

pick only one

Why obsess over that? lmao

>it's okay to be a tranny as long as I call it something else


Get thee behind me, Satan.

its literally just one autist in this thread

so trannies are nazis and therefore should be punched?

Despacito is the greatest pop song ever recorded.

It's the pinnacle of pop.

Do it faggot

best song my dude

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Is macross worth getting into lads

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Not all trannies are nazi's but most nazi's were trans. Whatever conclusions you want to make with that is up to you.

So most nazis were good? Or are you transphobic? I'm not sure what you're saying here.

No, watch Gundam (1979).

Which is probably the biggest weakness of the series. He's just too perfect. That, or the Earth Church. They're so comically absurd that their presence is jarring in a series where everything else that is going on is serious and rational.

I just laid out the facts regarding most nazi's being trans.

Whatever conclusions you want to make with that is up to you.

you mean they like the show and aren't interested in the author's politics? lmao how retarded.

Depends on how you feel about the music.

Attached: Baby Missile.webm (960x720, 2.03M)

Are you incapable of making non-disingenuous posts?

how autistic are you user? serious question.

There are tons of flaws in the series.

Rubinsky just dies and all that planning is moot.

Terran Cult has no real point and feels like filler despite the buildup

Nothing ever comes of the obviously shady Reinhard boy-servant subplot.

fugg this thread is making me want to rewatch. I've read a couple of the books though

well /pol/cels are unable to do that with anything else so it is pretty strange.

what do you mean

ITT: Seething libtards just totally godwin'd this thread! Good work!

I can't tell if you're a pro-nazi tranny, or an anti-nazi transphobe.

Where does one watch LOGH? I've always been interested.

>he said spmething less than flattering
>lets completely miss the point and argue about that instead

Maybe i used the wrong word.

If those things you mentioned were more mundane. How does the plot change in so much as the overall story is not the same?

Whatever that word is: That is what im trying to say.

If lotr's fantastical elements are removed its plot is alterred in such a way that it is no longer just not fantasy. But also not the same story at all.

If SW doesn't have the force , it's no longer just not space fantasy, it's not SW.

If LOGH doesn't have space travel and starships? It doesn't matter. You could substitute ships of the line and colonies and still have the same basic story because its story doesn't care about starships and space travel. It cares about its characters and politics.

i think the worst part about rubinskys death were the explosives in heinnesen, sure if they were on phezzan that would make some since, or potentially all three original capital planets, but having them solely on heinessen made little sense, as his reach was severely lacking by the time he was relegated to only 1 planet, to the point where it seems ludicrous that he even got that done

Agreed on both points, especially the Earth church. I also can't help but chuckle whenever they call them "Terraists" because I'm not sure if that's an intentional wordplay or not.

As for Yang, it wouldn't be such a big deal for him to be undefeated and brilliant if it didn't require all of the other admirals to be functionally retarded in return. Because there is a limit to how cleverly these space battles can be written, his "miracle tactics" are basic feints and maneuvers that honestly every single imperial Admiral should know by heart.

Way too much of this
>Watch out for that Yang, he's tricky
>Look, he's pulling his forces back
>Let's charge in directly
>What do you mean he lured us in and is now encircling us? What kind of brilliant tactic is this?!

Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire2.webm (832x450, 3M)

amazing how seething you are over people liking an animu. take a deep breath, calm down and reflect

nyaa.si download the 110 episode ova + the first movie, watch the first movie (its a prequel/pilot episode) then watch the ova, then watch gaiden (proper prequel series) then watch the second movie (remake of the first four eps)

Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire3.webm (854x480, 2.62M)

>because I'm not sure if that's an intentional wordplay or not.
it is

>when you realise the empire is a self sustaining meme
>when you realise the free planet alliance is literally the big nose dominated society we have now

if only there was a 3rd way

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Nearly-complete collection for Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Gineiden) / Legend of the Galactic Heroes (LoGH):

Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire4.webm (836x450, 2.92M)

Good, I figured it had to be. It's pretty funny.

