I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.
I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long...
Other urls found in this thread:
Including my rectum
I wish I had a pull up bar, my back is dogshit.
50 pushups is not that many, especially if you can do 50 pullups. Should be more like 200.
Cardio and diet first. Work off some of that fat and you'll find you're stronger than you think. Adjust workout plan from there.
>no more pills
what was he talking about here? antidepressants? or some illegal drug?
A routine workout should consist of at least 100 pushups. If you cant do the minimum of 25 at a time you're out of shape.
My fucking shoulder has been hurting me. Idk why. Maybe its a tumor...
>50 pullups
pull ups are fucking hard to do. I'm pretty strong but can only do 5-10
also not a manlet
amphetamins for driving all night
Was overweight. Started eating way better and working out a little bit about a month ago. Have lost about 10 lbs. Honestly it gets way easier after the first week.
>Every muscle must be tight.
What a faggot, even MMA fighters know relaxation and hydration are more important than having "tight muscles" or stopping to drink water so your muscle definition improves
He probably split them up in sets
Like 10 sets of 5
make sure to balance your feed intake to exercise output
cardio + weights + protein burns fat. also recommend healthy diet and lots of hill hikes
Are pull ups easier for manlets? I'm 6'5" and they're hard as shit for me
Just got back from the doctor. I have 158/100 blood pressure and pre diabetes. Time to make some changes boys
>was overweight
Idk why i put this. I still am desu..
She didnt even have to loose too much weight? Like what 20 lbs maybe?
Dubs and you don’t make it
>50 pullups
good luck with that my tax driving friend
Exercise and healthy habits are good but please don't get any other ideas from Travis Bickle
50 pullups for how many approaches? I can do only 30 in one go.
I've got some bad ideas in my head, man.
i agree with this user, you should make more realistic goals so as not to get discouraged when you inevitable fail to do even 5 pushups and 5 pull ups
Travis Bickle is an american hero
Well, you probably have more weight to your frame, ratio wise. I think pull ups are easier for skinnier guys, Joe Rogan cant do many pullups he says
It's amazing how many diet and fitness experts there are in the world and most of them disagree with each other. There are like 3.5 billion of these people.
Must suck to be THAT tall
>mfw doing 20 minute workouts every morning for the past 2 months
I'm feeling good and getting stronger
it's life on easy mode m8
It's good to be honest with yourself user. It's the only way one can improve. Please keep it up
Sure thing gramps
No two bodies are alike so it leaves room for faggots to peddle their own styles and whatever worked for them to the masses
That's just a warm up though, right? You come back later in the day and do a 1-2 hour real workout, right?
Long live the king nigga
And you die years earlier on average
Every inch is almost a year
Doing 50 pullups is about six thousand times harder than doing 50 pushups.
Manlets have higher muscle density in general. You mad giraffe?
>20 minute workouts every morning
bruh thats stretches
See you tomorrow!
>exercising for more than an hour
Who the fuck has 2 hours to waste lifting each day
>1-2 hour real workout
Taking ten minute breaks in between each set is doing you no favors.
>he says while wasting time on Yea Forums
what does Yea Forums think about intermittent fasting ? and keto?
even with that, it's still better in every way
I imagine someone with a 6'5 stature would just smile at being called a giraffe rather than be offended. (And maybe kick your ass out of boredom or for good measure) Unlike the pure bullet of a term that is m a n l e t
looked better when she had some weight on her.
>die at 75 instead of being a living baggage until 80
So what?
Are you implying i should get off Yea Forums?
fasting does jackshit
keto might help slightly but is as good as a regular healthy diet
Yeah. Think about the difference in bodyweight between some 5'6 skelly dude and somebody like yourself. You might think being bigger means you're also stronger and generally that's true but strength doesn't exactly scale proportionately with bodyweight.
In other words, a 300 lb guy is probably stronger than a 100 pound guy but not necessarily 3X stronger, and that means bodyweight exercises are going to be proportionately easier for the skelly dude. Seriously, I knew skinny dudes who could crank out like 100 bar dips in a row because it was like hoisting a paper bag with a sandwich in it.
Also explains why he spent hours at the porn theatre jacking off and trying to fuck that popcorn lady.
Keto absolutely works. But probably mostly because the diet almost entirely cuts out carbs, which is a huge source of calories. So in the end it still boils down to calories in vs calories out.
