Why are they bringing him back?
Why are they bringing him back?
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Because he wins at the end of odd numbered trilogies
total desperation
They aren't, its just a way to get you talking and thinking about the movie
formerly i thought he was dead. what a twist
good because Star Wars has been fucking sucking
All the good movies have the Emperor. Fight Me.
he is in all 6
Fuck No! Only in III, IV, V and IV
Reminder that people thought there was some elaborate misdirection going on with Senator Palpatine / Darth Sideous when Episode 1 came out.
Abrams is obviously pandering to nostalgiafags.
A lot of people thought it would be his brother
does Sheev have a brother?
>Sheev had a twin brother
They realized Kylo Ren is due for his redemption arc and they forgot not to kill the only actual villain they had
Just as planned
For the same reason they brought back every characters from the original trilogy
Oh shit, this is how they bring him back, he had a twin brother who he imprisoned and once he died he used his force ghost to "cheat" death.
Or Snoke is palpatines clone and rey is his vessel.
Snoke is just a powerful rich guy that Palpatine controlled, like he did with Dooku.
Nah, he's either half of palpatine, or it's plagieous.
Because no one's ever really gone
Double irony if Plagius died twice.
>The Last Jedi
Let the past die! Kill it if you have to!
>The Rise Of Skywalker
W-wait! Don't leave! Hey remember the Skywalkers? Its about the Skywalkers! Luke is here! We have CGI Carrie Fisher's corpse! Lando is back! The Death Star is back! The Emperor is back!
because it makes people cry
Jar Jar is Darth Plagueis
I miss him
Creative bankruptcy
Steev is more powerful than Sheev
and I and II
Are you retarded?
I think user's point is that he wasn't emperor in I and II, he was senator.
this but unironically
Luke, did I ever tell you that you can't cleave the Sheev? That is, unless he's in the womb. As a fetus, the senate was cleaved in two by the powers of the force, resulting in a twin Sheev, name Steve. Steve was always peeved, while Sheev wears a cloak of a very dank weave.
And he was a good friend.
I heard a theory that Darth Plagueis learned how to force ghost between bodies whch infected Palpatine, then cloned his genetics which explains Snoke. Rey will be a genetic clone of Anakin Skywalker which will completely JUST Kylo as he has been worshipping Anakin his whole life and explains how Rey is a god tier jedi without training.
This. All day long.