No because you'd never get enough quality actors for it

Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire5.webm (892x480, 2.37M)

there is

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Not him but it honestly is very annoying how you can't say anything bad about logh without getting into a multiple hour long argument with one of you autists.


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Attached: FPA vs Galactic Empire6.webm (892x480, 2.63M)

Honestly you wouldn't want to cast big TV and movie types. You'd want a bunch of relatively unknown stage actors or something.

>His ship is a shield
Clearly an intellectual show for intellectuals

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In my experience most fans of the show are more than willing to admit to its several flaws and discuss them.

>using libtard unironically

not sure what you mean. we weren't talking about criticisms or defences of logh, we were discussing something else.

is this the new fucked up version or the original animation?

Only within a narrow range.

You'll miss too much if you're not paying full attention

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the folder names literally have dates in them you retarded lazy nigger

In my experience that's bullshit.

A quote for the ages.

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I can't tell past the memes, but is there nuance between the two factions? It's hard to tell past the memes if there's an actual philosophical debate of value between the sides or if it's just "Nazis fuck yeah".

Yeah, there is something about Brünhild I find interesting. FPA's obviously pathetic intelligence provides a interesting report about this ship.

>The development of the Brünhild came as a considerable shock to the Free Planets Alliance. Initial intelligence reports had reported construction of a new Imperial flagship using new curved armour plating technology, but Alliance projections had anticipated a ship similar to the Forseti. The final appearance therefore of the Brünhild with its gleaming white coating came as a major shock.

Attached: Percival.jpg (868x474, 103K)

Most Imperial Admirals were retards, it's the whole reason Reinhard is against the "muh genes" stuff.

It's all about Democracy vs Autocracy and it's explored fairly deeply.

based and alcoholpilled

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>I can't tell past the memes, but is there nuance between the two factions?
yes, there are autistic shitposters who will say otherwise, but both sides are presented in a manner where its up to the viewer to decide who is the lesser of two evils

Environment does play a role, but neither aspects are under our control.

Also your first instinct to make a point is to tell them to go play a video game lol


>Terran Cult has no real point and feels like filler despite the buildup

>Things are going too well, we need more tension
>I know! We'll have a bunch of Terran Cult guys show up with stolen uniforms and try to assassinate character, or plant bombs, or whatever
How many times does this happen? I think it's at least 3.

Neutral particle accelerator cannons
Fusion missiles
Railguns (sometimes, more of a secondary weapon it seems)
Gravity shields on the front of ships
Electromagnetic shields on the sides
Fortress main guns are meant to be xray lasers

Benevolent dictatorship vs. corrupt democracy.

What's up with the axes?

wrong, its
>dying dictatorship vs corrupt democracy
which turns into
>benevolent dictatorship vs. fledgling democracy

are they really benevolent, or just successful>

>I would fight with the FPA

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zepher particles + lasers = boom boom
lasers + hitting the hull of the outer portion of a ship = depressurization

Yeah that makes sense.

This shows how stupid you are.

The Empire was in a state of decay as well. It was one shitty system vs. another.

The respective protagonists, Reinhard and Yang, both reform their states into new better systems

In boarding actions they flood the corridors with special particles that ignite and detonate when someone fires a gun so they use axes instead, It doesnt make much sense and is just for cool reasons. Actual ground war is still about guns and tanks and shit

moot's favorite animu

Why didnt yang just use this trick to take out iserlohn in the first place?

Attached: RKKV.webm (960x720, 706K)

The FPA loses specifically BECAUSE Yang refuses to reform the system. That was the whole point of his character. He's too autistically devoted to democracy that he lets the FPA get conquered rather than usurp civilian control of the military.

His orders were to capture Iserlohn, not destroy it.

because the artemis necklace stations were much smaller than iserlohn, and thusly couldnt withstand the attack, also the ice was gathered from a nearby planet. and the fact that yang wanted iserlohn to be a bloodless capture

whos that?

Kind of benevolent, I guess. Reinhard makes life better for the average man, but he still does some fucked up shit to some of his subordinates.

Holy shit, so true. I need to watch this anime.

The central conflict of the show is Reinhard's new against the Free Planets Alliance.