>calling people manlets when youre under 6'7"
hit the gym bucko
>when your diastolic pressure is higher than your IQ
off yourself
Dyel routine lmao
you should, just so you can see how cringe real life is
But then how can i shitpost?
no you want to fuck her when she has more weight. she's not losing weight so more guys want to fuck her. she's losing weight so she looks better in clothing.
How many times should I do my 20 minute morning workout a day?
How many hours a day do you spend watching TV or whatever the fuck you do at home? I stretch, do pushups/crunches, lift, stretch some more, then run at least 3 miles. This and a shower adds up to about 2 or more hours when it's done. I do this full workout at least every other day. Yoga/stretching and pushups crunches are done everyday.
on your phone between breaks
you... do have a shred of self control, right?
left is way hotter
look up "square-cube law"
split those 20 into 5, and do them every hour of your day, take 10 minute naps from time to time to get your needed sleep.
no thanks, last time I looked up cube shit I got gangstalked
I generally take 6 or 7 courses per semester ina rigorous stem field. I have a 3 to 4 hour commute to school. Loads of homework. I have other hobbies and I never watch tv. I use Yea Forums rarely but have been on it most of today since my semester just finished. When i was working out i would get in 30 mins to an hour every day but stopped when school got too intense. Over the summer i should have time to work out more but even then 2 hours will be too much
based schizo poster
>just hit 1/2/3/4 just recently
Well it’s more like 1.5/2/3/4 but whatever
Fucking black cube saturn jews
>3 to 4 hour commute to school
How in the fuck?
It depends on how you are fasting. If you fast in the morning and then eat ice cream, butter and pasta all day it obviously won't work. If you fast in the morning and then eat sensibly you will see good results. Fasting helps you confront hunger pains, learning to deal with them without panicking or losing your shit. If you master those pains you won't immediately feel like eating when you have the slightest hunger pain, consequently you will find that you are comfortable eating less over time and end up just eating like 2 meals per day instead of 3 or 4. If these meals are sensible and not completely retarded you will lose weight.
I mean round trip.
Went from 105kg to 82kg just by walking 1h a day every day.
Bought a bench and a few weights and dumbbells this week to actually start getting fit.
Losing weight is easy as long as you don't eat like a pig.
Realized the same a year go lost 12 kilos but still 5 to go down to 80. Doing the old 50/50/50 from army training and running to catch the bus to work which is like 5km a day.
Scale showed 82 kilos last time so only 2 kilos to go.
I did notice one thing, suddenly i can run several km like 10 without any effort at all, 12 kilos lost weight is a lot,
the black cube stole my gf from me :(
Didn't call anyone a manlet, just said the word is a bullet to short men
>going on a run to get to work
Fucking gross. All your coworkers probably hate you because of your BO you know that right?
In the 70s when this movie was made everybody was a healthy weight like in OP's image so pullups were much more commonplace and easy
I broke my shoulder in a motorcycle accident. Since then I got fat and can't do pull-ups.
not everyone breaks down into a puddle of filth at the slightest bit of exertion, fren
If you say so
>dropping weight instead of becoming a bloatlord
never gonna make it
This body type is insane, but with clothes you look like a skinny beta male
Red ones
Based and bloatpilled.
>implying there can be more than one lord
you can only submit to the BLOATMAXX lifestyle
>probably ruined my back with bad posture/laying around all the time
>don't know if it will ever get better or if i ruined it permanently
why get better when you will always be flawed
just reset it bro
How do I achieve Travis Bickle body? Currently 5’11 160 pounds skinnyfat.
just be yourself
100 pushups
100 sit ups
>20 minute
thats how fast i do my cardio. then i go for weight lifting afterwards.
How's the void in your soul breh
This movie has some relaxing scenes.
deer breh
I'm 6'0 and pull ups are easier for me
gaping and inviting.
OP, here's some normie-easy-to-follow advice if you are interested in just losing weight and looking like you have a better physique (i.e not seriously trying to develop specific areas of your body).
