Post kino animated series

Post kino animated series

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spiderman and ironman with most manly intro ever

mcucks can never be this test

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those original batman animated series are fucking awesome

In terms of children's programming could this ever be topped?

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All the Cartoon Cartoons went to shit in later seasons, but Courage just kept chugging on.

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Dragon Ball
Pre-movie Spongebob seasons
Frisky Dingo

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live action movie when?

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the most kino: Paprika

Spidey TAS was literally ten times better than the entire MCU

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Aqua Teen Hunger Force

This and OP are the only real kino in this thread.

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Tree kinda looks like a benis.

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The only one

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Shit rape scene for a shit show.

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do they kill and eat her?

"It was a Golden Age for all Mankind."

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Tell me more


It's a single edgy scene for shock value, then it turns into bland RPG fantasy land haram shit. It's fucking awful, and is only known for the webm you just watched.

This first episode had me really interested but christ was it the high point

Nothing was ever this well paced tense, or engaging the rest of the fucking show

Epsidoes 1 2 and 3 feel like they're from a different, much better director

I know it was all genndy but everything after 3 was so lame in comparison. Those first 3 were fucking insane. So dark, incredibly well directed, long moments of meditative silence punctuated with incredible action set pieces or trauama induced flash backs

Then boom it was a kids show again with kid pacing and kid directing. Not a bad thing because I love samurai jack but I was really expecting the rest of the show to feel like those first three

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Samurai jack

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i fucking hate what happens to kaiji at the end of the last season

This show is a good watch but god fucking DAMN the bog took fucking forever

The short sweet moments were great but this show has so much fucking padding. Its upsetting because kaiji is a really likeable character and the situations are fun, but they need more stuff like the foreman arc. These well paced stories with twists and turns that dont drag and have other interesting things going on. Rock paper scissors cruise and tightrope were decent but bog and king game dragged, especially bog like holy fuck

This show has a few gems but most of it is pretty disposable with both main characters often being unlikeable. Older brother because he's often a dick who doesnt learn from anything or have any redeeming qualities until his forced inevitable change of heart at the end of each episode, and the younger brother because he is an insanely forced voice of reason character

Plus a suprising amount of the humor is outdated reference, the animation can be pretty bad at times, and pacing is often kinda muddy with certain scenes and dialogues happening at fucking lightspeed and others at a normal pace, its like you can feel the production problems they had in regards to timing stuff

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Hopefully never since that fagot who did Ragnarok wants to make it.



Post animated kino that isn’t fucking capeshit

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I think Genndy fucked up by giving Jack a love interest as well as other shit. It really should've just been Jack vs Aku all the way through, none of the side bullshit

this, unironically

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best girl and most kino tv show intro comin atcha

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man, this was the shit. my mom made me return a vhs of this show because it had a sex scene


I was actually disappointed with the ending, its just Gurren Laggan

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Just wrapped up the second season

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Yeah. I think he should have taken up the 13 episode offer, not 10. I was seriously hoping for more heavily stylized episodes that utilized blood and violence very well. Not fucking penis.
Just stick to what worked. Ashi retreading Jack’s adventure in a sprawling world and them coming back for some cheesy final battle was just ass as well.

wait , first 3 episodes of the 5th season or firt 3 episodes of the original smurai jack ?
pic related

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Obviously he is talking about the 5th season, look at the second paragraph

The redpilled answer.

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shit show.
overrated kids show.
netflix garbage.

I don't thing this will EVER be topped as far as cartoon goes.

My man

>Baby's first Berserk wammabe
Literally mouthbreather tier.

The last season sucked so much balls.

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Danger Mouse
Beavis and Butthead

I wish I was as close to my brother as all the other brothers on the show, but he's turned into a real piece of shit

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Best post god bless ya mate

yeah it did but of course you dont adapt any of that

it's not that good

>he's turned into a real piece of shit
Part of that is substance abuse, I suppose?

My nigger.
Kinoest intro on par with BTAS

Green Lantern TAS is very underrated

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Too many Alpha and Worms episodes also the season 1 K VA was better than the other VA for K. Still solid show

Good, bad... I'm the Lain with the gun.


Oh that reverse trap trope...

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Unironically Ben Ten

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To this day, there hasn't been a better animated villain than Xanatos.


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Avatar the Last Airbender is also pretty good

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Hey Arnold is still enjoyable to watch and has really nice episodes. X-Men Evolution and Rocket Power are cool too.
Batman Beyond and The Batman are also really nice. The Batman has a nice alternative art style for villains.
Looper - Burning Flies song was pretty nice from it.

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>The Batman has a nice alternative art style for villains.
>Mr. Freeze
>Killer Croc
>Solomon Grungy
Literally Clayface
Wrong collor pallete

Man The Batman is really bad. Brave and the Bold on the other hand was really good.

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That or he's out playing step dad with some single mom who's sucking him dry. Wouldn't have minded the step dad thing if he was using his own money, but he was using our mother's money (and my money too until I told him to fuck off)under the guise of fixing his car/paying our phone bill, despite working two jobs and knowing full well our mom makes shit. Pretty sure he pawned all his camera gear and laptops for whatever he was up to. Thank fuck he moved away to another state. Hopefully a change of scenery and being around new people will revert him back to his old self. /blogpost

Jim was the best character

G-force, swat kats, rockos modern life, doug funny, bobby’s world

based as fuck

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This is pretty much golden era simpsons-lite. Such a good show that deserved at least one more season but im glad it never became shitty.

2003 > friendshiphood
Even the movie

Is this 2000s kino

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Fuck Gennedyfags

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This was actually great. Too bad what happened to the creator though.

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The late 80s TMNT is really fun. It's a little more juvenile and cheaper than Batman TAS and the alike.

I liked the show all in all the ending of episode 7 I think was pretty good


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superior VA's and all also how did they fuck up the pacing of the first few episodes so bad 2003 does it perfect

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i was gonna put this one, but the name slipped me.

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That show was awful

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If you're looking for me

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Someone post the webms

When there's trouble better call DW[/Spoiler]

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Top 5 theme song of all time.

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picrelated is pretty fucking kino.

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Try again

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between this and Batman TAS, I got a Vampiristic/Bat/Animal overdose.

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weeb faggot

When Christian moral sensibilities ruled the west. Not sure I miss those days.

where the fuck are my Exoniggers?

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You cultured mother fuckers

Shadow Raiders was such a beautiful and well written show. Sleeper show cut way too short cause of poor toy sales

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All hail to the king

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>the episode with the children

such a great show

I was in love with Jessie.

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I hope you mean the original series

sailor moon

Season 5 was a mistake.

at least it ended unlike dragonball

I am many things, Kal-El... but here, I am God.

the movie they released this year is based on this series. they got most of the voice actors back

I wish you decay

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Nothing is as good as golden age Spongebob

When does it get kino? I'm six or seven episodes in and it feels like dumb MOTW stuff. Really pales in comparison to Beast Wars or Prime.

Based and schwaypilled

>ga-ga goo-goo playschool aesthetic

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Kino opening

Pure cape kino. Justice league unlimited was just as good

pure kino

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I like this one

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That face when it was on at the same time on another channel as Gargoyles and I choose to watch Phantom.

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based and fruitsnack pilled.

Look out clear the way, kino theme incoming.

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The saaaaaaaad man

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That bassline