He's still right though, wasn't that episode itself the one with the student who was top of his class, super well respected and great at everything but ended up getting expelled because it was revealed that he was colourblind?

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Without the scope of space, the premise of the story falls apart. If it's set in modern times, the ability for both sides to nuke each other into oblivion breaks the entire plot.
If set in industrial/Civil war-WWII era the scale of production means that whichever side starts with more ships is garanteed victory full stop. These fleets would not be needed to protect feudal estates, therefore the empire's naval superiority would be unleashed in full from the start, breaking the plot.
If set in pre-industrial colonial times, a war of attrition navally speaking is impossible for the FPA to manage, due to the ease of a numerically superior fleet simply forcing its enemy to stay docked in port and blockading the coastline, something that would break warfare as it works in the series, breaking the plot.
If set in medieval times and making iserlohn & phezzan corridor land chockpoints, then they would be bypassed in favor of naval invasions across the empty space of the oceans.
If set in ancient times, a single battle determines the war ending it long before 150 years.

This isnt even considering the unique history that characters look back on for inspiration and as cautionary tales: the nuking of earth, the black fleet rebellion, formation of the galactic federation, the reise of goldenbaum, etc. All that is lost with the loss of galactic scale space setting. You fucking moron

You'd only have them speak German when there were English speakers in the scene. Think Red October.

The same people would fight for the Confederacy
Something about lost causes

Because it's an unadaptable piece of garbage. Sci fi fans will hate it because it's nothing but politics and character interactions. Srs ppl will hate it because it's spaceships and planets. The only people that will like it is the small number of people tgat already do and they'll hate the adaptation because it's not faithful enough.


You're wrong user. You're wrong and an autist. This isn't a flippant response, I'm just on a phone and you're too much of a hastle to talk to.

This, if it isn't in the context of space, then the whole plot would have to be changed dramatically to the point where it just wouldn't be the same story.

Is there footage of Thor's Hammer firing from the new series?

Not really.

He did die of a mysterious degenerative illness in his 20s. Clearly his genes weren't all that. And Oberstein was blinded and would have been purged if it had gotten out that he was using cyber eyes.

It looks really lame, like a rainbow bridge with no build up and the cannon itself is just some low rez indistinguishable polygons

You're just describing minutia. The overarching plot can be left untouched.

these are literally retarded meaningless shitposts. i actually agreed with your initial premise but holy shit are you a cancerous faggot. phoneposting really should be banned.

Jews aren't smarter. Their morality doesn't include anyone outside their group, which is why they jew.

Oh god is that Kempf? I don't even want to play it.

>You will NEVER have long blonde flowing hair and perfect porcelain skin

a semit somewhere is responsible somehow

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Its either seeckt or stockhausen, whoever was in command of the iserlohn garrison fleet. But yeah, did they really have to give him absolutely no dignity to speak of?

where do I buy this toy

Nigga, it's fucking hard typing all that shit on a little keyboard. Your post is too damn long for me to begin to want to respond to. The fuck do you want?

Your precious bestest of all time animu gives way more shits about its characters and overall point than sci-fi ex-machinas, muh spaceships and plot maguffins. Dwi.

This should actually make you happy.

How do you propose a battle with two space fortresses be adapted without the use of a scifi space setting?

so you're both cancer and retarded. i'm not the person you responded to. why would i say i agreed with.
fuck off and stop shitting up the board if you're too lazy to contribute

That Kircheis doesn't convince, Kirche is is suppose to be purest character in the whole serie


never forget

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Just rewrite it to a massive fortress vs a massive battleship.

The point of the series is to explore the pitfalls and limitations of autocratic and democratic systems of power from the pov of interesting characters.

Who gives a fuck about space fortresses?

Boo, thats way lame-o compared to 2 space fortresses shooting their super lasers at each other.

i got a couple laserdiscs of this show

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The point of the series is to do all that as well as offer some sweet space battles with tons of ships and big lazers. I wouldn't have watched it if it wasn't for the that. Plus the framing of a space opera allows the characters distance away from the fighting to ponder on these ideas as well as allow them to still be "in the thick of it" as leaders. From a bunker or battleship it wouldn't hold the same romanticism to warfare that a spaceship allows

I want to rape Reinhard


should I get a LD player boys

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But it doesn't detract from the story. The sci fi element wasn't necessary.