Go to the gym 4-5 times a week. It's only 4-5 hours out of your week. Maybe 7 all up if you factor in travel time etc... That's really not that much. Even if you had multiple jobs but you probs dont because you seem like a N33T. At the gym walk on a severe incline. Chuck the treadmill on like 15% incline at least. And just WALK for 20 minutes. You should roughly burn somewhere between the 250 - 300 calorie mark. After this go and do weights for 40 minutes. You will have ultimately about 10 to 15 minute of resting in between everything you do after your incline walk. So thats 25-20 minutes more that you need to be physically working out for. Make sure you are doing a combination of upper body exercises.. Curls, bench press, lat extension, chest press, fly pec, triceps. Squats are also your friend, if you can implement a 5X5 (this is five sets of five reps - warmup and try put it on a heavy weight.. maybe do like 10kg either side of the bar...) squat workout into your routine 2 times a week, you will see huge benefits/results.
If you do this. And you follow this workout roughly for 2 months. Remember that's going to the gym on average 4-5 times a week. If you do this then you will look like OP's pic or close to within 2 months.
To quote Me:
"I imagine someone with a 6'5 stature would just smile at being called a giraffe rather than be offended. (And maybe kick your ass out of boredom or for good measure) Unlike the pure bullet of a term that is m a n l e t"
Short men get offended when called manlet. Tall men do not care when they are called a fucking giraffe of all things. That is my point, you IQlet
but honestly user it's ok that you're short
You're merely an inch taller than Deniro, so I'd say you're already there. Just work out and get toned
The fact that you keep repeating yourself reeks of insecurity. Hope you solve whatever is ailing you in life.
Hello fellow Slav
Switch it, do weights then cardio so you don't get too tired before you lift
I had to repeat myself once because you didn't understand, my friend
How does this equate to some feverish insecurity of mine
I have a 6'5 friend and he's not comfortable being this tall even though women love him.
how many sets and reps of the upper body exercises?
>Go to the gym 4-5 times a week
Don't listen this idiot. 2-3 would be enough. Life is not RPG, rest as important as exercises.
I dunno dude I have no idea wtf you look like or how strong you are... I'm just laying out the basic formula so that people who aren't morbidly obese can start somewhere. You will at least this way probably achieve an "attractive" body by your own measures and you will feel a lot of reward and satisfaction end the end of it by seeing results. Just do 5X8 or something on the upper body exercise to start with. Aim for variety to begin with and push yourself.
simply no
I'm 5'7". Let me guess. Leave the board and kill myself?
High iq post, weight classes exist for a reason
I'm a skeletor with mild scoliosis, thinking of visiting a gym soon since exercise would probably help my back pain. You guys got any tips? I always wanted to go but didn't due to confidence issues.
Muscles growing when you sleep, not when you destroy them in a gym
>Too much sitting has ruined my body
The odds are that you've got loads of muscle imbalances which lead to knots and trigger points, I know because I've been through this. You need to work on mobility or you might make things worse when exercising, they should go hand in hand.
Check out The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies. Just google the title with pdf after it.
Kelly Starletts awfully titled book How to become a supple leopard is alos good. His website is mobilitywod.
deniro is more like 5'7 without shoes
Just go to gym, dumbass.
6"5 is literally freak terrority, I bet you have gangly arms and legs too
Lmfao that is not a workout. Post body.
I bet you're a twink that curls 15lb dumbbells in his room
I am happy for you user. I hope you can keep up with it.
meant for keep deluding yourself user, no girl wants to be with elongated skeletor
Don't knock him because he's tall as fuck. Just because one is tall doesn't mean he's lanky, plenty of shortfags are lanky. Both the people I know that are 6'5 are fit. If anything short malnourished guys are more likely to be lanky than someone who is simply tall
You really good at thinking like a girl, don't you
>Just go to gym
waste of money. Get a few weights, create space for pull ups.
You're the delusional one if you don't think girls are gobbling up user's 6'5 cock. If he's attractive and that tall then all he has to do is reach down and pick up the pussy it's that easy
Meanwhile you're sexless HA
less than a century ago he would be toured around the country as an exhibit at a carnival. nice cope though user
>triggered lanklet strikes back
>so furious his delusion was shattered instantly he can't even form a coherent sentence
He looks like he fucks niggers
>he thinks a 6"5 malnourished user actually gets his dick sucked
6'5 people existed less than a century ago and then some. I'm not coping for anything. I'm 5'11. I just had to come in to defend big boy over here because a bunch of short fellas itt decide to attack his 6'5 ass to counteract their insecurities. Being short is okay-ish, being 6'5 is certainly more than okay. If you truly think girls aren't more attracted to tall guys then you silly.
