>muh elephants
Name ONE (1) instance elephants made a significant difference in battle
> you can't
Muh elephants
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There's no elephants in cannae
scratch that, there were no elephants at Cannae
What I can't name is another instance of autists sperging this much about elephants.
Designated War elephants were one of the things that drove alexander back from India.
literal retard
Pyrrhus effectively deployed his elephants and defeated the roman cavalry that was threating to flank his army, and turned a tactical slog into a victory
>The Indians fighting Alexander
>Hannibal at Trebia
But ya, they were more trouble than they were worth unless none of the enemy had ever seen an elephant before
Every battle fought against rome by Pyrrhus of Epirus.
I can see why SOMEONE might want to memory-hole that though.
not fake news, retard. they won but his soldiers refused to go on.
Cuz they're very far from home not because of elephants
fighting against poos and their monsters in humid jungles probably played a role as well.
can't deny those quads of truth, though.
Zama, where they turned around and rammed Hannibal's left flank
Based pachyderms
Elephants were employed mainly in times when cavalry was... shit nigga. No wonder they liked chariots before the invention of godlike armor, spurs, stirrups.
It makes me sad watching elephants die.
I just wanted a battle with elephants goddamit. I was expecting it since Cersei mentioned them last season.
I wanted big fucking elephants ramming people, but instead that CGI budget went into a stupid Disney scene of the lovely good guys couple riding dragons and kissing in front of a waterfall.
unless you count Hannibals dickk lol
Elephants are fucking cutie pies. They're like giant retards with face snakes. I love watching them interact with things and mill about in the wild.
what terrible music video is this?
>Elephants are fucking cutie pies
Until they have a bad day and decide to wreck your village because fuck you elephants.
remember that battle in lord of the rings?
most of the oliphants were killed tho
Merry and Pippin were replaced by one. That's why everyone says they looked so much taller when they got back to the Shire.
Each by their own oliphant or together by one?
They're quite intelligent though. They basically have funerals and revisit the graves of fallen elephants every year, which sadly makes it so easy for Ivory poachers. All you have to do is kill a calf or two, bury them together and the herd will keep coming back to pay their respects.
Just the one.
Why didn't the golden co guy just answer
>we don't have elephants because the show's budget isn't enough for them, we only have enough for dragons, direwolves have been cut too
it would have been true, meta and epic as hell
What? Hannibal's elephants all died long before Cannae, he won that battle because he was a tactical genius and the Romans had a completely retarded system of command.
>Consul A commands the army today
>Consul B commands the army tomorrow
Turns out that Consul A was a fucking idiot desperate to claim the glory of victory on "his" day, so he charged in like an idiot despite the warnings of Consul B.
wasn't that hannibal's elephants ?
can confirm. rode one in Vietnam, fuckers are like giant doggos
Poo-in-Loos against Alexander
I cant argue against those big tetras
Overextension and an early death were what stopped Alexander, not Indian elephants.
They still made a difference tho
I'm assuming you two are Indian, so I was wondering: in your schools, are you taught about Alexander being stopped in India as a sort of national pride thing?
They're very effective in Rome 1 and 2: Total War. Outside of vidya, they were pretty shit.
I'm not, but even being pro-Alexander in that case you still have to recognize they had a impact in the battle
Also go check out the video of that scene in youtube. Indian nationalists losing their fucking mind, so I assume the answer to your question is yes
>"muh ancestors"
Fuck off whiteshits
Battle of Ipsus.
You animals started with kangz and "you have no culture", you just dont like the answer