>Ryan Dunn never died
>been an elaborate prank all these years
>jackass crew gets together
>brings Bam to a field with a familiar figure standing across the grass
>Steve-O tells Bam to go to him
>Bam slowly goes up in shock, realizing it's Ryan
>starts crying tears of joy that his best friend is alive
>Ryan puts out his arms to hug Bam
>sudden eruption of giggles coming from the rest of the crew
>Right before Bam reaches Ryan the grass beneath him gives way
>falls into snake pit
>looks up
>Dunn takes off his mask
>it was Knoxville in costume the whole time
>Dude, are you crying Bam?
>Jackass 4
Ryan Dunn never died
Other urls found in this thread:
10/10 would pay for this
>his best friend
I refuse to believe that Bam (or Ryan for that matter) was ever capable of having an actual close relationship with anyone but the bartender.
I think with each other, they actually did. Outside of that though you could be right.
They weren't. Bam is using Ryan's death as an excuse for his alcoholism.
pure kino
I don't know, man. The whole crew seems really shallow. I feel like the only reason they ever helped Steve-O get clean is because it was depressing to be around him.
Why does Bam drink?
How do you think he feels with/without it?
I need to drink because I have extreme social anxiety/depression from an abusive father and it's the only thing that makes me feel "normal" again
Ok, ok, hear this one. It's Bam doing poo cocktail supreme. But instead of shit, it's snakes.
Quit using your past as an excuse for your present degeneracy. I'm not trying to hurt you but build you up. If you want to drink all the time... fine fair enough just admit it. But never justify your degeneracy because that makes it impossible to stop. This is how traps are created... if every trap just said in their mind " there's no reason I should be doing this I have just chosen to be a loser" they would eventually try to quit
I'm a 28 year old who still lives with parents so am still with the fucking guy and any time I stand up to him he threatens to kick me out of the house and I make min wage and have 0 adult skills
I'm stuck and fucked
if dunn is still alive, why have knoxville in a dunn mask instead of the man himself?
>bam takes off his mask
>it was dunn all along
>bam actually died
who /earthrocker/ here?
>dunn has spent the last 10 years tarnishing bam's reputation and turning him into Phil II
The absolute madman.
Literally save up money for three months and get your own place
They also pay for my cell phone, insurance, car etc
And I'm totally incompetent when it comes to any adult things (how to fix car, noticing when it's fucked up) due to the forever 16 year old state I'm basically in due to my overbearing father not allowing me to really assert myself as a man
not sure ifbait or retarded
Don't let your father eat you. Kill him and fuck your mother
Just be yoirself
formerly sober
They aren't shallow, the normal ones know the crazy ones aren't going to listen.
Knoxville and all them helped SteveO when he was fucked, but it took almost a decade to get it through his head.
>Phil is now skinny
>Skits of Phil and the other guys fucking with Bam while he is sleeping and on the toilet
based and jupiterpilled
>due to my overbearing father not allowing me to really assert myself as a man
You just keep coming up with excuses don't you?
You are an eternal 16yr old because you like to be. It is easy for ya. Adulting ain't hard. Oh gee, on this date, a bill must be paid..so fucking hard. Oh gee, I need to wash these dishes I dirtied up..so fucking hard. The list is endless. You are exactly who and where you want to be.
you will never get anywhere if you don’t man up and take responsibility for your own life. you say you don’t have these skills so learn them. you will get nowhere in life if you continue to wallow in your self loathing like you do
>crawls out of snake pit
>Knoxville takes off his mask
>It really was Ryan Dunn
>or is it?
I would pay to see this
make some friends who would allow you to move in while you get set up, learn adult skills, or just apply for factory work and learn them in the mean time. I had to work in a factory until I could get a solid job. Also made alot of good friends/ through Yea Forums mind you that let me crash at their place for a number of months.
*ear shredding fart noise*
i'm chuck and sucked
Someone should dig up Dunn's skeleton and use it as 3D Jackass logo.
i think they'll finally top 'terror taxi'
>Take mask off
>It's just snakes
Slay your dragon and save your father
A show where everytime Bam is taking a shit or getting in a car or going to bed skinny Phil just throwing buckets of snakes in the car/bathroom/bed.
10/10 would watch the shit out of this
>Phil is now skinny
I can't find a pic.
Absolute kino
Can an evil corporation just put them all on a farm and livestream 24/7?
not him, but personally the hardest part of adulting is finding a job
I don't want to be a paid candy taster or some shit, but every job is fucking shit these days. either its mentally or physically suicide. I worked a warehouse job for 3 months and then I needed surgery for a hernia. now I"m in school for hvac which will hopefully be a little better
this is an old one
Fucking awesome
based idea
OP confirmed earth rocker
>I'm suck and fucked
Do you have an education, a university degree?
>He fell for the soup
You stole this from another thread
I'm trying to be and earth rocker but i'm not a skater. Am I fucked?
but it's not what the moon did