He gets his dicked deep dived into pretty ladies throats while you dorks WISH you were even 6 foot.
>jumping to another mans defense
Are all manlets faggots like yourself?
you get an (arm)
every faster I've met is fat
>From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups
this is how I know you'll fail in a week
What a women, hot fat, hot fit. There's the dream lad, there's the dream
20 minutes? That's just a warm up for me. Exercise sessions usually last 1 hour and a half up to 2 hours.
Good luck dude. I am in my 1st week after years of not working out. It is tough but I do feel better already. I just need to go at it easier I think. Tryin out the gate too hard.
yeah the pullups will be straihgt up impossible for him
Left is supreme
I just swim for about half an hour. My body is really lean.
if you have decent genetics you can get pretty ripped with a high frequency light dumbbell program
You know how you really know when you're pushing yourself too hard? When your arm twists on its own unable to hold whatever you're holding.
If you haven't reached that stage then your workout is not too hard at all. Keep your pace. It gets easier after a week, and then easier the next one, and so on.
I like left more.
>wanting to die at 40
good luck with that "bloat"
So fucking buy one.
who /norfmode/ here
cope more manlet
Who /stick/ mode here?
>women would rather have fat dude over you as he looks like he can protect her with his girth
>trying to make muscle appear out of nothing on your bones
>fast metabolism prevents weight gain
eat more than you're eating, no one's metabolism is so fast that they can't gain weight by eating a lot more than they currently do unless you have a disease
Both your last two points are absolute bullshit.
I have a 6'5" friend that went from 65kg, he was practically skin and bones, to a solid ~95kg over a period of about 6 years. Dude sits around ~15% BF, so not crazy lean but that's more due to the fact that his past skinny days leads to him freaking out anytime he tries to cut as he thinks he's getting "small" again.
All he did was just start going to the gym consistently and eating fucking everything in sight. He would just eat literally whatever he wanted, he would eat until he felt like being sick and then soon as he didn't feel quite sick anymore he'd just fucking eat again.
Genuinely fucks me off when people throw the "waaah I can't gain weight because muh metabolism" bullshit around. It's the biggest excuse to just eat like a fucking horse, you can easily fill calories with dense shit like pizza, burgers, fries etc, guilt free. Just fucking eat more.
Fast metabolism is a meme.
All it means is your body digest food faster, so you get proteins faster, which mean you can work out more often, plus it means you can have a hot dog once in a while and maintain your /fit/ shape without any issues.
Just work out loser. There are no negatives to working out except wasting your time, but its not really a waste once you achieve /fit/ness and get the benefits of working out.
what you say sounds mostly good except i just can't get into this 'trigger points' bs. it souds like some made up thing like ASMR (google how the bitch came up with the fucking name of that). there's no triggering of anything involved. Does it just mean cramps? like part of the muscle is stuck on? trigger fucking points the fuck
What happens if you start working out and you end up looking like a total gremlin little hobgoblin fucking twisted rope muscle freak like this? This shit would scare any woman away
Is it cos he's got no neck that he looks so gangly even though he's like 5'0?
He looks like mikey miles or some fucked up flea of odessa not a cool athletic chad
I'm a healthy weight and they're still hard as fuck user
working out, contrary to 99% of belief is not about how it makes you look. it's about how it makes you feel. yes girls are more likely to find you attractive at a lower bf% with higher muscle but the main benefit of regular exercise is how it changes your entire disposition to life.
>getting a boner on amphetamines
Do Americans really do this?
that's okay but if you ended up looking like this how would you fix it because otherwise you'd have to stop working out to try to go back to looking like a human and not a gnarled piece of gristle
This. I started going to the gym a little over a year ago and it's completely changed my mental state for the better. It just feels better to live in a fit body, it's like getting over an illness you weren't aware of that had been plaguing you your entire life. Even though I'm still a hopeless 25 year old kissless virgin and going to the gym hasn't helped that at all I don't even care, the benefits are much greater than just "helping me get laid lol".
>20 minutes of cardio
Why even bother?