Anyone here ever heard of "Legend of the Dragon Kings?" There is an OVA of it based on novels written by the same author as Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

They are pretty interesting tp say the least...

Attached: Legend of the Dragon Kings 1.webm (480x360, 2.21M)

>I wouldn't have watched it if it wasn't for the that.

Are you by chance on the spectrum? Not trolling just the inability to appreciate things unless they conform to your preestablished likes is a clear indicator.

This is why nothing you write will ever be remembered. Because you didn't put enough lasers in it.


Fucking BASED
Wouldn't work because too many white people.

>Could LOGH be adapted to live action
How black is too black for Space Prussians?

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Im saying i wouldn't have bothered picking up the series if i wasn't in the mood for a space opera. I wouldn't have watched a show about the dichotomy of democracy and autocracy if thats all it was and set in something as boring as modern day, thats a dull and lifeless affair. The stars are an excellent place to set a story with high concepts, you uncultured swine.

Protip: That's not how it sounds at all.
t. Mexican


This is more like it, but the inflection should be in the last U.

>show is clearly about presenting both sides
>SEETHING libtard whines about incels, nazis and /pol/ the entire time
Nice thread regardless though

>Im saying i wouldn't have bothered picking up the series if i wasn't in the mood for a space opera.
Yes. I understand that. What I'm saying is that the inability to look for or find the appeal of something that doesn't conform to your preestablished patterns is a clear sign if autism. It's kinda like how /mlp/ needs cartoon ponies in anything they need to show interest in.

It has plenty of lasers.

Demanding that a scifi space opera be made more mundane and less interesting is far more autistic, that you can't enjoy the series unless it's confined to your desires for a modern setting. Go find a show you like instead of demanding something already great change to your autostic demands.

I've always thought it was interesting how male oriented the show is overall, but is one of the most fanservice-y shows for females I've ever seen. Really over the top fujo-bait.

Im not demanding. Im telling you how marketing works, you just don't like it.

>you just don't like it.
Probably because he's autistic.

How is our Kaiser so based bros?

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>replying to yourself

yang wanted to capture it so it could be used in a favorable peace treaty

Well user there's no way you would know who anyone is unless you're a particularly autistic and petty mod or admin. Are you either? No? Alright so fuck off faggot and stop RPing.

He could also be a faggie jannie.

reminder to watch the original 1980s/1990s laserdisc versions instead of the DVD/Bluray

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Looking at that, I can't actually remember which version I watched, they both look correct.

I think it would get butchered

the DVD version isn't like that throughout, only certain scenes are redraws, you go through patches of them.

Boys are nearly always voiced by women. Even in the west.

What male characters are voiced by women in logh?

Handsome effeminate males are often voiced by women with deep voices. Japanese voice actors either sound like gnomes or middle aged chainsmokers.

This thread is itself a proof of your stupidity. People discussing and a few triggered retards shitting all over the thread to derail it. Now fuck off or post something worthy of being read.

Agreed on both point. Possibly my only complaints about the show.

It hurts so much, frens.

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I actually never realized that fact. Great observation.

Oberstein did nothing wrong
Except Westerland

tried watching this but it was shit.
stopped after what's his face dies in the throne room or whatever. the shitty animation style and lukewarm political intrigue was just too much.

This. Game of Thrones is just so much better on every level.

the most obvious samefag bait I've possibly ever seen on this site.

How gay was Reinhard?

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No way is that real?

It is not I'm afraid

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sorry i made fun of your retarded cartoon

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Apology accepted.

You can keep the plot only assuming the audience are strategically retarded and won't notice one stupid decision after another from the army.
You could rework the war plot to make it believable, but some of the minor themes of the show will have to be dropped.

Michael caine would have made the best Reinhard in his youth, shame he's too old now.

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But Yang was a Free Planets Alliance mongrel and was acknowledged as the better commander.

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>popularity a metric

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oscar wilde era jude law would've been alright too

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