People treat me differently now that I'm fit too, I think. I really do feel so much better, and it's only been about two years. Best move I ever made was making a home gym.
Are you saying take 48 10 minute naps in a 24 hour period so that you meet your 8 hour sleep each day? Because that sounds A: incredibly unhealthy and B: impossible.
I strongly doubt that anyone would get down to such a low bf% without strict dieting. to get that body you would need to be eating 1000-1500 calories a day
>50 pullups
Oh so in other words you're kipping.
Just drink some water
increase bodyfat to look less veiny and wiry like OP's pic
That's the stuff.
Personally i got accepted in a program a month ago instead of languishing in a dead end job i hated. I still have random burst of laughter.
Now just need to clean up and get back into shape and i'll make it. I've been reading the thread for tips,
We all are gonna make it, bros
Just got back into going to the gym, after 10 years of just doing pull ups, pushups, crunches, and running at home/outside. Tried deadlifting for the first time. I can do 20 pullups, and I can do 80 pushups in 2 minutes, but I'm barely able to deadlift 130lbs. My core is weak as fuck.
I got close to that level a while back but it was because I kept forgetting to eat. I'd have like one meal in the morning, drink a shitload of coffee between then and dinner at like 10pm. Felt like complete and utter shit
>tfw exercise addict
deadlifts build strength very quickly if done correctly.
this video will help you see how the form should be. do 3 sets of 5, highest weight you can. you can probably increase the weight by 5 kg every session when you start out, you'll get strong real quick.
Remember not to increase too quickly though unless you're very confident in your form. If there are problems with your form you're not aware of and you keep adding weight eventually something's going to give and you're going to hurt yourself. That happened to me and I haven't deadlifted since, I'm sure I'd be better at it now but I'm still worried about injuring myself so I've been avoiding it until I can get someone knowledgeable to coach me in person.
I've been keeping an excel sheet for the last week of my caloric, sugar, and protein intake because I've developed some gross love handles and I'm only 168lbs and 33. The diet isn't too hard, been doing some home cooking, but the highest amount of calories I've had in a day so far is 765, and i've been hitting the gym hard. Almost collapsed at home about 2 hours ago. Not dizzy, just damn near fell over. On the upside, when I weighed myself today, I'm 159 and already noticing the handles shrinking. Keep this up for another 2 months and I think I'll be good. Just need to get a few more calories.
Yea I don't think this dude realises how tough achieving a BF percentage like that is, and the fact that such a low BF percentage only looks decent on someone who already has extremely high muscle mass.
Basically, if you're natty, you'll likely look like trash if you try to get down to that 6-8% BF mark. You'll just end up looking small.
Well I couldn't even lift my arms to put on a jacket after day one.
So, that seemed like a good sign...lol
It is, I'm always proud of myself when I have trouble putting my coat on after a particularly tough workout. I also enjoy the soreness the next day, it's pain but it's a good pain.
You'd probably have a much easier time if you kept a normal caloric intake and just went for a 10k run every other day
thanks, bros.
I actually did add too much right away. I was afraid my first time trying it, so I started at 90 and did that no sweat, by the end of the session I was doing 120. Today did 125, and was shaking pretty bad. I can stand and hold it no problem, but goddamn I am scared I'll fuck it up. I no shit HAVE to get to 140 by the end of the month (work purposes). is 2 weeks enough time to go from 125 to 140? I'm sure I could do more than 125, just don't want to hit too much right away.
Putting on a t shirt that is WAY tighter than before you worked out is actually what keeps me motivated. It's vain as hell, but I love looking in the mirror right after a workout.
I know this board is pretty much Yea Forums 2.0 but you could at least try to make the thread vaguely Yea Forums related.
Assuming we're talking pounds and not kilos 140 is very doable for pretty much anyone as long as they're in decent health, even if they haven't lifted weights before. At that stage it's more about proper form and training your brain to fire your muscles properly as it is about raw muscle mass. I'd say it's definitely doable with some hard work.
I agree. It makes me feel like an awkward newborn baby animal learning to walk but it is a good feeling. Also having some of the best nights of sleep i have had in a long time.
good luck
sleep 8 hours a night and let your body recover and muscle tissue grow and i think you can make that, yeah. just don't overstrain, back injuries are a fucking bitch and could last you all your life. warm up with just the bar first so you get the form down, then just do the exact same movement with the weights on. watch the whole video i posted for form clarity
It would cost you 20 fucking dollars you idiot
If you were tanned id say you were a cunt
20lbs is a lot for a woman, especially if they are short.
i am really skinny but i eat like shit and consume massive amounts of sugar and my parents have loads problems like high blood pressure. i haven’t had a checkup done in 6 years and i did it fearing i was dying inside or something. turns out i’m really healthy
Yeah it's pounds. It's humbling to struggle so much at deadlifting, when I've been a knocking out 80 pushups a minimum every morning for years. I used to scoff at gym people, thinking that a person could get just as good a workout at home with no equipment. Definitely not.
Yeah, easily unless you are a sticc. The untrained male should be able to DL 135 day 1. Just make sure your form is rock solid. Improper DL can snap your shit up faster than any other lift. Eat enough calories, especially protein (get protein within an hour of finishing your workout). Train DL in something like three sets of five, two times a week.
>50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups.
That's not going to get you in shape. You need cardio.
That's an awesome video, already noticed something I wasn't doing quite right.
lol what country are you from? 6'5" isn't even THAT tall.
I'd recommend squats too. It's a fantastic full body exercise and they really knock me on my ass more than anything else, but it feels really good to finish my sets.
Same. Got a gym membership, started lifting four days a week, running three, drinking two liters of water a day, and eating as clean as possible Monday through Friday. I’ll still have the occasional burger or coke on the weekend, just so I don’t break my routine the rest of the week.
i'd recommend a pull up tower, or some other means than the doorframe one for long-term use. it'll bend it and discolor the frame like it did mine.
>lost the weight but kept most of the tits
girl won the genetic lottery
is 5km of walking a day a decent amount of cardio?
Is this bait, or are you really this much of a zoomer to not recognize one of the most famous movies of all time?
It's better than an average american. You getting some steep hills in there?
I’m 187cm, what should my ideal weight be bros?
How much do you weigh?
i'm same height, i currently weigh 77kg. aiming for 85-90kg of muscle/healthy bodyfat
sexy mommy tummy vs gym slut
>I'm pretty strong but can only do 5-10
You're not pretty strong then.
Right looks far better and only soi cucks and fatass virgins disagree.
i did this and i maintained the man titties. seriously, i'm a totally normal weight and i have man tits. i want to fucking kill myself
make gains until you don't have tits
it doesn't matter i just build muscle under the gyno
thats gynecomastia or gyno for short. means you have higher than normal estrogen levels which causes your breast tissue to swell
its treatable, just see your doctor.
>i currently weigh 77kg.
hi Mr. Skelly
There was a really good graph I saw awhile back and it was based on more recent research regarding natural limits (a lot of the calculators out there are based on more older research), sadly I can't find it. But I remember my own stats and at 178cm my natural genetic limit (assuming 10% BF) sits somewhere around ~85kg (give or take a couple kilos because genetic differences). So at 187cm I'd say you're probably looking at ~90kg for that same natural peak, so pretty much anything above 80kg (again, assuming a reasonable 10-12% body fat) you'd look pretty solid.
Muscle turns to fat, but fat remains fat until you burn it off. You may have too much excess tissue in your chest now to ever get rid of your tits (I dunno) but the only way to get rid of fat is through hard cardio. Diet is great, but you need to run or swim now
I'm a lard-ass and I can do at least 40 good ones in a go.
For same reasons guys with medium frames can do better bench press.
Shorter limbs translate to increased torque ratio for contracting.
I hope you're joking
There's no joking when it comes to cardio
Chelle Sherrill
20 minute everyday is actually a good fitness regime. Don't listen to haters. Not a big time sink, not overtraining which requires resting, most importantly an everyday no excuses (no time today, have to recover, etc) is key to establishing life habit.
>10 years of pullups/push ups/etc
>can only deadlift 130
Lmao nigga crunches, pushups, and pullups should all strengthen your core as well. You are just weak af period
I don't see what you can get out of just 20 minutes. It's not enough for useful cardio or resistance training. Just get a bench with a squat rack, a barbell and some plates. You can get a good workout in one hour while you watch a movie or shitpost. It has quite literally changed my life.
Take the veganpill.
My schedule is really tight because of college and work, I'm skinny, bordering on skinnyfat, can I do some HIIT or something like 3 or 4 times a week and that's it? And I'd have to clean my diet, I eat a lot of shitty food because I don't have a lot of time to cook
>765 calories
Way to fucking few. You could probably double that shit and still lose weight. And you probably wouldnt feel like shit
me too bro
at least I’m not fat... yet
She looked much better before.
I thought that was a common thing.
I have to pee a lot. Do I have the diabeetus? I don't exactly eat well.
*heems you*
Holy shit Artosis looks like THAT?
Speed and MDMA will turn your dick into a baby carrot
You're already dead
t. diabeetus user
Ottermode af
You can literally achieve this body fat % in months if you work and diet hard/properly enough
If you want to be stronger you either bulk and then cut or very slowly clean bulk
You might, I was pre-diabetic at one point and have had to pee a lot ever since, and my blood sugar is often low now, honestly cutting carbs and just losing the weight helps a ton and can entirely reverse type 2 diabeetus.
eat better, lift, drink water, stop sugar and alcohol and do it now. there is no excuse to not be as healthy as you can be in the current year
Does working out ever just become second nature or no?
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes a year ago and the main symptoms were needing to pee every 20 minutes and unquenchable thirst. If you're thirsty as well you should go to the doctor
Simple bodyweight exercises like pushups and pullups can become second nature very quick, maybe within a week.
Actually going to the gym and grinding takes a little more time, but it becomes a mechanical process as well at one point.
For me, and I would assume for most people, eating right food/amount/enough/on time is the hard part.
yes. there comes a point where you feel restless and weak if you don't get the scheduled workout, just have to push past the start. you can do it
Don't despair, bro. Your battle is winnable. Eliminate all added and refined sugars. Check your ingredients and nutrition facts. Cut down on carbs, especially refined carbs or enriched flour. Eat vegetables. EAT VEGETABLES. Preferably green ones that aren't sweet. Cook at home. Eats nuts. Eat nut butter. This is all easier than you think and you're actually going to save money in the long run.
30 sounds insane to me right now. I just recently hit the ability to do 10 in one go. I hope to one day be a pullup freak.
I had a period of about 2 and a half weeks where I couldn't go to the gym last month, first I had the flu and then immediately after my gym closed for maintenance. I was getting restless and agitated, I felt weak and it was overall a very bad time. On top of everything else after the flu I had lost about 7 pounds, which SUCKS because I struggle to gain weight. Point being once it becomes routine you'll definitely want to keep exercising, because you'll feel the effects when you're not able to.
I don't understand. I exercised every day in high school cause I was on school sports. Then when I came to college I just dropped that shit liek ti was nothing and haven't looked back, am now in my 5th year of college about to graduate. Why didn't my days of exsercising so constantly in high school carry over to college like you guys are saying? Shouldn't it have been second nature at that point?
dubs and you die this year fatty
Skinny fat here. Never had to exercise, could always eat whatever, but as I've gotten older I've noticed I gained 10 pounds out of no where.
I capped my calories at 2000 (super easy when I realized each shot's worth of bourbon was like 150 calories, so just cut drinking all together lol), started eating more meat, and I do 45 min of cardio on an elliptical everyday with 50 push ups interspersed.
Loosing about a pound a week. Slow, but it's no strain on my life and is more fun than work, especially since I watch TV/movies while. Feels kinda like what I imagine TM to be like. Just a little break from the day.
so yea, maybe it's just my body type, but light exercise everyday is doing me good.
*slides cock into your hand*
haha woops
my 12 year old niece can deadlift 175 dude, just pick it up
Ehh Harvey Keitel was way more yoked in Mean Streets, although that movie kind of sucked
good post
If you're a depressed fuck like me, you have to really push yourself to do it every day and then further organize your schedule later. It's not exactly second nature but on the days I don't do anything I feel terrible about myself. Guilt is the key to consistent exercise for me.
I literally just watched this + King of comedy so I can be caught up on the memes for Joker
He was against illegal drugs. The gun dealer guy tried to sell him some (hash, coke, uppers, mescaline) but Travis told him that he's not interested in any of that. IIRC they were in a prescription bottle
I never really though about it before but yeah, they were likely amphetamine pills (probably Benzedrine)
yeh it's self perpetuating. Once you're fit you feel like shit ehen you don't do it. Also get really angsty from all the stored up energy your body wants to use
I love Mean Streets. It's pure distilled Scorsese and pretty much the groundwork for all his later movies
You just eat more
90% of a physique is in how low your body fat percentage is, you'd need to bulk up and lift like a powerlifter to get to the point where you'd need to give up lifting weights entirely in order to look normal again
never gonna make it
>20 minutes. It's not enough for useful cardio
I had several folks tell me do 20min cardio before workout. So been doing that. Seems like a good way to warm up and start building endurance.
drop 20lbs
He was lean alright.
He would see greater gains with a .45
Young DeNiro was so fucking hot. Shame he became a milquetoast democrat boomer
where is the architect when he's most needed
in your wet dreams you degenerate
bitch needs her ass eaten
I'm sorry having a weeping front hole makes workouts so difficult for you, user. Maybe you should have sex.
>user is assblasted that a girl will NEVER giggle about how tall he is
all these seething roasties trying to cope saying that left is better lmao
>fasting does jackshit
Bullshit. I did a 10 day water fast and dropped 8kg. If I had the fortitude I could get to my ideal body weight in a month.
unlock d
hahaha, thanks bro. i actually wouldn't mind that rn.
It's like removing the weights you're already carrying around with you before attempting to lift others.
>50 pushups
That's pretty fucking tough for somebody who hasn't worked out in a while. I've been working out for 5 months and just now got to 50 pushups (a set of 30 and then two sets of 10). Hell I think I started at like 5 a day to jsut get my tolerence up. Long story short he reps don't matter, it's doing it EVERY day. Doing 5 pushups a day is better than doing 50 pushups one day and then taking a week break
Right's face on left's body
Get off Yea Forums and help my lakers
Holy fuck
Can you imagine that petite 10/10 qt getting MATING PRESSED by the bloatlord
I am erect
I hate fatty women but left > right
at what age do people normally stop caring about being in shape? early 30s?
I like women who are fit but with a layer of fat on top of their muscle. That way when they shove my face in their pusy, crush my head between their thighs and squeeze the life out of me it's nice and cushioned.
I can do 1000 now
left is better honestly
No. Not everyone is some skinnyfat dweeb who weighs nothing. I'm kinda muscly and there's almost no fat on my arms and legs from exercise and work but my diet needs improvement, all my fat seems to rest in my belly and my joints are fucked. Everything I do is high reps, low amount.
Bench presses and running cunt, stop eating sugar fatty
bench presses just builds muscle underneath the fat and makes the gyno look worse.
Kek, girls get so wet for tall guys. If you dont know that then you dont know anything about girls.
That's what the running is for, also you're probably overly self conscious and it's not that bad
Why? He unironically did nothing wrong
i hated running, but i biked 40 minutes a day every day for like 2 years and it didn't really do anything. i think i'm just going to try starving myself and see if that works
He's low body fat. Adjust your diet and do some cardio
I had a friend who was 6'5", in passable shape (he didn't work out but it's not like he was fat or skelly) and had a reasonably handsome face and as far as I'm aware he was still a virgin or at least had never had a gf when I stopped talking to him when he was around 24. I think his problem was that he was just too soft-spoken and gentle and never made a move, even though there was credible evidence that at least a few girls had been into him.
bro get the fat removed from your tits then if its so bad you want to die I see that shit for the fat freezing or whatever daily
You'll just fall off if you start starving yourself, "fuck it this sucks I'm buying ice cream". Try like ten kilo dumbbell flys. But yeah I'd go to a doctor and if he says it's actually a legit condition you have then I'd start stressing, till then just wear black
>Muscle turns to fat
He sounds a bit like me. I've never been ripped or anything, but always been in decent shape. Girls have shown an interest in me, but I've never reciprocated because I have always felt that once they got to know me they wouldn't like me and that kind of rejection would hurt a lot. I'm KV at 33.
She looks like she got some kind of lipo; most likely Vaser
t. Dad, cousins and sister are all plastic surgeons, including me in like 5 years
no nigga height dont mean anything. be happy youre 5'7 and not 5'5. im 5'8 and have never had issues getting girls and whatnot
Only reason people are saying left is better is because you can clearly see her busted ass face in the right picture